Most Dry Burn

Start of the workout there was NO RAIN!
WARMUP: Slow mosey around the parking lot where PAX gather to get the heart rate up and warm up the muscles. Then pentagon up for 10-15 of the following:
* Windmills
* Imperial walkers
* Big arm circles, forward and reverse
* Strawberry pickers
Then move over a couple rows of parking spots to…..
Round 1: 10s
Progress through 10 parking spots, do an exercise at each parking spot, then a movement to the next spot, do the next rep of the exercise, same movement to the next spot, and so on, until you get to the 10th parking spot. Turn around and repeat, but with different exercise and movement. Reps increase by 1 with each parking spot….starting at 1, then 2, 3, 4, …..10 reps. That makes 55 reps of each exercise.
Exercises, movements:
1. Merkins, lunge
2. LSS, lunge
3, CDD, bear crawl
4. LBC, crab walk
Great mumblechatter throughout! Then on to….

Round 2: Lucky 7s
7 exercises, 7 reps each, 7 rounds
We moved over to Lowe’s to get under cover because it started raining a little and Twister did not want to be out of sorts and wet for McGospel.
7 exercises:
1. More merkins 4ct
2. More LSS
3. Situps
4. Flutter 4ct
5. American Hammer 4 ct
6. Mountain Climber 4ct
7. Monkey Humper 4ct
We got through 6 rounds before we timed out and had to go to COT.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter! Get involved.
COT: Asked each PAX for a prayer and praise. We lifted them up to Him.
We got a little wet, but it was not cold and we are not made of sugar, so we did not melt away. Great way to start the day!

Thanks Peach Stand for the opportunity to lead!

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2024.07 Clydesdales

Up Massey hill
Loop back on Spratt
Up Massey hill
Loop back on McCammon
Up Massey hill
Loop back on Ardrey

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Better late than never.  Thanks Double D for the guidance to get this posted.

WARMUP:  No warmup, got right to it.  
THE THANG: 2 Ruckers, 5 runners for a trip to Kingsley and back. Great mumble chatter with a beautiful sunrise.
MARY: Mary did not show up….AGAIN!!
COT: We prayed for OldBays wife’s healing, Dam to Dam participants safety and strength & Protection and guidance for our 2.0’s.

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WARMUP: various around the parking lot
THE THANG: partner Dora with 100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 lbcs with a run to the other end of the strip in between

We did various waterfall rounds ( bond jacks, bear crawls, etc) while the rest of us did a wall sit outside persis
MARY: a few

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Run or ruck

THE THANG: run 4 miles
ANNOUNCEMENTS:was a lot of fun running this morning. Did learn about OldBay new health monitor to tell him if he has had enough sleep, if h he is in his target heart rate, and a lot of other really cool stuff. He and I might differ on State schools but both like technology. Twister and Cakeboss are really getting after the runs and sprocket likes to double down. Delorean gets his in even if at the wrong location.

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Running after late night is bad

We ran, some ran 6 miles, some ran more, some ran less, but we all got it done.

Word of advice- don’t agree to Q the morning after a wine tasting event.

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Countdown from 50 + Bear Crawls

Run behind strip mall to parking lot next to Indian restaurant.
– Imperial Walkers
– Windmills
– Peter Parkers
– Shoulder Taps
– Flutters
– little bit of stretching

Run behind Lowes for exercise reps counting down from 50. Between each exercise, pax ran to opposite side of the back of Lowes, bear crawling for a small section of the run.

Start on west side: 50 Merkins
Run (with short bear crawl) to east side – 45 squats
Run (with short bear crawl) back to west side – 40 LBCs
East side – 35 CCDs
West side – 30 Lunges
East side – 25 big boy sit-ups
West side – 20 wide-arm merkins
East side – 15 bomb jacks
West side – 10 American Hammers
East side – 5 burpees

Run back to west side for a round of Guantanamo Bay.

Head back to COT for quick Mary.

– Flutters
– Chopsticks

Great work, men!

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gone postal

THE THANG: COT to Ft mill usps to the hill at 1st Baptist to Print Shop and back. Started with 22 ended with 25. Several freelancers for extra miles. The rain did not come.

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Minimal complaining kinda

WARMUP: mosey to Lowe’s for SSH, IW, HW, Peach Pickers, Baby Arm Circles
45 seconds of PAIN
Merkins, Big Boys, Squats, Dips
Hand Release, LBC’s, Lunges, Carolina Dry Docks
Wide Arm Merkins, Flutters, Bobby Hurleys, Arm Lifts
Rinse and Repeat
MARY: a couple abs and Trucker finishing with the TREE. (Just stand there waiting for 6). LOL
Praises and Prayers were shared and delivered and sent to the
Thanks PEACH. Your a hell of a site Q

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Rip Curl, Brah

This week’s Dawn Patrol Tuesday installment was a run with 3, 4, and 5 mile options.

-Launch to Harris Street to Harris x Munn then return: 3 mile
-Launch to Harris to Munn to 160 to Startex: 4 mile
-Launch to Harris to Munn to 160 to Harris to Ardrey to Startex: 5 miles

We had 5 for 4 with a Doubledown and 1 Code Brown.

Come join at 0615 and tell your friends who need it!

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