Smokin Tour of Pain

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Broga, Strawberry Pickers, and Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: Mosey to four corners by church. Performed exercises at four corners at end of each street being 10 reps of Merkins, Squats, Big Boy Sit Ups, and Mountain Climbers with 1 Burpee when coming back to four corners. Completed 2 rounds of each exercise with 3.5 miles.
MARY: Didn’t have enough time.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Friday Convergence, Stuff the Bus, and HIM Camp
COT: Prayers and Praises

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A Mountain of Cards

WARMUP: A short jog followed by an equally short nur. Some stretching movements.
THE THANG: Deck of cards:
Diamonds: Merkins
Spades: Bent Over Rows
Hearts: Curls
Clubs: Flutter Kicks w/ Press (in cadence)
4 other cards: 300m run/jog
About 12 cards in, a man (Joe) appeared in the gloom inquiring about a workout groom he read about online. He has friends that do F3 up in the Huntersville area. Joe is now known as Walk-On for obvious reasons.
With the extra time:
Suitcase carry 100yds
5 Man Makers
10 Really good squats
Suitcase carry 100yds
MARY: Mixed throughout
COT: 5th Core Principle and we named Walk-On

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Elite 8

WARMUP: Mosey to the light poles in front of the school.  One in cadence exercise was called with 5 burpees OYO after each exercise.  

Bear crawl between the last two light poles before moseying to the basketball court behind the school for act 1

Act 1 – On the line
Each PAX shot a free throw.  A make meant a lesser penalty.  A miss, a greater one. 8 sets of 2 liners, 4 liners, and a few burpees mixed in.  
We took our ball and moved on to act 2 on the south end of the school.

Act 2 – 4 corners (5-10-15)
At each corner – 5 hand release merkins, 10 squats and 15 lunges per leg.  

Mode of transport – bear crawl between station 1 and 2, nur between station 2 and 3, Bear crawl between station 3 and 4 and side shuffle between station 4 and 1.

Mosey to the front of school stopping at a light for monkey humpers in cadence and then made is back for 3 minutes of…..

MARY: PAX called out exercises and all were done in cadence until 0600 brought us to name-o-rama and……

ANNOUNCEMENTS: August has opportunities. Get involved.

COT: 5th core principle (YHTBT).

Closing thought – if life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond. Is your 90% consistent enough to lead right?

Maximus – Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

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Monday Morning Constitutional

Scheduled Q is rumored to be on IR, so YHC grabbed the stick. Welcome, no FNG’s, disclaimer was made. PAX were not content with the mediocre disclaimer, so it was redone & core principles were also reviewed. No more grumblings were heard, so we began!

– 20x SSH
– 10x Imp Walkers
– 10x Hillbilly Walkers
– 10x Large Arm Circles (5/Fwd & 5/Rev)
– Farmer carry KBs to fire pit area

– Find a partner – we had 8 PAX, so 4 groups. First group called an exercise. Partner #1 did reps while Partner #2 ran a lap around the parking lot following the curb around where we were gathered. Reps continued until the 6 was in, then switched. After 2nd partners completed their lap, next group called the next exercise.
– Completed 3 rounds. Audible was called between round 1 & 2 to shorten the loop. Due to time, the lap was shortened even more between rounds 2 & 3. Exercises included Man Makers, Swings, Curls, 2-for-1 combos (such as clean & press), OH Presses, Sgl Leg Deadlifts, 6″ Leg-Raised Holds w/Presses, American Hammers, and more.
– Back to COT for Mary.

MARY: Various – Rotating PAX Choice
– LBCs
– Flutters w/press
– More American Hammers
– Big Boy Sit-Ups
– Merkins (debatable as MARY but done nonetheless)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter Dinner signup, Stuff the Bus coming up (volunteers needed & 2.0 friendly), HIM Camp spots still needing to be filled (weekend of 8/12),

COT: Praises to QT bathrooms & for Rebound making it back for COT… Prayers for all in need, both spoken & unspoken.

