Locking Shields

WARMUP: stretching, mosey, and sprints
THE THANG: monkey humpers, Carolina dry docks, step ups, irkins, calf raises, wall sits, bear crawls, sprints, curls
MARY: 5 minutes of married with multiple call outs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM camp, 4th of July convergence
COT: prayers and praises by all pax

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Smiles and Miles

WARMUP: Intro and disclaimer. Began rucking down towards the round about. stopped to do some curls, Squats and overhead press. all OYO.
THE THANG: Kept rucking to the far end of the Sunbelt parking lot. stopped to do some SSH, merkins, stretching, up and down dog. Rucks on and hiked it over behind Starbucks. Held AL Gore for a message about allowing ourselves to let others serve us. I talked about how grateful my family is from the outpouring of love we have received from so many people after my M’s surgery. Do not be affraid to allow others to serve you, you do not have to do the hard stuff alone. Rucked around to the back of the pond area and stopped behind the ale house. More curls, Squats and overhead press but in cadence. Rucked back to COT.
MARY: Got in a little Ab work before 6am.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murph, print shop workout, and blood drive
COT: Prayers for Duckb6 weeks no nicotine, prayers for Cornerstone from his uncle passing and praise for my wife’s recovery.

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Lucky stars


Potato pickers
Hillbilly walkers
Imperial walkers
Honey mooners
Downward dog
Parker peters
Shoulder taps
30 ssh


Star routine with cones at 5 points and inbetween we rolled dice to see what exercise we had to do- it was mostly ssh x30, but a couple merkins, burpees and squats mixed in: 3 rounds, blue cones, green cones then both!

Blue cone round

25 plank jacks
20 merkins
20 Star sits
25 LBS
15 monkey humpers

Green cone round

5 burpees
5 jump squats
5 jumping lunges
5 bomb jacks
5 polo ohnos

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster, Jaegar

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Long Drive

WARMUP: The warmup was a slow mousey around the parking area….we did Windmills, Hillbilly Walkers, Imperial Walkers and Morrocan Nighclubs.
We did the first exercise the count was 5 then ran a lap around the parking lot, then repeat the exercise before and continue down the list in increments of 5 until you completed the list and rinse and repeat. Thank you to Slapshot for giving me the opportunity to lead and for giving great directions to the AO in the best hype video out there.
MARY: no Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam to Dam Bar 10k
COT: We prayed for safe travels and family

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Deck of Cards with Lots of Running

I rarely stray from NaFo for a workout, so it was nice to travel to another site today. Since I was on unfamiliar ground, I asked the group if they wanted a Deck of Cards of a EMOM workout, they chose the deck of cards. Always come prepared 😉
WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot, SSH, Moroccan NCs, Windmills and Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: Deck of Cards where Spades were sprints across the width of the parking lot (it was further than first expected). Diamonds where diamond merkins. Clubs where bear crawls the number of parking spaces. Hearts were American Hammers. Jokers were 20 burpees. After each PAX in the circle pulled a card, everyone ran a lap around the parking lot. We got through 4 rounds of everyone pulling a card. There were a lot of hearts and diamonds and thankfully not many spades but we did pull the King of Spades for 13 sprints back and forth across the parking lot right at the end. We ended up with about 2.3 mi during the session. Finished the last minute with SSH.
MARY: None as we had lots of American Hammers during The Thang.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Eve Convergence, 8 Blocks for Shield Locks.
COT: What happens in COT stays in COT.

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pendulum of pain

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Squats, Moroccan Night Clubs
THE THANG: Mosey to the fountain, 5 Burpees at the bottom, 10 merkins and 10 LBCs at tops. 4 rounds
Mosey to the back of the repair shop. Step ups, Derkins, Dips, Erkins.
Mosey to CVS. Partner up, one ran around the building, second did the exercises until partner returns. merkins, Hello Dollies, Big Boys, Calf Raises.

