No Shower Curtain, No Problem


SSH x 25


Mosey around lot mixing in Low Slow Squat, Merkin and Flutter

Mosey to benches near hill and complete 2 rounds of step ups, dips, derkins.

Grab a coupon from nearby rock storage facility.
Move towards hill.

10 curls at top, shuffle to bottom, 10 burpees at bottom, shuffle to top, 10 OH Press at top. Shuffle back to bottom, Lunge Indian Walk back up the hill.

Carry coupons back to storage.

Wall Squat count to 10 waterfall
Balls to wall count to 10 waterfall
Mosey to Pullup Bars

Farmers Only lead
2 rounds of:

Max pull ups
Duck walk to corner 1 – Diamond Merkins
Lunge Walk to corner 2 – Big Boy Situps

Mosey back to hill. Run down and Cubbie led exercise at bottom. Run to top and Escargot led exercise at top.

Mosey back to COT

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jaeger 7/27, Stuff the Bus
COT: Went around and shared Prayers/Praises

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Around the Lake Stroll with Pain Stations

The Q arrived 5 minutes late and took lead.
WARMUP: laps around the lot waiting for a
Mosey around the Kingsley lake with pain stations
5 Stops in all with the following exercises
Rucks used for workouts

Steps ups
Moroccan Night Clubs
Over head carry
Shoulder Shrugs
Calf Raises

MARY: Never found!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSAUPS & Read the Newsletter

COT: We shared and leaned on each other.

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Tour de Stockade

9 gathered for a tour of de stockcade.

mosey to Grassy Knoll behind the dog boarder (good choice? Not sure.)

10 IW, 10 MC, 11 Peter Parker’s and 12 Parker Peter’s.  Plank series between each.
mosey to round about and crab walk around it.
Mosey to fountain and bear crawl around it.

Mosey to fire station and lunge length of parking spaces and back.
mosey  to Sonic  for Dora: 50 Burpees, 100 merkins, 200 lunge/squats and 300 LBC/hello dolly.

Mosey to preschool and 10 burpees.  Shortcut through bushes to Grace Presbyterian:  15 Freddy Merciries.

mosey back to shovel flag: 20 dips, 20 calf raises and end with Mary.

thanks for the lead!

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WARMUP: SSH, windmills, cherry pickers, moroccan nightclub, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers, mosey
THE THANG: Wall sits with bear crawls a few times throughout, triangle stations (3 stations) doing pushups (10, 20, 30), squats (10, 20, 30) and flutter kicks (10, 20, 30). Mosey to “oil fields” to do a version of a dora – step ups, dips, inclined merkins. Finished with some stretching. Lots of moseying and sweating.
COT: Prayers and praises

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Killer B’s plus

WARMUP: IC exercises and stretches
THE THANG: Killer B’s on the football field —
End zone:
5 burpees –> Bear Crawl 10 yards to 10 yard line
10 Yard Line:
5 Burpees / 10 Bomb jacks —> Broad jump 10 yards to 20 yard line
20 Yard Line:
5 Burpees / 10 bomb jacks / 15 Bonnie Blair’s —> Bear crawl 10 yards to 30 yard mark
30 Yard Line:
5 Burpees / 10 bomb jacks / 15 Bonnie Blair’s / 20 Big Boy Sit Ups —> Bear crawl 30 yards back to Endzone
All run a lap, repeat
Run 2 laps then we all ran to the end of the bleachers and followed up and down the stairs to the other end.
MARY: stretching for the last couple mins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: sweaty Barry Thursday, Jaegar upcoming, tortoise and the hare upcoming, stuff the bus upcoming- sign ups open
COT: prayers for the Shook family, prayers for the FMHS 10th grader’s family, prayers for marriages, prayers for kids back to school soon

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Blame JWOW

Honestly I was expecting low attendance so I was pleasantly surprised when I start seeing several cars rolling into WEP. JWOW sent me note mid week asking if I’d be willing to bring the junkyards on Saturday so I had to oblige him. After a quick disclaimer the PAX performed some basic warm-ups. Then we moseyed down the path to the bottom of the big grass hill. Split into 3 groups. G1 ran to end of path back toward parking lot and did 10 bomb-jacks. Return to start. G2 nurred up the grass hill, did 10 squats, then returned to start. G3 ran to end of path in other direction, did 10 bomb-jacks, then return to start. Rotate so each group did each section once. Yog down to Harris St park for the fun. I was trying to find decent grass so I thought the outfield would be safe. Partner up. P1 does 8 Junkyard dogs while P2 is alternating between high and low plank. Then partner push to other side, P2 does the JYDs then partner push back. JYDs are P1 does burpee, then dives under P2 whose holding high plank, then when P1 stands up P2 goes into low plank and P1 jump over. Simple but stupid. The plan was for 3 sets of 8 but after much chatter we went 8 ,6, then 4. I thought this spot was decent but apparently Slow Jams found the one massive fire ant hill and got about 100 bites.
Yog over to base of Harris St. Next movement was run up Harris St stopping at every other power pole for 10 merkins, 10 squats, and 10 froggers (deconstructed burpees). The plan was to do some more group work at church on top of hill but we were a little tight on time so started back to park. 5 bomb-backs, 5 seal-jacks, and 5 plank jacks at every other power pole. Few mins left for 2 all you got sprints up small hills in park. It was a super humid day so I wasn’t the only PAX looking like a sweaty mess at the end. Apparently the JYDs got a zero star review afterwards and I got a nice text from Spiderman calling me an asshole for spiking his heart rate by running up Harris St. So it was a great morning. Thanks for everyone that posted and thanks to JWOW for giving me the nod.

