Luck O’ the Irish

  • QIC: Double D
  • When: 03/17/16
  • Pax: Opie, Bloody Knuckles, Hasslehoff, Bird Cage, MacGyver, Corruption
  • Posted In: The Fort

7 Pax shook off the temptation to fartsack in sympathy with the P200 smartsackers and gathered at LILO for a taste of St Paddy’s Day pain.

The Thang

Warm up run path to far side of WEP

COP – Mtn climber, IWs, SSHs, Windmills, Merkins, Squats

Run to hill and down to base

Traditional Jacob’s ladder – running 7x up and down w/merkins at the top starting w/1 and adding 1 each trip up

Run path back the way we came stopping at playground

Pulls ups x10, CDDs x10, Monkey humpers x10 (3 cycles)

Plank sequence, including the Leprechaun (aka the Plank Punch)

A Few Mins O Mary (our favorite Irish lass), including her Latin friend Rosalita

Run back to parking lot and grab a Bucket O Gold (aka cinder block)

Line cinder blocks across parking lot circle to form stations for each pax to do deep incline merkins between two blocks

Incline merkin suicides up stairway to heaven – Deep incline merkins x10, run to light post and back, 10x DIMs run to next light post….repeat all the way to top and back.

Derkins x10

Burpees x10 OYO


Naked man moleskin

St Patrick’s Day was the perfect morning for our friend O’Pie to post at LILO, making the trek from Indianland.  Plus, he brought along another friendly lad from those parts, Bloody Knuckles.  Great to have you both along for the adventure!

Bird Cage and Hasslehoff scared off MacGyver and Corruption, who chose to get in five miles over hill and dale rather than submit themselves to boot camp agony.

We closed out with prayers of gratitude from all pax, taking a cue from YHC’s near miss of disaster on the way to WEP at Peach Stand intersection.  Much to be thankful for, especially the gift of our F3 brotherhood.

Thanks to Twister for the invite. Always a privilege to lead the pax.

TClap |

It’s Clydesdale story time, boys

  • QIC: GridLock
  • When: 02/23/2016
  • Pax: Airborne, Change Order, Barry Manilow, Gilmore, Anchorman, Mainframe, Rebel, Corruption, Tater, Greenwave, Deacon, Cotton Eye, Bass-o-matic
  • Posted In: Clydesdales, Millllkshake, Slow Burn, The Fort

14 bright eyed PAX posted to the Clydesdales on a brisk morning to mozy a few, or more, miles.

The Thang

The Clydesdale “Thang” is always easy to describe. At this AO we run.

But, as a whole, this AO is a little different. Today, as with most Wednesdays, the PAX split into different groups based on running experience, desired miles, and cardio. One group ran 45 min through BAX at a run/walk pace, another ran 45 straight at a moderate pace through BAX, and the last made a quick biscuit trip down 160.

Today the overall mileage ranged between 2.5 and around 4.4. YHC was quick to notice how the weekends CSAUP P200 participants left their Smoke Boots at home and were moving a little slower than their norm.

COT & Story Time

After Name-O-Rama, YHC indulged the recovering PAX to listen to a quick story about ‘why the Clydesdales exist’. I shared my own Sad Clown experience, what it meant to swallow the F3 Red Pill, and why I believe running/jogging is an important part of the F3 experience.

You see, two years ago I couldn’t even finish my first F3 workout because a short run brought me to my knees. For a week I was known as the guy that didn’t stick around long enough to get an F3 Name! I had no cardio, and quit honestly needed to splash merlot.

A year later, and 40 pounds less, I built up enough cardio to handle the typical boot camp, but it still wasn’t enough. I wasn’t progressing. I seemed to be missing something. I needed something more.

I needed to embrace “that which should not be named.” – Running.


  • Because improving the cardio improves the boot camp experience.
  • Because I needed the physical goal of 3S2T of the King.
  • Because much of the fun and Fellowship of the Second F is at CSAUPs. All CSAUPs involve running and strenuous cardio.
  • Because I didn’t want to always be the Six!

If running was so important, and my natural next step, what was I to do? I didn’t think I could show up at “Flight Plan” or “Laces Out”. Too intimidating. Running on my own. I couldn’t just do it with no accountability from the PAX.

