Sweet Home Alabama

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: run the Alabama loop
ANNOUNCEMENTS: jaeger, some bbq thing
COT: prayers praises etc.

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Seneca’s 4 lessons

WARMUP: Bank parking lot – windmills, imperial and hillbilly walkers, 5 burpees, low slow squats with Moroccan night clubs while holding the squat, side straddle hops

THE THANG: 4 stations – 4 lessons
Station 1 – Partner Dora – 50 hello dollys and 100 4-count flutters

Lesson 1 – Associate only with those who improve you.

Station 2 – 7’s on the hill of WEP parking lot – H/R merkins at the bottom, squats at the top

Lesson 2 – Value your time more than your possessions.

Station 3 – The wall parking lot – 4 corners nurring or side shuffling between stations.
10 merkins, 20 LBCs, 10 diamonds, 20 box cutters – repeated the loop twice, b it bclock expired on the second loop.

Lesson 3 – we suffer more in imagination than reality

Station 4 – Parking Lot on the top of the hill across from COT. Fitting that a train whistle blew when we started this one.

7 minutes of burpees with breaks in between
13 – minute 1
12 – minute 2
11 – minute 3
10 – minute 4
9 – minute 5
8 – minute 6
7 – minute 7

Lesson 4 – The greatest remedy for anger is delay.

Mosey down the hill to COT.

MARY: no time – too busy finishing burpees


COT: Core principle #5 was executed

Thanks for the call out, Kermit.


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What a BIG Kettlebell!

WARMUP: SSH, Arm Circles, Low Slow squats, Merkins, NightClubs
THE THANG: Kettlebell switch- 12 guys picked a parking spot : 3 exercises in each spot : Move to next spot when completed and complete flutters while last pax Completed Toy soldiers on his way to the vacated spot at the end of the line. 10 reps each exercised : Round 1 – swings, squat jumps and Mike Tyson:
Round 2 : Curls, BombJax, and Dips.
We used the parking block for dips and Mike Tyson.
Head back for COT @ 5:57am.

MARY: none – out of time.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Mens shelter, Newsletter, CSAUP, and Service opportunities.
COT: Prayers

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Locking Shields with the King

7 was the number of HIMs that showed for a conversation about the 👑 this morning at Baxter’s finest caffeinated drink emporium.

Takeaway: how much further can we go if we treat posting in the AM as an opportunity to lock shields? Am I willing to make myself accountable in the PM today to someone else that I will meet in the AM tomorrow? Ask one of these guys when you see them.

@Dojo @NASA @Barry Manilow @Pusher @Cyclops @Sprocket

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Sneaky miles

WARMUP: mosey to a church lot for 16 counts of various exercises including windmills, imperial and hillbilly walkers, merkins (s/c), Broga poses, should taps and mountain climbers

THE THANG: mosey to another lot for 16’s counting down or up by 2’s – flying squirrels at one end and squats at another

Mosey to another lot for 7’s – diamond merkins, run, lunges and nur.

Mosey back up the hill to the lot of exfoliation: 16’s but going up or down by 1 each time: merkins mosey two lights, LBC’s with exfoliation and mosey back – rinse and repeat. We got to 7 & 9 and 0600 was upon us and almost 2 miles under our belts.

MARY: no time for it
COT: happened too

The blessing of fellowship at every workout is a sustaining thing for all of us. I was grateful for that this morning in a small but meaningful group of HIM.

Dojo – thanks for the call out. You were missed. Bonsai & Short Sale – thanks for joining YHC. It was a pleasure to be in your company this morning in the gloom and go 1-0 on the day.


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Valentine’s Day + D2D taper = upper body not so friendly

WARMUP: a lap around the lot and a circle up for COP – no squats, just the typical – windmills, merkins, planking, Broga poses, shoulder taps, imperial walkers, cherry pickers and then a mosey to the main event
THE THANG: In Valentine’s theme, 9 exercises were structured in a 10-20-30-10-20-30-10-20-30 format for one set followed by a long or short lap.
American Hammers
Shoulder Taps
Inchworm merkins

3 sets total by most and all got better then planked for the 6 and mosey back to COT

MARY: 90 seconds of protractor at various angles. Shaking of midsections were common.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: we’re executed

Always an honor to have a holiday Q – the valentine message was to date your M’s continually – not just on 2/14 every year. Always be in pursuit of the best possible relationship to anchor your concentrica.

Thanks Triple Lindy!!

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How to quiet a group of talkers by Anchorman


Mosey up to pharmacy, plank for 6.

4 or 5 exercises in and the mumble chatter was becoming a bit distracting.

5 burpees oyo to calm the conversations beast only seemed to inflame it.

So we headed to the adjacent parking lot to do 10 decline merkins in one curb, bear crawl across parking lot to the opposite curl to do 9 incline merkins then crawl bear back to other side to do 8 declines etc etc

Exuberance replaced by grumbling.


Run to top of Massey Street hill to parking lot to pair up for BOMBS…

Run to other end of parking lot while partner was knocking through a portion of 200 each…

Bomb Jacks
Overhead claps
Big boy sit-ups

Run down the hill to COT


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The Wheel of Wow

It was a dank morning in The Fort as 18 men decided to make the hard choice and accelerate their Friday!

We warmed up the engines quickly and then moseyed over to the Wheel of Wow for a high dose of pain.

Wheel of Wow:
Eight cones with a different KB exercise at each cone. The timer was a 40 count of reps on the battle ropes. We rotated around the wheel, and at every third cone we ran a lap.

Back to COT for prayers and praises.


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Hill repeat Monday

At 0515, YHC told the PAX there is no warm up we were ready to roll and headed out toward Gold Hill Middle. It was supposed to be a mosey, but was more running.

At the first parking lot we counted off and gave a very bastardized disclaimer- basically modify as necessary and you should read the disclaimer on the website.
From there I explained what the workout was,;
25 merkins at the school, then head up the hill to the bank, do 25 Freddy Mercurys (4 count- like in cadence), then back to school and rinse/repeat until 0600.

Most got in 4-5 rounds and all got in at least 3.5 miles.

COT: lots of announcements and prayers – I was oxygen deprived so I don’t recall them at this point 🤦🏼‍♂️

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