It’s 19 degrees in the Bermuda Triangle

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 02/11/16
  • Pax: Italian Job, Shrute, Sgt York, Burgundy, Smoke Wagon, The Riddler, Water Boy, Apache, Van Wilder, FNG Corn Dog
  • Posted In: The Fort

YHC was proud to see 11 PAX up and at it early at ManU in the COOOOOOLD #Gloom for a trip to the tropics (sort of). We were one minute late starting due to trying to #TurkeyPunch one of RHPD’s finest stopping by wondering why we were crazy enough to get out in 19 degree weather to “run”.



  • Stretching is goooooood touch yer toes – Left over Right – Right over Left – etc you get the idea
  • WM (Slow Old Man Style) X10
  • Mr Miyagi’s X10 (Look eye! Always look eye!!)
  • SSH X10
  • IW X10
  • MNC X10

Mosey to the Movie Theater –

The Bermuda Triangle 

  • 1st Corner of the Triangle
  • X10 – Pull Ups (on the bar at the movie theater)
  • Run to Moe’s (2nd COrner)
  • X20 Merkins
  • Bear Crawl to Mellow Mushroom (3rd Corner)
  • X30 Squats
  • Lunge Walk back to Movie theater
  • Rinse and Repeat X3 – There would have been more but YHC was verbally threatened by Apache not to say Rinse and Repeat again.
  • Also somewhere along the way, just like in the real Bermuda Triangle Smoke Wagon lived up to his name and disappeared like a puff of smoke.

Mosey back to Manchester Parking Lot to show off a little of what we do to the RHPD sitting there in their warm patrol cars.


  • Monkey Humpers X20
  • Run to Stop Sign & Back
  • Squats X20
  • Run to Stop Sign & Back
  • Lunges X20 (10 each leg)
  • Run to Stop sign & Back
  • Sumo Squats X20
  • Run to Stop Sign & Back
  • Calf Raises X20
  • Run to Stop Sign & Back
  • Rinse and Repeat

**10 count**

Mosey Back to COT

Captain Thor – (like Jack Webbs but for abs)

  • 1 big boy sit up w/ 4 American Hammers
  • 2 Big Boy sit ups w/ 8 American Hammers
  • 3 Big Boy sit ups w/ 12 American Hammers
  • You get the idea – The plan was to go to 10 but YHC called an Omaha and stopped at 5 because of how awful the idea was. Burgundy loved it – so fair warning, I’m sure we all will see Captain Thor again one day.

For good measure

  • X20 Plank Twists – (Gut Busters)
  • 1 minute of SSH (X25)


The 19 degree temperatures didn’t slow down this group of #HIM.  It is always an honor to lead these leaders!  We had an FNG Hospital name Chris, who is Apache’s future son-in-law. He took the #redpill and woke up ready to go in the cold. So, since Apache for months has been wanting to name an FNG Corn Dog YHC thought it would be fitting to name our newest FNG Corn Dog. Welcome to the gloom brother!


  • Feb 20th – Yeti Run #CSAUP – 2nd F after at 521 BBQ in Fort Mill check the Pre-blast
  • Feb 27th – Krispy Kreme run for reading Race
  • Feb 27th – After the doughnut run F3 Dads 10am at the Patriot check with Catfish for more details

Lift up all the brothers in prayer

  • (If I remember correctly) Water Boy’s wife’s aunt was taken off life support lift his family up
  • Popeye’s Step-Grandfather John’s son just had his 4th heart attack – so 2016 has not gotten off to a good start for John’
  • Shrute’s son getting some teeth removed for future braces
  • Student at Clemson from Rock Hill death at Clemson.
  • Apache’s grandson Gunner has been sick – and praise to Corn Dog for coming out for his first post.







TClap |

Release The Dragon in York

  • QIC: Popeye & Burgundy
  • When: 02/06/16
  • Pax: Solid State, Turbine, Mayflower, Royale, Real Tree, Walker, Shamrock, Posh, Bull, Smoke Wagon, Apache, FNGs: Nunchuck, High Pockets, Orvis
  • Posted In: The Fort

We have main engine start and a great launch of the NEW F3 York aka #TheDragon. 16 PAX including 3 FNGs were on hand for the release of the Dragon AO at York Comprehensive High School. YHC would like to extend thanks to Apache and other PAX involved for helping us get this AO off the ground. YCHS has so much potential for workouts, but the area of York is prime for EHing men to F3.


