8 (soon to be 9…then 10) PAX gathered for chilly Snake Pit morning. Getting the formalities (disclaimer) out of the way, YHC didn’t waste time moving b/c it was COLD! We took off behind, I guess it’s behind, the football field for a short mosey down to the break in the road, then circled back to the side parking lot where warm-up would be conducted (before we ran back to the parking lot, 5 burpees were thrown in…yep, that kind of warm-up). As we were running back, this is where PAX #9 (JWOW) graced us with his trademark tardy appearance…glad you made it my friend! Better late than never and he was energized out of the gate like a kid on Christmas morning!
Warm-up included: mountain climbers, Morracan night clubs, imperial walkers, cherry pickers, SSH, windmills, burpees (yes burpees in the warm-up is a crowd pleaser), squats, then some up stretching. Stretching was downward dog, honeymooners, leg and back stretches. The warm-ups above were for the most part counts of 10 with exception of burpees (3) and SSH (30…only b/c we were waiting so long for Trucker! hahaha). Birdcage was kind enough to pay YHC a “compliment” that he needed a 10 count during the warm-up…joking/not joking is how I took it but we moved on to The Thang.
The Thang
As we all got mentally prepared for next steps, YHC tried to start some tunes which turned out to be an interesting topic for the workout. 90’s hip hop was first up…hopefully no one was offended by Biggie or Snoop’s lyrics b/c there was about zero movement from YHC to stop that “parental advisory” train from coming. The following exercises were called out in sequence after each was completed by the PAX. About midway through these exercises, the local legend (and PAX #10) joined our group of merry men…none other than Spitz! Just in time for Snoop to bust some rhymes…Spitz was not entertained by these lyrical beats.
- 30 swings
- 30 squats (bell hits the ground and that doesn’t mean lean over, it means bend your back…)
- 30 shoulder presses
- 30 up rows
- 30 (15 each leg) lunges
- 30 (15 each arm) clean and press
With the first set done, our “cool down” was running lines in the parking lot (old school suicides) so 3 lines of different distance became our next task to attack. Once the PAX finished their cool down, it was back to business.  Prior to getting back to business, 80s rock station was selected (much to Trucker’s approval!).
- 30 (15 each arm) plank rows
- 30 American hammers (single count)
- 15 manmakers (crowd pleaser)
- 30 (15 each arm) lawnmower pulls….or Javier pulls…huh Birdcage? If you’re reading this and have questions, take them up with the Cage’iest of all Birds.
- 30 KB presses (on your back, bench press)
- 30 triceps extensions (on your back if you want Trucker…jeez, but those are technically skull crushers which we didn’t call, but you do you)
- 30 shoulder shrugs
Back to our 3 sets of lines for cool down…and no, we didn’t do any 10 counts that I can recall. That’s what running lines is for. Back to the mix where the music changed again, not without some ribbing from Birdcage, who was quickly satisfied by the new selection “Beastie Boys” channel. Uhaul also started to bust some rhymes, but nothing to the effect of what can be thrown down by the likes of Flat Tire, Jekyll, or rap goddess Pusher (goddess just seems to fit better)…sorry Uhaul, you’ve got to see these guys go and then you’ll see where I’m coming from. Before we got started, beachbody enthusist 3D was asked to select “1 or 2″…he choose 2 without knowing why, only to be informed we were doing the 2nd set of exercises all over again. C’mon man, I thought this was a softball of the 1 or 2…YHC was way wrong on him picking up on this. Can’t win them all. See set #2 above for what we did again.
Once this was done, another cool down was in store, then 3 short exercises of MARY. We stayed where we were for COT, did all things at the end, and collected some great praises! Thanks for the opportunity 3D, hopefully I qualified to the Snake Pit standards. If not, bring me back and we can dial it up a few more levels if that’s what the Site Q wants! Great group today and I’d give the group a 8-9 on the mumblechatter scale which is good when it’s cold!