Walmart Run

WARMUP: No warms at STL
THE THANG: Ran from COT to Walmart Automotive. Started with 5 merkins, half the group ran clockwise around Walmart while the other half of the group ran counter-clockwise around Walmart. When the pax met on the other side of the building, they stopped and did big boy situps. Rinse and repeat around Walmart with Merkins and BBS in reps of 5-10-15-20-15-10-5 . After completing, we ran back to COT. Mileage was 3.75 to 4 miles by pax.
MARY: 10 cadence counts of Freddie Mercurys
COT: Closed in prayer

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O’Riley Triple Check

lap around parking lot
circle up for COP warm-up
– 25 SSH
– 10 Windmills
– 20 mountain climbers
– 10 plank jacks
– 10 Moroccan Nightclubs
– 10 Imperial Squat Walkers

Jog along front of shops. stopping at every white bench to do 5 burpees (for a total of 20).

Run to front of O’Riley Auto Parts.
Get in groups of 3 for Triple Check:

1 person in people chair
1 person doing exercise (below)
1 person running far side of Oil Change and do 3 box jumps on concrete half-wall. this increased to 7 box jumps as we progressed through the exercises.

1. Merkins
2. Heels to heaven
3. Seal jacks
4. Box Cutters
5. Shoulder Taps
6. Freddie Mercury s
7. CDDs
8. LBCs
9. Overhead claps
10. Flutters

Got through the list, headed back to COT.

Great work done by all, and we had a fun and lively discussion. Thanks to Half Shell for the opportunity to lead!

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Hey look, stairs!

WARMUP: mumbled about the route
THE THANG: Rucked past the ghost of an AO Thursday past, Footloose. Then went searching for stairs to snake and climb.
MARY: 10 squats, 10 flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Good Stuff. Get there.
COT: 5th Core Principle of course.

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Four corners and dropped passes

WARMUP: SSH, Moroccan night clubs, Trucker not approved windmills, mountain climbers
THE THANG: started with one lap around WEP to get our blood pumping then back to start to assume the plank position. Did four reps of plank jacks, mountain climbers, shoulder taps, Supermans. Rinse and repeat with 8/16/32 reps.
Mozy to parking lot for four corners. Broken out by upper body, lower body, abs, and everything. Corner 1: 20 reps of merkins, CDD, Plank Jacks, wide arm merkins. Full lap to get to cone #2: 20 sumo squats, calf raises, monkey jumpers, bomb jacks. Full lap to get to corner 3: 20 big boy sit-ups, American hammers, box cutters, LBCs. Full lap to corner four: 10 burpees, 20 SSH, Mountain climbers, one leg merkins.
Mozy to COT for football warmups. Pax took turns being qb with remaining pax rotating in at wide receiver. While wr ran a post, remaining pax alternated between Al Gores, Squats, Merkins, American Hammers. Each dropped pass resulted in 2 burpees. (We did more than we should have)
Final parting wisdom…the mind quits before the body does, and somehow/some way it all gets done.
MARY: not present
ANNOUNCEMENTS: too many to remember including convergence, golf, bourbon tasting
COT: Prayers and praise for fellowship, progress with 2.0s

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Stone Cold Crazy

Nine men met at the Fort Mill Lowes for 45 minutes of Slow Burn to get ready for the weekend. Here’s what they did:

The Pax were disclaimed and then mosied around the parking lot until we found a good spot for COP (all in double cadence):
SSX x 20, windmill x 10, cherry picker x 10, merkin x 7, alternate lunge x 10, mountain climber x 15/hold/6″/down dog/up dog, squat x 10, wide arm merkin x 7

Mosey to a new spot for some side shuffles with broad jump burpees and bomb jacks. Pair up with a partner and start on a parking lot line. Side shuffle along a parking lot line, broad jump burpee to the next line, side shuffle along that line, broad jump burpee to the next line, and so forth. Continue with a zig-zag fashion for roughly 10 lines. Follow the same path back to the start, but run backwards, side shuffle, and do 2 bombjacks at each line (crowd pleaser).

Mosey to a new spot for classic Jack Webb 1-8, 4:1 ratio.

Mosey to a new spot for one suicide run with merkins, squats, side straddle hops, and finish with a plank hold.

Mosey to a new spot for Airborne’s killer hip workout

Freddie Merc x 15, LBC x 15, American Hammer x 15, Hello Dolly x 15. Finish with the Body Destroyer
Dam to Dam race registration opens in one week and sells out quickly. Make sure your captain doesn’t miss it.
Prayers for ST’s friend’s son who was in a serious motorcycle accident and has a serious brain injury and long rehab ahead. Prayers for the people of Isreal, Gaza, and Ukraine.

For whatever reason, Slow Burn has earned a reputation for a lot of mumble chatter and today was no exception. More than once, I had to raise my voice to be heard over all the talking! The chatter started before the workout and continued until the Q finally silenced the Pax for the Body Destroyer at the end of the workout. But, it’s what makes Slow Burn such a fun workout and why it consistently has good attendance every Friday. Well done, men. It was a pleasure this morning!
PS: The title refers to a classic Queen song that was brought up today. Those who don’t know it (if anyone will actually read this backblast) should check it out – if you like Queen, you’ll love this one!

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Wheels Up @ The Pond

WARMUP: Not really.
THE THANG: Run the .5mi loop around McCammon, Clebourne, Main St back to the flags.
Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Mountain Climbers, Merkins
Run up Massey to Sisk Memorial
10 Box Butters, 15 Flutters I/C, 20 LBCs (really 40)
Run down the hill and back up to Sisk
10 Box Cutters
Run down then back up to Sisk
20 LBCs
Run down and over to the steps at light
50 Calf Raises
Run to the Church lot on Harris
10 W.A.M., 10 Regular Merkins, 10 Diamonds (hands almost touching-Band Camp)
Run down to Harris St Park
15 Gas Pumpers
30 Dips
Run all the way up Jackson to 160 and take it in to COT.
MARY: See above
COT: 5th Core Principle

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Use your manners

WARMUP: mosey around loop with dynamic stretching at times.
THE THANG: ssh,alternating lunges, squats, 45 degree lunges, elbow to planks, walk outs with squat, burpees. Mosey in formation to back of school 7s squats and shoulder taps, mosey to hill burpees bear crawl burpees. All done while wearing ruck.
COT: prayers and praises

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Great bootcamp weather for a run (10 degrees too warm for good running weather)

Hive 9th Birthday

We gathered strong for a kettlebell celebration
WARMUP: Happy Hour led
Airborne had 10 minutes of EMOM
ran a lap
Band Camp had 10 minutes of EMOM (Free Smells splashed a little root beer cause he’s 19)
ran a lap
BOB had 10 minutes of EMOM
MARY: Airborne close with his hip extravaganza
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grateful Longshanks kicked this AO off 9 years ago. Missed Uhaul being there, but otherwise we had all the former site Qs present
COT: Was held
Coffeeteria with Popppins leading afterwards.

Thanks Happy Hour for the push to celebrate!

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No garbage truck today

WARMUP: ssh, windmills, iw, hw all in cadence
THE THANG: 4 corners around the empire pizza/ Persis building
Corner 1: squats
Bear crawl to corner 2
Corner 2: squats and big boys
Run to corner 3
Corner 3: squats, big boys, merkens
Lunge walk to corner 4
Corner 4: squats, big boys, merkens, dips
Run to corner 1 to repeat

Rep count 25-> 20-> 15-> 10-> 5
MARY: a little for quicker ones

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