Trucker’s worst nightmare

WARMUP: poppins led off with 20 SSH, 10 WM, 10 Merkins (IC) then some honeymooners and downward dig

3 laps around the AO with 5 pain stations each lap (1st time through do exercise 1, 2nd time through do exercise 2, 3rd time through do both exercises)

station 1)
exercise 1: 5 burpees
exercise 2: 10 star sits

station 2)
exercise 1: 5 bomb jacks
exercise 2: 15 monkey humpers

station 3)
exercise 1: 5 jump squats
exercise 2: 20 merkins

station 4)
exercise 1: 5 jump lunges
exercise 2: 25 LBCs

station 5)
exercise 1: 5 knees Tar Jar
exercise 2: 30 plank jacks


un-BEAR-AB-le Ladder

cones at 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 yards

bear crawl to first cone, do 10 American Hammers, crawl bear back to start

bear crawl to first cone, do 10 AH, bear crawl to second cone, do 20 shoulder taps, crawl back to start

you get idea… 30 yard mark was 30 flutters, 40 yard was 40 LBCs, 50 yard was 50 plank jacks

mosey to pullup bars – each PAX does 5 pullups calling up – other PAX perform merkins on the up call

Mosey to big hill and do Indian Run up and down hill while 1 PAX drops and does 2 burpees and sprints to catch line of runners.

MARY: no time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter Creole – first Thursday of August

COT: be there

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Zipper takes no mercy


THE THANG: Zipper: 3.2-3.8 miles of neighborhood hate. 10 merkins and 10 squats at every cross street between Spring and Unity. If the reps dont kill you the hills will. Always a #crowdpleaser and you are better (albeit #smoked) after.

MacGuyver was the #King today- no surprise. B.O.B was up there and Grout was in top 3 or 5? #triplehate Bash Brothers: State Farm and Jackalope came back to swim at the pond for the second week in a row. Also great to see their dads. Keep your eye on Cousin Eddie. He’s rising fast!

MARY: Dont understand

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brew Ruck tonight, Final Countdown
CSAUP 9/10

COT: Praise and Prayers for State Farm and Jackalope who will be making their way to the Citadel in a few weeks. Prayers for marriages, our children.

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Tanknation at the ballroom

WARMUP: Broga, SSH, IW, Windmills, dips, derkins, mosey
THE THANG: 10 signs with exercises on them. Each increments by 1 exercise. Do a sign then a lap. 10 ea. Merkins, big boys, squats, plank jacks, LBCs, Mtn climbers, SSH, flutters, American hammers, burpees. See yard backblast for more derails
MARY: Rebel led
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter.
COT: prayers

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Respect Bday Q

YHC was honored to Q minnow pond on my actual 50th (RESPECT) birthday. since the theme is 50, the route was a loop with 5 pain stations with 3 exercises of 10reps (to equal 50 reps per exercise and lap). Goal was 5 laps for the gazelles.

The stations were at Main/Tom Hall, Tom Hall/Withers, Withers/Confederate, Withers/Watson, and Railroad/Main.

Unfortunately I scheduled skin cancer surgery 2 days prior without thinking about the implications. Doctor requested I not exercise for 2 weeks but I couldn’t resist. Reason why I mention this is as a Public Service Announcement: use sun screen all year long and always reapply daily to avoid skin cancer.

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BAOPS worthy – don’t do easy

WARMUP: Run to the back of the fields 5 burpees, windmills (for trucker), 4 burpees, low slow squats finishing to peoples chair while doing Moroccan night clubs. Mosey to pull up bars. Plank while each pax did 1 pull up (for trucker). Mosey to hole #2
THE THANG: the intention was to play 9 holes of golf. Squats at the tee box followed by burpees at the green rinsing and repeating over 8 rounds and a grand total of 72 each. On the first round – halfway to the green, the golf course staff had other plans and firmly asked that we leave the course. So……we played 9 holes of golf in the street taking our ball, squats and burpees elsewhere. We also did 10 double count monkey humpers in cadence facing the golf course access road. 30 ish minutes and two ten counts later we were complete with a total of 72 squats, 72 burpees, some running of hills in between and on to part two – four corners.

Part two – this looked much better on paper. Goal was 4 rounds. We got to 2 rounds before the clock demanded a return to COT.

