Taking the Fishbowl Backwards

Academy St. to Monroe White St. stop at the intersection and the man with the bag walked backwards up to the top of the big hill to the abandoned parking lot entrance, then back down forward and go up the other side of the fishbowl backwards up to Confederate St, back down to the starting intersection to hand off the bag for the other man to repeat, then we walked down Academy to Country Club Dr, Howington Cir, Banks St, Phifer St, Allison St, Banks, 160, back down Monroe White St, up to Watson and back to COT.

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If not now, then when?

It was a crisp 25 degrees as YHC walked up to the shovel flag just after 0500hrs. Some of The Fort’s finest, but not all, began to arrive in varying conditions.
DISCLAIMER: The mumblechatter started early, YHC felt honored to have the usual suspects in attendance, so a strong disclaimer was shouted out.
Mosey to the pharmacy – Band Camp, in typical Weasel Shaker fashion, tried to push the pace since he was already warm from running to AO. CoP in pharmacy parking lot. Those suspects ramped up the heckling here, an endearing jester, but we pushed on:
– 25 SSH IC
– 10 LSS IC
– 10 Imperial Walkers IC
– 10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
– 10 MNCs IC
– Yoga

Moseyed down to the parking lot behind Italian Job’s rehearsal dinner. He reminisced for the PAX as we began The Thang.
– Lunges down 3 travel lanes
– Bear crawls back down 3 travel lanes
– Burpee broad jumps down 3 travel lanes
– Toy Soldiers down 3 travel lanes.

Moseyed to Pike parking lot at top of Massey. Shoulder taps for the 6. Partner up for DORA. One PAX runs to bottom of Massey and back while other does the following exercises.
– 100 Merkins
– 200 Squats
– 300 LBCs

Finished with enough time to hit the Pike wall for 3 rounds of burpee waterfall while we did wall sits.

MARY: Flutters

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D Bar, State of the Union tonight, Blood Drive!

COT: Stays in COT

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Cubbie Testimonial

1/9/24 – the Ranch Bootcamp
Soup to Nuts
Harry Carey
Mark Nestel Change Order

Cherry Picker
Peter Parker
Parker Peter
Planks and Yoga

The Thang:
Playground – 15 reps x 2

Progressive ladder, 15 reps run 1 lap
1. Merkins
2. Bobby Shirley’s
3. LBC
4. Burpees
5. Lunges
6. I had more planned but we ran short on time

– Rosalina’s
– Box Cutters
– Leg lifts

During that time I shared my testimonial. You are not the worst thing that has happened in your life.
God is great.

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Moon walk up Harris Street

11 men attended the weighted stroll this morning. We made our way around town finding a hill at the bottom of Harris. Backwards walk up the hill, trek around WEP and one last look at the downtown XMAS lights

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Bury those burdens

WARMUP: Standing at start waiting for Pusher to get his act together
THE THANG: We completed a holiday lights ruck through FM. Along the way we shared some low points, burdens, disappointments from 2024 with a fellow pax. We did Gravediggers at the start for the hole to bury those burdens and then Gravediggers again at WEP to cover them up. Lots of spirit and energy throughout from the pax!
MARY: yes, 2 mins at end
COT: prayers and praises Cspan style around the group. Coffeeteria afterwards at Humble Cup. A great wrap to Year 1 of Dawn Patrol!

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2024.51 The Hive

Arrange all bells by weight and divide into 3 weight classes (light, med, heavy). Divide PAX into three groups for 3 sets of 3 rounds of 3 exercises.
Sets with light, mid, heavy
Set 1: Shoulder ext x10ea, snatch x10, swings x20
Set 2: Shoulder press x10ea, manmakers x10, squats x20
Set3: Lawnmowers x10ea, thrusters x10, 1leg deadlift x10ea

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needed recovery

Landed in Charlotte night before around 10pm – super exhausted from Miami work trip but can’t pass up opportunity to lead the PAX!

