Bucco Fever!!!

It’s a great Monday here in the Gloom as America’s team; the Pittsburgh Pirates are currently in first place. Much like a solar eclipse or Haley’s comet this is a rare occurrence so YHC busted out the Bucco gear for todays workout.

Warmup: None it’s STL

The Thang:

Starting at the stop sign closest to COT we did 1 burpee

Then ran to the parking lot for Southern State Bank where we did 4 HR Merkins and 4 LBC’s.

Wash, rinse repeat the route increasing the burpee count by 1 each lap and the Merkin and LBC counts by a factor of 4.

1 x 4
2 x 8
3 x 12
4 x 16
5 x 20
6 x 24
7 x 28
8 x 32
9 x 36
10 x 40

The route was roughly .4 miles total so a decent run in between the pain stations. Also featured was an “acceleration whistle” so when I would blow the whistle everyone would have to sprint for 10 seconds. Just to make sure everyone keeps pushing.

That said I’m confident that everyone got to at least round 7 which means everyone got between 3-4 miles in with well over 150 Merkins/LBC’s. (plus burpees!)

Always honored to lead thanks to Badlands for the call.

Take care everyone!

TClap |

Triple Threat

WARMUP: Standard COP
Triple Threat

Neighborhood hill
Crazy Eights – Merkins, Flutters

Adjacent hill
DORA – Burpees, Squats, Monkey Humpers

Big Hill
10 Donkey Kicks,
Bernie Sanders Halfway,
5 Bomb Jacks, Run to top,
10 Dry Docks for time

MARY: Ablab
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AMRAP for Autism, Read Newsletter
COT: Prayers for Betsy and Craig for healing, and Divac’s M for the final leg of pregnancy.

Also referenced a book about work: https://www.amazon.com/Every-Good-Endeavor-Connecting-Your/dp/1594632820

Honor to Serve

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Yinz going DahnTawn N’AT?

When called to lead by a fellow yinzer…. You answer the call. The standard is the standard after all.



8 Manmakers every minute on the minute for 5 minutes

Began the long mosey.

3 rounds of 18 Minutes.

For each 18 Minute round we would stop and do reps of an exercise. The number of reps was equal to the minute in the round. So after minute 1 we did 1 merkin after minute 2 we did 2 merkins etc..etc…
As the reps progressed it definitely got harder and the chatter got less.

Round 1: Merkins
Round 2: Squats
Round 3: Hammers ( In the interest of time and to ensure that we got back to COT on time we just walked most of this but did get hammers in at the very end)

All in we got over 170 Squats and Merkins in plus Manmakers and hammers.

Thanks to Sprocket for the call! Always happy to support a fellow Yinzer!

Take care and until next time……N’at.

TClap |

WEP or Bust….

THE THANG: East on 160- Right on Jackson- left on Harris – jump on path to WEP – arrive at Ardrey – follow to 160 – left into WEP for a quick loop – head back to home base / FCU- 4 miles ✅
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli Run – AKA – Newsletter
COT:Prayers for upcoming surgery- marriages- health – F3.

TClap |

Who need AKA?

WARMUP: Some SSH, Windmills, Moroccan Night Clubs, Imperial Walkers & Hillbilly Walkers


Mosey over to the side of Harris Teeter and use there giant wall for a little work. Everyone grabbed a seat against it and had a 10 count waterfall kick us off down the line. We followed this up by a plank series with our feet on the wall (parallel, 45 degrees & B2W) 10 count at each. It was all so much fun we did it again.

Mosey back to the parking lot and completed a round of solo DORA style work. 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC. Run to the end of the lot and back whenever you were unable to continue or at least ever 1/4 of the set.

Once this was completed we continued to a board of pain for the final 10 minutes. Exercises were completed by all with a PAX in the center of the circle being the timer completing 10 man makers with a toss of the 30lb sandbag over the shoulder each time. We got through:

-Donkey Kicks
-Mountain Climbers
-Plank Jack
-High Knees

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Attend the Cannoli Run or answer to Twister…

COT: It happened

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St Patty’s Day deck o’ cards

– Mossy around parking lot
– COP: SSH, Windmill, LSS, Merkin
– Deck of cards
– Hearts = Merkins
– Spades = BBSU
– Diamonds = Lunges
– Clubs = Crabcakes
– Jokers = 15 Burpees
– 2’s = Run a lap
We were able to make it through approx 90% of the deck.

TClap |

Wellness Check on Mr Harris – and We Love You Cable Guy!!

WARMUP: None other than most excellent pre-run mumblechatter and then giving the route. The former warmed us up more than the latter.

THE THANG: We ran. Some faster than others but that does not matter as long as you are there. Route was L on Munn, L on Harris, take Harris to the end, L on Massey, L on 160 then take it to COT. Extra credit – old Kingsley loop.
Without EC – around 4 miles
With EC – about 4.9
Hills are in both versions.
Mr Harris can get in your head. He is a daunting hill. Just keep after it and DFQ. Get him out of your headspace to conquer him!

MARY: My Mom’s name. Love it.


COT: Plenty.

Special prayers towards one of our own – Cable Guy – and his family, loved ones. Today marks the one year anniversary of the way too soon passing of his much beloved son Noah. He was a great young man in many ways. We love you CG!!!

TClap |