Thank goodness a few other guys led the way by starting the Clydesdales. They were prepping for a Leatherneck mud run, but were, for the most part, beginner or moderate runners. I joined them. The Clydesdales became a “safe” place for me to work on my cardio and improve my running skills.

So, join the Clydesdales on Wednesday 0515 at BAX Starbucks if you want a moderate run to build your cardio, stamina and legs. Less than one year ago many of the Clydesdales were in your same shoes. 12 months later they are participating in CSAUPs like the P200, the Yeti and half-marathons.

All running levels welcome. Just be willing to improve!

TClap |

Last chance to order a FORT Region shirt (new colors)

We will be doing a redesign of the FORT logo later this year, so this is your last chance to order the current FORT design before then. Think of it as a way to say you are a FORT region original before all the newbies arrive. For all of you wondering if we would ever have another option other than gray, you are in luck. MudGear just released red and royal blue!

The MudGear obstacle race jersey fits close to the skin without compression (tapered cut). Its highly breathable, wicks sweat, and has excellent drainage capability. This is the style all regions wear across this great nation of ours. Don’t you want to be a great American? Aren’t you proud of the hours of pain and gallons of sweat you lose with your F3 brothers? Why wouldn’t you get this shirt? Also available in badass black (standard F3 Nation uniform color for our workout ninjas). Is it visible to oncoming traffic at 0515? Nah. Does it need to be? Meh. Will you blend in with your surroundings? Probably. Will you look good wearing it? Heck yes!

Price: $33 (MudGear red, blue, black)

Also available is the black Sport-Tek Adult Competitor Tee. This one is lightweight, moisture-wicking, and breathable. It has a looser fit. This is the more cost-effective version. Not as durable, but just as sweet. Ladies cannot resist a man in black. Heck, there was even a movie (or 3) about men in black. Don’t you want to impress the ladies? Why wouldn’t you want to rock out a bad mama jama black F3 shirt? Show the CrossFitters what a real shirt looks like on a real #HIM! I hear it actually makes you do better merkins.

Price: $24 (Sport-Tek black)

The grey on black looks pretty sweet. Last day to order is 4/3/16. To save you shipping charges, I’ll deliver them to you when they arrive in late April. Get them before they are gone! Don’t look back on this and say, “I wish I would have gotten the shirt.” Just click below and order it now. Operators are standing by. Do it!

F3 The Fort Shirts Pre-Order

TClap |

Prison or Paradise – Five Alive at the Yard

  • QIC: Solid State
  • When: 03/19/16
  • Pax: Magnum, Shelby, Freon, Cash, Solid State
  • Posted In: Millllkshake, The Fort

With several regulars at the P200 and out with father duties, the pax was lean (were lean?). Five noble ones showed up to hit it this morning.

This was the first Saturday since the time change, this and the overcast skies cast a special gloom to the AO. It was dark like a weekday post. Sweet!

The Thang:

Warm up

  • 20 SSH
  • 10 Windmills
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 25 Moroccan Night Club

Mosey around the North wing to the parking loop…

Split into two groups…

  • Mountain Climbers while the first group runs the parking loop, flapjack on return
  • Peter Parkers while the first group runs the parking loop, flapjack on return
  • Parker Peters while the first group runs the parking loop, flapjack on return

Mosey to the East Playground for more fun…

  • Swing crunches while the first group runs the big loop around the playground flapjack on return
  • Repeat for a second round!

Mosey to West Playground…

  • Step ups on square picnic tables
  • Repeat for a second round

Mosey back to East side, then around to the parking lot near the middle school field…

  • Peoples chair, everyone counts 10 (50)
  • Alligator crawls – 10 yds. Return to start, repeat 3 x
  • Peoples chair, everyone counts 10 (50)
  • One more ‘gator crawl and we’re out!

Mosey to the middle school delivery dock, find place on the variable curb that matches your appetite…

  • Box jumps to curb 15 count
  • Dips to 15 count
  • Box jump to 10 count
  • Dips to 10 count
  • Box jump to 5 count
  • Dips to 5 count (slowly)

Mosey to tunnel hallway…

  • Group 1 – Sprint corridor to mid-point, stop and squats until group 2 joins up
  • Group 2 – squat until group 1 reaches mid-point, sprint to catch up with them
  • Repeat stop and go to end of tunnel, then to end of path
  • Turn around, repeat scheme with only two stops and lbc’s while waiting

Next we celebrated “the Yard” with Prison Push Ups

Follow that up with BTTW (thanks Shelby) – each person counting 10, stop when the either everyone counts or the first person comes down.

