Sweatin’ To The Oldies @ #Slowburn

26 HIM came out for a warmer-and-drier-than-the-day-before “moderate” beatdown.  Welcome and disclaimer given and then I turned it over to Clark Kent for a little VQ Warm Up that went a little something like this:

10x Goofball
10x Windmill
10x Cherry Picker
10x Low Slow Squat
10x Side Straddle Hop

10x Merkin

Polaroid took back over and we moseyed to the back of Lowe’s for 2 rounds of:

30x Dips
Bear Crawl to the line
Lunge back to the rail
30x Calf Raises
Mosey to the side of Lowe’s for 1 round of Deck of Pain
Hearts = SSH
Diamonds = Bomb Jacks
Spades = Merkins
Clubs = Carolina Dry Docks
Jokers = 10 Burpees – – – – Dangerfield pulled the Joker!Mosey to the front of Lowe’s for a quick ab workout:

10x Flutter
10x LBC

Mosey back to the Warm Up circle for some Sweatin’ To The Oldies with
“I Get Around” by The Beach Boys.

Start in a squat and every time “I get around” is said you go up and down.  It’s 2m8s of squattin’ and hopefully the guys were feeling the Slow Burn.

Most of the PAX gave AYG to the Chick Fil-A hill and a mosey back to COT.  Great job!
-Turkey Day Convergence 11/24 0600 @ The Ranch
-Christmas Party 12/1 1830 @ Regal Manor Clubhouse
-Paradise Turkey Giveaway Bring a FROZEN turkey to an AO on Saturday, November 18th. Why? To bless the Paradise Community with turkeys for Thanksgiving. This turkey giveaway will reduce the financial burden for underprivileged families in this neighborhood as they prepare for the holiday. We will also eat lunch with the community during this event to further build relationships with our brothers and sisters in Paradise. Read the pre-blast for details regarding this fruitful event. Contact Deacon with questions.

Pinup prayed us out.

It’s always an honor Q’ing.  Thanks, again, Barry Manilow.  Peace.

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Speak Victory


What an amazing morning in the gloom on this Fall day. Spitz posted early for a pre-run. We had a couple of young Pax present to push us. Twister was wide open and fueled with enough caffeine the town of Fort Mill. #LoveIt


The Thang


Leg Warm-Up: Toy Soldiers, Shuffle Left, Shuffle Right, Back Pedals, Karaoke Left, Karaoke Right, Power Skips


COP: SSH (10x), IW (10x), HBW (20x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (20x), Peter Parkers (10x), Parker Peters (10x), Pepper Grinders (10x), LBCs (15x)




3 on 3 basketball games for intense cardio.



Many people wake up groggy and dreading the day. Starting your day with a negative mind set is a self-defeating choice. You lose the battle before it starts.


Start and end your day on a positive note. What you think and say become reality. Speak victory into the atmosphere to win the battle before it starts. When you are troubled, call on God and His angels to help ensure your victory.


Deuteronomy 20:4 NIV – “For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.”




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Ballroom Fun

The Thang (Workout)

Disclaimer was communicated!

Warm Up: 25 SSH, lunge stretching & 10 Low Slow Squats


10 Merkins Upon Request (this should be a new exercise – MUR!) & 25 SSH

Mosey to back Wall – Wall Sits and Balls to the Wall – two counts of 10 each.

Moleskin:  Having God in Control is key.  At the same time WE must be a participant.  We cannot sit on our six and expect action.  We must heed God, His word, His instruction, His will and be a part of the game!!

Mosey to front parking lot.  With a partner, execute partner push across parking lot, 15 Big Boy Sit Ups and 10 Partner Merkins, Rinse and Repeat!!

Dora – with partner and cumulative, 100 squats, 200 LBC and 300 SSH

Mosey back to COT with :10 of Mary starting with Dynasty and moving clockwise

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19 High Impact Men posted for a moderate workout in the misty gloom today. Smuggler made a strong come back, kotter style. Stang lead the second stretch-o-rama which made the Pax grunt like they were in a birthing center. Asphalt came to  COT and blessed us with his powerful testimony.

The Thang:

Strech-o-rama for warm-up

COP: SSH (10x), IW (10x), HBW (20x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (20x), Jumping Lunges (10x), Swimmers (10x) Freddie Mercuries (15x),

Toy Soldiers, Shuffle Left, Shuffle Right, Back Pedals, Karaoke Left, Karaoke Right, Power Skips

Dips (15x), Extreme CCDs (10x) and LBCs (20x)

Decline Merkins (15x), Extreme CCDs (10x), and Flutters(20x)

Incline Merkins (15x), Extreme CCDs (10x), Heels to Heaven (20x)

Wall Merkins, People’s Chair (3x)

Partner Drills: One partner runs to the light post and back while the other does the following until the team does a total of 100 Merkins, 200 Monkey Humpers, 300 Flutters.

