Runnin’ In The Rain & We Feel No Pain!

WARMUP: Abe Vigoda, Cherry Pickers, Downward Dog, Honeymooner, Imperial Squat Walkers, Left over Right, Pideon Stretch,
THE THANG: Derkins, Dips & Step Ups Rinse & Repeat 3X, Mosey to main parking lot, 11s-Bomb Jacks & Plank Jacks.
MARY: Freddy Mercury, Heel Touches, LBCs,
ANNOUNCEMENTS: WEP Convergence, Hwy 21 Adopt a Hwy Pickup.
COT: Prayers and praises for family members & health .

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The Yard: Why are we doing what we sre doing?

WARMUP: COP or Circle of Pain for old school readers
Some stretching and exercises to warm the body up for 10-15mins

Mosey to benches for
15 Dips and 10 Derkins 3 rounds OYO

Then plank on curb as each PAX bear crawl then replank 2 rounds

Mosey to Bball courts
PAX performs exercise while 1 pax runs around bball nets. Rinse and repeat through all PAX
2 rounds

Sprint to finish and hit COT
Each PAX shared their “Why”
I’d say the common theme was accountability and it was for themselves but also for the brothers next to them

Keep giving it away men!!

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Dick Webb, AB Board of Pain, and Lifting Heavy Things

Pulled into WEP and parked at the little lot at the top of the hill. Had to unload some heavy things before heading down the hill to plant the flag at the COT area.

WARMUP: Stayed in the COT area for warmups.
SSHx25IC, WMsx7IC, IWsx10IC, CPsx10IC, HBWsx10IC, MNCx10IC. Completed the warmup by moseying from COT to the playground at WEP.

Thang #1: Asked the PAX to find a spot where they can perform pullups ( or modify ) and merkins. DICK WEBB – 1st exercise 1-10 – Pullups, 2nd exercise 4-40 – Merkins. Totals = 55 Pullups & 220 Merkins, arms were smoked.

Thang #2: There is small parking lot at the top of the hill. This was our lifting area. Weinkie in this area is written below:
Sandbag = 5 ManMakers
Cindy = 5 Thrusters
2 – 35lb Dumbells = 5 Squat/Curl/OHPress
SlamBall = 5 OH Slams
20lb Rope & 50lb Sandbag pull = pull for 20 yards around the cones set-up in the area.

At the bottom of the hill heading down to the COT parking lot there was an AB BOP – See below:
100 – LBCs
90 – Flutters
80 – Penguin Touches
70 – Freddy Mercurys
60 – Reverse Crunches
50 – Mountain Climbers
40 – Big Boy Situps
30 – Straight Lower Leg Lifts
20 – American Hammers
10 – V-Sits

The routine was simple. Starting at the bottom of the hill complete the 1st exercise on the AB BOP. NUR to the top of the hill and enter into the lifting area. Grab a heavy thing and perform the described exercise ( asked the PAX to rotate which heavy things they lifted each turn ). Run back down to the bottom of the hill and perform the next exercise on the AB BOP. Rinse and repeat until complete.



COT: STKnow!

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Tabata Run

WARMUP: SSH, HW, IW, Quick Stretch
THE THANG: Ran to 2.22 miles, stopped every ~0.5 miles, and did a series of exercises. 4 different exercises , each for 45 secs ARAP with a 10s break between each exercise. We did 4 rounds around the Kingslet property.
MARY: no time
COT: Closed in prayer

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11 years and still counting…..

WARMUP: YHC on Q. Circle up.
SSHx22, the following were in counts of 11.
Windmill, Squats, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Imperial walkers, Moroccan Nigh Clubs, Plank Jacks, Peter Parker, HillBilly Walker, Low Slow Squats. ends with SSHx22
THE THANG: 10 minutes of Merkins, then Wheel O Pain.
hand off to Senator. Longest Indian Run in The Fort. Stop and try to do some pull ups. Many others actually did them. Keep going to bottom of hill. 10 Bomb Jacks and then to COT.
MARY: Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Golf, Fundraiser, Care Center, Bethel Men’s shelter
COT: Prayers for healing, saying goodbye to loved ones, safety of our children and community.