Pax Choice Mary

  • Freddy Mercury – x15
  • Elbow Plank – 50 count
  • Flutter kicks – 15 count
  • Box cutters – 15 count?
  • WWII sit-ups – 10 double count

That’s a wrap, mosey to COT


Today we ran a lot of circles. This could be a metaphor for some of the activities in our lives… day in and day out. Just like working out today, it was up to you to decide and take action for how you were going to hit it. Lead yourself every minute of every day…

A smaller tribe this morning meant we could get more done, and we packed it in. Great effort by everyone. This is an awesome site with new ways to use the geography popping up every week. Thanks for the opportunity!

Sign up for the mud run in the next two days… reach out to Spiderman or Crash

Much support for the P200 pax and their CSAUP. Check the newsletter for additional updates and to be ready if CSPAN is on Q (lol).

Prayers for colleagues heading into the job field.

TClap |

The Puppet Master Returns to the Patriot

  • QIC: Geppetto
  • When: 3/12/16
  • Pax: Peach, Italian Job, Cheeto, Winchester, Bogey, SAW, Pistol, Fusion, Mayhem, Geppetto, Turbine, Smoke Wagon
  • Posted In: The Fort

12 gathered around the planted flag.  Italian Job led off and moseyed the PAX to the parking lot for a Patriot style warm up…

To the serene tune of birds chirping in the background:

  • 20 SSH
  • 20 Imperial Walkers
  • 20 Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Various stretches (L over R, R over L, Wide, Butterfly, a few others)

On to grab some wall and in the seated position tap the head, knees, and ground – 20 in cadence.

….the serenity began to fade.

Mosey (the long way) to the football field where entrance was gained one way or another. Don’t tell the law man (we trespassed).

Handoff to Peach

20 Minutes of Blackjack with Merkins and LBCs…50 yds in between (20 Merkins/1 LBC, 19 Merkins/2 LBC…all the way to 1 Merkin and 20 LBCs).

…serenity is now long gone. The humidity has caught up with us. Mumble chatter has ceased.

The PAX give a strong showing and once we are thoroughly drenched Peach passes to Geppetto.

Using the football field it was 4 corners

  • Lunge 100 yds
  • 25 Low Slow Squats at the corner
  • Bear Crawl to the next
  • 25 Mtn Climbers at the corner
  • Side shuffle 100 yds to the next
  • 25 Low Slow Squats at the corner
  • Burpee Broad Jump to the next

4 corners again..this time with sprints in between.

  • 25 Heels to heaven
  • 30 Side Crunches (15 each side)
  • 35 Flutters
  • 50 LBCs

Back to the COT for count off, Name-o-Rama, Announcements (most of which were about various events where one is required to run long distances for no particular reason), and prayer requests.

Great day at the Patriot, and a perfect start to the weekend…serene or not.


TClap |

The Hotbox is Back

  • QIC: Posh
  • When: 3/14/16
  • Pax: Schrute, Boots, Apollo Creed, Pistol, Reborn, Blueprint, Apache, Van Wilder, Sgt. York, Choir Boy, Burgundy, Italian Job, Beaker (FNG), Quick Silver (FNG), Posh
  • Posted In: The Fort

Posh led 14 men through a hotbox sweatfest at Old Town. Here’s what we did.

Warm Up

  • SSH
  • Windmills
  • SSH

The Thang

Long Mosey down Main Street to the hotbox parking garage. We performed the following exercises:

  • Run to the top
  • Sprint to the wall and back (x4)
    • Merkins in between
  • Sprint back to ground level
  • 35 Merkins on level 1
  • 30 Merkins on level 2
  • 25 Merkins on level 3
  • 20 Merkins on level 4
  • 15 Merkins on level 3
  • 10 Merkins on level 2
  • 5 Merkins on level 1
    • American Hammers until the 6 was in
  • 35 Squats on level 1
  • 30 Squats on level 2
  • 25 Squats on level 3
  • 20 Squats on level 4
  • 15 Squats on level 3
  • 10 Squats on level 2
  • 5 Squats on level 1
    • American Hammers until the 6 was in
  • 35 LBCs on level 1
  • 30 LBCs on level 2
  • 25 LBCs on level 3
  • 20 LBCs on level 4
  • 15 LBCs on level 3
  • 10 LBCs on level 2
  • 5 LBCs on level 1
    • American Hammers until the 6 was in, a few Hello Dollies, and 5 more LBCs to finish us out.