Strech-o-rama for cool down


God is in control. Type A people, like myself, struggle to understand that reality. Reality became very clear when the Colombia Mission Team and I were stranded in Miami right before Irma hit.

I brainstormed solutions to “control” the situation like:

– Get another flight to escape the hurricane (reality check: the airport was closing).

– Take a train (reality check: the train station was closed).

– Find a hotel for shelter (reality check: all local hotels were closed).

We prayed and then escaped the storm by driving in what the media claimed would be 15 mile/hour traffic.

God was in control and His plan was far greater than ours. Instead of 12 men going to Colombia, he sent 17 of us to Florida to help hurricane survivors. Instead of serving 1 organization in Columbia, we served 5 organizations in Florida. Instead of engaging a few donors to raise money for the mission trip, He engaged over 1K people in our church/community to collect supplies for the hurricane survivors in Florida. Instead bringing a few supplies to Colombia (less than the 50 lbs limit), He had us bring over 10K lbs of supplies to  people who needed it in Florida.

I’m glad that God is in control. His plans are far greater than what we can imagine.



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Smithers VQ at Footloose – Stairway to Heaven

Smithers VQ

The weather was wonderful this fine fall October Morning…it felt just about as thick as ever and I was sweating even before I got out of bed!  Perfect day for my VQ!

As we were standing around talking before everything got kicked off I was amazed by the show of support of all the PAX rolling in one after another, 29 in all.  If only they had known what was coming ;-).

Started off with my first ever disclaimer…then a mosey to the back parking lot at First Baptist for the warmup:

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Low Slow Squats
  • Windmills
  • Walking Calf Raises (aka how Cakeboss walked to school) to the wall
  • Wall sits for each PAX 10 count

Mosey across the street, down the steps, and across the next street to the parking lot next to Fort Mill Church of God…and wait, what was that in the humid glow of the streetlight?  Was that a board of pain?  Oh yes…

The Thang:

Partner up.  One partner starts the exercise while the other runs across the street and runs the snake on the set of steps…then back to take over the exercises for the partner.

  • 50 Bombjacks
  • 150 LBC’s
  • 200 Monkey Humpers
  • 150 Squats
  • 50 Merkins
  • 200 Calf Raises
  • 200 Side Straddle Hops

CONTROL is the word of the month.  We are all men….it’s in our DNA to want to be in control.  What do we need to find control?  In a car you need good tires…in a house you need a solid foundation.  You need a STRONG BASE…so…we worked on ours today.  Our legs (and a little bit of our core) were the focus…to give us a strong base to improve our control!

That said, we have all experienced things that didn’t go according to plan, and in many cases you could not regain that control no matter how hard you tried.  It is not easy to let go…it is not easy to adapt quickly…at least not all the time.  So, even when we ARE feeling in control we know that it is the Sky Q who has allowed that and trusted our leadership, Aye!  You see, the Sky Q uses us daily…sometimes to help others who are down, and pick them up…sometimes we are there to help those looking to help a brother up and we are the ones who are down.  Then there are the days where things just move right along without much resistance.  Those are the days where we should be letting the Sky Q know how much we appreciate His trust in us, and asking for continued strength to make Him proud!

Mosey back to COT for a quick round of Mary (just one set of flutter kicks) to close out our time.

My biggest fear was getting done WAY too early or not coming anywhere CLOSE to finishing the workout.  Sky Q steered me right in all the decisions, and I think for my first Q to finish with less than 2 minutes to spare…well, I’ll take that any day!

So, in closing…

My legs hurt, how about yours?

Smithers Out

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Tour De Lowe’s

26 Men showed up on a glorious Friday morning for a Slow Burn.

Began with a Mosey to the Empire Pizza parking lot for some warm ups.  Line up. High Knee across parking lot, mosey back.  Butt kickers across, mosey back.  Karaoke across, Karaoke back.  Toy Soldiers across, mosey back.

Circle up. SSH x20, Windmill x15, Moroccan Night Club x20, Low Slow Squat x15, Merkins x10.

