Running Street Jackson

Tried to make a pun on an Outkast song lyric “I’m sorry Ms. Jackson” by saying “We’re running street Jackson.” But much like running Jackson Street, it wasn’t funny. (Although I laughed)

Ran for a mile
Core work for the 6
5 burpees
10 hand release merkins
16 split squats (8 each leg)

Rinse and Repeat

Keep after it. Awesome to see guys that don’t typically run 3+ miles in the gloom crush it today.

TClap |

Black Diamond is uncovered at The Stockade

Warm-up began with short mosey to church parking lot. Some pax were lucky enough to carry a sandbag. Teams of three were formed, luckily we had just enough to form six teams. Seven rounds of exercises, team members rotated to each exercise. The first exercise (motion) acted as the clock. Once complete, rotate to next exercise.

Round Motion Exercise 1 Exercise 2
1 Run to church Squat with SB SSHs
2 Sandbag carry H/R Merkin LBCs
3 Inch Worm merkins Flutter/press Calf Raise
4 Sandbag toss Shoulder Taps Jump Squats
5 Burpee Broad Jump Diamond Merkin S. Press
6 Lunge walk w/bag Carolina Dry Dock Hello Dollies
7 Bear Crawl Man Maker American H

Most got through round 6, need to adjust cone distance or save the workout for 1hr.
Great job everyone!

TClap |

Running for ourselves and Exercises for Heros

– SSH x15
– Windmill x10
– Merkins x10
– Peter Parkers x10
– Parker Peters x10
– Site Q Hosted 2 Mile Fitness Test. This was delivered complete with a computer and television powered by a generator to display the time.
– Lake Effect set the new record with 11 minutes and change. It is possible he could have been faster if all the PAX were not in his way as he lapped them.
– After wrapping up the 2 mile run it was time for the Hero WOD.

Honored Fallen K-9 Police Office Kevin Tonn of a Galt Police Department in California. EOW 1/15/2013

– 200m Run (was supposed to be 100 for January)
– 20 Overhead Press (was supposed to be 15 for the day of the month)
– 13 Merkins
– 35 LBCs
– 11 Thrusters
– 9 Burpees

WOD calls for 10 rounds, but we only got about 5 dues to the 2 mile run at the beginning.

– Flutters x15
– American Hammers x15
– Some other exercises called out by the PAX

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Laps around WEP

WARMUP: Pledge…run around WEP to parking lot. Windmills, Moroccan Night Clubs, Slow Low Squats, Merkins, Knees to chest, Seal Jacks.
THE THANG: Run lab around WEP. Merkin ladder: start at one side of parking lot with 1 Merkien….Bear crawl accross….2 Merkins…..Bear Crawl back….3 Merkins….etc. until 10 Merkins. Run a Lap. Lt. Dan’s around parking lot (4 lunges w/1 squat). Ab work (flutters, LBCs, Hello Dolly) 10 diamond Merkins. Run back around WEP to COT.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Dad’s camp, F3 men’s camp
COT: Praises for 2.0s

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Next Man Up

WARMUP: @harrycarry lead us through a standard array of warm ups
THE THANG: ascending rep count 5-> 10 -> 15 -> 20 -> 25 -> 30 of calf raises, squats, Freddy mercuries, merkens, CDDs with some running in between each exercise
MARY: extensive session that included many lbcs and the dreaded J-LOs
COT: did this

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The Badger DGAF…

WARMUP: Limited

Bradley WOD:
– 10 pullups
– Run 100M
– 10 burpees
– Run back 100M
This is one round. Do 10 rounds.

Coffland WOD:
– Cumulative 6-minute dead hang
– Each time you drop, you run 800M and do 30 merkins
Continue until you hit 6 minutes of cumulative hang.
We only got to about 3 minutes of cumulative hanging for the strong until we ran out of time.

MARY: No chicks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

COT: The 5th Core Principle

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Gods Promise

WARMUP: Mosey to bottom of hill for exercise
SSH, Cherry Pickers, Hillbilly Walkers
THE THANG: Mosey to lighted entrance to school. 35 merkins, 35 big boys, 35 squats.
Mosey back to bottom of hill. 35 Carolina Dry Docks, 35 Bobby Hurleys, 35 merkins. Mosey back up hill and individually grab Cindy’s. 11’s man makers at top of hill, LBC’s at bottom.
MARY: Abb work out led by El Presidente.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter, Him Camp
COT: Family health, travel

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Team LiverEaters

WARMUP: Stretchy things, lap around the lot
4 parts for each member of the SL, all done in teams of 4 (or 5 if needed)

Gears: Two partners run up the hill to Pull Up bars, 10 2 pullup Burpees between the two PAX while the other two are doing 10 Big Boys each and squatting till swap. Two rounds.

Maximus: 50 yard out and back for 2 partners, when they return 10 burpees. Waiting pair is doing American Hammers. Swap. Next a set of perfect merkins to failure for each group. Losing SL does 5 burpees each.

Dark Helmet. Mosey to the rock lot on AO Jones. Partners bear crawl between light posts. If you stop, you do burpees till all the pax are done.

Spider Man: Partner Carry loop around the lot. Finish with one partner flutter while second partner runs to top of lot turnaround and back. Flapjack.

MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many (read your news letter)
COT: Prayers for M’s, parents, jobs, travel, and kids.

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Pickett’s Charge

Twelve pax posted on this 3rd of July. Warm and humid with a thunderstorm having cleared out about 30 mins beforehand.

Mosey run (toy soldiers, high knees, and butt kickers)
Circle up and do: SSH (15x I/C), windmills (8x I/C), imperial walkers (15x I/C), Moroccan n/c (15x I/C), low slow squats (10x I/C), big arm circles (15x I/C), peter parkers (10x I/C), plank stretches (downward dogs, honeymooners).

Thang 1: Cindy-Runs
Each pax got a cinder block and did the routine noted below.
Run 400m
KB Swings
Run 400m
Goblet squats
Run 400m
Run 400m
Run 400m
Run 400m
Chest press
Run 400m
Early pax restarted the block exercises, but ran a shorter loop until the six came in.

Thang 2: Wall stuff
Ran to the brick wall of the school. Pax plank. Read a few paragraphs about Pickett’s Charge that happened 7/3/63 at Gettysburg.
Pax wall sit. From both ends of the line, pax bear crawls out about 30 feet, 3 burpees, and crawl bears back.
Then we did some wall-tar-jais…followed by some balls-to-the-wall for a ten count.

Thang 3: bar work
Ran over to the pull up bars and seven each of: pull ups, chin ups, switch grip, toes4bar, negative pullups.

Ran to COT area and did Sally routine with leg lifts (Moby’s Flower, legs up on “bring Sally up” and 6 inches on “bring Sally down”.
A little monkey humpers, an 10 seconds of body destroyers.


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