Convergence For Our Brother Shower Curtain

Four Lines: Toy Soldiers, Butt Kickers, High Knees, mosey with Q to first of four rotations

Slapshot’s Pain Station:

Each Pax performs

50 Merkins
100 LBCS
50 HR Merkins
100 4-CT Flutters

Every minute a timer would go off and we’d run from one side of the “track” to the other. We would then do two burpees and resume the exercises.
Group 4 only had 3-4 minutes left so we did 10 Burpees OYO then Captain Thor until 5:55.

Badland’s Pain Station:

10 rounds Tabata – 45sec work 15sec rest –
SSHs, Freddy Mercuries, high knees taps, American Hammers, mtn climbers, laying Leg Raises, In and Out Plank Jacks, J-Los, star crunches, high knee goofballs

Punchlist’s Pain Station:

Light Pole Speed Drills –

5/10/15 Merkins
5/10/15 CDD’s
5/10/15 Bonnie Blairs

Bear-pees to finish

Shady’s Pain Station:

Sheet 1: 10 diamond Merkins, 20 Merkins, 30 Mountain Climbers, 40 Seal Jacks, 50 American Hammers, 50 Shoulder Presses, 40 Crab Cakes, 30 Flutters, 20 Big Boy Situps, 10 Flying Squirrels

Sheet 2: 10 Burpees, 20 Knee to Chest jumps, 30 Carolina Dry Docks, 40 Plank Jacks, 50 LBCs, 50 Squats, 40 Dips, 30 Calf Raises, 20 Wide Arm Merkins, 10 Dive Bombers

Each sheet ~50 yards apart. Do the top exercise on sheet 1, run to sheet 2 for first exercise, then run back to sheet 1 and do 2nd exercise…and so on. Furthest we got was 50 shoulder presses and 50 squats. And we had awesome music courtesy of Detroit.

Great job Qs


Today we came to support our brother, Shower Curtain. He is recovering from his injuries and will need our help and support for several months to come. More than a workout!

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Wake Up, ISI DORA!


10 Windmills IC

Farmers carry to center parking lot

PAX partnered up, ideally based on ability or kettle bell weight to help promote a ISI DORA. PAX would complete exercises while the their partners performed a movement across the parking lot. After each completed the exercises, they would share their rep count and the delta would determine the number of reps the winner/loser would perform of an easier/harder exercise.

Round 1: NUR
– [ ] Goblet Squat
– [ ] Skull crusher
– [ ] Lunges
Winner – Plank
Loser – American Hammers

Round 2: Sprints
– [ ] KB Swings
– [ ] Curls
– [ ] Halos
Winner – LBCs
Loser – Flutter with press

Round 3: Bear Crawl
– [ ] Snatch
– [ ] Merkins
– [ ] Upright Row
Winner – Al Gore
Loser – Man Makers
**this round was tough**

Round 4: Power Skips
– [ ] Bent over row
– [ ] OH Press
– [ ] Tricep Extension
Winner – Hello Dolly
Loser – Hello Dolly w/ press

10 Flutters IC
10 Windshield Wipers IC
10 American Hammers IC

The JOC is hosting Rock Hills version of AKA Wednesday, great way to support and get to know our regional neighbors to the south.

Convergence coming up at NaFo I n Labor Day.

As we start the week, be mindful of all we have to be thankful for. Everything else stays in COT.

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Looking behind curtain number 3

WARMUP: Brief mosey around the fake track by the gym followed by COP with various classics

THE THANG: The Main Event started with a brief stop at the only real grass at The Yard for some Knee Tar N’Diayes and Mahktar N’Diayes. Then we moseyed to the gym wall for three rounds of the following:

Donkey Kicks x10
Monkey Humpers x20
Merkins x30
Squats x40
Flutters x50

After each round we recovered with either Lunge Walks, Bear Crawls or Backward Lunge Walks

Mosey back to main parking lot for tunes by UHaul plus some more exercises

MARY: Bitcoin took the baton and led the pax through some Mary, capped by a plankorama triggered by UHaul.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many good things going on in The Fort. Read your newsletter and join in along the way.

COT: Welcome to FNG Stinger! he posted after hearing the Order of Man podcast with DOAH. Thankfully he chose to post despite what he heard. He will be back and will fit right in like he’s been here forever.

Bitcoin took the Shovel Flag today! Great to have this Accelerating pax step into a leadership role. Put The Yard on your Sat itinerary — he’ll keep this AO soaring!

The pax pushed through the Main Event with perseverance. Some mumblechatter from Crab Cakes and UHaul plus some Form Police from Peabody kept spirits light enough. Apparently Fogertys guidance that The Yard is a 45 min boot camp (and not a Moderate boot camp) hasnt made its way to all the pax. It’s clear everyone can handle it from today’s work, including our FNG Stinger who wasn’t far behind our King, Runy Slippers. Also near the front was Old Bay, who is clearly accelerating following his return to the Gloom.

Thanks to Fogerty for resurrecting The Yard. We have a trio of good options on Sat now — nice work!

