Board of Pain. That is all.
TClap |
SSH (15x I/C)
Windmills (10x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (15x I/C)
Low slow squats (10x I/C)
Big Arm Circles (7 forward, 7 backwards)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (Downward dog, upward dog)
Thang1: Pull up bars. Did pull-ups, knees2chest, chin-ups, toes2bar, switch grips, negatives, dead hangs.
Thang 2: bench work
Derkins (I/C 15x)
Step ups (10 each leg)
Butt touch squats (I/C 15x)
Run the loop, return to benches
Inclines (12x)
Dips (I/C 15x)
Calf raises (normal, toes out, toes in)
Thang 3: Burpee relays. Start with 3 burpees, at spot 1, S2=6 burpees, S3=9 burpees. Run relay in between.
Thang 4: block work: with cindys: curls, OH press, thrusters, flutters, goblet squats, KB swings.
Run to flag
WARMUP: SSHinCadencex30, IWsinCadencex15, SSHinCadencex20, HWsinCadencex15, SSHinCadencex10, MCsinCadencex15, MerkinsinCadencex10
THE THANG: Set-up our lifting toys on the sidewalk at the front of the stadium. PAX partnered up. 1st partner runs from the sidewalk to the end of the parking lot, perform 3 burpees, then runs back to his partner. Partner #2 performs the noted exercise with equipment until Partner #1 returns. There were 7 toys, PAX played with each toy twice.
35lb Dumbbell = 1 hand alternating Snatches
Heavy Rope = Arm Swings
Cindy = CurltoCleantoPress
60lb Sandbag = Bent Over Rows
40lb Ruck = KB Swings
AB Roller = Rolling of ABs
30lb Slam Ball = Slamming the Ball
Next, we moseyed to first island in the parking lot where there were 2 – 45lb plates. 1 PAX farmer carried both plates to the next island and back while all other PAX performed an ab exercise of their choice. Had time for each PAX to make one trip.
MARY: See above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter, Bourbon & BBQ, Thanksgiving Convergence, read your newsletter or talk to Time Machine as he mentioned several other events. Dude knows what is going on in The Fort.
How do you know you’re just getting started? Well, <@UGU3XR5RP> tells you that you are taking too long with the disclaimer and such. But there was an FNG and I wanted to be a good example. I have no idea what possessed me to do so, as I typically (according to everyone) am NOT one, but alas… here we are. With a mustache that originated in 18th Century Europe and eventually made its way to the Western US roughly 100 years later, this FNG sported a handlebar that was worthy of a Wyatt Earp or William Howard Taft, duly elected 27th President of the US (that was for you, Camp). After a short warm-up lap there were, presumably somewhere in here, a few slow <@USBP08L1G> style windmills, some SSHs, and other activities to get the blood circulating. The FNG didn’t quite look afraid, only perhaps marginally confused, so we continued…
We headed down the hill toward the entrance to the school(s) from Springfield pkwy, with a brief stop to pick up some rocks and lift them. Because we are men. Why else you would you do such a thing?
We also spent a moment or two of instruction along the way regarding the Mission, Credo, and 5 Core Principles. I am proud to state that the guys there actually did a really good job of getting them correct and I think the only penalty burpees that got leveled were my fault because I got ahead of myself and opened F3 to all men before first making it free.
Then we proceeded to complete a 1-mile circuit around both schools, with 9 or so stops along the way to perform 20 reps of everything as we went. First round was all together in cadence, including the burpees (in memory of Band Camp), the next round was on your own.
Exercises included:
– Side Straddle Hops
– Merkins
– Muscle-ups
– Flutters
– Burpees
– Curb Alperts
– Squat Jumps
– Double Leg Lifts; and
– Dips
Naturally, somewhere in there, Change Order (<@U012K8DDK7V>) managed to pull a Matthew McConaughey and get his shirt off. (see Matt Damon’s impression on David Letterman from like 20 years ago: .
As we returned back to COT, it was time to name the FNG. There is no moleskine section, so I will put this here. The FNGs name was Matt Mahood. Plenty to work with there… then there was the Taft-stache… plenty there as well… then he rips out that he loved cocaine and alcohol back in the day… he was a veritable fountain of interesting things… nothing was quite sticking and so I asked him about his family. In his deoxygenated stupor, he had to think for half a second before gently huffing out “wife, 2 kids”… then with no prompt “Amanda”… I said, “you named both your kids Amanda?” He looked a little befuddled and that was just long enough of a hesitation for the swirling snakes in my brain to land on “well, your name is now Hug&Kiss, as in Amanda Hugandkiss). And that was that. Welcome, brother… and way to take the name like a champ.
MARY: No chicks.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: The 5th Core Principle.
After it was announced that there was an FNG, I felt like I had to be a little more through on our disclaimers, especially with the Nations Leader there. So, disclaimers and 5 core principals were given to help the FNG out.
WARMUP: Mosey the long way around the parking lot. This started the grumbling, so I knew I was on the right path.
