Colosseum Backblast

Warmup: Shady

QIC: Zima

25 Pax showed to see if the rumors were true. Or Shady has a degree in short-term hype trains. Maybe a little of both. Humbled to see y’all out there for an out of shape Q workout.

Shady did a 5 min warmup

Station 1: Burpee Suicides 5-10-15 reps (no foreplay @Jekyll)

Merkin Suicides 5-10-15 repsMosey to another Station at entrance to school

Station 2: Quadzilla for 4 minutes (run downhill and nur back uphill). #lovelanguageOG Quadzilla (thanks @Pusher). Same as above but with 10 squats at top and 10 jumping lunges at bottom.

Mosey to Elementary School Car Loop

Station 3: Run 5 laps doing 10 hand release merkins at starting line and 10 hand release merkins at half point (5 laps=100 hand release merkins)

I had 3.0+ miles by COT. It felt good to Q again and be in the gloom with y’all. I felt the love.

Announcements: Read the Newsletter

-Zima praise for Let Me Run Coaching
-Prayers for those suffering from depression (when in doubt, reach out)
-Prayers for Blount daughter who has cancer
-Prayers for Cyclops M whose uncle passed away

Apologies for any errors or omissions. Thanks for the opportunity. I need a nap.

Zima Out!

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Pantheon Burpee Lane Humid Fest

12 PAX + YHC chose to post at Pantheon. Why it was never named Painathon I don’t know……but here we go.

Mosey warm up with some running and some other stuff

  • Mosey the .4 route of pain to point out the 4 pain stations
    • Weezy Jeffersons
    • Big Boys
    • American Hammers
    • Squats
    • Box Jumps
    • Lunges or Lungs….whatever you like
    • Diamond Merkings
    • Derkins
    • Hand Release Merkins
    • Inch Worm Merkins
    • Parker Peters
    • Mak Tar Za’s
  • Hit Burpee Lane
    • 5 Burpees
    • Bear Crawl 25 yards
    • 5 burpees
    • Bear Crawl 50 yards
    • 5 Burpees

Great Mumble Chatter and lots of sweat!

Thx 38 speacial! Everyone get better!!



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Carrying the Distance

13 PAX today in the sweet spot of the year when the gloom feels about perfect

1 burpee
Peter Parker
Parker Peter
2 burpees
Little yoga
Monkey Humpers

We were pretty mobile today with a farmers carry between stops
5 stations

Station 1:
Swings 20
Merkins 20

Station 2:
Snatch 10
Split Squat 10

Station 3:
Rows 10
Overhead Squat 10

Station 4:
Single Leg Deadlift 10
Manmaker 10

Station 5-rotation with 13 guys
Overhead press
Goblet Squat
Pullup (option to be weighted 20lb)
YHC called up an down.

Then we returned hitting each station again. (modified reps for time to reach COT at 0600)
Grip was pretty shot at the end.

Proverbs 12:24
Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor.

We’re not being physically lazy out in the gloom, but I KNOW there are aspects of my life where I am lazy. That laziness forces me into positions I have to work to get out of. For example, not keeping regular track of my finances, or being a lazy parent by allowing something my boys are doing to get out-of-hand. In either of these situations, I’m forced to act because my laziness pressed the situation until I had to respond. And too often, my response is poor. Better to be prepared and diligent in handling the situation.

Prayer for today: Lord, I know I don’t need to constantly work hard in every aspect of my life, but embolden me to be diligent. And make me wise enough to see the difference between “working hard” and being “diligent.”
Praise for one soon-to-be less occupied (in-laws…) house
Prayers for a father-in-law’s impending passing; anxiety over legal situations

F3 Dads every Saturday in June. 9-9:30 WEP

An honor to lead, great to see such a crowd of high impact guys. Every single former site-q from The Hive was present today. Thanks B.O.B. for the opportunity.

Band Camp

Band Camp dismissed

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Sixteen strong hit the Golden Corral this morning and worked together under a full moon and a perfect 54 degrees.  Here is what they did:

The Thang:

Mosey to the back of the Harris Teeter plaza for COP:

All in Cadence:  SSH x 40, Windmill x 15, Merkin x 10, Squat x 20, Mountain Climber x 25, LBC x 25, Wide Arm Merkin x 15, Jumping Lunge x 20

Mosey behind the Express Oil Building and head down hill entering the Evolve Apt complex.   Break into two groups for a modified Jacob’s Ladder – Up/Down the hill and build to 7 burpees at the top.