As always, it was a pleasure to get stronger with the PAX of Rock Hill. Great impromptu Q by Posh this morning. Welcome FNGs Beaker and Quick Silver (Choir Boy’s 2.0). Today marks another week of double digit posts for the Rock Hill AOs (though I fear that streak will end with 66 of the Fort’s finest doing final preparation for the Palmetto 200). Per usual, Burgundy and York led the PAX with newcomer Beaker hot on their heels. Reborn and Schrute were both pushing YHC to try to catch up with them. TClaps to Quick Silver for putting in the work this morning and keeping up with the gazelles. Big time respect to 2nd week poster, Pistol. 57 never looked so fast! Don’t think the improvements Blueprint, Van Wilder, and Choir Boy are making aren’t being noticed. We see you guys getting stronger and faster. Great leadership and epic mumble chatter from our 6 by choice, Apache. Boots, you’ll be missed – even if Creed says you won’t.

Something big is happening in RH. Keep bringing FNGs – they don’t know how much they need what you have discovered. #GiveItAway


  • Boots will be leaving for boot camp in two weeks
  • Posh’s M will be giving birth sometime this week
  • PAX running in the Palmetto 200
  • The homeless men and women of Rock Hill (shelters closing)


Read the weekly email

TClap |

Zombie Bears Oh My!

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 3/11/16
  • Pax: Cake Boss, Sgt York, Catfish, Apache, Water Boy, Turbine, Shrute, Nunchucks, Drifter, Snapper, Boiler Maker, Bogey, Van Damm, Blueprint
  • Posted In: The Fort

Well YHC was reminded by the one and only Chief Turkey Puncher, Apache that I was on the Q for Petra at 830pm. so behind the 8 ball I remembered that Petra was a #slowburn AO So what I put together on the fly was going to be slow and burn quite a bit. 15 PAX showed up in the gloom



  • STRETCH those old bones and muscles – CSPAN would be proud
  • WM (IC) X15
  • SSH (IC) X15
  • MNC (IC) X15
  • CDD (IC) X15
  • STRETCH a little more
  • PLANK for 30 secs.
  • HONEY MOON from the Plank to yes again stretch the back out.

MOSEY – One full lap around the parking lot


Bear Crawl Merkins – Up hill the parking lot bear crawl to each parking spot line then do one merkin. Turn around and Bear Crawl Merkin back.

This looked really good on paper but the slow burn really burned and produced some mumble chatter.


  • 2 rounds – Zombie Run is like an Indian Run but you lunge walk while the 6 runs to the front of the line. Good old mumble chatter and groans with this one. SLOOOOW BURN.


  • Bear Crawl Merkins – This time 5 rows – up and back

We did a set of high knees & butt kickers to the cross walks of the parking lot

Another full Mosey around the Parking Lot


  • Bear Crawl Merkins AGAIN this time 10  rows up and back.

However, I did stop to explain a little bit about the lines.  Marcus Latrell the Navy SEAL and Lone Survivor how when he was under fire in the mountain side of Afghanistan – he took a rock and drew a line in the sand, and said he would drag himself until his feet crossed the line. When they did, he did it again.  All with his back broken and shot. for 8 to 12 hours.

So YHC told the PAX when they have that point in their day, especially after lunch on a Friday where they want to phone it in for the day, picture Latrell and draw your “line in the sand” and just get to that point and do it all over again.  — 60 count over —

After the Bear Crawls we became Zombies once more

  • Zombie “Ran” for another round.

Mosey back to the front of the Bingo Hall to circle up for a round of

  • 5 Captain Thors – (Jack Web for abs)
  • Next Dealers choice for Ab lab to the end.

Thanks to the PAX for allowing me to lead them today even though I was not fully prepared. I hope I didn’t disappoint.

TClap |


  • QIC: Deacon
  • When: 3/11/16
  • Posted In: The Fort

16 Pax met on this glorious spring morning to study Jude. Italian Job crossed the Catawba river to attend today’s session. God asked Stang to pray for Anchorman during our study for reasons that exceed our level of understanding. God called him to bless our brother. Stang’s response was an honorable demonstration of his obedience to our Father. #Goosebumps…

Here are takeaways from today’s discussion.


