One Word for the Win

WARMUP: Killed some time with usual fare in pkg lot while Mainframe and Pusher fixed the wrinkle in their panties
THE THANG: Ran past the golf course (with some exercises along the way) to the lower part of the trail that goes up the hill from Tega Cay Drive to the tennis courts. We did hill repeats with squats at the bottom and burpees at the top. We did so many that Dark Helmet cried and our Q (YHC) lost count. Then we did some more. And then more. When Fishstix proved to be unbreakable, we ran past tennis courts, out the golf course entrance and down the road back to Runde with some exercises along the way.
MARY: Flutters in parking lot for last 2 mins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pusher is leading 8 Blocker exercise 1st Sat of Jan at Panera after workouts.
COT: Falconcrest brought our FNG Slurve who showed up in a golf cart but somehow we have him baseball name. Thanks for the EH! Let’s get him back out this week!

We addressed the One Word topic throughout, including examples of random words that don’t motivate and thoughtful words that do. Pusher added some best practices, Senator gave his solid plug for Why F3 still matters to him in his 13th year. Finally DOAH stuck the landing with a heartfelt example of how F3 and One Word can come together in mysterious ways to make Impact.

A great morning for all present. You were missed Uber!

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Boxing Day Double Q

WARMUP: Boxing Day background from Gump
THE THANG: We stayed put in the Amphitheatre the whole 45 mins other than taking turns to run with imaginary box held overhead as the timing device for each exercise. Exercises included box jumps, boxing jabs, upper cuts, Box straddle hops, dips, derkins, squats, windmills, box cutters, and more
MARY: yes, included throughout
COT: yes! It was great to have Flounder and his son (Emeritus Nantan of Cape Fear region — Gump) lead the pax. Good spirit and energy among the pax, including several Double Downers. We missed Jekyll who was FR with inlaws for holidays.

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Burn off the Christmas sweets

SSH 50
Cherry picker 15


2 laps around school
L1 25
L2 15
L1 & L2 =25
Big boy sit-up
L1 25
L2 15
Mike Tyson’s
L1 & L2 = 15
Chin ups
L1 & L2 = 10
L1 & L2 = 20
Mosey to soccer field
Lunge 1/2 field then bear crawl 2nd half x2
Ran almost 2 miles

American hammer
Pickle in the air
Box cutter
Leg raises
Bethel men’s shelter
Preparing the way
Dam to dam bar
Wine tasting event

Prayers and praises

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Christmas Eve Convergence at The Yard

WARMUP: (cake boss): 5 Burpees, SSH, 4 B., Imp.Walk, 3B., HillWalk, 2B, something else, 1B…

Count off 1 & 2; Group 1 w/ Farmers Only, Group 2 w/ Suplex
Switch Q’s at 1/2 mark

Group 1 (Farmers only):

Group 2 (Suplex):
Cocaine Bear Crawls to the 50 (2 merkins at each 5yrd). Al Gore till the 6
Mary #1: 12 Hello Ladies (IC), 24 Plank Jacks (IC), 12 BBSU & 24 Heel-taps (OYO)
Go right into….
Burpee Broad Jumps (3 & 3) to end zone
Plank till the 6

Crane Carries to 50: back to back, 1 runs while other flutter kicks (swap @ 25… mod. to piggyback if needed)
Mary #2: 12 AmHamms (IC), 24 Gas Pumpers (IC), 12 Dying CockRoaches & 24 LBCs (OYO)
Go right into…
Other man in Sparrow Run.
@ end zone: 12 Imp-Squat-walkers (IC) 24 or something else (improv.)

MARY: done w/in Thang
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletters… Merry Christmas!
COT: held (5th core principle)

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Bing was in town. It was a real good time.

Bing probably has a much more interesting version of all this, but suffice it to say, it was a good time. I went first half and Bing ended the hour. It’s not going to be a great backblast, but it will capture the fact that there were men there and what their names were. That’s gotta count for something…

We did.

We lifted some stuff. Then Bing made us do a lot of Bear Crawling and something called a “Pit of Misery”. Hateful stuff…

No chicks.

Read your newsletter.

The 5th Core Principle.

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Hills for the Pax

The Pax were disclaimed (sort of) and did 25 SSH, 10 windmills, and some leg and back stretches to warm up. The group split and the running group left Earthfare and jogged to the Brayden neighborhood.
Hill repeats were done on 3 different hills in the Brayden neighborhood and Dave Gibson Blvd. On each hill, we started with an exercise on the bottom, ran up the hill, jogged back, did another exercise, and repeated it. 4 trips up each hill, with 25 reps of the exercises listed below (ab exercises were double count). The total distance covered was 4.2 miles.

Afton Way
Diamond merkins
Freddie Mercury
Plank jacks

Len Patterson Road
Wide arm merkins
Hello Dollies
Sumo squats
Mountain climbers

Dave Gibson Blvd
Bombjacks (shortened to 10 reps due to time)

Mosey back to COT

MARY: See above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party on Dec 21 (registration closed), Clave Boss 5K/Christmas convergence at The Yard on Dec 24, Dam to Dam Bar, Jan 25 (?). Check your newsletter.
COT: Prayers for: Cicada’s friend Miss B’s son passed away, Pax struggles with family and marriage -doing the right thing and accepting it more easily, safe holiday travels for all

I don’t post regularly at the running AO’s anymore, and I wonder if the Pax do hill repeats regularly. ‘Back in the day’, I used to do these once a week. They are grind to get through but are a good way to build leg strength and speed (no pain,no gain). Ideally, you want steeper hills than we ran today, but they got the job done. The Pax did a great job pushing through them this morning and we all got at least 1% stronger.

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The Triangle

WARMUP: Parking lot mosey with 20 SSH IC, 15 Moroccan NC IC, 15 IW IC, 15 HW IC
THE THANG: Started at Dollar Tree with 30 Merkins, Mosey to Pet Groomer with 30 Squats, Mosey to Dogtopia with 30 LBC’s. Rinse & Repeat for 5 rounds. 2.13 miles total.
MARY: Yes, all sorts of stuff
COT: Yes

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The Triangle

WARMUP: Parking lot mosey with 20 SSH IC, 15 Moroccan NC IC, 15 IW IC, 15 HW IC
THE THANG: Started at Dollar Tree with 30 Merkins, Mosey to Pet Groomer with 30 Squats, Mosey to Dogtopia with 30 LBC’s. Rinse & Repeat for 5 rounds. 2.13 miles total.
MARY: Yes, all sorts of stuff
COT: Yes

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