42- SSH (for my birthday number)
6-Windmills and then that was enough.
THE THANG: Run over to the bars and get a block.
With a partner- 42 seconds of pull-ups and walls sits with the block in your lap
21 Merkins and 21 Overhead Press
21 Curls and 21 Squats with Block
Rifle Carry the block from the bars to the stop sign and back to the street in front of the bars area
21 BigBoys with the block and an overhead press at the top of the sit up and
21 Chest press
We put the blocks to the side and then ran down the hill and around the left side of the school parking lot.
Regrouped and gave instructions for 11’s up the hill with Burpees and Squats as the exercise.
MARY: Put the blocks up
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Shelters Service 11/7, Bourbon & BBQ 11/8, Adopt-a-Hwy Trash Pick-up 11/21. Christmas Party 12/21.
COT: Prayers & Praise for our teachers. We have great teachers supporting out kids. Don’t let the politics get in the way of recognizing the good work and support our kids have. Prayers for <@U035XDY7ABC> and the work that he and <@U04GQT8NQ4C> and their crew are doing up in the WNC mountains with CRI. Prayers for those not offered as we all have things going on in our lives.
Statement of the F3 Mission, F3 Core Principles, F3 Credo
WARMUP: 2 laps around the parking lot with a few exercises to follow.
We ran the rows of the parking lot, increasing by 5 reps at each column, starting at 5, then 10, 15, 20, 25.
On one end, Carolina Dry Docks and the other, Mountain Climbers with running in between.
Make our way to the football field and line up on one end zone:
Run 20yds, NUR 10yds, perform 1 burpee.
Run 20yds, NUR 10yds, then 2 burpees.
Run 20yds, NUR 10yds, then 3 burpees.
Do this all the way to the other end zone then finish with 10 burpees as a group.
Crawl Bear back to the starting end zone. Lots of moaning initiated by the ‘ol Crawl Bear trick.
Captain Thor: 1 Big Boy Sit Up & 4 American Hammers.
2 Big Boy Sit Ups & 8 American Hammers.
All the way up to 10:40.
MARY: See above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Multiple fundraisers and the Christmas Party…DO IT.
COT: 5th Core Principle.
Mosey to drop off circle
10 Windmills IC
Plank Warmup Stretch
Mosey to pickup a Cindy
Upside down Pyramid
Do set of exercises and run down the hill.
Complete exercise and run backup the hill.
Rinse and repeat.
Top of the Hill Exercise with Cindy:
50 Squats
40 BBS
30 Alternating Lunge
20 Swings
10 Man makers
20 Swings
30 Alternating Lunges
40 BBS
50 Squats
Bottom of the Hill Exercise:
10 Burpees
MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read Your Newsletter
COT: Show To Know
Mosey run
Warm up
SWIMLAPPs: all in cadence: SSH 15x, windmills 10x, Imperial Walkers 10x, Moroccan n/c 10x, low slow squats 10x, big arm circles 10x, peterparkers 10x, plank stretches (honeymooner/down dogs).
Thang1: Fish tracks: movement followed by exercise called: Toy soldiers – bobby hurleys; bearcrawl-merkins; lunge walk-squats
Thang2: Bench mench: step ups, dips, butt touch squats, incline merkins, decline merkins, calf raises
Thang3: Bars: Pull ups, chin ups, toes2bar, knees2chest, switch grip pull ups. All mostly 5 to 7.
Thang4: tea party toss: pax have cinder block and do exercise while one pax tosses a 15lb slam ball a distance of 60ft out and 60ft back. Work was: curls, OH press, kb swings, goblet quats, uneven merkins. Then did LBCs with cindy.
Thang5: Ball toss: pax on their six in a tight circle, toss slam ball (15 lb) to another pax (be nice and call their name out first). Did this for a little while as it was quite fun.
Parking Lot Mosey – Warmup at Stop sign
1. 20 SSH IC
2. 10 Windmill IC
Parking Lot Mosey – Warmup at COT
3. 10 Imperial Walkers IC
4. 10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
5. Plank stretches, Honeymooner &
Downward Dog (Heel to ground)
Mosey to Field / Track
Buy-In: 10 Burpees
1. Bear Crawl to 20y – 25 Merkins
2. Bear Crawl to 40y – 25 Flutters (SC)
3. Bear Crawl to 40y – 25 LBC’s
4. Bear Crawl to 20y – 25 Plank Jack (SC)
5. Bear Crawl to EZ – 40 Squats
Rinse & Repeat to other EZ
400m Indian Run
1. 20 Dips
2. Run length of bleachers
3. Return up/down all stairs
4. 20 Dips
Cash-Out: 10 Burpees
MARY: Flutters, Big Boy Situps, Freddie Mercurys, Peter Parker
ANNOUNCEMENTS: RYN, Christmas Party, Bethel Serve
COT: Prayers & Praises
Week 3 Iron Pax