Farewell to Fred Astaire or Goodbye Ballroom

17 gathered to bid farewell to the Ballroom with visits to classic site areas and two games of frogger.  (Written on iPad at 23,000 feet)


The thang


warm up – no clear recall on what that was

Mosey to Founders parking lot. With partner do two sets of squats and crunches whilst partner runs around building

Mosey to Publix while engaging frogger   50 calf raises and 15 merkins

Mosey to coupon pile with stop for bear crawls and merkins on the very moist grass

With partner and coupon complete curls, presses, one armed rows, and triceps extensions while partner runs up and down hill

Mosey back to warehouse wall while playing frogger across Gold Hill road

With partner wall sits while partner scales two,retaining walls – 2x

Return to COT via retaining walls with finish of 25 SSH


Freedom means being able to,choose but also requires the acceptance of consequences




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Is there any doubt?

20 Pax posted ’round the Shovel Flag to SlowBurn on a pleasant morning with a spectacular full moon.  Yes, Twister was howling.  The rest of the Pax were ruminating over whether YHC would actually deliver a Moderate workout.  The Disclaimer was offered, including an invitation to modify (upward is fine, too, though no Burpee Challenge pax in the crowd on this particular morning, so no real demand to go that direction).  And then we were off…

The Thang

Mosey to Empire Pizza parking lot

COP — SSHs, Mtn climbers, IWs, Sumo squats, Parker Peters, Moroccan Nightclubs

Mosey to side of former Baxter Playhouse site

People’s Chair for 3 ten-counts
10 Merkins OYO
(Rinse & repeat for 3 cycles total)

AYG sprint to Lowes storage box

Line up at shopping cart return

Crab walk to contractor entrance and bear crawl back

Karaoke to contractor entrance and back

Side shuffle to contractor entrance and back

Circle up for some Mary (request for all pax who have not Q’d to ID themselves and lead an exercise) — Flutter kick, Hello dolly, Box cutters, Freddie Mercury, Rosalita

AYG sprint to Garden Center entrance

COP — Jumping lunge, Peter Parkers, CDDs, Donkey kicks, Wide arm merkins

AYG sprint to contractor entrance

COP — Diamond merkins, Donkey kicks, SSHs

AYG sprint to Storage box

Mosey to Baxter Playhouse entrance

Slow mosey home


Naked man moleskin

The theme for the month of June is #Faith, as in “Oh, yee pax of little faith!”  Yes, there were lots of doubts at the start regarding the intensity of the Weinke.  I have to defer to Site Q, Barry Manilow, for his report.  Low number of reps and many ten counts.  Plus, breaks for some commentary from YHC on Faith and Doubt.  You decide.  The pax were pushed and they pushed themselves — well done, men!

Speaking of Faith, the pax offered contributions throughout on the theme.  Change Order offered how having faith in himself wasn’t quite working out.  When we came to the Trump/Pence office, YHC spoke of likely doubts and probed about Faith.  Vernon responded — God’s in charge he said.  Finally, Twister offered a strong testimony of faith and doubt regarding his brothers in the GRC.  His doubts were met by the faith of his brothers, and he made it to the finish.

Along the way, we identified some new sprinters among the pax, including Destiny, Deep Dish and Change Order.  Strong push, boys!

We also uncovered the identities of several future Qs for Barry Manilow — Optimist, MASH, Vernon, Couples & McGillis.

Thanks to Barry Manilow for the invite.  It is always an honor to lead honorable men.



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