12 Bottles of Suck

Mosey to Gold Hill Middle flag
Warm up
Low Slow Squat
Mountain Climbers

12 Bottles of Suck
12 8-counts
12 Squat Jacks (Little Man in the Woods)
12 Diamond Merkins
12 Box Cutters
Run Gold Hill front parking loop

Stop at 6:05 to mosey back to flag for Mary…

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Mickey mouse was a Hillbilly

WARMUP: Mosey while pointing out the 3 pain stations and corresponding exercises to be done.

station 1- at earthfare parking lot do 15 Freddie’s

station 2- at Ben Casey cul-de-sac do 5 Mickey Mouse merkins (wide arm merkin – diamond merkin – wide arm merkin is one rep)

station 3- at Patricia cul-de-sac do 5 Hillbilly Squat Walkers

rinse and repeat

MARY: 20 American Hammers and 10 shoulder taps

ANNOUNCEMENTS: chupacabra continues Fridays at slowburn

COT: yup

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PRE-WORKOUT: Pullups with Trucker

WARMUP: Run back and forth two times in the Runde parking lot


After a brief introduction including some history of Alcatraz, Funhouse kicked off COP with 50 SSH, (although I believe 100 were planned in homage to Santini). From there it was imperial walker x 10, hillbilly walker x 10. Before we got to the meat of the workout, YHC called out a classic Alcatraz upper body workout called Green Sally (Decibel/2014). It’s a song by Moby called ‘Flower’ where you plank when he sings ‘Green Sally Up’ and drop to 6″ when he sings ‘Green Sally Down’. It’s pretty tough to complete the whole song and I don’t think anyone did today. But, you have to have monster shoulder strength. Because we had a large group today, we split them in half and started our Q’s:

Funhouse on Q:
The Wheel of Pain (Funhouse/2013)
Each PAX gets a cone with an excercise and reps.
40 yard diameter circle with a cone in the middle.
Do the excercise on the cone, run to the middle and out to the cone to the right.

Freddy Mercury – 25
Lunges – 30
Burpees – 15
Merkins – 15
Rosalita- 30
Squats – 25
LBC – 25
Burpees – 10
SSH – 30
Parker Peter – 25
Plank Punches – 30
Mountain Climbers – 30
Merkins – 15

Senator Tressel on Q
Mosey to the bottom of the hill on Tara Tea Drive for ‘Quadzilla’ (Zima/2018)
Group 1 does squats while Group 2 runs backwards up the hill and does 5 bombjacks at the hilltop. Run back down and flapjack. Rinse and repeat 2 more times.

Mosey to the playground for pullups, step ups, and ab exercises (Senator Tressel/2013) We did 2 rounds today

Mosey to the wall by the concessions stand and split into two groups.
Group 1 does Peoples chair and passes a kettle bell (White Lightning/2018), while Group 2, runs to the fence, hops over it, sprints up the hill, does 3 burpees at the top, and runs back to the wall. Flapjack. (Jekyll/2017) We did 2 rounds today.

Form a line for tunnel of love (stolen from Santini at WEP/2012)

MARY: Hello Dolly x 20, Seal walk (Cornhole/2013), Navy Seal Team Sit Ups (Santini/Trucker 2013)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

COT: Today we celebrated 10 years at Runde Park by paying homage to some of the classic beatdowns led by the great Q’s of Alcatraz. Funhouse and I drew an Alcatraz record 32 Pax and that made me very proud (of course, we advertised heavily, offered free coffee, beer, cake, and closed the other two Saturday AO’s so maybe that had something to do with it – LOL). Although, attendance at bootcamps on Saturdays isn’t what is used to be, I will post whenever I am able. Runde Park has been my home on Saturday mornings, and even after all these years, I still look forward to getting up early, meeting the Pax at 6:30, and doing that tough bootcamp workout. Many thanks to all that posted with us this morning and special thanks to our current and former site Q’s: Funhouse, Smuggler, Trucker, Skipper, and Uber for their leadership and help pulling this all together. I appreciate all you guys!

