
Wet conditions with four pax under the awning at an undisclosed location.

Warmup: SSH, windmills, step-ups, Moroccan N/C, Low Slow Squats, Arm Circles, Peter Parkers, plank stretches. All 12X in cadence.

Thang 1: Pyramid
Burpees, Curls (with coupon), Bobby Hurleys, Squats (with coupon), Low Plank for the six, Run one loop (600’) together
1st round: 5 burpees, 10 curls, 10 Bobby’s, 10 squats, 1 run loop
2nd round: 10, 20, 20, 20, 1
3rd round: 15, 30, 30, 30, 1
4th round: 20, 40, 40, 40, 1

Thang 2: Core Work
45 seconds on exercise, 15 second rest
Leg Raises
American Hammer (with coupon)
Freddie Mercuries
Flutters (with coupon)

Thang 3: Big Balls
AC/DC’s Big Balls plays: Pax assume the monkey humper position. Pax do a monkey humper when the song says ‘balls’. Song duration is 2:39.

Fini, COT
Positivity round

Workout shamelessly taken from F3 Chattanooga. Timing worked well, and my legs/thighs were worn out by the end.

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The Hive expands to Wednesdays… only once and then the Snake Pit is back

So week one of The Hive’s expansion included a single Wednesday workout before handing it back to 3D’s more than capable hands.  Kielbasa led the beatdown and Shanks showed up and regaled the PAX with stories of bountiful bourbon caches in his home state of Wisconsin…


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“Quarantine Convergence” – Snake Pit 4.22.2020

Snake Pit 4.22.2020

Disclaimer – we had an FNG so I had to cross the t’s and dot the i’s.

My goal was to play a Queen play list because my current quarantine stache is making YHC look like Freddie Mercury. We decided against the music for the sake of the residents nearby. 



20 SSH, 10 IW/HW/Moroccan Night Clubs


I wore an interval timer that was set to go off every 3 minutes. Every time it sounded we did two things:

1. 5 Burpees at each beep
2. Go onto the next Circuit and pick up where we left off from the time prior

Each Group Rotate After Each “Burpee-Val”

Circuit 1
25 Calf Raises Toes Pointed Straight
20 Goblet Squats
10 Skull Crushers
5 Clean and Press Each Side
30 Flutters With Bell

Circuit 2
25 Calf Raises Toes Pointed Out
20 KB Swings
15 Kid Launches
10 Curls Each Side
5 Right Turkish Get Ups
30 LBCs With Bell

Circuit 3
25 Calf Raises Toes Pointed In
20 Reverse Lunges (10 Each Side)
15 OH Press
10 Lawnmowers Each Side
5 Left Turkish Get Ups
30 American Hammers With Bell

In all, we made it through each round 3 times. You can do the math to figure out the totals.

While we were cycling through, I asked the PAX one by one to tell the group how they’ve taken advantage of all of the added time with family/friends. Most have been able to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of the commute/work/busy life and have been able to focus on their families more. This is a huge blessing that we must not miss the chance to capture!

In all, we had 12 PAX and 850 total burpees. It got a little hairy toward the end, but I believe everybody enjoyed the work. Thanks for the opportunity to lead, 3D.

Manion WOD this weekend – reach out to Maximus if you would like more details

Be Intentional in this time – how often are we forced to spend more time with our family?
1 Peter 5:7 – “Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.”
Praise for UHAUL’s Niece at Texas A&M for receiving a grant/scholarship to clear away most of her school debt.

Welcome, FNG: N-95!

Punch List out.

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March 11 at The Coop

Super creative? Absolutely not?
Wordy? Definitely not?
Recap of the work done? Absolutely

GQ on warm up for his first ever crack at Qing. He ran us to a spot, performed some warm up exercises, adapted to the feedback and received the AAR in true fashion. That’s how we all get better; if we could all get an AAR after completing objectives.

YHC now on Q and we rant to the football field.

.5mi around the track at a good/heavy-breathing pace.
36 Mak Tar Jah’s
.25mi at a “get after it” pace
35 Mak Tar Jah’s

Planks & abs & stuff

Line up on the goal line
71 Carolina Dry Docks
Bear crawl to the 50yd line
71 Merkins
Crawl bear to the goal line

Mosey to the pull-up bars

20 Pull-Ups
Run down the hill to the stop sign
Nur back up the hill



GQ & Maximus

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BEYOND – Empathy in a Culture of Hurry

The more hurried you are the less compassionate you’ll be. – John Mark

Slow down. We need to slow. down.

SSH + Quick yoga flow + tappy taps + Merkins

Hold High Plank:

In today’s culture, we spend too much time focusing on self. It makes sense. In western culture, the individualized self is the highest goal in our society. We spend so much time focusing on what we desire. We follow those who have the same ideologies. In short, we hate each other and we want more of ourselves. We believe that we are God and only want to be surrounded by others created in our image. What does that say about us as a society?