YHC took the first round for a warm up before a Burgundy Beat down.


  • SSH X10
  • IW X10
  • MNC X10

Mosey to the adjacent parking lot from the COT to the hill next to the road.

  • Backwards Jacobs Ladder
  • Run to the top do 10 merkins
  • Run to the bottom 10 squats
  • Rinse and Repeat minus one of each until you get to 1.

MOSEY to the student drop off circle next to Cougar statue.

On while planning this workout looking at google earth this mini-track looking circle looked nice and flat. It was discovered that one one side the incline of this mini track was pretty awful.

4-Corners of Pain

  • Corners 1 & 3 = 20 Squats & 20 SSH
  • Corners 2 & 4 = 10 Merkins & 10 Plank Jacks
  • High knees the short sides.
  • Two rounds.

STOP for a little MOLE SKIN – YHC gave a run down of the 3 F’s of F3 for the FNGs. Telling them how I feel the 1st F is just a by product of the 2nd and 3rd F’s. I explained how F3 is much more than a typical workout groups. WE strive to be High Impact Men, leaving this Earth Sky Q gave us just a little bit better than how we found it. I talked about Frank Abagnale – The person featured in the movie / book ‘Catch Me if You Can’. How early in life he was a criminal expert, check fraud scammer who could fake everything from millions of dollars of fraudulent check, to documents which made him a Airline Pilot, Lawyer, & Doctor. He was so good at his crimes he was arrested but then eventually employed by the FBI to help them track down and find other a scam artists.  He said in one of his books this quote: “Remember what being an adult is; it has nothing to do with money or rewards. A real man loves and is faithful to his wife. You will do nothing greater in life than be a great spouse and parent.”

Go home and focus on the important things in life… Family.

HAND OFF – Burgundy:

Mosey around to the other side of the school to what should be from now on called pain alley after last week’s Pusher wall of pain and now Burgundy’s Burpees of Pain. We circled up and commenced 50 Burpees 10 each in this form:

  • 10 Flying Squirrels (Burpee w/out push up)
  • 10 Regular Burpees
  • 10 Burpees + 4 plankjacks
  • 10 Burpees + 4 plankjacks + 2 Mountain Climbers
  • 10 Burpees + 4 plankjacks + 2 Mountain Climbers + 1 jump tuck

Yes you are right… It was as painful as it sounds. There were several 10 counts in between.


  • two rounds of caterpillars/ bear crawls with a merkin in between around 3 steps/hand walks approx. 10 yards. Shoulder burner!

MOSEY to “The Playground” ROTC Obstacle Course

  • Rows of two start at the dip bar
  • Dip race – run zigzag pattern around the next obstacle – crawl across the cargo net – bear crawl under the next pipe obstacle. Rinse and Repeat

MOSEY back to the COT for a 3 minute ab-lab (LBCs, Flutters, 6-inches)

DONE! I’m out of breath just writing this hour of pain.

We have barely scratched the surface on the potential of YCHS. Check the Q spread sheet to see when you have the opportunity to bring the heat to the Dragon’s Lair.

Let’s keep on EH’ing folks that you know who live or work around York, SC. At #coffeeteria afterwards there was already some excitement and talk about adding another week day AO in the area between York and Clover. Operation F3 Annoconda York County is picking up speed.

Welcome Mayflower who we TurkwyPunched at last week’s re-con who started F3 in Charlotte and is pumped that he found F3 here in York close to home. Also welcome FNGs Nunchuck, High Pockets and Orvis. We hope you take the #redpill to becoming #HIM for this AO in York.  Get to #TurkeyPunching!

Popeye OUT!

TClap |

Four Corners and a Spot of Tea

  • QIC: Solid State / Aquaman
  • When: 01/30/16
  • Pax: Spud, Spark Plug, Fish Sticks, Senator Tressel, Howitzer, Aquaman, Cornhole
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

I picked up the Q as a trade with Bing who will be taking the reigns in the April. – Watch out

It turned out to be a good trade too, as I would be Q’ing with Aquaman.
I often see people complaining about his Q’s after they post. “The Pain, the pain!”

– Sweet!

The Thing

Warm up
– Merkins
– Imperial Walker
– Windmills

Stroll around the field discovering four markers along the way…

A little game of “Four Corners”.

Partner up

Returning to the first marker, partner one would perform an exercise as slow as possible while partner two would run a lap around the four stations as fast as possible. Partners switch positions on return.