We stayed on kingsley campus, winding through the sidewalks and parking lots to get 3ish miles. Every 5 minutes we would stop and do about 10 merkins and 10 low slow squats both with the rucks on.


COT: yes

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Christmas Eve Convergence at The Yard

WARMUP: (cake boss): 5 Burpees, SSH, 4 B., Imp.Walk, 3B., HillWalk, 2B, something else, 1B…

Count off 1 & 2; Group 1 w/ Farmers Only, Group 2 w/ Suplex
Switch Q’s at 1/2 mark

Group 1 (Farmers only):

Group 2 (Suplex):
Cocaine Bear Crawls to the 50 (2 merkins at each 5yrd). Al Gore till the 6
Mary #1: 12 Hello Ladies (IC), 24 Plank Jacks (IC), 12 BBSU & 24 Heel-taps (OYO)
Go right into….
Burpee Broad Jumps (3 & 3) to end zone
Plank till the 6

Crane Carries to 50: back to back, 1 runs while other flutter kicks (swap @ 25… mod. to piggyback if needed)
Mary #2: 12 AmHamms (IC), 24 Gas Pumpers (IC), 12 Dying CockRoaches & 24 LBCs (OYO)
Go right into…
Other man in Sparrow Run.
@ end zone: 12 Imp-Squat-walkers (IC) 24 or something else (improv.)

MARY: done w/in Thang
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletters… Merry Christmas!
COT: held (5th core principle)

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Hitting the Cycle

Moroccan nightclubs
Cherry pickers
Hillbilly walkers
Imperial walkers

Mosey, Merkins on curb, mosey

Hitting for the Cycle
On 4 lightposts:
– 20 UHaul in cadence (1 straight chest press parallel to ground, 2 back to chest, 3 incline chest press in a 45 degree angle, 4 back to chest), MOT lunge walk
– 20 American hammers in cadence, MOT rifle carry
– 20 curls in cadence, MOT murder bunnies
– 15 man makers in cadence, MOT around the world

Cycle 2:
Monkey humping goblet squat in cadence
Skull crusher in cadence
Flutters with kettlebell press in cadence
2-hand upright row in cadence (bell gripped at waste level and bring up to chin)

Cycle 3:
Goblet squat
Single leg deadlift
Overhead press

Mental health
Stress/anxiety around the holidays

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Test Taking Anxieties

Pledge of Allegiance right at 05:16 ( a little late due to mumblechatter)
WARMUP: Quick warmup right in the parking lot. All double count.
15 SSH
10 WM
15 IW
15 MNC
Then off to the corner of Main and Confederate to start the Thang.
THE THANG: The APFT – Army Physical Fitness Test
2 mile run
2 min of Merkins, AMRAP
2 min of big boy situps, AMRAP
Form matters or else it is not a rep.

Starting at the corner of Main and Confederate, the loop for the run was 4 laps of
– Down Main
– L on Academy
– L on Withers
– L on Confederate
– Back to corner on Main – that’s about .47 mi. Repeat 4X.
– 4th lap ended about halfway down Academy to make it an even 2 miles.

Everyone crushed it! Cubbie was king on the run, just below 8min pace. Tesh absolutely killed the merkins. Cubbie was also king on BBSUs.

Since the APFT calculator’s final scoring is based on age, the younger you are, the harder it is to pass, Tesh barely failed, but IMO he crushed it. That’s just fuel for next time.

I plan on Q-ing the APFT once a quarter to track progress.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter. Get involved!

COT: The holiday season is a time for family, friends, and joy. Not everyone may have that in their lives right now. If you see or know someone in that situation, consider being the one that brings joy into their lives during the holidays.

Also, the holiday seasons – Thanksgiving and Christmas namely – are a time when most people open their hearts, and wallets, and give more than usual. That’s a blessing for sure, and I am not taking that for granted, but imagine how much better this world would be if everyone would do that all year around. We should not need the holiday season to encourage that from others, we should be living in love every day, just like He did.


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