God often hides opportunities to be faithful. Don’t miss them


Mosey around the parking lot admiring the new smooth pavement. Then some SSH, Windmill, Moroccan Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers & Hillbilly Walkers. Finishing with a mosey over to the band lot. Which it should be noted is not nicely newly repaved…


Kind of a modified shuttle run design

From the end zone line, run to the other end zone and do one squat and run back.

Once back, run to the other end zone again, do one squat, bear crawl 10 yards, do 2 squats, then run back.

Once back, run to the other end zone again, do one squat, bear crawl 10 yards, do 2 squats, bear crawl 10 yards and do 3 squats, then run back.

Continue doing this until you are doing 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 squats, each with a 10 yard bear crawl on the return (so the return run gets shorter each revolution).

I interspersed some of this with a brief discussion of the impact of walking in faith in my life. God often presents opportunities that appear as struggles or obstacles/setbacks in our life. He never promised life would be easy, but did promise it is for a purpose. Life life with a purpose and faith in a bigger picture, and often you will see in hindsight, those obstacles were the refiners fire preparing you for opportunities you never even imagined.

Hebrews 12.1 says “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter

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Honey Badger Millenia Beatdown

Imperial Walker
Moroccan Night Clubs

Cubbie really wanted to lead the chorus on Medium Pace but decided to keep leading the workout.

100 reps, run 1 football field lap x 10 times.
First person to 100, everyone runs together
1. Burpees
2. Lunges (2x)
3. Merkins
4. LBC
5. Mtn Climbers
6. Flutters (2x)
7. Calf raises
8. Squats
9. SSH
10. Box Cutters

Great chatter on:
– 4 colleges who start with a color
– Office Space and how we miss the PC Load Letter error on printers
– many many (and yet not enough) Adam Sandler quotes

MARY: Marty Bird was our Ray from Ghostbusters. The destructor he choose for our last 100 count was Carolina Dry Docks


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Ring of Fire at Ring of Fire

Mosey around parking lot.
Circle up for warmup COP:
– Mountain Climbers
– Imperial Walkers
– Shoulder taps
– LBCs
Mosey behind NaFo to pile of quarry rocks, each pack grab one.

Continue mosey to lit parking lot near bypass for ring of fire.
12 cones on the perimeter of a large circle, with an exercise and count on each cone.
Pax leave coupon in middle, run to cone and do exercise. Pax then run back to center of circle and do 3 man-maker burpees. Rinse and repeat, workin around all 12 cones.

Mosey back to return coupon, then back toward COT for Mary

Few exercises, but I can only remember the last was American Hammer.

Thanks, Cousin Eddie, for opportunity to lead and share my testimony. It didn’t have a very high entertainment value, but I think the pax at least liked it as much as a 10-count break.

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Pendulum O’ Pain

WARMUP: The Pledge of Allegiance.
THE THANG: Pendulum O’ Pain. Run to Jekyll’s town center (near the churches at bottom of hill). Run up to the Town Hall, Merkins until failure. Run down hill and back up to parking lot at the factory, 20 Squats. Rinse and repeat for 35 minutes. Mosey back to COT.
COT: Prayers and Praises.

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Football field with Yds to go!

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Merks, Squats, Slow mosey, Rebel Merks, LBCs…
THE THANG: 6s and 11s on the Foorball field using the Yard Markers as pain points to traverse the 100yds. 6s Big boys and burpees greeted the pax followed by BombJax and Merks followed by a round of 11s with Squats and Plankjax. Pax fluttered waiting for Six. Circled up midfield for a quick Starfish set up using each corner of field for an in-cadence random Pax grabbing the reigns.
MARY: 4 mins round of Mary that Senator Tressel upgraded w some Xs and Ohhhs – that was a crowd pleaser!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli run, Newsletter, and You
COT: Prayers and Praises for Drop thrill, recent surgery for Pax members, Luka and parents, and health and patience in general.

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THE THANG: After sharing part of my story we proceeded to the football field for some pain.
During the WOD I shared more of my testimony and how I overcame and got through it…I also shared my word of the year “PATIENCE”. I lost it somewhere and need to find it again when it comes to my family.
MARY: No Mary WOD took up the whole 45 minutes
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D Bar 10k, Men’s shelter
COT: prayers for family and patience

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Progress over Perfection

It was a nice warm morning at ROF where we had 4…yes 4 FNG’s


Since tomorrow would’ve been my grandmothers 103’rd birthday we went ahead and did 103 burpees.

12 Burpees on EMOM for 8 minutes + 7 more for 103

At ROF Cousin Eddie is asking us to bring our story/challenges to our Q’s so I incorporated my story into the workout. First was laying the groundwork with what I struggle with.