Aiken Arms
10 Merkins
10 Plank Jacks
10 CDD’s
10 Donkey Kicks

Ass Webbs
Squats + Al Gore Pulses 1:4 – 10:40

Hold High Plank:

We only like things we want to like and curate things we want to see-further creating and hardening our ability to never have to see things we don’t want to see or disagree with. It’s not only desensitizing, it’s dehumanizing. Politics, sports teams, religion, name it. We are able to find what we desire to find and shut out anything we don’t want to hear/see. If we don’t like the news we see we can seek out and find the “news” we want. Using the mediums we currently use (social media specifically), when we see an opposing view that doesn’t align with ours, we aren’t obligated to disagree in a thoughtful and relationship keeping way. Instead the relationship doesn’t matter therefore the disagreement can be toxic, mean, and harsh. Trying to understand each other should be normal, unfortunately it has become a superpower in today’s culture.

Bear Crawl Circuit
Bear Crawl across parking lot
Low Plank in wait for six + 30 seconds
Bear Crawl back across lot
Low Plank in wait for the six + 30 seconds
Repeat w/Al Gores

Hold Al Gore:

You know what really is the driver behind all of this? Fear. A professor at Chapman University started a “Survey of American Fears” in 2014. You know what has been seen as a trend since the beginning of it all? People are beginning to fear what they see in the media. The top 10 fears from 2019 can be directly correlated to the top media stories of the past year. Basically the stories we see are whipping us up into a frenzy and fanning the flames of fear. How big will the fire get before it consumes us all? It really comes down to one question: What do we fear?

Punch Webbs 1:4 – 10:40
Dive bomber Pushups
Plank Jacks

A few Moseys in between rounds due to the difficulty of the Webb.

Hold High Plank:

I asked the question of what do we fear? We fear the other. Whatever the other is for you. white. black. republican. democrat. sunni. shiite. jew. german. christian. atheist. We have to dive head first into that dark and muddy part of our heart. Not put it away. Not shy away from it. Not run from it. What’s down in those depths? If we consider how Jesus actually walked and look at his ethos as he went about his life, we find someone who was afraid of no one and no thing. And this prevented knee jerk reactions. Prevented him from picking up a sword and taking down Rome. And if He wanted to do that, nothing could have stopped him. This made it possible for empathy to radiate from his very being. Because there was actually room for it as opposed to being filled with fear.
He chose to die willingly for others – namely his enemies. If you’re a follower of Jesus, ask yourself: Why are you afraid?

Aiken Legs
20 Squats
20 Box Jumps
20 Bonnie Blair’s (Jump Lunges)
20 Bomb Jacks

Hold High Plank:

What would it look like if we laid down our fears, our weapons, our hate, and picked up enemy love instead? This empathy is not easy. It is a hard won, practiced enemy love.

The difference between fear and enemy love is a difference of franticness and peace.
Fear is frantic.
Fear goes at a speed love does not.
Fear is fast. Fear is frantic. Fear is distracted.
But love?
Goes about three miles per hour.
Three miles per hour it the average pace of someone who is walking purposefully yet gracefully.
Most of Jesus’ miracles happened on his way somewhere else.
We have to go at a pace that can be interrupted. That can be responsive to the moment in front of us.
If you walk at a pace that is in step with our Lord, don’t be surprised if empathy and enemy love show up.
You can’t love someone when you are hustling (for me – I think bedtime with small children).
But when you say no to the hustle? You can be stopped. You can step into the holy moment of grace.
Jesus did it.
He felt other people’s pain. He leaned into their space. He understood their hurt. He waited and didn’t hustle past.
He loved.

Seal sit ups x 30
Straight Leg American Hammers x 15
Straight Leg LBC’s x 11
World War I sit ups x 5

Yeti – Doty – Manion

Band Camp’s travels to DC this weekend with the band.
Chicken Wing is having hip surgery next week.
Prayers for all traveling this weekend and the frenzied fear that is the current virus situation.

Thanks Dirty Harry for the tap to lead the inaugural BEYOND of 2020. Looking forward to what this will become.

Punch List out.

TClap |

Split Q / Shovel Flag Handoff at the Coop

Lots of fun at the Coop on Wednesday. After a quick warm up which included 56 side straddle hops (representing 56 weeks of Punchlist’s leadership at the Coop) Punchlist delivered the first blow to the PAX.

Each Partner Wheelbarrows every other 10 yards for the length of the football field. At each 10 yard marker PAX performed that number of reps for each workout.

Endzone – Burpee Broad Jumps x 7
10 – Donkey Kicks
20 – Hand release Merkins
30 – Jump lunges
40 – Air Squats
50 – LBCs
40 – Air Squats
30 – Jump lunges
20 – Hand Release Merkins
10 – Donkey Kicks
Endzone – Burpee Broad Jumps X 7
Reverse Direction – All Together Now
Bear Crawls every 25 yards
15 Bomb Jacks at every 25 yard interval

2nd Round of Pain delivered by Kaiser

At the endzone performed a combination of exercises in cadence with the PAX
20 – Mock Tar Jays
20 seconds – Wide Arm Merkin – 6″ Hold Plank
10 – Burpees in cadence
5 sets of 10 push ups each
Run to the 50 yard line each set
Backpedal to the goal line each set

Group mozy over to the pull up bars. The bars were calling us and we answered. The pull up challenge was then initiated.