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Running Street Jackson

Tried to make a pun on an Outkast song lyric “I’m sorry Ms. Jackson” by saying “We’re running street Jackson.” But much like running Jackson Street, it wasn’t funny. (Although I laughed)

Ran for a mile
Core work for the 6
5 burpees
10 hand release merkins
16 split squats (8 each leg)

Rinse and Repeat

Keep after it. Awesome to see guys that don’t typically run 3+ miles in the gloom crush it today.

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Black Diamond is uncovered at The Stockade

Warm-up began with short mosey to church parking lot. Some pax were lucky enough to carry a sandbag. Teams of three were formed, luckily we had just enough to form six teams. Seven rounds of exercises, team members rotated to each exercise. The first exercise (motion) acted as the clock. Once complete, rotate to next exercise.

Round Motion Exercise 1 Exercise 2
1 Run to church Squat with SB SSHs
2 Sandbag carry H/R Merkin LBCs
3 Inch Worm merkins Flutter/press Calf Raise
4 Sandbag toss Shoulder Taps Jump Squats
5 Burpee Broad Jump Diamond Merkin S. Press
6 Lunge walk w/bag Carolina Dry Dock Hello Dollies
7 Bear Crawl Man Maker American H

Most got through round 6, need to adjust cone distance or save the workout for 1hr.
Great job everyone!

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Circling the Drain

Toy Soldiers
High knee taps
…in the pouring rain.


100 Yard Sprint 3x to dry off of course

19 – Seated bike rack sit-ups.
19 – Alternate side sit-ups /  knee to elbow
19 – Seated bike rack sit-ups.

Select 40-60lb bag for rest of w/o

19 – Reverse lunge & twist
19 – Squat w/ overhead press
19 – Sandbag Shovel

19 – Pushup -on bag / w/ alternate mountain climbers.

50 Yard Bear Crawl w/ bag
19 Pushups – Pulling Bag through to side-to-side each rep.

19- Forward single leg lunge – over head press “on up”.
19- Backward single leg lunge – overhead press “on down”.


19 Alternate Jack-Knife-Sit-Up
V-up, 1 leg in air, touching heals

1 long body destroyer

HIM CAMP – 21 registered
Enjoy your 7am nap.


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7-17-2023 Simple

All veterans so quick disclaimer, run to back for 7 HR merkins, 17 morracan night clubs, and 23 SSHs. I decided last night to just keep it simple and use the date. Run to gravel lot, 7 squats, 17 overhead claps, and 23 seal jacks. Run to Toastery, 7 HR merkins, 17 MNCs, and 23 SSHs. Run to bank lot in front of Walmart.

I wanted to keep everyone somewhat together before turning loose the speedsters (Tesla, Fishy). Keeping with the date, did 7 bombjacks in bank lot, run down to traffic circle, 7 merkins, back up to bank lot. Repeat with 17, 20, and 23 reps. Pick up the 6 since time was almost up. Make our way back to COT with the same stops on the way back.

Pretty hot out in the gloom right now but I appreciate all the guys coming out and pushing it this morning. Thanks Badlands for the opportunity!

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Laps around WEP

WARMUP: Pledge…run around WEP to parking lot. Windmills, Moroccan Night Clubs, Slow Low Squats, Merkins, Knees to chest, Seal Jacks.
THE THANG: Run lab around WEP. Merkin ladder: start at one side of parking lot with 1 Merkien….Bear crawl accross….2 Merkins…..Bear Crawl back….3 Merkins….etc. until 10 Merkins. Run a Lap. Lt. Dan’s around parking lot (4 lunges w/1 squat). Ab work (flutters, LBCs, Hello Dolly) 10 diamond Merkins. Run back around WEP to COT.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Dad’s camp, F3 men’s camp
COT: Praises for 2.0s

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