Mosey back to the drive between the HT building and O-Reilly Auto Parts.

Peoples chair against the HT building for 90 secs, lungewalk to auto parts building and do BTTW for 45 sec.    Rinse and repeat two more times.

Mosey back to COT for 2 minutes of Mary;  Freddie Mercury x 20, Flutter x 20.

Naked Man Moleskin:

This was my first Q in about 16 months after a self-imposed ‘exile’ from F3 due to Covid-19.  About 3 weeks ago, I started posting again and was happy to see the Q request pop up from Lutefisk last week (‘time to get back on the horse, ‘ I told him).  The last Q  in 2019 was , coincidentally,  at the Golden Corral.  My intention was to come up with workout from scratch, but my schedule didn’t allow that so I disclosed to the Pax that this workout was a repeat of one from 2014, (I think). To prepare for today, I went to the The Fort’s F3 website and there they were:  all my masterpieces from 8 plus years in F3. All my backblasts since 2013 were neatly stored and easily accessible.    There were over 100 total and about 15 from the Golden Corral which has always been one of my favorite AO’s.  I found one that looked good and bam – weinke complete.

I am typically hard on myself when I plan a workout and either part of it doesn’t go well, or the whole thing comes off a ‘flat’ to me.  Today, was one of those days.   I love a good Jacob’s Ladder and today, I screwed mine up by not adjusting for the size of the group and modifying how we did it.  It took too long and we didn’t complete all the hill repeats continuously (that makes it such a good exercise).   We also had a lot of law enforcement traffic coming up that hill and had to keep clearing the way which was annoying.  (Back in 2014 that hill was dirt road lined with trees – no traffic).  But, I didn’t feel bad about that for too long.  I was back Qing a morning workout with a group that I love, and with friends who I appreciate so much.   It doesn’t get much better than that!

Announcements, Prayers and Praises:

Short Sale and his wife celebrating 19 years together  – yes!

Praise/prayers for my daughter Claire who is graduating from college in 2 weeks.  Happy to be done, but what is next?

Prayers for Trucker’s wife and  those struggling with anxiety and depression, and for one with cancer

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average age 50.9 yrs, Kevin Bacon would be proud

The elder statesman ran around today at Footloose
The old guys were on hand for a Manilow mall walk

10 seasoned veterans took to the streets and parking lots at Footloose for a Barry Manilow beatdown!

No last minute modifications needed, all attendees perfectly capable of taking anything I could dish out.

The thang:
mosey to the back of the church and circle up, 10-15 reps of each, in this order:
imperial walker, LBC, LS squat, shoulder tap, hill billy walker, freddie mercury, windmill, dying cockroach, jump squat, travolta
walk over to the wall for the unveiling of “on the rail”, 10 reps in cadence

mosey the long way around the block to the lower church lot, partner up. one snake the stairs, one donkey kicks, switch, 2nd round, one snake the stairs, one plank jacks
line-up on on end of the lot, Jonah Hill going the other way

mosey toward the “big” hill, but since that is what everyone was expecting, took a left and circled the church once before stopping at the bottom of the hill. partner up, one run the hill, the others choose between LBCs and BB sit-ups, switch, 2nd round, one run the hill, at the bottom of the hill alternate between 5 LBCs and 5 hand release merkins.

walk across the street to the other lot, line up across the church side. karaoke L to the other side, 10 LBCs, back, 10 LBCs, karaoke R, 10 LBCs, the same back, 10 LBCs, powerskip across, 10 LBCs, and back, 10 LBCs, 50% across, 10 LBCs, 75% back, 10 LBCs, all you got across, 10 LBCs, all you got back, 10 LBCs.

5 minutes left, so we mosey in the exact opposite direction of COT, around a bigish block and back to the church sign by COT. On the grass for 11 makhtar n’ diayes, in cadence.

announcements, prayers around the horn, and Assassin took us out.

Thanks for the opportunity Boss Hogg.

Looks like we made it,
Barry Manilow

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Mentality – Thinking Right is a Daily Decision

Footloose 10.22

15 Pax got a little better in the gloom at Footloose.  HIIT warmed up the group with 2 rounds of 3 min intervals (4 exercises w 10 reps each)  and a long lap around the yard.   A slow mosey returned the group to a parking lot with a slight incline and a cone.   In honor of Rebel’s Double Nickel Birthday, we began with a modified version of 5’s:   5 Burpees at the bottom with 5 Squats at top and the modified bear crawl up to the cone with a Donkey Kick before continuing a mosey up to the top. We finished the A$$KIcking Autumn workout with a modified 5’s of Diamond ( in honor of the double nickel Birthday for Rebel, we completed 5 rounds with 5 reps at each of the 4 corners.  Round 1 -5 burpees at each corner, Round 2 – 10 Merkins at each corner, Round 3 – 15 Monkey Humpers at each corner, Round 4 – 20 Overhead Claps…….Running out of time, we headed back to COT with 1 min to spare and 1 min to finish a quick Round of Mary.

