Get Right at Acceleration Project

13 Pax gathered for a downpainment prior to the Acceleration Project and to Get Right for the day. The goal is to grow in every area of your life, not necessarily by leaps and bounds, but inch by inch. The idea of getting 1% better is what ultimately leads to becoming a pro and preparing for the unexpected.

The Thang

Mosey to church parking lot

5 burpees then run to island
30 SSH + 4 burpees then run to island
15 IW + 3 burpees then run to island
10 merkins + 2 burpees then run to island
10 windmills + 1 burpee then run to island
5 burpees

Discuss the impact of Get Right in all 3 Fs

Mosey to FM Baptist lot and grab chalk

Each pax completed one round of each exercise for time and then were challenged to do at least 1 more in round 2

Wide arm merkins
Donkey kicks
Big boys

Mosey home for a quick Mary

COT: Happy Easter

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Run / Ruck

THE THANG: 4 runners headed west down RT160 to Old Kingsley for a loop and returned back to downtown FM for a loop back to COT ~ 4.5+ miles ran

2 ruckers head west down RT160 and made a right on to Jackson to Harris to Spratt to White and back to COT ~ 2.25 miles rucked

MARY: LBCs, Flutters, Freddy Mercury’s, and Superman Stretches
COT: Closed in prayer

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Convergence Before the Invergence

It was rainy, cloudy, dark, in other words perfect weather for a convergence. We had roughly 55-60 PAX out for the variety of workouts that were about to be executed.  Disclaimer disclaimed, FNG identified (Randy from heaven on earth (aka Pittsburgh) , and we launched.

Bootcamp Q : Slapshot

Bootcampers followed me up the hill and towards the springs parking lot. After a quick plank for the 6 we moved onto to the parking lot across 160 behind the former bank and now drug store for the warm-up.


50 SSH (IC)

20 Merkings (IC)

10 Michael Phelps (IC)

5 Windmills (IC)

20 Mtn Climbers (IC)


20 Plank JAcks (IC)

Mosey to the other side of the parking lot.

DORA: Partner up with someone you haven’t worked out with. Run was around the drugstore and through the parking lots.

200 Plank JAcks

200 Toe Touches

200 SSH

150 Diamond Merkins

100 4-Ct Flutters

Recover Run Back towards COT.

Tabata Series

30 Seconds on 10 seconds off

4 Rounds 4 sets

  1. SSH
  2. Seal JAcks
  3. HR Merkins
  4. Am. Hammers

Last 7 minutes: 10 Burpess EMOM (which was reduced to a an 11 of sorts after minute 5 where we started going 10 burpees plus 1 BBS, then 9 burpees plus 2 BBS….etc… until we had about 20 seconds left.

I had everyone recover on their feet and then add 1 last Burpee.

NNM: I spoke today about one of the many examples of what F3 has meant to me. Specifically, the other day I was out for a pre-run where I started out at a “comfortable pace” already deciding in my head what I was “good” with that morning.  Then about 2 miles in I came across a fellow Pax who got to the AO early and decided to go find me. We started to run together and my “comfortable pace” got very uncomfortable very quickly. All told, when we got back to COT I had increased the pace I was running at by over 35 seconds. He literally found me where I was, didn’t leave me behind, and pushed me to accelerate. It is what I needed then, and it’s what I needed 5 years ago when I started F3. I never knew how fast I could run, until I started running with faster guys. That Friday morning was a great reminder that I can always push more, that I have plenty of gas left in the tank, and that somewhere out in the gloom a brother is willing to go find you and get you better. (Thanks Olaf)

Whether you are accelerating 1F or the 2nd and 3rd, run with faster guys and don’t just be comfortable. You never really know what you are capable of until you push just a little bit more.


Running Q Bandcamp

Speaking of Running with faster guys…Bandcamp executed a 10K route where he was able to hit a PR. The route went all over the downtown Fort Mill area. Again, men surround yourself with HIMS you never know what you’re going to be able to do.

Ruck Q : JWOW

Ruck to Church of NAzarene

10 rounds –

5 merkins at the bottom then 10 squats at the top of the stairs.

Rucked to Print Shop

20 step ups and 20 dips

Rucked up Main STreet and back to Wep for the chair swing loop at each chair swing 5 squats and 5 CDD’s One more half loop to COT.

Kettlebell Q: 38 Special

Leg stretches for a couple minutes while us 40somethigns PAX complained about our joints

The Thang:

10 each of Arm Curl and Press, tricep ex. and overhead press. Grabbed bells and went for a stroll around the park. Bells always farmered carried. We used the park equipment to tell us what to do. Each Swing 20 swings, Statues 30 Standing Tesh with squat each arm Bathrooms = 20 squats same set as the start upon our return.

Paired up for a dora

100 Goblet Squats

200 Calf Raises

300 Flutter with chest press

6 minutes to go carry back to bathroom and back 1 minute of squats and 1 minute of swings.

IR Q: Kermit

Took a nice mosey around downtown Fort Mill and even down to the Peach stand and back. Big thank you for leading this piece and not leaving any men behind!


Post Workout  JWOW led us in prayer and we named a  FNG The name Cannonball.

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Q-School Part 1

Started this fine morning with Pusher leading the Disclaimer.

All key points were included.
Asking for new people
Declaration that you are not an expert
Stating that everyone there is assuming all risk by being there, every exercise is a suggestion and to modify if needed to avoid injury.

Pusher also made sure to note the leadership aspect of being a Q. How it links with the larger mission of F3 and how being prepared to lead is instrumental in having a successful Q.

With that we moseyed to behind the Oil Change garage.