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Smoked the “Moderate”

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Imperial Walkers, Strawberry Pickers, and Broga
Phase 1: Cheese Shredder
Phase 2: 7s= Plank Jacks & Big Boy Sit Ups
Phase 3: Four Corners = 10 reps each exercise
Corner 1: Seal Jacks, Bomb Jacks, and Squats
Corner 2: Shoulder Taps, Mountain Climbers, and Lunges
Corner 3: Merkins, Peter Parkers, and Dips
Corner 4: LBCS, Flutters, and Hello Dollies
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Get up stand up… Stand up for your rights

WARMUP: SSH x 24 IC, MNC x 24 IC, Windmills x 8 IC, Imp-Squat-Walkers x8 IC, Hillbilly Walkers x 24 IC

Plank Series (8 count holds once in position): Straight, Right, Left, Straight, So.Gentleman, No. Agressor
Finish w/ “John Hancocks”

THE THANG: Mosey to stairway & on up
24 dips on bench, 12 Irkins, 12 Dirkins
Down stairs, mosey to Picnic Tables, repeat 24/12/12

Over to Pavement track – Parnter Dora (1 moseys a lap/other exercises)
50 Plank-Jack Merkins
100 Am. Hammers
150 Get-up/Stand-ups
200 LBC’s
250 Gas Pumpers (where we cut it for Mary)
MARY: Hello Dolly x 24 IC, Heel Taps x 24 IC, Hello Rosalita x 24 IC, Freddy Mercury, Some other Bitcoin punishment I forgot
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Iron Pax, other stuff in newsletter
COT: Prayers for the recently departed (JCruise friend Tom) and being mindful/present when with family despite distractions

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Drive By Complaints

Mosey with dynamic warmup 5 min

SB OH Strict Press
SB Good Morning/Dead Lifts
SB Back squat
SB Clean

At end of timer, grab SB and move to field for second set of work.

Moving Sandbag Iterations w/Static Moves Between
Bear Crawl SB Drag across field
One Shoulder Squat x 10 each side
Clean and Toss across field
SB OH Hold for the six
SB Lunges in front rack position across field
SB over the shoulder (OTS)
Bear Crawl w/SB on back

Boogie Nights is apparently the only person who can successfully bear crawl while balancing a sandbag on his back.

Walk back to COT w/SB on one shoulder, flapjack halfway
SB Sit Up
Flutter with SB Hold/Press
Seated SB Twists
Have a nice day 30 seconds


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Spicy Prep Work for the Tortoise&Hare

WARMUP: Salutations and Disclaimer was shared. Mosey on to the back lock for some warm up movements:
10 Reps Each all done in Cadence
Morrocan Night Clubs
Over Head Claps
Wind Mills
Cherry Pickers (aka produce pickers)
Hillbilly Walkers
Imperial Walkers
Mosey to the track
Track Work for Tabata
5 Pain Stations with 2 Exercises Each
45 Sec of Work followed by 15 Seconds of rest.
2 Sets Per Station then Move on to the next Station
After 4 sets 1 minute of plank work/Rest

Station 1 = Squats & Lunges
Station 2 = Shoulder Taps & Big Boys
Station 3 = Merican Hammers & Freddie Mercury
Station 4 = Plank & Milk the Cow
Station 5 = SSH & Moroccan Night Clubs

Mosey to Adjacent Lot for a series of wrap moves:
15 Reps each OJO x2 Sets
Box Cutters
Calf Raises
Dry Docks
Flutter Kicks
Mosey to COT
With 1.5 minutes of work we performed 10 Heal Taps & 10 Leg Lifts
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fort Mill Care Center Lawn, Survey, Tortoise & Hare, 9/21 Sundae Ruck, Read your newsletter
COT: Always Stays in COT !!!:male_superhero:

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