Nice work by all!!  Thank you to Boss Hogg for the opportunity!  Prayers / Praises and a Happy Birthday Celebration wrapped up the morning: Bass-oh-Matic brought Bundt cakes for all Pax to enjoy.  Happy Double Nickle Birthday to Rebel (the day after actual Bday 10/21/2020)

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Salty or Sweet, it was all Puddle and nothing but Guppies

Well, after the leadership of @Pothole I decided to do the difficult thing and run at Footloose…


It was difficult, but the PAX all pushed through the pain.  Some saltier, some sweeter.

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9/11 NaFo Tower Climb

Today on the 19th Anniversary of September 11th I had the privilege and honor to lead the men of The Fort in my version of the Tower Climb.

We honored my friends who gave it all to make sure the citizens of NY would be safe.




We started with a two lap ruck walk around the track and then jumped right into the climb.

The goal was at least 30 times up and down with 9 inclined merkins and 11 squats at the bottom. There was some mumblechatter, it was hot and humid but the men of the Fort did not disappoint….if you completed 27.5 times you climbed the equivalent of the Towers.

I was proud to lead and share my experiences from that fateful morning that changed the world as we knew it.

It was also great seeing DIRTY HARRY return to the gloom

We end with COT and prayers for all the people lost and the people affected still.


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Shakin it up at Footloose

I had to follow Rebel’s lead from Block Party this week to keep it interesting.  The 11 PAX definitely accelerated today.  A quick disclaimer and a little mosey down to the COG lot.  There was lots of mumble chatter during the warm-up by Twister & Destiny.  I guess they had a lot to catch up on.

We did some stretching to kick things off.  Then a few exercises to get the blood flowing: SSH, imperial walkers, windmills, Mtn. Climbers and a few burpees to try to quiet things down.  That didn’t work.

The bulk of the workout entailed 3 minute intervals with 4 exercises and a run up the stairs in between intervals.  First interval was merkins-10, mtn. climbers – 16, shoulder taps -20.  Then finish with a burpee stack (ask Rebel).  Continue round for 3 min.  Second round was abs: big boy situps – 10, american hammers – 16, flutters – 20. Third round was legs: squats – 10, monkey humpers – 15, and calve raises – 20.  We were able to get 6 rounds in total.  Nice work by all pushing forward.

Thanks for the opportunity Boss Hogg.


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Football not Footloose

Its September!! Are you ready for some football? Well, Boss Hog apparently isn’t since he tweeted out YHC was bringing a truck load of pain via from some crappy college program, that team from the south (fans of that team from up north will get that joke). Of course Boss Hog was just trying to poke the bear. Of course it worked seeing that I am not a fan of either of those programs (WE ARE PENN STATE), the weinke was developed to be not-a-moderate and emulate a typical football conditioning workout – kuddos go to watching my son and the PKMS football team practice this week.

The tweet definitely brought out some #HIM and a PAX posting for his second time (Ranger)!

Mossy to church parking lot for COP: windmills, low slow squat, Moroccan nightclubs, IW…while we were in COP we noticed the Minnow Pond PAX heading down the hill so we decided to give them a warm welcome by lining up and performing Monkey Humpers as they passed by.

Mossy to other church parking lot for and individual OYO pain station:

100 Merkins

50 Squats

100 LBCs

50 Side Lunges

100 CDD

50 Big Boys

100 American Hammers

50 Mountain Climbers

As PAX were completing this, they took a lap around the church.

Once done, mossy back to other church parking lot for 2 rounds of:

Suicides (whats a football conditioning workout W/O them) – those who had injuries planked as PAX did suicides. Up/Downs – running in place then doing burpees as called out.

Toy soldiers to Withers Street.

3 rounds of:

Run to top of hill, 10 merkins, run back, 10 LBCs. Those with injuries did 10 burpees, 15 merkins, 20 LBCs.

Mossy back to COT

Thanks for PAX pushing through a muggy warm morning. Good mumble chatter as always.

Prayers to Teachers, Students, Parents, Cash, other PAX family/friends who are sick.


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