Always an honor to lead the pax. SYITG!

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IronPax Pep- The Wheel of Misfortune

WARMUP: Instructions and pick up Cindy
THE THANG: The Wheel of Misfortune
In a throwback IronPax workout from 2020, we did the Wheel of Misfortune. 43 minutes of AMRAP.
Start with a 400 meter run
Pick up your block, do 10 Thrusters
Rifle carry the block 25 yds. to the 1st of 6 stations. They included: Decline Merkins, Blockees/Man Makers, Squats with the block on your back, Kettle Bell Swings, Chest Press and Cross Arm Block Raises.
In between each station, Rifle carry back to the light pole and do 10 Thrusters.
Each round consisted of 210 reps.
Most completed 2 rounds. Some more, some less.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sign-up for IronPax, Ft. Mill Care Center still needs items. Get ready for Tour de Fort for the 10 year.
COT: Prayers for kids/teachers/parents as school starts back. Prayers for @Slapshot as he visits PA and his 102 yr old grandmother.

We ended with a discussion of community and building your brothers. IronPax is a great way to make new brothers by doing something hard together. Get signed up at Workouts start will be Tuesdays and Fridays at NaFo. 5am start times as some of the beatdowns are timed to completion, though designed to be done in 45 minutes.

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Pick that up and let’s go

WARMUP: SSH, merkins, cherry pickers, on the ground for hamstring and back stretching
THE THANG: We brought some extra weight where each Pax of course had their ruck, and then 2 Pax for .25 miles would also carry the 40 pound sand bag and either a 30 or 35 lb kettle bell.

At the 1/4 mile mark, we rotated the extra weight to 2 new Pax and kept rotating every 1/4 mile.

At our first 1/4 mile we did 5 merkins with our ruck. Next 1/4 we did 5 merkins + 10 squat thrusters with ruck; next 1/4 was same as above plus 15 ruck swings; next quarter same stuff + 20 ruck chest press; another quarter plus everything + 25 shrugs.

Added up quickly but old school pearls on a string plus the extra weight was a nice way to end the work week.
MARY: no time today
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots going on in the fort! Dam 2 dam signups begin Sept 1
COT: keep praying for DiVinchi’s step dad

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Happy Independence Day India

Peter Parkers

Farmer’s carry to big parking lot

In celebration of India’s Independence 75 years ago today, we started things off with 75 kettlebell swings

Split into 2 groups:
Lighter bells – 30lb and under
heavier bells – over 30 lbs

1 minute each exercise
Heavy bells:
Chest Presses
Lawnmower pulls

Light bells:
Tricep Extensions
Shoulder presses
Clave Raises
High Pulls

Farmer’s carry around the parking lot. Drop your bell, and switch groups.

2 full rounds of this, then between rounds 2 and 3, we added 1 minute of LBCs and 5 man makers to each lineup.

Bonsai called for Merkins, then we held the bottom until time was up

Prayers for the first day of school today in the Fort. Prayers for teachers, parents, students.
Praise for DaVinci’s step father

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Meeting of the Minds

Mosey to the Kingsley traffic circle. Circle up – SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills.
Bear crawl around the traffic circle, then mosey to the end of the street. Next, run up to the top of the hill to the amphitheater, stop at each light pole, alternating exercises Merkins and Squats x10. Band Camp was checking form at each light post. Glad he did not have a whistle.
We finished with a plank painstation (Merkins, Peter Parkers, Wide-Arm Merkins, Parker Peters, and Diamond Merkins
Back to COT.

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Heavy metal, heavy things


Line up the bells heaviest to lightest

Mosey to grab cinderblocks


Originally, the intention was to have a group working with 2 kettlebells and another group working with cinderblocks. Since there were 12 kettlebells and 6 PAX, we were all able to work together.

PAX were encouraged to grab 2 heavy bells and rucks or sandbags to get some serious strength training in.


Team Iron:
Bigger muscle groups – with 2 bells
3 sets each. 10 reps
Chest Presses
Swings (one bell)

Team Concrete:
Smaller muscle groups – with a cinder block
3 sets each. 20 reps
Tricep extensions
Shoulder presses
Clave raises
High pulls

We returned the cinderblocks and made it back to COT right at 0600



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pick it up, put it down, drag it all around

Warmup – SSH, Windmills, plank, merkins

Rucks on – grab sandbags/loose weights and take with for lap around campus- squats/merkins

Move to field – for spoke/wheel style workout using half field (50 yards between corners):

Corner 1 – swings
Corner 2 – OH press
Corner 3 – curls
Corner 4 – bent over rows

Center- man makers (always 5 reps)

Round 1 – suit case carry (5 reps each corner)
Round 2 – Bear Crawl ruck drag (10 reps each corner)
Round 3 – suitcase carry (15 reps each corner)

Another lap around campus with weights- merkins/squats

Announcements: lots of ruck opportunities coming this fall. 10 yr anniversary details to come

CoT: prayers/praises

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