Swinging Richards at the Hive

WARMUP: It was cold so we started with a 5 minute mosey to warm up. Mixed in some high knees, butt kickers, and karaoke along the way.
Ended back up at COT. Running portion of the workout was completed. Needed to warm up our bells so we circled up and performed the following: CherryPickersx5inCadence, WindMillsx5inCadence, SSHx12inCadence, Figure8sx12OYO, SSHx10inCadence, 10 KB Swings OYO, SSHx8inCadence, 8 KB Snatches, SSHx6inCadence, 6 DeadLifttoCurltoPress w/ KB.

Now we were ready to swing!

THE THANG: Stayed in the COT area for our first round with
RichardWebb – Exercise #1: 1-10 – DeadLifttoCurltoPress w/KB & Exercise #2: 4-40 – KB Swings

The PAX needed a break from all of the swinging, so we decided to meet up with Dora.

Single Dora #1 – Partner #1 Exercise: Side Lunges w/ KB – 100 reps, MOT for partner #2 = Murder Bunny out, Rifle Carry back from the posts at COT to the first pole down the sidewalk.

After our experience with Dora left us wanting more, we decided to pay Richard Webb another visit since he showed us a swinging good time at the beginning of the workout!

Richard Webb #2: Exercise #1: 1-10 – Alt KB Snatches ( count right hand only ) & Exercise #2: 4-40 – BentOverRows

We had to cut our 2nd experience with RW short ( managed to make it to reps 8 – 32 ).due to time. If we had more time we would have paid Dora another visit for the following:

Single Dora #2 – Partner #1 Exercise: Figure8s – 100 reps, Partner #2 MOT = Bear Crawl out, Crawl Bear back from the posts at COT to the first pole down the sidewalk.

Alas, we were done, arms were smoked, and legs were saved for D2DB10k tomorrow! Thanks to Richard Webb and Dora for showing us a swinging good time!


ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D race, D2DB10k race, upcoming Bethel serve, Jaeger CSAUP, etc…


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DORAs at The Hive

DORA 1: partner run
– Man makers 50
– Goblet Squats 100
– Swings 150

DORA 2: farmers carry
– Burpees 50
– Squats 100
– Overhead clap 150

DORA 3: Bear crawl
– Bent row right 50
– Bent row left 50
– Curls 50

DORA 4: Farmers Carry
– Merkins 50
– Mountain climbers 75
– SSH 100

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Ring around the Rosie

WARMUP: Broke the rules by adding a mosey to a kettlebell workout.
THE THANG: 7 minutes of 15 thrusters EMOM
2 Rounds of :
single leg Romanian Dead lifts
Curls for the girls
Bent rows each arm | Option to just bend
goblet squats
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam to Damn Bar, Mint hill CSOP / Welcome Brawny
COT: Stay safe

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2024.51 The Hive

Arrange all bells by weight and divide into 3 weight classes (light, med, heavy). Divide PAX into three groups for 3 sets of 3 rounds of 3 exercises.
Sets with light, mid, heavy
Set 1: Shoulder ext x10ea, snatch x10, swings x20
Set 2: Shoulder press x10ea, manmakers x10, squats x20
Set3: Lawnmowers x10ea, thrusters x10, 1leg deadlift x10ea

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Alive at The Hive

Four of us felt alive at The Hive this morning. Conditions were as cool as Happy Hour’s outfit, Skipper’s truck, and well, Tesh (45 and clear). Here’s what we did:

Warm Up:
– 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
– 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
– 10 Hillbilly walkers (IC)

Grab your Bell
– 10 Goblet Squats
– 10 Curls, 10 Goblet Squats
– 10 Calf Raises, 10 Curls, 10 Goblet Squats
– 10 American Hammers, 10 Calf Raises, 10 Curls, 10 Goblet Squats
– 10 Skull Crushers, 10 American Hammers, 10 Calf Raises, 10 Curls, 10 Goblet Squats
– 10 Halos, 10 Skull Crushers, 10 American Hammers, 10 Calf Raises, 10 Curls, 10 Goblet Squats
– 10 Lunges, 10 Halos, 10 Skull Crushers, 10 American Hammers, 10 Calf Raises, 10 Curls, 10 Goblet Squats
– 10 Flutters w/ Press, 10 Lunges, 10 Halos, 10 Skull Crushers, 10 American Hammers, 10 Calf Raises, 10 Curls, 10 Goblet Squats
– 10 John Deere’s, 10 Flutters w/ Press, 10 Lunges, 10 Halos, 10 Skull Crushers, 10 American Hammers, 10 Calf Raises, 10 Curls, 10 Goblet Squats
– 10 KB Swings, 10 John Deere’s, 10 Flutters w/ Press, 10 Lunges, 10 Halos, 10 Skull Crushers, 10 American Hammers, 10 Calf Raises, 10 Curls, 10 Goblet Squats
1.0 mile total

This morning was what I needed. We may not have pushed as hard as we could, but we made time for conversation and laughs. We have what so many men don’t – friends, fellowship, and an outlet that allows for fun before we have to get corporate and serious. We might as well have been middle schoolers in gym glass today. Stories, laughs, a little work, but a lot of fun.

We talked about the joys and perils of the season. We’ve reached the part in the year between Christmas and New Year’s where we’re not sure what day it is. We’ve probably gained a pound or five and we’re starting to adjust to the extra volume of things and noise in our homes.

But, be aware with increased time with loved ones, patience can wear thin and tempers can flare. Step back, take a breath, and watch your tongue. We cannot underestimate the impact we have on our families as present dads.

I encourage you to keep this going through the new year. Fun is the secret ingredient to great fatherhood.


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Coming in Hot at 30 degrees ?

WARMUP: Happy Hour started the warm up because YHC was coming in Hot from North Fort Mill and got stopped by the border patrol at Captain Steve’s. Seems anyone coming for outside the bubble of Baxter or Eastside is questionable :man-shrugging: :face_with_one_eyebrow_raised:

Did some exercise moves and some shuffles, high knees, karaoke and then back to bells
Did following 3 times for 1minute each with run up hill and back between sets

KB Swings
American Hammers
Tri Extensions
Lunge Passthru
Bent Rows
5 burpees for CSPAN
CriOut run and party at Riverwalk 12/14 9am
Prayers for many medical and difficult health conditions for PAX and families

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Smokin Deck of Cards

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Morrocon NC and Strawberry Pickers
Phase 1: 100 Swings OYO
Phase 2: Deck the Cards – 3 Rounds using the exercise on the brown paper bag per the attached picture.
MARY: She didn’t show up
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Ladders, lunges and bear crawls, oh my

THE THANG: Push/Kb swing ladder 2, 4, 6,…to 20 of each. 10 man makers.

To the hill for a Dora with one lunging while farmer carrying both the other with body weight lunge. Switch as needed with 5 goblet squats each switch til the top. Back down the hill with one partner overhead carry while the other bear crawl switching as needed with 5 press each switch.

Mary for 5 minutes at bottom.

Circle up for a few rounds of kettlebell work
MARY: yes
COT: yes

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4 corners beatdown!

WARMUP: SSH, imperial walker, super fast windmills,
THE THANG: 4 corners with over head carry in between. 60/40/20. KBS/Rows(RH)/Rows(LH), gobblet squats
ANNOUNCEMENTS: dad2dam, Xmas party, etc
COT: prayers or praise from all

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