Jude 3 ~ I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to his holy people.


  • Learn the bible so that you’re able to discern whether what others say is founded in truth.
  • Establish a personal relationship with Christ through prayer and serving others.
  • Do you defend the word of God when someone twists the gospel for their personal benefit?


Jude 16 ~ These people are grumblers and complainers, living only to satisfy their desires. They brag loudly about themselves, and they flatter others to get what they want.


  • The act of complaining shows that we don’t appreciate God’s plan for us.
  • What would you do if a person always complained after you gave them something? You’d stop giving them things which is why we should not test God with complaints.
  • If you complain, you remain.


Jude 23 – Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives.


  • Sinners who are lost don’t know it so don’t judge them.
  • Your Godly actions/reactions will be observed and hopefully adopted by lost sinners.
  • Hate their sins but love the sinners.



The Gospel is ours to defend so be on guard. Replace complaints with thanksgiving. The best gift that you can give to a sinner is the presence of God’s love. We are blessed by God’s grace and mercy so pay it forward.

TClap |

No one would do that many Burpees on their own

  • QIC: Howitzer and White Lightning
  • When: 03/05/15
  • Pax: Decibel, Bing, Omaha (2.0), Haushka, Fish Stix, Mr. Clean, Walker, Trucker, Smuggler, and Jiffy
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

Let’s get right to it because even typing this workout up hurts – The virtual flag was planted, introductions made, thanks for joining us Walker, and the disclaimer was given by Howitzer, (should’ve paid closer attention), and the PAX were off.

Warm Up – A quick 10 – 15 count of SHH’s, Merkins, Cherry Pickers and other various exercises designed to get our blood flowing and muscles stretched before we encountered…

The Burpee Builder:  Accumulate at each cone until you reach 10

Cone 1:  Leg Kick

Cone 2:  Push Up

Cone 3:  Tuck Jumps

Cone 4:  Burpees

Run backwards to the start line.  Rinse and Repeat until you get reach 10 sets at each cone.  If Smugglers math is correct we did 55 burpees.  It does not look bad typing this in, but after the third set, Howitzer looked at YHC and said, “Maybe I should audible.”  It didn’t happen.

At the end of 10 Howitzer handed the reigns to YHC and as he bolted for his daughter’s volleyball game.

Circle Up:

Jack Webb’s cousin – 1 LBC – 4 crunches ratio accumulate to 10 – Do we have a name?

Mosey to retaining wall – 20 step ups OYO

Mosey to the bottom of the Hill – Indian Run up the Hill

Back to Retaining Wall – 20 Derkins

Circle up in the Field – Jack Webb – 1 merkin / 4 overhead claps accumulate to 10

Retaining Wall – 20 Dips

Bottom of the Hill – Indian Run past the fire station and back to the park.

Happy 5th Birthday F3!  I’m excited to see where the next 5 years takes us.

TClap |

The Fort Triple Down – P200 Training Pre-Blast

Our 2nd P200 training 3 run CSAUP is this Saturday, March 5th. Do all three, two or one!!!

Here is the weinke:

Run #1 (6 miles):
-AO – WEP (The Fort)
-Launch – 5:50 A.M.
-10K down Old Nation Road (was used for the BRR time trials)
-This will give us time to get back and Pax to post at the Yard or WEP for a boot camp!

Run #2 (5 miles):
-AO – Baxter Starbucks (Flight Plan/Clydesdales)
-Launch – 11:00 A.M.
-“Latte Loop” – Through Baxter

Run #3 (5 miles):
-AO – Baxter YMCA back corner by field (Run & Gun)
-Launch – 4:00 P.M.
-“Biscuit Run” through Kingsley (5 miles)

Each run provides a variety of terrain. Run 1 and 3 have some hills, but nothing completely terrible. Run 2 has several horrible hills including Gardenia (the king of suck). In addition, I am trying to minimize running on sidewalks or 160 as much as possible to avoid traffic, exhaust and the pounding on our legs.

Go for 3 and a bootcamp, 3 runs, 2 runs, or 1 run! This is a great opportunity to push yourself leading up to the P200. In addition, why else would you run three times in one day if other PAX weren’t there to push you.

This is open to all PAX. Please send out to other PAX not doing the P200 and tweet!

Until next time ….Aye!

TClap |