Stuff the Bus Convergence

Ran over to parking lot behind football fields
SSH – all exercises were to 20 INC
1 burpee
2 burpees
Cherry Pickers
3 burpees
4 burpees
Moroccan Night Club
5 Burpees
Imperial walkers
6 burpees
7 burpees
8 burpees
9 burpees
10 burpees

Throughout the workout we had pax share about different opportunities we have within The Fort to serve our community. We had the following speak (Fogerty – Trash Pickup, Cousin Eddy – Bethel Men’s shelter, Jiffy – FM Care Center, Stuff the Bus)

Partner Up
Round 1 –
Flying Squirrels
Inch worm merkins

Round 2
Big boy sit-ups
Jump Squats
Wide arm merkins

We have an amazing opportunity in The Fort to impact our community. We have pax impacting our community through service. Challenge was raised, if you aren’t actively impacting the community, why not?

It was an honor to be able to lead the workout this morning. This was diffident from most workouts because of the number of times we stopped to talk. However I felt it important to share with the guys what is happening around them. We also were able to congratulate Double D in his hand off of Nantan to Esso. Double D, thank you for you service to the pax. You have always been someone who ask the tough questions that challenge us and I thank you for that and what you did for our Region during your reign as Nantan. Esso, I look forward where you are going to take us and your energy to lead. We have a bright future ahead.

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A Mountain of Cards

WARMUP: A short jog followed by an equally short nur. Some stretching movements.
THE THANG: Deck of cards:
Diamonds: Merkins
Spades: Bent Over Rows
Hearts: Curls
Clubs: Flutter Kicks w/ Press (in cadence)
4 other cards: 300m run/jog
About 12 cards in, a man (Joe) appeared in the gloom inquiring about a workout groom he read about online. He has friends that do F3 up in the Huntersville area. Joe is now known as Walk-On for obvious reasons.
With the extra time:
Suitcase carry 100yds
5 Man Makers
10 Really good squats
Suitcase carry 100yds
MARY: Mixed throughout
COT: 5th Core Principle and we named Walk-On

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We found a snowman and a new site Q

WARMUP: Put rucks on back. Started moving.
THE THANG: This was an old school fire ant wienke YHC had in storage from Dec 2020 and seemed fitting for a longer distance touring of Tega Cay.

We set off towards Walmart and at the bottom of Hubert Graham (maybe 16-17 min pace), we stopped for a series of exercises we’d repeat 3 other times with increases in rep count of 5 (started with 5 reps).

Exercises were: man makers, lunge walks (both legs is 1), curls, swings, up rows.

On our way up the hill, we crossed paths with a running snowman who was moving and in training for GrowRun NO. Next stop was Walmart parking lot by brewery for 10 reps, same exercises. Discussions with DR Pax Rousey uncovered his past experiences with GrowRuck Myrtle that Mainframe and Divac tried to not relive in their minds. Wegmans and PL May have come up.

Once finished with our counts of 10, we went in the back of Walmart and made a quick decision not to see if we could make it over to Colosseum…that would have been tight getting back to COT.

At the bottom of HG once again, we started or rep counts of 15 and found our frosty snowman yet again, this time with a ruck on his back…running no less. He joined us for our final 15 before heading back to COT.

Before getting to COT, we had just enough time for a quick mosey shuffle around the small parking lot with rucks on.
MARY: nada
COT: also check

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Deck of Cards

WARMUP: Ruck Lap
Went through the whole deck of cards
Hearts= man makers
Clubs= big boy situps with ruck overhead
Spades= ruck swings
Jokers = 200 meter ruck overhead walk
workout to 104 reps of each exercise
MARY: none
COT: closed in prayer

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Tailgate Workout

WARMUP: Without ruck, jogged a lap around the parking lot
Round 1
With ruck on, one PAX did 10 over-the-shoulder 60# sandbag tosses while everyone did LSS with ruck on, High Pulls, OHP, Merkins, Lunges, Swings, Plank Jacks, Ruck Overhead Hold, Deadlifts, Bent over Rows RH , Bent over Rows LH, Ruck Skull Crusher, Mnt Climbers, Plank Hold and run a lap around the parking lot.

Round 2
With ruck on, one PAX did 10 Bobby Hurleys with 35# sandbag while everyone did LSS with ruck on, High Pulls, OHP, Merkins, Lunges, Swings, Plank Jacks, Ruck Overhead Hold, Deadlifts, Bent over Rows RH , Bent over Rows LH, Ruck Skull Crusher, Mnt Climbers, Plank Hold and run a lap around the parking lot.

Round 3
5 Pullupa while everyone did LSS with ruck on, High Pulls, OHP, Merkins, Lunges, Swings, Plank Jacks, Ruck Overhead Hold, Deadlifts, Bent over Rows RH , Bent over Rows LH, Ruck Skull Crusher, Mnt Climbers, Plank Hold and run a lap around the parking lot.

Round 4
5 Reps of each exercise: LSS with ruck on, High Pulls, OHP, Merkins, Lunges, Swings, Plank Jacks, Ruck Overhead Hold, Deadlifts, Bent over Rows RH , Bent over Rows LH, Ruck Skull Crusher, Mnt Climbers, Plank Hold and run a lap around the parking lot.

MARY: 3 minutes of stretching
COT: Closed in prayer

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Car – dee – OH using a Ladder

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Pickers, Merks, night clubs, LBCs Squats
Toy Soldiers
THE THANG: Cones were placed out along a long road in order to complete a ladder – adding one rep at each cone. We had 8 cones. Squats in Cadence, Merks, Bobby Hurleys
Pax moved to Middle school bus line and completed 5 rounds – BombJax was the buyin – 1 bombjack, to start and adding 1 rep each round – then make ur way down the road stopping at cones premarked with reps and exercise- 5 total stops. 5 Burps, 6 Donkey Kicks, 7 Diamond Merks, 8 Big Boys, 9 Bob Hurley, 10 LBCs
Head back to begin. Round 2-5
MARY 3 mins of Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Stuff the Bus Convergence and welcome new FNG – TimeMachine (EH’d Bandcamp)
COT: yes – Prayers for health, marriage, travel, patience, and family

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Oklahoma at STL

Warmup: None

The Thang:

BLIMP inspired workout
Burpees x 10
Lunges x 10
IWs x 10
Merkins x 10
Plank Jacks x 10

Route looked a lot like the state outline of Oklahoma. Tesla was the King with 4.25 miles. All others had 3+ including a minimum of 5 laps.

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