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Pain Train: Mike Tyson / Burpee Hill Edition

Warm Up:

– Imperial Walkers
– Moroccan Night Clubs
– Overhead Claps
– Raise the Roof

The Thing:

1. First Round:
– Mosey to the front of the school
– 5 Burpees
– 15 Carolina Dry Docks (CDD)
– 30 Straight Leg Feet-Together Squats

– Mosey to the bottom of the hill
– 20 Mike Tysons

– Mosey back to the start, circling around

1. Second Round:
– Rinse and repeat the first round

1. Third Round:
– 5 Burpees
– 15 CDD
– 30 Straight Leg Feet-Together Squats

– Mosey to the bottom of the hill
– 20 Mike Tysons
– 5 Kraken Burpees

– NUR to the top of the hill, then mosey back to the start, circling around

1. Fourth Round:
– 5 Burpees
– 15 CDD
– 30 Straight Leg Feet-Together Squats

– Mosey to the bottom of the hill
– 20 Mike Tysons
– 5 Kraken Burpees

– Basketball side shuffle to the top of the hill
– Walk to the light post, then Lt. Dan to the next light post

– Burpee broad jump from one light post to the light post lighting up the practice field

– Slosey back to COT


– On your 6, in cadence:
– 10 Big Boy Sit-ups
– 10 Worst Worst LBCs


– The Sweaty Barry
– Jaeger
– Tortoise and the Hare
– Sign-ups for the Dam to Dam are about 60 days away

Prayers & Praises:

– Mental health
– Physical health and illness
– New opportunities
– Travel
– Soon-to-be new member of a family and the M carrying that child

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Dora and Corners

Short but not quick mosey, SSH, Merkins, Mtn Climbers, and Windmills.
Mosey to the wall and have a seat. Chairs not provided. Take turns 10 yd bear crawl, 2 burpees or 5 mtn climbers, bear crawl back. Of course Fishstix had to step up with a reverse bear crawl back. I think he learned that from the Alcatraz bear, because his form was on point.
Wrapped and moseyed to the next station for Dora with 100 Dips, 200 Squats , 300 LBCs. The partner mosey was short so the reps stayed short too.
Wrapped and moseyed back to the starting point for a 10 minute 4 Corners exercise.
Mountain Climbers – Mosey
American Hammers – Toy Soldiers
Squats – Mosey
Lunges – Butt Kickers

MARY: Wrapped with 5 minutes of Abs.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Prepare for The Fort’s CSAUP trifecta. Bethel Men’s Shelter meal on 7/4. Fort Mill Care Center lawn on Saturdays. Lots going on. Read the newsletter and use your gifts to support your community.

COT: prayers for safe travels, children at camp and parents missing them, health concerns and recovery from surgery, wisdom and patience as parents for 2.0’s make their own choices. All concerns unsaid. Slapshot wrapped with our prayer.

Thank you. It is always an honor to lead and learn from this community.
– Smuggler

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3 leg tour

WARMUP: Ditch Witch led!

THE THANG: YHC had a plan pulled from previous Alcatraz backblasts, but it was a pretty morning. So, here’s a list of what we DID NOT do:
– 30 pull ups
– 45 burpees
– 90 squats
– 120 dips
– and laps (thanks Decibel)
and/or a ladder courtesy of Backdraft
– 10 burpees
– 20 jumping lunges
– 30 Carolina Dry Docks
– 40 jump squats
– 50 merkins
Instead we covered 3.5ish miles and stopped occasionally to regroup. We went to the end of Anchorage, Windward, and Point Clear. At the stops, we did some exercises in cadence, some yoga, or just considered the myriad of ways this workout siphoned and what a jerk YHC is.
MARY: led by the PAX in a circle
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 3 CSAUPS this summer – in the
COT: a stirring word from Aquaman on the importance of all 3 Fs. Keep posting.

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14 hours and 32 minutes of daylight

WARMUP: Mozy followed by windmills, flutters, Moroccan nightclubs, shoulder taps
THE THANG: Mozy to back of the school for brief discussion that it is the Summer solstice. In Charlotte there are 14 hours and 32 minutes of daylight today and that we should do something for/with our 2.0s or Ms.
At the “horseshoe” (looked like a sunrise to sunset) we did 14 reps of one exercise then ran the sunrise-sunset to do 32 reps. Run sunset-sunrise and repeat until all reps completed. Exercise pairings were burpees/squats, merkins/mountain climbers, big boy sit ups/Carolina dry docks, Superman’s/plank jacks, Plank jacks (oops)/LBCs, Diamond merkins/SSH, American hammers/curb dips, Windmill merkins/shoulder taps.
Mozy to picnic tables for 14/32s of step ups/dips, dips/stepups, derkins/irkins, irkins/derkins.
Mozy to field by the light tower for full field sprints. Don’t recall how many but likely about 8. 10 count between sprints then rinse and repeat.
MARY: Full body destroyer at 5:59
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Upcoming events
COT: Marriages, health

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