IronPAX week -1???

WARMUP: lots of stuff to get everyone loose
THE THANG: Cindies at the bottom of the hill by elementary school.
Called 11s on the hill with Manmakers at the bottom and Leg lifts over your head at the top while holding onto your block behind you for an anchor. 10 Manmakers at bottom to start so the bad stuff only gets less

Had to cut short around 3/8 or 4/7 for most so we could get back to COT and do about 8 min of cooldown and stretching.

We don’t stretch enough after working out. It would be one thing if guys hung out after a workout and stretched but we usually want to rush off or stand around and talk. Instead of trying to fill the last 5 min with random pain or Mary around the circle call some stretches. At most of our ages it probably would benefit more than the 5 min of exercises you squeeze in.


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Lots of Swings and Man Makers with a few laps thrown in

Some SSHs, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Moroccan nightclubs and then a short mosey with the bells to the front loop

Escalating cumulative ladder with a lap between each set:
1 Arm Swing (10 each arm)
Flutter + Press
Clean + Press (10 each arm)
Man Makers
Merkins on Bell (5 each arm)
Overhead Press (10 each arm)
American Hammer
Chest Press (10 each arm)

Example of action:
Swings + Lap
Flutters, Swings + Lap
Cleans, Flutters, Swings + Lap

I think Tressel led us and he was through the OH Press I believe. As always, fun was had by all.

MARY: About 45 seconds of LBC’s to get to 0600

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The Ranch/ Tour of the Campus, small Men workout

WARMUP: Merkins, Side straddle Hop, low slow squat
THE THANG: Ran all of Spring Field campus with multiple pain stations and lots of steps ( Dips, 3 burpees, Bear crawl, with 3 Merkins stopping at each cone, and finishing with 10 Side straddle hops and 6 bomb :bomb: jacks. Ran 3+ Miles


ANNOUNCEMENTS: check slack

COT: prayer and praise for family and F3

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Space X and Dumpsters (same?)

mosey, warm-up, imperial walker, hillbilly walker, OH claps, windmill, Freddie, dying cockroach, stationary lunge, travolta, mt climber. Not in that order, 12-20 reps

mosey around back to some fresh air, four corners, 2 burpees in the middle, corners were 20x squats, merkins, plank jacks, LBCs

Mosey to side of HT, wall sit, pop out for 2 burpees

Mosey to the top lot my NASAs nail salon, bear crawl 2 parking spots, 1 merkin, to the end

mosey to partner DORA, 100 squats, 200 shoulder taps, 300 crunches

Mosey to side of HT, wall sit, pop out for 2 burpees

Mosey back to the top lot, 1/2 run and 1/2 exercise DORA type deal. BB sits, flutters, merkins, squat jumps

Video (avail on 1st F slack channel)
announcements (bring Slapshot to all your workouts)
prayers & praises

Thank you for the opportunity <@U01CGBKBQ64>

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Ladder of Pain to escape Alcatraz?

After a thorough professional disclaimer of an unprofessional Q, YHC unleashed the “Ladder of Pain”

Quick mosey around the baseball field then back to the parking lot.

The Thang:
Parking lot was where we stayed the whole time while discussing summers in Germany and India, and what people wear for swim suits.

1 Burpee
3 Big Boy Situps
6 Shoulder Taps
10 Flutters
15 Merkins
21 Freddie Mercury
28 CDD
36 LBCs
45 Overhead Claps
55 Squats
66 Baby Arm Circles
78 Monkey Humpers
91 Moroccan Nightclubs
105 Calf Raises
120 Overhead Presses

The routine went somewhat like,
First exercise, mosey to baseball court and back
First two exercises, mosey to baseball court and back
First three exercises…
Rinse and Repeat.

In one hour we reached as high as Moroccan Nightclubs.


Thank you for the opportunity <@UN3JKG18C>. And great work <@U012K8DDK7V> and <@U0955D42X>

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Shoulders of Pain

WARMUP: Mosey- Circled up. SSH, windmill, moracin nightclub, Cherry pickers, Mosey some more.
THE THANG: ( Mosey 1/2 mile out )Max reps for (2 minutes x2) Merkins, CDD, dips, Heels to heaven. Finished up with 50 yard sprints and NUR back. 2 miles total
MARY: Hello Dolly, Bicycles and one other group lead!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: More of the same
COT: Prayer for the group

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Band Practice at The Ring of Fire

SSH x30

Merkin x10

Windmills x10

Run to the pull-up bars – 10 strict pullups with no step and not kipping. When you get to failure your partner can grab your feet and help you

Grab a coupon and head to the band practice field
From the goal line:
Curls and Tricep Extensions
Run with your coupon to the 10 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back the goal line

Run back to the 10 yard line, grab your coupon and run to the 20 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back to the goal line

Run back to the 20, grab your coupon and run to the 30, complete 10 of each exercise.

Continue this series until you reach the other goal line.

Run it back in the same manner with different exercises:
Bent over rows

OH Press

Partner up:
Catch me if you can the long way around the school back to the pull-up bars to return the blocks. One partner runs with both blocks, the other partner does 2 burpees and runs then down.

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Deck of Cards With Too Many Jokers

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Moroccan Night Clubs, 5 burpees
THE THANG: Deck of Cards
Diamonds= Diamond Merkins
Clubs=Big Boys
Jokers=25 burpees
After each PAX pulled a card, we ran 2 laps around the parking lot to get some cardio in, too. I included a 3rd Joker in the deck just to make it more fun 😉
MARY: Round Robin Style
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trash Pickup, T&H, Read the Newsletter
COT: Lots of prayers for health, transitions, new schools, and marriages.

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Anyway but the stinky dumpsters

We did dynamic warm up
Some moseys some wall work and then back to main parking lot
9 lanes
10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs at top of each lane run to next one

Plank on curb
PAX bear crawl to. End of line …2times with 5 burpees at the end

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