The goal of the effort was to have as low of a count between the two as possible.
To keep things even and aid accountability at the stations, the cadence was to be managed by the pax together. We would do this for each station.

Station 1 – Merkins
Wheelbarrow to station 2
Station 2 – Squats
Slow bear crawl to station 3
Station 3 – the Burpee
Wheelbarrow (partner switch) to station 4
Station 4 – Mountain Climbers (methinks)

With the six in, we moseyed to the middle of the field.
Jack Web 10/40 (don’t forget to count)
Pax Choice ab lab – Everyone had a turn

The Q was then turned over to Aquaman

With the rising sun, we ventured out of the park…
Off to that friendly sounding Tara Tea Drive… (what a monster…)

Cones were placed along the side of the road from the bottom of the hill to the top

We were to do exercises from one cone to the next
First cone to second: burpee broad jumps
second to third: Ono’s
Third to top of hill: Bear Crawl

After we summited this the first time, Aqauman says:
“Find a good pace, we’ll be doing this for awhile…” and… we did…

Excellent effort by all men, I think everyone summited Tara Tea at least four times.

Next, Aquaman doubled the cones and we did reverse suicide ladder up that monster. (Nobody misses this.)

Then we posted at the top of the hill where we did ab work using the incline to your dis-advantage.
Goal: 50 leg raises from decline / 50 sit-ups from decline

With that we were broken! Aye!



I had a theme in mind for the workout this morning, but when it looked like the pax were all my seniors, I dropped the theme realizing that I had nothing to share but respect. Humbling experience to post with my elders as they take the DRP. #Respect

Here is what struck me as I was leaving the post that morning…

First: What is your weinke this weekend? This week? This month?

Second: Are you going to honor it?


Never give up, take your ground and press on. Aye!

On that note:
Consider Whetstone, brothers in arms, Iron Sharpening Iron.
Whetstone video…
Whetstone Sign up form…


TClap |

Assistant Coach Needed For Let Me Run Program in Rock Hill

Hello Fellow Pax;

An assistant coach is needed at Ebinport Elementary School in Rock Hill for a new running program know as “Let Me Run”.  A friend of mine asked me to alert the F3 nation concerning this need.  Let Me Run is a great opportunity for boys to learn more about themselves, build strong relationships, and learn the importance of teamwork and perseverance – all skills that are essential to life – and all in the context of physical activity supported by responsible, supportive adults.  Here are the details:

Ebinport Elementary is looking for an assistant coach for the spring 2016 Let Me Run team. The coach must be available to attend the majority of the meetings with the boys. The meetings are on Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs from 2:30 til 3:45 (I know, cruddy time, but it is hard to do it any time other than right after school). The teams start on 3/28 or 3/29 and culminate with a 5k on May 21st at Whitehall Corporate Center. Training is not required for assistant coaches, but is available for those who’d like the training on 2/6 and 2/18. Anyone interested can contact Jessica Adamson at 803.318.6027.

As my friend stated, the time of day may be problematic but if you work from home or have a flexible schedule and can help out, please give Jessica a call.  She would greatly appreciate your help.


TClap |

Fighting Addiction – 2016 Joe Davis Memorial Resolution Run – THANK YOU!

The 4th Annual Joe Davis Resolution Run took place on January 9, 2016, and, for the first time in the race’s 4 year history, the temps were not only not bone-chilling, they were perfect for racing!

As I have come to expect, a whole bunch of you #HIMs joined my family again this year to fight Addiction. We had 723 registered participants and at least 143 of those noted they were part of F3 Nation. (59 ran the 5k, with the Top 5 averaging 19:58. 64 ran the 10k averaging 39:39. #FAST) That is almost 20% and, combined with the 36 women from FiA, makes almost 25%! That spells IMPACT, men, and believe me, the community notices. In fact, they have come to expect a sea of black to descend on Walter Elisha Park one Saturday morning every January to lock shields and honor Joe’s memory by spreading awareness that a battle with Addiction does not mean the loss of Hope!

With your help, we raised just over $30,000 for Keystone this year, bringing our 4 year total to just over $97,000!!! No way this happened without the support of F3 the last 3 years. I am truly humbled.

You guys won’t ever know what your participation means to our family. I love seeing the leadership in motion and one of my favorite moments this year was looking out, as the sun rose, and seeing The Fort’s Worldwide Leader leading a COP/warm-up that was filled with race participants of all kinds in the circle! That is a great picture of what we need to do as #HIM.

