SL Speed Work

Hot, humid, muggy, soupy, delightful morning. Thermometer said 75 when firing up the truck this morning. It’s gonna be a hot one. Best way to pay the man is to get it in early.

WARMUP: 1.5 mile run
THE THANG: 28 minutes of sprint repeats around the Kingsley Parking Lot
Prayers for DH’s father in law, Roger. He has a bad report from a biopsy indicating cancer on two organs.

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Kotter Q + Broga


15 minutes of Broga led by Sasquatch


3 (or 4) laps of Quadzilla by the pull up bars.

Grab a spot at the bars for 10 rounds EMOM of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Merkins
15 Squats

The minutes got shorter with each round…

Rinse and Repeat a/ 3 (or 4) laps of Quadzilla


Flutters, Penguins, American Hammers, Protractor, Rosalitas, 1 min low plank hold

During the plank, YHC gave a quick speech on how to get “Murph Ready” with a little bit of work each day. This lesson can be applied to anything in life.


F3 Dads is happening tomorrow at WEP at 9:30
Bethel Men’s Shelter is moving to the first Thursday of every month.


Prayers for the way we love our lives – we could be gone in an instant without knowing.
Prayers for Mrs. Sasquatch starting a new job next week.
Prayers for Sharknado’s baby growing in his M’s womb.

PL out.

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A new place for backblasts

WARMUP: Lap Around the lot
THE THANG: Sandbag/Ruck/Ruck Plate Upper Body WOD

4×10 Dive Bomber Push-ups
3×10 Kneeling Sandbag Curls
4×10 Ruck Front Raise
3×12 Ruck Plate Lateral Raise
4×15 Sandbag Strict OH Press
2×2 Min Max Merkins

ANNOUNCEMENTS: What Happens in SL stays in SL

COT: Prayed together as a SL regarding current happenings in our lives.

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Some opted for the norm, some did not

Disclaimer included the option of rucking or running on your own as is sometimes the norm but meet us back at 0600. The other option was to join me in running to the high school track, or so we thought. We made our way to the the stadium and saw that all access points were locked so we utilized the parking lot instead of the track. It wasn’t as good but it worked.
WARMUP: We ran
THE THANG: Cool run around the lot.
Fast run around the lot.
Cool run followed by a fast 2 laps.
Cool run followed by a fast 3 laps.
Cool run followed by a fast 4 laps.
Switch directions to run a lap then up the hill and down.
Again, run a lap but now, NUR up the hill and down.
Run another lap then up up and down.
Run back to COT. ~4.5mi
MARY: Sprinkled throughout.

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Beaker Mayhem Beatdown

WARMUP: SSH, Moroccan Night Clubs, Low Slow Squats, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Carolina Dry Docks, Plank to Downward Dog to Honeymooners
There were plenty of sandbags to go around.

PAX split up into groups of 3, each group with a sandbag and everyone with a KB.

Routine went as followed:
1 PAX jog/walk with the sandbag to the other end of the parking lot and back while the other 2 PAX perform workout. PAX 2 takes sandbag, goes to the other end and back while other 2 performs workout. This goes on until all 3 have carried the sandbag. Then workout switches.
After 2 workouts everyone planks up until the 6 gets in, then performs 7 manmakers as a group.

Repeat 2 more times

Workouts as followed:

Squats – Merkins – Manmakers
Beakers (A Uhaul with an added overhead press) – Rows – Manmakers
Flutter kicks – Calf Raises – Manmakers

Wrapped up with some Chest press – Freddie Mercury Jack Webs

Lots of mumble chatter about fupas and legs not working.

Great job guys! Thanks for the Q!

Beaker out!

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Official Manion WOD

Manion WOD
29 squats with ruck (with sandbags when available)
1/4 mile ruck (shared sandbags) some PAX run it
7 rounds

With about 10 minutes left on the clock @PunchList led us on some much needed broga.

-convergence/invergence tomorrow at WEP
-AMRAP for Autism event tomorrow at Mathew’s Sport Complex

@What did led us on prayer, thank you for your visit brother!

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Snakewood Sandbag Surprise

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Tappy Taps, Windmills

THE THANG: 4 Rounds
2 Turkish Get Ups
5 Burpee Snatches
Run a Lap

Head down the hill with bells.

Three Way Sandbag Surprise
Partner Farmers Carry KB’s Up and Back
Sand Bag Clean and Toss Up Hill
OH Press

The above three happened in rotating fashion.

MARY: 4 Minutes of Mary
Flutters x 15
American Hammers x 15
LBCs x 15
Protractor to the end

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party Coming… UHAUL will not be planning it.