Short mosey to being the “Tour De Lowe’s”.   Found guardrail behind Lowe’s for stop #1: Dips on guardrail, Calf Raises, Freddy Mercurys, Rinse & Repeat

Continue the Tour De Lowe’s with a mosey to The Wall for stop #2:  Peoples Chair (5x 10 counts), 25 LBCs, Peoples Chair (5x 10 counts), 25 LBCs, Balls to the Wall (3x 10 count, felt much longer thanks to some non-standardized counting), 25 LBCs

Time Out for Zimmern’s first attempt at preaching.  Talked about Control and what things in life we have control over (thoughts, words, actions, reactions, etc) and what things we don’t have control over (spouse, kids, others, job, etc).  Things outside of our control often have a huge impact on our lives.  How do we learn how to control our response towards things outside of our control?  Drop Thrill quotes Proverbs 3:5-6: “ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”  We need to turn control over to The Lord and trust in Him.  Ask Him for help controlling things that are within our control and help in guiding us with things outside of our control.

Complete the Tour De Lowe’s with a mosey to the front parking lot.  Pax pair up. One Pax starts squats.  Other Pax runs across parking lot.  switch.  Continue to 150 cumulative squats.  Repeat, but with Carolina Dry Docks.

Mosey over for a lightning rounds of 4 corners around Empire Pizza.  Pax counted off by 4’s.  #1 40x Merkins. Mosey to #2. 30x Flutter Kicks.  Bear Crawl to #3. 20x Bomb Jacks. Mosey to #4. 10 Burpees.

Return to COT. Name-o-Rama.  Welcome FNG Bowtie. Announcements. Prayers & Praises. Big Ball of Men.


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Footloose or don’t Footloose… you pick

Footloose brings the numbers for sure… No sense in getting philosophical at the front…

The Thang:
Warm up:
– Lot lap with dynamic stretching
– Windmills x 10
– IW x 10
– Arm Circles x 20 (10 forward, 10 backward)
– Squats x 10
– SSH x 15

Mosey to back of Baptist Church

]The cones will tell you what to do from here. Each cone has two choices of an exercise to perform. At each cone, make a choice. Neither exercise is “harder” or “easier” per se, but you may look and think, I hate that one, or I’m ok with that one, or I love that one… The point is, you choose. You are faced with choices every day, and different things are needed at different times, and you have to navigate that. There is NO JUDGMENT for what you do or do not choose, only if you do not push yourself a little past what your natural man desires. Pick one or the other, or if you are feeling plucky… do both.

Cone 1:

  • 20 Jump Squats OR 20 regular squats

Cone 2:

  • 20 diamond merkins OR 20 regular merkins

Cone 3:

  • 20 Burpees OR 20 Bombjacks

Cone 4:

  • 40 flutters OR 40 LBCs

Cone 5:

  • 20 dips OR 20 overhead claps

Cone 6:

  • Bear crawl to next cone OR lunge to next cone

Cone 7:

  • 30 shoulder taps or 30 second plank


Ended with a little cadence merkins, squats, and Jack Webb (to 5, it’s moderate after all)…

All things considered, it was a good time.

Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it is getting. If you don’t like your results, change your system.

Helmet, out.

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Bullwinkle’s Wallsitting and Lunge fest

23 Pax joined at the Ball Room in Fort Mill for sweat filled gloom and fun on 10/03

The thang

Warm-up Mosey – with Butt Kickers, High Knees, Power Skips, Slow Walking Lunges and Toy Soldiers to get the legs good and ready for the what was to come

Warm-up Circle, exercises in cadence

  • Merkins (10, four count)
  • Arm Circles (lots)
  • Moroccan Night Clubs (20, four count)
  • Low Slow Squat (15, slow four count)
  • Imperial Walker (15, four count)
  • Windmill (10, slow four count)

Mosey to the hill for Jacob’s ladder: 6+1

  • Merkins on bottom
  • Bear crawl up hill
  • Squat jumps on top
  • Mosey down hill

Two Ten Count recovery

Mosey behind the school to the wall

Part 1 of Bullwinkle’s Sitting and Lunging around, as follows

  • 30 second wall sit followed by 20 lunges forward, turn around, 20 lunges back
  • 30 second wall sit followed by 19 lunges forward, turn around, 19 lunges back
  • 30 second wall sit followed by 18 lunges forward, turn around, 18 lunges back
  • 30 second wall sit followed by 17 lunges forward, turn around, 17 lunges back
  • 30 second wall sit followed by 16 lunges forward, turn around, 16 lunges back

Ten count recovery

Mosey to bridge to work calves

  • 30 seconds of calf raises follow by 15 seconds of rest.  Rinse & repeat X 6

Mosey back to wall

Part Il of Bullwinkle’s Sitting and Lunging around, as follows

  • 30 second wall sit followed by 15 lunges forward, turn around, 15 lunges back
  • 30 second wall sit followed by 14 lunges forward, turn around, 14 lunges back
  • 30 second wall sit followed by 13 lunges forward, turn around, 13 lunges back
  • 30 second wall sit followed by 12 lunges forward, turn around, 12 lunges back
  • 30 second wall sit followed by 11 lunges forward, turn around, 11 lunges back

Ten count recovery

OYO Max Merkins

+5 Merkins

Mosey back to front of school for COT

Bullwinkle out.