WE NEED TO LEAD. If we do, others will follow.

Addiction is a monster and, even with the help of facilities like Keystone, those who struggle need YOU and ME. I wish I could tell you every story of when someone tells me, my mom, or my sister that this race matters. Many of you have told me. That is why we do it every year. We know it saves lives. If you were not there, or left early, the highlight this year for me was having a gentleman named Sean speak after the race. Keystone literally saved his life. He was at rock bottom and got his life back on track with Keystone’s help. It is hard for me not to think that could have been Joe, but Sean’s testimony helps us understand why we had to lose Joe. It was for God’s good.

Please know and be aware that Addiction is everywhere. You have no idea who is struggling. It could be a family member or a friend or a guy doing bear crawls beside you. Be there if you are needed. I hope everyone knows they can come to me if they are struggling. Anytime, anywhere.

So, some of you ran, some slept in for the cause, some volunteered, some prayed. YOU ALL MADE A DIFFERENCE!
Thank you and we hope to see you next year!

If you missed this event, I truly hope you will join us next year. You will no doubt see God’s work being done in a BIG way.

Special thanks to Slim Fast and Bushwood for Qing the event this year and to all the workout Q’s who supported it.

Special thanks also to The Fort Pax who have truly embraced this event on their home turf.

Special thanks to the men of Outland for their “virtual run” and gracious donation.

Special thanks to Subway in Metro and Riptide in Harrisburg for their constant RTs.

Special thanks to our sisters at FiA for their support.

In Him and with gratitude,
Rock Thrill

Please feel free to post comments about your experience below!

TClap |

Fly like an eagle for the 2nd day

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 02/02/16
  • Pax: Sgt York, Burgundy, Mayhem, Bogey, Posh, Bull, Smoke Wagon, Turbine, Apache, Water Boy, Van Wilder, Italian Job, Catfish, Shrute
  • Posted In: The Fort

YHC was honored to Q for the second day at #EaglesNest.  So since we blew our legs out on the Stair Master yesterday at #OldTown it was time for the 15 PAX that showed up some upper body work.


Warm up

I threw a curve ball to Apache and instead of starting off with the typical SSH we got right to it with…

  • Merkins X10
  • WM X10 (B/c we needed to stretch the hammies for the running portion)
  • SSH X10
  • MNC X10
  • Merkins X10
  • Squats X10

Mosey to the field next to Dinkins Building across Oakland Ave.

Pair up – While one man runs the length of the field the other does the following until the pair reached 100

  • 100 Squats
  • 100 Merkins
  • 100 LBC’s
  • 100 SSH
  • 100 Flutters

Mosey to the F3 Playground (Diggs Field)


  • 10 Squats w/ the rock
  • Run the hill
  • 20 Rock Curls
  • Run the hill
  • 30 Over Head Presses
  • Run the hill
  • AMRAP – Most everyone made three rounds.

Mosey over to the picnic tables in front of the West Center Bldg.


  • 20 DIps
  • 20 Dirkins
  • 20 Irkins
  • 20 Merkins

Mosey back to COT where for the last 2 minutes we embraced our inner tree hugger with 1 minute of Al Gore & 1 minute of SSH.


We have a lot of PAX who are going through loss of family and friends. Also a lot of PAX have family and friends who are fighting illnesses.  Let’s lift them up.


  • Saturday – Clown Cars leaving Best Buy in Rock Hill 0615 for the official launch of #TheDragon – F3York. Lets help YHC build some momentum for this great thing we call F3 to western York County.
  • Yeti Race
  • Nun Run
  • Krispy Kreme Run

See newsletter and talk with other PAX about details and such.

Popeye OUT!

TClap |

Old Town Stair Masters

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 02/01/16
  • Pax: Italian Job, Pot Hole, Van Wilder, Boots, Mayhem, The Riddler, Creed, Sgt York, Burgundy, Posh, Shrute, Apache,
  • Posted In: The Fort

The gloom was actually a fairly warm 50 degree this morning for a baker’s dozen PAX at #OldTown.