Welcome FNG Vila

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Funky shorts day

WARMUP: Mosey around teeter, deep breathes at the dumpsters, circle up on far end. SSHs, windmills, low slow squats. MNCs. Finish up warm ups with mucho chesto. 10 merkins, 10 diamonds, 10 wide arm, 10 stagger right, and 10 stagger left.
THE THANG: Mosey up to church parking lot for accumulating BOMBS. Perform first letter, run to front of church for 10 merkins, run back to start. Do first and second letter, run,…repeat…you know the drill.
B=5 burpees, O=10 Os (abs), M=15 mountain climbers, B=20 big boys, S=25 surf Jack’s.
Partner up for jump overs. P1 holds plank, P2 jumps over and does flying squirrel, repeat up to 10, then switch. We did 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. At 6 we switched to burpees instead of squirrels and added hand release merkins to plank.
Mosey back to lot and grab some curb. 20 toe taps, 20 dips, 15 toe taps, 15 dips. Finish up with 2 slaughter sets. 10 box cutters, 9 dying cockroaches, 8 BC, 7 DC….after 1 Finish with 10 box cutters. Keep legs off ground for entire series. Second set, 10 hand release merkins, 9 mountain climbers….Finish w/10 hand release…crowd pleaser after a lot of chest work. Mosey back to COT.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Apparently I missed the memo on funky shorts day. Grassy Knoll tried but it was Spectre for the win w/a fancy pair & matching headwrap. So next week the PAX will need to rise to the challenge.
COT: Thx for the opportunity Slapshot!

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Shield Beatdown

WARMUP: Our warmup was SSH, Slow Windmills, Imperial Walkers and Hillbilly Walkers followed by a short mosey.
THE THANG: There was a choice of exercises for each number. You could do one or a combo of both to reach the number.
125 SSH and Merkins
Run to Teeters and back

100 SQUATS and Mountain climbers
Run to Teeters and back

75 Bombjacks and Big Boy Situps
Run to Teeters and back

Run to Teeters and back

25 Shoulder Taps and LBC’s
Run to Teeters and back

Rinse and Repeat
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 10 year Anniversary CSAUP
COT: Pray and Praises

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Yep…that is a lot of merkins


THE THANG: In preparation for IronPax 2022, we completed an IPC throwback WO from week 3 of 2020.

– Run 400m (which is conveniently 1 loop around the Harris Teater parking lot)
– 100 Merkins
– Run 400m
– 90 Squats
– Run 400m
– 80 Merkins
– Run 400m
– 70 Squats
– Run 400m
– 60 Merkins
– Run 400m
– 50 Squats
– Run 400m
– 40 Merkins
– Run 400m
– 30 Squats
– Run 400m
– 20 Merkins
– Run 400m
– 10 Squats
– Run 800m

Total work is 3 miles of running, 300 merkins and 250 squats

MARY: Nope

ANNOUNCEMENTS: A terribly off key version of happy birthday was sung for Long Duck (60) and White Hot (41), followed by 8 minutes of discussion around items that are in the newsletter.

COT: If you were there, you know.

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Buffet of Fun

WARMUP: Light jog around the lot and then circle up for some standard warm-ups: SSHs, wind-mills, Willie Mays Hayes (too confusing for some), Hillbilly Walkers, Merkins, & Mountain Climbers.
THE THANG: Mosey to apartment circle for Core 100: 25 hand release merkins, 25 big boys, 25 jump squats, 25 dips.
Mosey to back hill and break into 3 groups. G1 runs to fire station, does 10 bombjacks, then returns to fountain. G2 bear crawls around fountain. G3 runs to other neighborhood, does 5 burpees, then returns to fountain. 2 complete cycles through all 3 stations.
Mosey back to original circle for another Core 100: 25 Merkins, 25 LBCs, 25 Squats, 25 SSHs.
Mosey to side of Teeter appreciating the summer smells of the dumpsters behind GC. On side of building, PAX get into BTW, 2 PAX run to other building, do 5 bombjacks, return to BTW with next 2 going. After everyone completes, PAX get into people’s chair, 2 PAX bear crawl to other side for 5 merkins, then return with next 2 going. Time’s about up so back to cars for 20 American hammers. Recover.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter. Lots of upcoming events (invergence, convergence, CSAUP, anniversary events, volunteer events, etc).
COT: Lots of prayers for 2.0s health issues.
Thanks for the opportunity!

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