Ten years ago on paper I was “good”. Had a great job, house, finishing my MBA and my first child was born. Underneath though, I was far from good. I constantly doubted myself, truth be told I didn’t like myself. While I had family and some friends I didn’t have “friends” not like F3. In a word, even though I was surrounded by ppl in a lot of ways I was alone. When stress came, and it did, I wasn’t equipped physically, mentally, or spiritually to deal with it. I didn’t have the positive outlets I needed. So I did the wrong things. I kept it inside, I ate or drank and escaped into lazy excuses. Long story short, I was at least 50-60lbs heavier then compared to what I am now. My first 5 K I finished around 40 minutes. So one day I made the call to get help. I made the call to talk to a therapist. It wasn’t an easy thing to admit but I needed it. Making that call was one of the best decisions of my life. It was the very start of me being able to turn my physical, mental, and spiritual health around. But a lot like a rock just starting to go downhill……that journey didn’t accelerate until about 4 years ago when I joined up with F3.

The doubts still remain….I weigh myself multiple times a day. It’s sounds dumb and unnecessary but it’s just how I check myself. For work I make it a point to be the first to log on/show up on my team each day. For faith I have my SL to continue to inspire me and give me perspective. I can say I am better now than I was….but that journey continues, there’s always a hill to climb and it’ll never end.

So With that, I incorporated 5 sayings/rules that have helped me along the way with different exercises.

Progress over Perfection
4 minutes Tabata Flutters /Lbcs Each Minute increase your total rep count. Push yourselves
Any Great thing isn’t accomplished alone
Bear Crawl Web 1 merkin to 4 bear crawl steps. All the way to 10-40. This was on the Football Field.
Anything worth doing is going to be hard.
25 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal line
15 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal Line
15 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal Line
15 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal Line
Occham’s Razor – the simplest explanation/solution is usually the right one
Sprint to the 50 Do 10 Burpees
Sprint to the Goal Line and do 10 burpees
Staring at a hill….doesn’t make it smaller or easier.
Run to the top of the hill by the entrance and do 5 Merkins and 5 LBCS at the top of the hill. Run back down to the bottom and repeat running all the way to COT.

With 10 seconds left I let the Pax know how much I’m thankful for them and that I love them………then I asked them for 5 more burpees.

Honored to lead and to share!

Thank you all!

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Heroes from Gettysburg to Ukraine to Fort Mill

In the spirit of MLK, who fought for peace and justice, we tapped the history books to honor another minister from the battlefield. Fr. William Corby served for 3 years during the Civil War as chaplain to the 88th New York Infantry, which was one of the five regiments of the Irish Guard. He was at Gettysburg and a statue there memorializes his blessing of the Union troops on the 2nd day of the battle. His unit originally included 3,000 troops, and started the battle with 500, only to lose 200 to death, wounds or MIA. Fr Corby went on to become the president of the University of Notre Dame 2x later in his life.

WARMUP: SSH, Mtn climbers, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Carioca, Toy soldiers, Butt kickers, Run, Nur

THE THANG: In honor of Fr Corby and his regiment, we did 88 reps of three exercises as follow:
Round 1: Run lap then do 22 burpees (4 cycles)
Round 2: Run lap then do 22 Squats (4 cycles)
Round 3: Run lap then do 22 Mahktar N’Dyaes (4 cycles)

MARY: Flutters, Freddys, Box cutters, Big boys, LBCs, American Hammers, Planks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2DB 10k Jan 28; Murder Bunnies game 3 Wed 7p, Weekend in woods event in Blue Ridge, VA in late Feb

COT: Words from Clickbait, kidney donor request from Splinter, & prayers from Mark Twain

Thanks to Saw Dust for the Q stick. Always an honor to lead the heroes of The Fort!

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You don’t feel rain when you are putting in the work!

– Mosey around the parking lot
– 40 SSH
– Plank for a message (had to be there to hear it)


At the pull up bars – Dora
– Each partner pair gets a coupon and a pull-up bar station
– 100 Derkins (feet on the coupon)
– 200 Bentover Rows
– 300 Curls
– While Partner A is doing Dora work, Partner B runs down the hill to the stop sign and Nur back. Perform 3 pull-ups before starting the Dora work. Continue switching until all reps are completed

Mosey to the football field

Cross the football field width wise down the yard lines. 5 burpees at each sideline
– [ ] Partner carry 10 & 20
– [ ] Bear crawl 30
– [ ] Crawl Bear 40

– 10 American Hammers
– 10 Flutters

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