Cha-Ching’s Legacy

So,, because they guy would lay ridiculous beatdowns. And there’s just no need to reinvent the wheel. It’s already round and works really well (that’s also my Naked Man Moleskin). Plus that’s part of why we write the backblasts!
WARMUP: Yes, did that. Cha Ching didn’t, and I needed more warm-up. If you can’t do it, don’t Q it! FTC showed up late; so, he missed it.

Cha Ching warmup:
min 1 – 20 burpees (this was hard, counted them in cadence)
min 2 – 30 jumping lunges
min 3 – 40 penguins
min 4 – 50 carolina dry docks
min 5 – 60 side straddle hops

then we mosey a bit
did some peruvian mountain climbers and bulgarian split squats on a bench
mosey some more
bear crawl a bit

That’s when we hit the Jack Webb:
1 Mack Tar Jai
4 Jump Squats
got to 7/28, then moseyed to pull up bars

Hung on the bars for a while
Did some knee ups
Did some super slow pull ups

Got close to COT and finished the Jack Webb set

Then we had 6 minutes left, so we did the Cha Ching EMOM “warm up” sequence again. It was rough

MARY: Last Call called flutters in cadence for the first time.


COT: Was held

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Bermuda rectangle

THE THANG: route – Massey st to Harris to ardrey to 160 – one mile on the dot.
Pain stations – parking lot on top of Massey hill, Nazarene church parking lot, entrance to WEP
10 jump squats and 20 merkins at each pain station

3 lap goal
COT: had some marathoners visit. It was cool to see those guys up close

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Star fish

WARMUP: run around downtown with a few stops along the way with a variety of exercises until we got to the initial point of the starfish
THE THANG: center point with 5 burpees every time that we go back to that point. Point 1 with BBSU and CDD. Point 2 with merkins and LBCs, point 3 with squats and Rosalitas, point 4 with jump squats and shoulder taps. Go back to COT for a total of 3 to 3.5 miles

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Running amongst the AOs

THE THANG: ran through Baxter to front st, out to 160, through the earthfare lot to the turnaround at Gold Hill Middle – 4.5 mile round trip

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Happy Birthday Fogerty

Moseyed toward back lot. Stopped for warm-up
– IW
– Hillbilly Walker
– SSH – 53 for Fogerty BD
– Merkin

Moseyed to Cindy stack. 3 rounds 5 exercises Repa start with 10 and increase 5 each round.
– OH lift
– Tricep ext
– Curls
– Squat
– Merkin

After 3 rounds moseyed to FB field. Sprints
Sprint to 30 jog back. Repeat to 50, far 30, goal line. 10 merkins after each sprint

Cross bridge head to wall. 20 Dips, 20 Bulgarian split squat 10 EL. 2 rounds.

Mosey back for 5 mins of Mary

Announcements and COT.

Thanks Bass for opportunity to lead.

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Band Practice at The Ring of Fire

SSH x30

Merkin x10

Windmills x10

Run to the pull-up bars – 10 strict pullups with no step and not kipping. When you get to failure your partner can grab your feet and help you

Grab a coupon and head to the band practice field
From the goal line:
Curls and Tricep Extensions
Run with your coupon to the 10 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back the goal line

Run back to the 10 yard line, grab your coupon and run to the 20 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back to the goal line

Run back to the 20, grab your coupon and run to the 30, complete 10 of each exercise.

Continue this series until you reach the other goal line.

Run it back in the same manner with different exercises:
Bent over rows

OH Press

Partner up:
Catch me if you can the long way around the school back to the pull-up bars to return the blocks. One partner runs with both blocks, the other partner does 2 burpees and runs then down.

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Anyway but the stinky dumpsters

We did dynamic warm up
Some moseys some wall work and then back to main parking lot
9 lanes
10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs at top of each lane run to next one

Plank on curb
PAX bear crawl to. End of line …2times with 5 burpees at the end

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Low and slow

Low slow squats
Low slow merkins

Bear crawl up the hill

Mozy to Print Shop
Reminder that Pints and Padres is tonight
5 rounds of Cindy
Slow it down
Dead hang for the 6

Mozy to hill behind print shop
Lunges L+R=1

1 more rounds of Cindy at print shop

Hill Sprint finisher by COT


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Band Practice at The Ring of Fire

SSH x30

Merkin x10

Windmills x10

Run to the pull-up bars – 10 strict pullups with no step and not kipping. When you get to failure your partner can grab your feet and help you

Grab a coupon and head to the band practice field
From the goal line:
Curls and Tricep Extensions
Run with your coupon to the 10 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back the goal line

Run back to the 10 yard line, grab your coupon and run to the 20 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back to the goal line

Run back to the 20, grab your coupon and run to the 30, complete 10 of each exercise.

Continue this series until you reach the other goal line.

Run it back in the same manner with different exercises:
Bent over rows

OH Press

Partner up:
Catch me if you can the long way around the school back to the pull-up bars to return the blocks. One partner runs with both blocks, the other partner does 2 burpees and runs then down.

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Anyway but the stinky dumpsters

We did dynamic warm up
Some moseys some wall work and then back to main parking lot
9 lanes
10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs at top of each lane run to next one

Plank on curb
PAX bear crawl to. End of line …2times with 5 burpees at the end

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