92’ music tour

WARMUP: Mosey around the restaurants to take in the fresh air followed by 9’s & 2’s of everything.

THE THANG: Small Deck of Cards with #’s 2, 9 & Aces ♠️♣️♥️♦️ followed by a traditional DORA.

MARY: 2 minutes of Mary

ANNOUNCEMENTS: All the events coming up in the Fort-Adopt a HWY, Poker Tournament, Bourbon tasting. RYNL

COT: Prayers for our 4 legged friends health🐶 🐱 & PAX that have returned after IR.

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Managing in a Crisis

The rain showed up and so did 7 other HIMS for the workout. Honestly I was surprised because I was only there because I was the Q.

Left the parking lot and moseyed to covered are for warm-up of Stretching, SSH, IW, HW, Merkin, Windmill.

The main event was a series of 3 exercises done to designated count and repeated 3x. Series 5 groups of 3 exercise. After each group run to the end of covered walkway and back for next group.
10 Bomb Jacks
15 Merkins
20 Dips

10 Squats
15 Monkey Humpers
20 LBC

10 Diamond Merkins
15 CDD
20 Flutters

10 Big Boys
15 Heels to Heaven
20 Flutters

10 Wide arm merkins
15 Dips
30 sec Plank

Back to COT

Message on leadership was all around the class I took on Managing Through a Crisis. The class was designed around Captain Sully and the Miracle on the Hudson. Best class I have taken in my professional career. See attached link for the 6 key takeaways.


Prayers for parenting and raising teens, healing and the victims in the Israel War.

Thanks Cyclops for the opportunity to lead. This definitely got me out in the rain 🥴

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Leg Day is the Best Day

Warm Up
Imperial Walker

Track time

10 squats
200 meters
10 lunges
200 meters
X 4
Bulgarian split squats waiting for 6
10 single leg squats
200 meters
10 reverse lunges
200 meters
Calf raises waiting on 6

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What’s your 5k pace?

WARMUP: Mosey to the School
THE THANG: alternate loops. Short loop at 5k pace, long loop at normal pace. After each loop 10 Merkins, 15 Dips, 10 Step Ups, 20 LBCs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your Newsletter
COT: Prayers were spoken and unspoken.

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178 Year Anniversary of The Naval Academy

It was a cool crisp morning in the Fort but fear not, the mumble chatter kept us warm.

Quick warm up and we mosey 10 feet over to the field behind the AO.

Gave a quick history of the founding of the US Naval Academy by historian, educator, and secretary of The Navy George Bancroft. It was founded on 10/10/1845 in Annapolis Maryland to improve unsatisfactory methods of instructing midshipmen.

10 Burpees (October)/10 Flutter (10th Day)/18 Squats & 45 Monkey Humpers (year of pain). Mode of transportation was a Yog (Soft J).

We did:

– 80 Burpees
– 60 Flutters
– 72 Squats
– 90 Monkey Humpers

Moseyed across the street to the hill of pain for some 7’s with a bear crawl as the mode of transportation.

– 6 Kraken Burpees
– 1 V-Up

Back to COT for announcements, prayers, and praises.


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No dancing allowed

Mosey to Amor for SSH, windmill, squats and some broga
Continued to mosey toward the red caboose to find the F3 scarecrow that 3D and Harry Carey put together. Dojo quickly pointed out that he was holding 86lbs of kettle bells. Good work guys of incorporating 43ft into the scarecrow.

While there we knocked out 10 merkins, 20 squats and 30 LBCs.

Then we continued to mosey toward the print shop where we did the following
5 rounds
3 pull ups
10 squats
5 dips on the parallel bars
10 knees to chest

After wrapping up the WOD we walked a loop of the neighborhood and every 5 mins we would stop and do merkins until failure. We 4 stops, most of us knocked out 100 merkins and found our way back to COT

Wrapped up with a few mins of LBCs and flutters before knocking out our last round of merkins


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WARMUP: Welcome, disclaimer (lame today) and explanation of route.
THE THANG: Take the walking path toward town and take a left on Skipper and a right onto Tom Hall St. Follow Tom Hall and right onto Main St back to 160. Right on 160 and left onto Massey Street (up that hill) all the way to Harris. Right on Harris, right on Ardrey, left on 160 and back on the trail to COT. About 4 miles total
MARY: No Mary was done today
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Alcatraz 10 yr anniversary workout this Saturday at Runde Park. Dam to Dam 10K and fundraising events starting now. Support your local community
COT: Prayers for my mom with dementia and terminal cancer, and the men and women serving our country.

This was my first Q at Clydesdales and the 1st time I’ve Q’d a run in several years. It was great to be back on that familiar trail and to spend time time with my friends Twister and Change Order. The cool fall weather was the icing on the cake. What a great way to start the day!

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Dancing with the Stars

Mosey to WarmORama,

Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers

Mosey to the back of the school for..wait…
100 Step ups

Mosey to the back parking lot for,
Lunge Walk
Toy Soldiers
Butt Kickers
High Knees
Bear Crawl

Run to the side of the school close to the football field for some 7’s:

CDD & Squats
Shoulder Taps & Monkey Humpers

Run back to CoT for Marys. PAX choice.

Hello Dolly
Freddie Mercury
V position

Prayers and Praises

Welcome @MightyMite to Fort Mill.

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Poor planning? Doubtful

WARMUP: Pledge
THE THANG: Site Q, YHC, forgot that Harry Carrey had rejected the invite to Q due to travel. SO….. Mosey to church intersection. Intersection is pain station 10 hand release merkins, 15 squats, 20 SSH. Run the hills. Pain station. Run the flats. Pain station. Rinse and repeat.
COT: Healing, marriages, children

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4 mile Tour de Fort

4 mile Tour de Fort: Run to Coach’s Box AO via Harris Street, 20 merks, 40 mnt clmbs; run to Clydesdales AO via Munn Rd, 20m/40mc; run to The Fort AO via HWY160, 20m/40mc; COT.

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