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Why you wanna give me a run-around?

24 PAX gave me a run-around Thursday morning at Footloose.  Tuesday, I made it very clear to both PAX that were listening that Thursday, we would be running … a lot.

I rolled in with 3 minutes to spare, thanks too  … who cares, the Weinke was laminated, and I was loaded for bear.

1 FNG to welcome, a little mumbling, a disclaimer and we were off …

The thang:

Mosey around the main lot, then out to the road, down the hill and a tricky left before the big hill to the big church lot.

Line up for dynamic warm up
Squat walkers
Knee ups
Toy soldier
Windmill walkers
Bear crawl
Patrick Swayze (karaoke L&R, powerskip, backwards run arms out)
Inch Worm
Jonah Hill (3 broad jumps, 3 merkins x 7)

Mosey to the lot across the street, circle-up (ish)
IC: CDDx10, Travoltax10, Squatx10, 2 burpees OYO
Mosey up the stairs to the First Baptist back lot, spot #1
IC: LBCsx10, MNCx10, Monkey Humpersx10, 2 burpees OYO
Mosey around lot a bit to spot #2
IC: Flutterx10, Bombjackx10, Dying Cockroachx10, 2 burpees OYO
Mosey around the lot a bit to spot #3 near grass
IC: Hello Dollyx10 (shout out to Hef), Scorpion DD, KneeTar Jaix10, 2 burpees OYO
Mosey out the front to the church lot across form the fire station
IC: Rosalitax10, Merkinx10, Hillbilly Walkerx10, 2 burpees OYO
Mosey to small lot across from Hardees
IC: Freddiex10, Mahktar Jaix10, Calf Raisex10, 2 burpees OYO
Mosey … Down on Mainstreet … Down on Mainstreeeeeet to the courthouse lot around the corner
IC: Shoulder Tapsx10, Overhead Clapsx60, Imp Walkerx10, 2 burpees OYO
Mosey all the way back to where we started in the large church lot, lots of love and mumble chatter here since we went by what everyone thought was COT, but I saw 6 minutes left …
IC: Russian Twistsx10, Plank Jacksx10, SSHx10, no burpees this time

Back to COT

The skinny on this one was that we kept moving, nothing harsh, I didn’t have to carry Dark Helmet up 40 flights of stairs with a cinder block on each wrist (or whatever he makes you do), 10 counts were walking 10 counts, on your 6, on your feet, in a plank, on your feet. No rest, 45 minutes of exercise.

Welcome FNG Popper, EH’ed by a friend in F3 Columbia

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Tubthumping at Slowburn

I was very happy to see 28 PAX report to Slowburn for my VQ! As promised via Twitter the day before, I did my 28 Merkins during a count-o-rama. No FNG’s. Gave the disclosure and we formed 2 lines for an Indian Run to the warmup at Empire.


Cherry Pickers x10
Slow Windmills x10
Low Slow Squat x10
SSH x10
Goofballs x10 – Dang, y’all looked goofy!

We counted off by 5’s and the 5 teams did an Indian Run to the far side of Lowes for…

The Thang – 5 Stations

  1. Core
    1. Forearm Plank 10 count IC
    2. Captain Morgans 5 each side IC
  2. Legs
    1. Monkey Humpers x10 IC
    2. Tree Huggers 10 count IC
  3. Pecks
    1. Werkins x10 IC
    2. Derkins x10 IC
  4. Arms – Dumbbells Provided
    1. Left Arm Curls x15 IC
    2. Right Arm Curls x15 IC
  5. Abs
    1. Flutter Kicks x10 IC
    2. Sweat Angels x5 IC

Rinse & Repeat

Teams then moseyed, again Indian Style, to Baxter’s Playhouse for some “Tubthumping”. I had the loudspeaker set up to play Chumbawumba’s Tubthumping.
Lady singing = MNC
Guy singing = SSH
“I get knocked down…” = BURPEES! Did you do all 28 burpees?

OYO mosey back to Empire for some stretching and then a mosey back to Chick-fil-A for COT.

Announcements: 9/11 @ Tomahawk Birdcage is requesting PAX to show up for a special Remembrance Workout, Invergence/Convergence last Friday/Saturday in September, Donate underwear for victims of Hurricane Harvey, SpeedforNeed!

Prayers for our Brothers going to Columbia, M’s and 2.0’s, Weather, and all the unspoken requests.

I had a blast.  It’s an honor working out with you guys!  Big Thanks to Barry Manilow for allowing me this VQ opportunity. 

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