Started out with a group wall sit. Then 2 PAX would come off the line and challenge each other by doing 5 pull ups. Lots of mumble chatter erupted as each individual would get critiqued on their form. At the end of the workout New Site Q called out Old Site Q for a healthy & fun QVQ pull up contest. Group then ran back to COT to finish with very strong dose of Mary as the mumble chatter intensified.

Punchlist was honored for his leadership during the 56 weeks leading the COOP. He has truly been a strong leader to many including myself and I am honored to take the shovel flag from such a HIM!

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Varsity Valentine

Four PAX in total arrived. Cool but dry conditions.

Warm Up
Mosey run
SSH (IC 10x)
Windmill (IC 10x)
Imperial Walker (IC 10x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12X)
Low Slow Squats (IC10x)
Mountain Climbers (IC 12X)
Plank stretches, up dog, down dog
Headed towards the benches area under the awning in front of the school.

Thang 1: HIIT Routine
Celebrating the women in our lives on this Valentine’s Day with a music playlist of female artists.
Set A: Do the below 32 seconds on, 10 sec standing rest in between
Cherry Pickers
Bobby Hurley’s (former NBA player and collegiate basketball coach)
Set B: Do the below 40 seconds on, 20 sec rest in between (rest is a Low Plank)
Mountain Climbers
Amer Hammers
plank jacks
Set C: Do the below 45 seconds on, 15 sec standing rest in between
Flying Squirrels
Imp Walkers
Squat Jumps
step ups

Rinse/Repeat sets one more time

Run to COT
Five mins of Mary
Fini, COT

Prayers for those travelling and the Dam-to-Dam relay. Cold and flu season is in full swing, prayers for those sick.

1-Janis Joplin-Piece of my heart
2-Garbage (Shirley Mason)-only happy when it rains
4-Amy Winehouse-Rehab
5-Lady Gaga-Poker Face
6-Adele-Rolling in the deep
7-Tina Turner (with Ike)-River Deep and Mountain High (Phil Spector’s Wall of Sound)
8-Blondie-Heart of Glass
9-Nancy Sinatra-These boot were made for walking

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Giddy Up at the Ranch

Always good to Q especially a location that I was former site Q at. Start with a nice disclaimer and let everyone know they showed up to the best and hardest workout of the day in The Fort.
Mosey around school grounds at a brisk pace. Warmup 20 SSH, 20 merkins, 20 flutters repeat.
Mosey to pullup bars
5 pullups-20 big boys
4 pullups- 16 big boy
3 pullups- 12 big boy
2 pullups- 8 big boy
1 pullup- 4 big oy
work back up the ladder.
Mosey to bus parking partner up Wheel barrow around parking lot when you switch 5 bomb jacks each.
Mosey to wall Balls to wall/ chair sit with shoulder presses x’s 3 sets each
Mosey to benches 15 derkins, 15 box jumps, 15 dips
set 2 10 of each
set 3 5 of each
Mosey to COT
Announcements, Prayers, Praises
Keep everyone safe and injury free.
Keep praying for Cash.
Backdraft out…

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AR-7 at Varsity

Well YHC watched Aquaman the night before and as customary, I looked up the workout Jason Momoa did to get in shape for this role. Low and behold, it could work with body weight exercises.

All familiar faces were present so the disclaimer was brief. A brief mosey followed by some warmup exercises. Nothing out of the ordinary.

The Thang:

AR-7. Accelerated Results. First was dips. Followed by jump squats and finally Merkins.
Format was as follows:

7 sets of 7 reps with 7 seconds of rest between sets. We did all 7 sets and did a short mosey as our rest.

Next was 6 sets of 6 reps with 6 seconds of rest. Short mosey.
Last up was 5 sets of 5 reps

After we finished up the dips, we moseyed to a grassy area to preserve the old joints. Same format just Jump Squats this time. Since the legs were jello-like, no mosey, just recovery.

Finally we moseyed near the pull up bars for the Merkins portion. Same format.

And then… we headed back for some Mary and COT.

thanks to Harry Carry for the opportunity!



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Four Corner Beatdown

Today at The Colosseum we had nine PAX for a four corner beatdown. We did my customary short mosey and warmed up with some Tappy Taps, Imperial Walkers, Windmills and Morrocan NC.

The Beatdown consisted of Three rounds of three exercises 25x , 20x, 15x at each designated corner with 5 burpees in the center on your return from a corner.

Corner 1: Merkins, Flutters, Squats

Corner 2:Wide Arm Merkins, LBC, Mountain Climbers

Corner 3: Diamond Merkins, BBS, Calf Raises

Corner 4: CDD, American Hammers, Box Cutters

Another quick mosey to COT and the beatdown was over

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