  • Stretching – Touch toes – L over Right R over L – Legs Shoulder width apart Left Right Middle – Lower back Honey Mooning it.
  • SSH x15
  • WM X15
  • MNC X15
  • MERKIN X15

Mosey to the Freedom Temple Church Steps Line up along steps

  • Run steps to the top Run Down
  • Hopscotch Steps to Top Run Down
  • Run Up skipping a step Run down
  • Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to the Hot Box (parking deck)

  • At the bottom of the stair well run up the steps – at the top complete 20 merkins – run to the other stair well but before running down complete 20 squats – Rinse and Repeat (X3)

Mosey back to the Freedom Temple steps and repeat one round

  • Run steps to the top Run Down
  • Hopscotch Steps to Top Run Down
  • Run Up skipping a step Run down

Mosey to fire escape stairs behind the building where Amilies is.

Partner up – While one man is running the six flights of stairs the other is at the bottom completing the following

  • Merkins
  • SSH
  • LBC’s
  • Merkins

This evolution must have caused a lot of oxygen deprivation due to the amount of mumble chatter about Long Horn Steak House and singing of loving you by Mini Riperton.

Mosey back to COT for 1 minute straight of SSH


Thanks to all the PAX for allowing YHC for leading today.


  • Krispy Kreme Run – Feb 27th
  • Nun Run – Talk to Twister and/or Apache for deets.
  • Yeti CSAUP
  • Clown Cars from Best Buy in Rock Hill for #F3York Saturday wheels up 0615

Lift up all PAX that need healing through tough times.

TClap |

Taming the Dragon in York – Recon

The re-con operation of York Comprehensive High School was a success. So much so we have upped our hard launch date of F3 York to February 6th 2016 0700. Be there with your #EH’ed #TurkeyPunched #sadclowns!! However on this day 19 PAX including 1 FNG showed up to break ground on #F3York.


The YCHS campus has so much potential for pain stations we barely scratched the surface. After a standard warm up we moseyed over to the YCHS Navy JROTC obstacle course where there was so many options YHC couldn’t think of what to start with first.  There is a dip bar where we did a variation of real bar dips, then CSPAN suggested we do a dip race which for those of us who still suffer from gravity issues was a real humdinger.

While half the group dipped the other half did a set of merkins and sqats at what I’m going to call the poles of pain.

The cargo net was a challenge of balance for all. There was a lot of mumble chatter about making sure everyone had good dental plans.

Next Bear Crawls under another station made of black culvert pipes. We all enjoyed watching Burgundy do his best Luke Kuechly impersonation, for one hopping over the waist high hurdles.

After a short mosey YHC handed off to Apache to take the reigns for a moment and it wasn’t very long before he found a painful Jacobs Ladder hill.  At the bottom Merkins at the top Burpees 5 to 1.

After a short mosey our man Pusher saw potential in a walk way with walls so BTTW & People’s Chair killed for a few rounds.

Mosey back to the COT for Menthol’s calf killing 200 SSH

For the last minute, Turbine threw in a half a parking lot of low country crab crawls for good measure.

All in all this, AO has huge potential for Turkey Punching the men of Western York County. Also now with Royal Site Qing Lake Wylie soon, this will be just like Operation Anaconda (Little Civil War Reference if you get it) squeezing the men of York County into taking the red pill towards becoming #HIM.

Afterwards and until further notice #coffeeteria will be held at Sandy’z (formerly Pope’s at the White House) across from the Moss Justice Center.  During this coffeeteria a #F3York board meeting was held and the vote was unanimous that this AO will be named #TheDragon for the historical reference that the York High School mascot years ago use to be the Green Dragons. We though Cougar would be more fitting for a FiA name. (Oops I said that out loud).

Check the Q List – Apache and I have already threw many of you to the Dragon.

Lets do this!

-Popeye OUT!

TClap |

Bait and Switch…if they only knew!! #sorrynotsorry

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 01/30/2016
  • Pax: Macguyver, Hasselhoff, Flat Tire, Vector Victor, Javert, Sugar Daddy, Dawg Pound, Seacrest, Maximus, Crab Cakes, Cobra Kai, Gilmore, Gopher, Tesh, Peabody, Spiderman, Dark Helmet, Ginsu, Big Ben (FNG), Chubbs (FNG), Longshanks (QIC)
  • Posted In: The Fort

21 of the Fort’s finest descended upon WEP expecting a decent beatdown from Double D.  Little did they know that Double D was in Texas and YHC was in charge. Some thought about leaving and wondering if they had enough time to make it to the Yard instead.  Nobody actually left and we even had 2 FNG’s (a Longshanks Q’ed workout record).  With 2 FNG’s, a more thorough Disclaimer was given and we began our hour of pain.

