Sidewalk Shuffle

After a quick disclaimer and discussion on the overnight tech outage, we got started.
Warm-up exercises: SSHs, IWs, WMs, CPs
Lap around the parking lot
Sideway Shuffle:
One pax completed a shuffle while others performed an exercise (Merkins, CDDs, burpees, flutters, LBCs, Hammers, Squats, Lunges, etc)
Shuffle sequence:
1. Arm Shuffle
2. Erkin Shuffle
3. Toe Taps
4. Derkin Shuffle

After each round, we ran a lap.

30 seconds left for Broga.

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Hills on repeat

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: run down munn, left on Harris, cross 21 and down to bottom of hill. Run back up to the light, repeat.

Or run wherever you feel like
COT: yup

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Garbage Water Intervals

WARMUP: SSH, 5 “Alien Landing Rain Dances” [see description in comments of video post in 1-F channel], MNCs, 4 ALRDs, Imp Walkers, 3 ALRDs, Cherry Pickers, 2 ALRDs, Windmills, 1 ALRD
THE THANG: 10 rounds on a timer: 3 min. walk / 1 min. exercises
Exercises: Rounds 1-5 (ruck ON): 5 CDDs, 15 Merkins, stretch until bell (done while going up + down staircase)
Rounds 6-10: (Ruck off) 5 Man-makers, Bicep curls till bell
– drop rucks near flag, Sprint ~ 100 yards to light post, mosey back, repeat
MARY: LBC’s, Knee Tucks, Oma Plata Thrusters, Flutter Presses, Xs & O’s, Some other “pax-choice”
= Ruck used
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sweaty Barry, Dads & 2.0s, Read Newsletter
COT: Strength in Recovery/therapy, Fortitude for bootcamp, financial responsibility awareness, others left unsaid

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The Sweaty ? Prep

Disclaimer Shared
THE THANG: Trails or Roads Route Shared
MARY: she was missed
ANNOUNCEMENTS: the sweaty Barry coming up. Read your newsletter

COT: Don’t forget about one another, always have another’s SIX! Reach out to each other and encourage and support. We all carry burdens that we don’t share. You never know when one of us needs a NOD more than you know.

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Blame JWOW

Honestly I was expecting low attendance so I was pleasantly surprised when I start seeing several cars rolling into WEP. JWOW sent me note mid week asking if I’d be willing to bring the junkyards on Saturday so I had to oblige him. After a quick disclaimer the PAX performed some basic warm-ups. Then we moseyed down the path to the bottom of the big grass hill. Split into 3 groups. G1 ran to end of path back toward parking lot and did 10 bomb-jacks. Return to start. G2 nurred up the grass hill, did 10 squats, then returned to start. G3 ran to end of path in other direction, did 10 bomb-jacks, then return to start. Rotate so each group did each section once. Yog down to Harris St park for the fun. I was trying to find decent grass so I thought the outfield would be safe. Partner up. P1 does 8 Junkyard dogs while P2 is alternating between high and low plank. Then partner push to other side, P2 does the JYDs then partner push back. JYDs are P1 does burpee, then dives under P2 whose holding high plank, then when P1 stands up P2 goes into low plank and P1 jump over. Simple but stupid. The plan was for 3 sets of 8 but after much chatter we went 8 ,6, then 4. I thought this spot was decent but apparently Slow Jams found the one massive fire ant hill and got about 100 bites.
Yog over to base of Harris St. Next movement was run up Harris St stopping at every other power pole for 10 merkins, 10 squats, and 10 froggers (deconstructed burpees). The plan was to do some more group work at church on top of hill but we were a little tight on time so started back to park. 5 bomb-backs, 5 seal-jacks, and 5 plank jacks at every other power pole. Few mins left for 2 all you got sprints up small hills in park. It was a super humid day so I wasn’t the only PAX looking like a sweaty mess at the end. Apparently the JYDs got a zero star review afterwards and I got a nice text from Spiderman calling me an asshole for spiking his heart rate by running up Harris St. So it was a great morning. Thanks for everyone that posted and thanks to JWOW for giving me the nod.

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Ruck & Sandbag Fun

All veterans so simple disclaimer, light warmup then we performed the following with rucks and sandbags:
10 Merkins, alternating one hand on sandbag
Bear crawl dragging sandbag to other side of field
10 Merkins w/sandbag pull thrus (aka Ashley Cummins)
Sandbag front toss to other side of field
10 Sandbag over the shoulders
OH carry sandbag to other side of field
10 Lunges w/sandbag rotates (start one side of lunged leg and rotate to other side)
Farmer carry ruck and sandbag over and back
Rack the sandbag on top of ruck (normal carry) and take long lap
15 Sandbag curls
Lunge across field with ruck and sandbag on back
15 Sandbag overhead presses
Front rack the sandbag across the field
10 Sandbag cling and presses
Sandbag front toss across field
15 Bent over sandbag rows
Suitcase carry ruck and carry sandbag like baby over and back
Rack the sandbag and take another long lap
5 quick man-makers then back to COT for a few mins of mary.
One or two of those movements should not be repeated but great way to start the day!

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Football field ladder workout

Warmup: all in cadence
– 10 Moroccan nightclubs
– 10 cherry pickers
– 10 windmills
– 20 imperial walkers
Mosey down road, karaoke
– stop at curb and do 20 merkins hands on curb in cadence
– Mosey
– Stop at next curb 20 calf raises in cadence
– Mosey to benches
– 20 dips in cadence
Mosey to the soccer field, where cones have been set up in 10ish yard intervals
Ladder workout
– run forward to first light pole and do one burpee, then nur to start and complete exercise
– Run forward to second light and do 2 burpees, then nur to start and complete exercise
– Repeat for 10 sets of cones. When done, work back down the ladder, completing the exercises in reverse
Exercises per cone :
– 10 archer merkins
– 20 bomb jacks
– 30 wide arm merkins
– 40 squats
– 50 chair crunches
– 40 diamond merkins
– 30 leg raises
– 20 Carolina dry docks
– 10 American hammers – cadence count
– 10 burpees


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Sweatin’ It To The Oldies

11 PAX sweated out the weekend toxins and accelerated in the humidity this fine beautiful morning. We did 3.9 miles total with 25 squats at First Horizon, 25 plank jacks at Model A. Always look after the six and come home to your family the same way you left. Look out for each other PAX!

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The Puertorican Nightmare

WARMUP: Pre Run/Walk for some, then disclaimer given with shared route and counted 15 HIMs
THE THANG: The Route roughly +3.5 miles:
Founders to Munn Rd, Left on Munn, Left on Harris St, gingerly cross over Hwy 21, Left on Jackson, and Left on Hwy 160 towards COT. Some ran trails, some did not, some ran in pairs and some did not. All Pax accounted for at the end.
MARY: She was absent yet again!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: July 4th Convergence, July 4th Bethel Men’s Shelter (Venmo Donations please), 10th Year Anniversary at Slow Burn ( is on Q), 6/28 Acceleration Project, and Sign Up for Lawn Care duty at Fort Mill Care Center.
COT: Look after each other, we are the family we choose to be.

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