Prayers: ST’S mom with cancer, DD’s friends with a new pregnancy, Long Duck recovering from burns and back injury

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In Honor Of September, 11, 2001

WARMUP: All PAX but Shield dropped in the plank with their ears wide open to listen to our brother Shield share his experience as an NYPD officer on 9/11/2001. This included the names of a few of Shield’s fallen brothers. Some of us have been fortunate enough to hear him talk about that day but every time I hear it, I take away something new. This morning was no different.
Following the plank, we mentioned a few numbers of significance for the PAX to think about:
9 & 11: This was obvious
22: Years since that day 22yrs ago
100: The number of days Ground Zero in NY smoldered
ALL PAX 100 Side Straddle Hops (50 in cadence) & 22 Burpees

THE THANG: Grab your bell and meet over by Clickbait’s trailer where we had more gear. Everyone has a weight of some kind for the following 9 exercises:
11x Kettle Bell Swings
11x Thrusters
11x Goblet Squats
11x Bent Over Rows
11x Overhead Tricep Extensions
11x Big Boy Sit-ups w/ Weight
11x Bicep Curls
11x Standing Lunges
11x Overhead Press

We went through these 9 exercises one more time and occasionally modified the cadence.

In groups of 4, we all got to experience the 200lb sand bags for 4 reps, taking the bag from the hips, to the shoulders, to an overhead position, back to the shoulders and finally, back to the hips. If we weren’t on the 200lb sand bag, we did the same evolution with our own coupon.

Then, back to 22 Side Straddle Hops & 11 Burpees.

MARY: Throughout
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots in the newsletter & THE BLOOD DRIVE
COT: Indeed

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Sweep the Leg – Go There – Go There

Damn, it was great to see some faces I’ve not seen in the gloom in a few months!!
WARMUP: The Fort’s typical: SSH, Squats, Windmills (but only a few)
THE THANG: I will call out a stop at which point we’ll complete the following (at every stop):
5 Burpees
10 Peter Parkers (5 each side)
15 Diamond Merkins
Stop 1: Run to the Baxter Mushroom Pool
Stop 2: Arby’s
Stop 3: South State Bank
Stop 4: GHES Flag Pole
Stop 5: Run down to Colosseum then over to the basketball hoops
Stop 6: The top of the hill at Dam Rd
Stop 7: South State Bank
Stop 8: Arby’s
Stop 9: Run around the back of Earth Fare shopping center to the stop sign
Stop 10: Choice of going to pick up the 6, COT for Mary or more running to secure the 4mi target
MARY: See above
COT: 5th Core Principle

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Badlands returns…. and then exits

My first day back after vacationing for 2 weeks. hurt my back so may be out for a bit again.

WARMUP: run to coffee shop on Dave Gibson – Plank for 6, left arm high while discussing mission of F3, right arm high while discussing 5 core principles, then 10 merkins IC. continue down to parking lot at school.

THE THANG: 11s with diamonds on one end and imperial squat walkers on other end. every time you pass the sign in the middle, 3 burpees.

didn’t make it all the way through


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We spent most of our time on challenges that @Mainframe “could have accomplished 20 years ago.”
Notes: @Peta needs a side career doing voice overs
   @Joe Lyons (F3 Long Duck) is actually from GA, which makes the bulldog thing understandable
   @Slapshot and @fishstix stayed towards the 6 to make YHC feel like the workout was challenging
   @SouptoNuts brought a co-worker (Joe Blow) along to commiserate. He name dropped @Royale_F3
   @photobomb and @Badlands were psychic on the lack of running and got more in on their own. For an extra fee, they’ll do tarot card readings
   @Sprocket is considering building a company based around puzzles of Mark Rothko paintings
   @Shady & @Esso seemed enamored with how many picnic benches you can fit under an awning

Kept it light on running as recovering from giving blood apparently takes me a long while. Spent a lot of time on mobility and leg exercises. And hey, you can learn a lot on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuLyss7FkFc

The pistol squats after a ton of lunge walking pissed guys off. 🙂

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