VQ – The Ranch

WARMUP: Mosey to turf area behind elementary school for SSH, windmills, moroccan nightclubs, imperial and hillbilly walkers and then mosey back to soccer field.
THE THANG: 7 of diamonds – 4 stations, 4 laps, same exercise at each station for each lap… 7 merkins at each station then 14 flutter kicks then 21 lunges then 28 squats. Mosey to parking lot, hold plank while each person bear crawls out to curb and back. Mosey to picnic tables for inclined merkins, dips, and step ups. Lunges back to parking lot and then mosey to picnic tables for rinse and repeat on inclined merkins, dips, and step ups. Mosey back to parking lot for ab exercises.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read newsletter, upcoming men’s shelter and blood drive.
COT: Shared prayers and praises and ended with a prayer.

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Clydesdales Sutton Rd Loop

THE THANG: 4.5 mi loop…North on 160, left on Sutton, left into the Sutton Place neighborhood at the New Grey Rock Rd light, right turns at each cross street (3 total) got us to Sam Smith Rd, left on Sam Smith, left on Harris, left on Munn, right on 160 and back to COT.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sign up for FM Care Center yard work.
COT: Prayers for healing and safe travels.

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Flag Day 2024

Plank for Flag Day History

50 SSH
13 Moroccan Night Club
13 Windmill

Mosey to fountain in apartment complex.

Bear Crawl around the fountain.

Up and Down the “Bowl”
Run up the hill to Fire Station
Run down the hill
Stop at fountain for Bomb Jack
Nur up the hill to Light Pole
Run down the hill
Stop at fountain for Bomb Jack

Fire Station Excercises (50):
Mountain Climbers
Calf Raises

Light Pole Excercises (13):
Alternating Lunges
Leg lifts
X’s and O’s

13 Shoulder Taps waiting on 6

Mosey back to COT

Jack Webb
1 BBS:4 American Hammer

Read Your Newsletter

Show To Know

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The Most Difficult Mile – maybe

12 men showed up at The Ranch. I made sure I emphasized “modify if necessary” when stating the disclaimer. We began with a mosey warm-up with stops at each light pole for exercises. We made our way to the front of Springfield Elementary for the workout instructions. Simple workout, 4 laps around the car loop.
1st lap – burpees broad jumps
2nd lap- lunges
3rd lap- bear crawl
4th lap- run

most finished the first two laps. We modified the bear crawl due to time.
Great job by all!

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making men simple

Humid morning

WARMUP: ruck to stoplight and do in cadence warmup things
Ruck toward walmart with 5 minute timer repeating…
5 manmakers, 10 ruck curls, 15 squats

Got over 2 miles and about 11 rounds

MARY: core work in cadence


COT: yup

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Dave Gibson hates you hills

WARMUP: 4:45 Pre Run
Dave Gibson Hills

25 Merkins (Dave Gibson and Ben Casey)
25 Squats (Enterance to Gold hill school complex)
25 LBCs (Gold hill teachers parking lot)
Go back up Dave Gibson Hill – Repeat


Bethel Men’s Shelter
CSAUP Trifecta

Kids graduating and moving forward

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Ruck & Block Grind: The Ultimate Shoulder Challenge!

Showed up with only Falcon Crest there, and the PAX started to trickle in.

A few exercises to get started.

The Thing:
Grab a cinder block and speed ruck to cones in the car lane.

Round 1:
– 10 Cinder Block Squat, Curl to Overhead Press
– Ruck to large cone on the right:
– 5 Man Makers
– 10 Ruck Push-ups
– 15 Overhead Ruck Hold Squats
– Speed Ruck around the parking lot

Round 2: Rinse and repeat
– This time, further ruck around more of the parking lot.

Round 3: Rinse and repeat
– This time, ruck the immediate parking lot and then around the field.

Round 4: Rinse and repeat
– Bring the block with you.

After Exercise:
– Carry block to the bottom of the hill going to Walmart.

Light Post Challenges:

1. 1st Light Post:
– Farmer carry your ruck and a cinder block.
– Perform 10 cinder block curls.
– Hold cinder block straight out in front of you for a 10 count.

1. 2nd Light Post:
– Farmer carry your ruck and a cinder block.
– Perform 10 cinder block squats to curls.
– Hold cinder block straight out in front of you for a 10 count.

1. 3rd Light Post:
– Farmer carry your ruck and a cinder block.
– Perform 10 cinder block squats to curls to overhead press.
– Hold cinder block straight out in front of you for a 10 count.

Once completed, farmer carry your ruck and cinder block to the entrance of the school. Then, put the ruck back on and get the cinder block back any way you can.

It was a shoulder smoke show!

Announcements, Prayers, and Praises:

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Ice Cream Cones

WARMUP/THANGmosey around perimeter of Harris Teeter to show PAX pain stations. Got some warmups in along way. Pain stations as follows. 15of SSH, Derkins, Merkins, Big Boys, Squats, Hammers, Lunges. 3 loops approximately.

Mosey to Old Farm Hill for 11’s. Burpees and Big Boys

MARY: Nope
COT: everyone shared what there thankful for

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Drop the Pull-ups take the Cannoli

WARMUP: Full 15 Min COP
THE THANG: 5 rounds of
17 dips
19 CCDs or9/Pullups
71 yardish maybe feet bear crawl

Jog neighborhood and 6 rounds of
5 burpees
15 squats

15min Broga
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter
COT: prayers for fishstix as he needs them :pray: :fire: :point_up_2:

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