The Thang

Mosey along the path and to some regular running, then butt kicks, then high knees, then toy soldiers.  Circle up in the middle of the big field for warmup (all IC):

25 SSH

20 IW

15 Windmills

15 Mountain Climbers

10 Slow Merkins

15 Mountain Climbers

25 SSH

10 Monkey Humpers (in honor of Double D)

10 Maktar N’diayes (in honor of Double D)

Mosey to the playground and partner up.  Explain Angie

Angie is 100 pull-ups, 100 Merkins, 100 Situps, 100 Squats.  I partner runs around the playground while the other works on the exercise.  Plank when finished.

After everyone finished me moseyed the the circular wall by the old Springs building.  10 Incline Merkins (IC), 10 Dips(IC) and 10 step-ups each side(OYO).  RInse and repeat. Finish with 5 derkins OYO.

Mosey down the path to the parking lot and grab some wall for the people’s chair. 3 10 counts and then 25 SSH. Rinse and repeat.  Then rinse and repeat a third time with 10 bombjacks instead of the SSH (mostly cuz Dark Helmet was running his mouth)

Mosey back to the park and line up in the field.  4 100 yard sprints courtesy of Dark Helmets article about sprints burning fat.

Circle up on the field after the last sprint for Dealer’s choice ab work about 8 minutes total.


Announcements – Feb 6th – Oral Cancer Run (Bing), Feb 13th – Cupid Run (Boeheim), Feb 20th – Yeti.  new AO’s coming to York, Lake Wylie soon.  Maximus reminded us that if we haven’t found out “one word” for the year to do so.  My word is Sacrifice.

Prayers – None mentioned, but plenty of unspoken


  1. Great turnout this morning even as the region grows with new locations coming to York and Lake Wylie.  Sorry if you thought it was going to be Double D. #sorrynotsorry
  2. Welcome FNG’s Big Ben and Chubbs.  Make sure you get on twitter and connect with the rest of the guys in the Fort.
  3. Not a lot of mumblechatter today except from Dark Helmet and Flat Tire.  Guess humor is the best when embracing the suck.
  4. Great Job on Angie!!  Thought it would take longer.  PAX crushed it!!
  5. Not going to lie, I was a little disappointed last week when the weather was bad and we decided to cancel the Fort as it’s one of my favorite places to Q a workout.  So many different places one can go and tons of options for exercises.  Was fully expecting to come myself and receive a beatdown from Double D.  Was also excited to be able to talk with Double D as he has been a sound board to me as I’ve dealt with some Heart issues over the past month. Then Double D messaged me last night and told me he was in Texas.  I told him I would cover if needed and started working on a plan in my head.
  6. Until next time.  Keep on working to #getbetter  See you in the gloom soon!!! AYE
TClap |

PRE-BLAST: Uptown Lunch Gonna Funk You Up…

Oh me, oh my…
The revival begins on Feb. 5 at 1130, and will continue on the First Friday of EVERY month going forward. PUT IT IN YOUR CALENDAR.
Location: Jason’s Deli in the Epicenter Uptown.

The 2nd F Uptown lunch had sputtered and maybe even stalled, but just like two good F3 men who don’t know when to quit (yes sir, may I have another?) Italian Job and YHC decided it was time to get serious and make it a thing again. (Because somewhere in my brain-damaged mind, seeing you fools in the Gloom isn’t enough…)

BUT! You say, can’t we go somewhere else? Jason’s Deli isn’t my favorite… Answer: It’s a free country. Do what you want. But WE will be here. Trust me, we wracked our brains to figure out the best spot based on seating capacity, price range, proximity, etc. This is the spot. The VSF is planted and this is the plan until further notice.
I mean, I get it. Jason’s isn’t exactly gourmet. Might not even be all that #FuelChallenge friendly, but kind of like First F stuff, if you came for the food only, you may be missing the point. So, spread the word to all your favorite Uptown-working PAX, tell it in the COTs, tweet it, etc., and get over there for some high-quality 2nd F.

Again, the details are above. To reiterate, Jason’s Deli in the Epicenter. The First Friday of every month. At 1130.

Questions? Concerns? Please feel free to bug Italian Job with that crap.

Otherwise, see you there. It’s Friday morning and we’re in the spot… Don’t believe me? Just watch…

Helmet, out.

TClap |