COT: Prayers/Praises

Tootie & 2.0
Cable Guy & Family for their loss
UHAUL’s Nephew on the road to recovery
3D’s positive example smoking ribs with his 2.0

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Bushpit & Snakewood Sandbag Surprise

YHC picked up the Q last minute as a scheduling conflict arose. Always happy to help at the Snake Pit. Promised Turkish Get Ups and Burpee Snatches. Did not disappoint.

We had six in total (plus my #nutsniffer, Zoe), two from Bushwood and 4 from Snake Pit – so we formed together to be Bushpit/Snakewood. Also did not disappoint.


4 Rounds

2 Turkish Get Ups

5 Burpee Snatches

Run a Lap (.12 mile)


Head down the hill with bells.


Three Way Sandbag Surprise

Partner 1: Farmers Carry Heaviest Two KB’s Up and Back (Two Light Poles up)

Partner 2: Sand Bag Clean and Toss Up Hill

Partner 3: OH Press third KB

The above three happened in rotating fashion – when the Farmers Carrier returned they swapped movements, continuously throwing the sandbag up hill and back to COT.


4 Minutes of Mary

Flutters x 15

American Hammers x 15

LBCs x 15

Protractor to the end 


It was a glorious showing with good mumble chatter and positive conversation. You know, the usual stuff that keeps YHC coming back to F3 consistently.



Tootie & 2.0

Cable Guy & Family for their loss

UHAUL’s Nephew on the road to recovery

3D’s positive example smoking ribs with his 2.0


Appreciate YHC being allowed to lead again, 3D.


Punch List out.

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Well Lit Hills

17 months since the last post at the AO: $0.00
52 minute round trip: $0.00

2 Jerry Cans and 1 60lb Sandbag: $$$$

7 PAX for the main event: $0.00

Running hills for 25 minutes to start… Priceless


YHC hasn’t been to Pantheon in quite some time. Not since 2020. It’s still the same West of the Peach Stand.

The PAX rolled up and the disclaimer was given. We repeated the five core principles and off we moseyed into the gloom.

Hill work on Hubert Graham

Run down the hill past 5 light poles, ascending movements at each pole to the stop light. Repeat.

Burpees 1-5

Merkins 5 per pole

Lunges 5 per pole

Skater Jumps 10 per pole

Mosey back to shovel flag


Partner DORA w/coupons

50 Burpees – Farmers Carry out and back

100 OH Press – Bear Crawl out and back

150 Squats – Run/Nur out and back

200 SSH – Farmers Carry out and back

250 Flutters – Farmers Carry out and back


We finished up in the middle of the flutters. YHC was sad to not put the stamp on the 250, but 0600 is 0600. Solid work given by all PAX.



In the middle of the hill repeats, we stopped for story time. Long/short, YHC played a part in helping someone stop choking to death last night. Michelle Schmidt is her name. She almost passed away right next to us. Her daughter in law was running late and could have showed up to learn terrible news. It could have been different. She could have passed away and everything changed for those in her life. God did not have that plan last night.

After the adrenaline subsided and the night moved on… I tossed the situation around in my head every which way. Reminder – life is precious. It could end in the wrong swallowing of a taco. What are we doing today in light of this fact that life could end at any moment?


Cable Guy and family for the loss of his son.

Aquaman and the loss of his son.

Michelle Schmidt and her living another day.


38 Special – thanks for tapping YHC to lead today. It was a great time.

Punch List out.

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It dit-int rain

We had a few at a damp parking lot, but no rain (U-haul.)

Started by stretching just enough to get Funhouse a little grumpy ’cause he could feel something coming.

A sampling of a few groups of exercises with a light jog in between:

KB Swings 15
Lawnmower Pulls 15 each arm
Tricept Extensions 15
Halo circles 20
Hillbilly Walker with Bell 10 each leg (20)

Squats 15
Deadlifts 20
KB Swings 20
Tricept Extensions 15
Around The World single count 20 

Lawnmower Pulls 15 each arm
Clean press 10 each arm (20)
Halo circles 20

Squats 15
Around The World single count 20
Shoulder Press 15

Lawnmower Pulls 15 each arm
Tricept Extensions 15
Deadlift 20
Clean press 10 each arm (20)

Unfortunately, at one point, we lost Funhouse. Something got pulled. Hope you are doing much better soon.

Prayers to the Cyclops fam.

We talked about the Mental Battle podcast dropping Friday with DH, DThrill and C-Span (who is moving to Dallas?)  Also great fellowship with the young turks who are married and engaged in being strong dads. I am glad to see so many under 40’s taking advantage of F3 and what it brings in building the I am Third. I am more than happy to chat about the mistakes I made as a young dad trying hard to make my mark (before F3 existed.)

Thanks to 3-D for the opportunity.

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