The hump day run(s)

WARMUP: Rolloff and YHC put in some pre-run miles and Bandcamp ran to the AO from home. Besides that just the standard jaw/mouth warmups aka a lot of mumblechatter

THE THANG: 4ish mile route – head across I77 and take left at QT – take left at 6th Baxter crossing and go down to the YMCA lake trail – pass YMCA and take a right onto Market St to get back up to 160. Make a right and back across interstate to get back to CoT.

Some added the old Kinglsey loop to get closer to 5. Some added some parking lot striders/speed work.

MARY: never heard of her


COT: yup

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Great bootcamp weather for a run (10 degrees too warm for good running weather)

Running amongst the AOs

THE THANG: ran through Baxter to front st, out to 160, through the earthfare lot to the turnaround at Gold Hill Middle – 4.5 mile round trip

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Can BAMA Stop the Run?

WARMUP: Disclaimer Provided, Pax Count, and Routes Shared
THE THANG: Some did trails, some did their own thing, most went on the “Alabama Run”.

MARY: She was missed !
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tortoise & The Hare, Read Your Newsletter, Sundae Ruck, Fort Mill Lawn Care Center,
COT: Always stays in CoT

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Can BAMA Stop the Run?

WARMUP: Disclaimer Provided, Pax Count, and Routes Shared
THE THANG: Some did trails, some did their own thing, most went on the “Alabama Run”.

MARY: She was missed !
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tortoise & The Hare, Read Your Newsletter, Sundae Ruck, Fort Mill Lawn Care Center,
COT: Always stays in CoT

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Sweating to the River District

WARMUP: walking from car to shovel flag
River District with twist
Down 160 to Sutton
Left on Sutton to Mills
Right on Mills to Stafford
Left on Stafford to Harvest
To bottom of street and back to COT

3, 4, 4.5 depending on pace

MARY: counting off

Jeager is happening
Cut lawns
Christmas party
Bourbon tasting

Praying for men to be men

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Missing Rebel, Esso stepped up and declared the run to Walmart. All cooperated.

Looking forward to July 4th convergence, Triple CSAUP, Live Right Acceleration this Friday.

Please consider signing up for lawn mowing at Care Center.


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WARMUP: mosey to the football stadium – exercises with burpees in between.

THE THANG: on the hill – 50’s
50 merkins buy in
Run to 3rd light – 10 squats
Return to bottom – 40 merkins
Run to 3rd light – 20 squats
Return to bottom – 30 merkins
Run to 3rd light – 30 squats
Return to bottom – 20 merkins
Run to 3rd light – 40 squats
Return to bottom – 10 merkins

Run to top of hill – mosey to Citi lot off campus

6’s and 13’s – 6 rounds of 6 burpees and 14 squats. Modified burpees to Diamond merkins after 3 rounds.

Return to campus benches at the gym for Bulgarian split squats and five burpees and continue to COT.

MARY: not enough time
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks for the call, Warning Track.

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