Here we circled up and Pusher put us through the finer points of a warmup including how to call cadence, how to pace cadence, and a sample of exercises that are popular within a warmup. After this portion of Q-school Pusher handed it off to me and I called 5 burpees OYO. Because why not….

Well also, as I explained, it’s a good tool to use to silence mumble chatter and help corral the PAX. (a whistle also helps with this)

For my portion of Q school I introduced a couple of workout concepts that had are scaleable. Meaning that the PAX could modify these up or down as they saw fit during the course of the workout. The other key piece I mentioned here is the intention of time-boxing your workout. For me I like to divide my workout into pieces. This helps inform me on if I can modify up or modify down a set of exercises based on the time allotment.

The first two sequences were first a simple circuit using the wall behind the garage.

10 Irkins
10 Derkins
10 Dips


Plank for the 6

Run to behind the grocery store

Using the two islands

A simple 7 concept with a run in-between the two stations

HR Merkins on one side and Squats on the other.

Again, these are concepts that you can leverage and elevate as needed. For instance the 7’s could become 11’s, 20’s or even 30’s if you are so inclined with any mode of transportation you see fit in-between like bear crawls or burpee broad jumps.

For the final 3rd piece of the WO portion I took us to the pavilion by the church. I talked about knowing the AO and what it has to offer. Specific for this AO we have cover and benches here. It’s a great spot for a tabata style workout leveraging the WOD app. And that is what we did. I called out a series of exercsies with a short rest in-between.

Again, this is a great way to use a small space but keep the hear rate up and engage the pax. Candidly some of my best Q’s were in this format because of the proximity of my fellow pax and the ability for PAX to push themselves in this type of format.

After this portion was over we took off for COT.

With just over 5 minutes left we did Mary but had newish pax attempt cadence. I’m happy to say we all settled on Starting Positions ….MOVE……and that all Pax did a good job of picking up on it quickly.

We ended on COT where Pusher did a great job of articulating why it’s important and why it makes F3 different.

To quickly recap

-A great Q starts before 5:15. Work with the Site Q and plan ahead. Always overplan because it’s easier to scale down than scale up if needed.
-When calling cadence practice if you are not used to it. Practice in your garage or wherever but perfect practice makes perfect.
-Be willing to alter your plan if needed. A big thing for me is to keep PAX together and keep Pax safe. In other words if you think that hill looks a little too muddy to run up maybe look to do something else. (burpees for instance)
-COT is one of the most important pieces of the Q experience (that and writing a timely backblast). Be respectful and thoughtful.

Thanks to the Pax who came out, and the Pax who supported this (Especially Fishtix and Olaf who shared tidbits of wisdom throughout)

If anyone has any questions or wants to view/access some of the documents referenced today please feel free to reach out.


Class dismissed!

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~Alabama Route

Alabama route was called, with some tweaks to get us to 6 miles. Several pax started early and/or ran late to get up to 12 miles. YHC took video of the most pax, and thus felt inclined to post this backlist.

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The Zipper at Minnow Pond

YHC was excited to join the Pax for Minnow Pond this AM. Prior to the workout, I looked over previous backblasts because I wanted to do the Zipper but wanted to see the level of exercises associated with it. I chose 4 exercises to mix in with the running and get a full body workout.

Disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance followed by a mosey to old Hardees parking lot. (Aside – does Fort Mill need a paid parking lot?)

Run the Zipper which includes Spring Street and the associated side street with 10 merkins, Mtn climbers, squat jumps and big boys at each corner.

Run back to old Hardees at 5:55. Last group of exercises

MARY: Flutters, LBCs and Hello Dollies until the 6 arrives

Mosey home.

Congrats to Dark Helmet as he takes the reins as Nantan of F3 Nation
Read the newsletter as we have lots of activity coming up

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Running with push ups

WARMUP: pledge
THE THANG: mosey to WEP and partner up. Each partner runs in opposite direction around the WEP path and each time they meet do the next installment in a 1/4 jack webb with burpees/ merkins ( 1 burpees and 4 merks, etc) cap of 7 burpees and 28 merkins before starting back down the mountain

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Preparedness at Dawn Patrol

Weather was 32 degrees and YHC had cold hands and feet coming off an earlier Q at the Coaches Box but pressed on.

YHC continued the discussion on Jester and Preparedness throughout the workout.


Mosey to Lash parking lot

Lots of exercises here

Mosey to far end of the lot

BLIMPS workout
Burpees x 5
Lunges x 10
IW x 15
Merkins x 20
Plank Jacks x 25
Squats x 30

Run to end of lot after completion of a round. Rinse and repeat 5 times

Mosey home with Mary along the way.


32 Year Anniversary for DD
Prayers for Old Bay M
Prayers for Sprockets upcoming grandchild

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Preparedness at the Coaches Box

Weather was 32 degrees and chilly but the lights were on and YHC was prepped for a Q to discuss Jester and Preparedness

Simply defined, the Jester is temptation of the flesh that hinders Acceleration. It is a stumbling block that a man continuously trips over in his effort to become a Pro.

The Jester tells a man several lies including:

1. You are the boss of me
2. You are what you do
3. You are not a bad guy
4. Jester and Virtue can coexist
5. You can’t live, if living is without me

But the antidote to the Jester is preparedness, preparing for what is expected and what is unexpected. The addition of love to this preparation leads to diminishing the Jester. But it is a battle that a Man must fight throughout his life.


Mosey to the front of FMHS

Plank Jacks

Mosey to the band lot

Deconstructed Burpee – STAR model

Burpees in the middle x 5
Bobby Hurley x 25
Squats x 25
Merkins IC 12
Mtn Climbers x 25

Mosey to pull up bars

Grip Strength work
Partner 1 – hang
Partner 2 – Mary

Rinse and Repeat x 3

Mosey home for COT

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