Corner 1 – 7 krakens, 2 hand release merkins, 22 lunges (11 per leg). Crawl bear to corner 2

Corner 2 – 7 diamond merkins, 2 krakens, 22 squats – run to corner 3

Corner 3 – 7 merkins, 2 diamond merkins, 22 monkey humpers, bear crawl to corner 4

Corner 4 – 7 burpees, 2 squats, 22 wide arm merkins

Time was called at 0725 when Maximus and Vuvu rolled in from a long hilly 9 plus mile BRR training run to join us for……

MARY: 5 minutes of stretching – desperately needed and welcomed by all.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 10 year anniversary is coming. Events running the week of 9/10 to 9/17. Get your hall passes in order.

COT: Praise for Bonsai’s two year anniversary of recovery from heart episode. Praise for the men of The Fort and prayers for continued discernment and patience in our homes and within our concentrica.

NMM: When we were asked to leave the golf course 10 minutes into the workout, the plan had to change. For the unprepared leader an event like that may have brought about a circumstance for which they weren’t prepared. Fortunately, for us, we are surrounded by HIM who help us know that remaining prepared and modifying for the unexpected is part of being the leaders we are called to be in our communities, workplace, and in our homes.

So…..always be ready for the expected, but prepare for the unexpected. Good reminders of that faced us in a small way this morning.

It’s always a privilege to lead at BAOPS – the site of YHC’s EH eight years ago. Great work by all pax this morning on a sticky and humid Saturday. Thanks to Skipper for the opportunity. Until next time……


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Run and Gun Work

THE THANG: Ran to WEP where we ran the loop then ran the loop again stopping at each bench to do 10 merkins and 10 squats…rinse and repeat.
COT: thanks to Jekyl for the opportunity to lead.

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Run, ruck or crawl…we’re taking the hill

– Quick warmup lap around the parking lot (slick).  YHC received immediate feedback about running at a ruck WO.  Complaints noted.
– COP:
   – LSS (IC)
   – Overhead clap (IC)
   – SSH (IC)
   – Peter Parker (IC)
Runners started rolling into the parking lot as the 4 ruckers departed for “the hill.”  Apparently the hill is useful not only for a ruck WO, but also to train for The Bear.

There are many hills on the peninsula, but Heart Attack Hill is in a class all its own.  Today’s wienke was simple…out/back to summit the hill.  While in route, we stopped at 5 minute intervals to complete 10 reps of each of the following exercises:
– Merkin (ruck on)
– Overhead press
– Ruck curls
– Ruck rows
– Squats (ruck on)
For the final 100 +/- yards up the hill, PAX were not permitted to wear the rucks on their backs.  We started with an overhead carry and were permitted to front carry (no straps) to rest.  Anyone who’s been on that section of the hill will understand the balance challenge this presents as due to the incline, you’re practically nose to pavement.  Heart rates were elevated.  The highest recorded metric was Divac’s 170 BPM “recovery” reading on the descent.  

2.55 miles and 7 rounds of exercises (350 total reps)

The runners remarked at the ruckers impeccable timing as we rolled into COT at 0559:45.  That could be attributed to solid planning, pure luck or more likely a little of each.

– Q School
– FM Care Center
– Prayers for marriages

Honored for the opportunity to lead. Thanks Divac!

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Soggy bottom brothers at Runde Park

WARMUP: SSH, windmills, imperial walker, m nightclubs, merkins, plank, cobra, down dog, plank, Peter Parker, Parker Peter. Mosey to Runde field.

THE THANG:   Eight stations with six yard gaps between each station. Round one all eight stations, round two complete first 7 stations. Each round skip the last station from previous round.  Travel between each station first round lunge walk, second round, bear crawl, third round broad jump, fourth round lunge walk, fifth round bear crawl.  We completed five rounds.

1. 5 burpees
2. 10 donkey kicks
3. 15 big boys
4. 20 Carolina DD
5. 25 American hammers 🇺🇸🔨
6. 30 (60) shoulder taps
7. 35 (70) flutter kicks
8. 40 (80) mountain climbers 🧗‍♂️

Hand off to cake Boss
Mosey to the bottom of the big hill. Organize into three groups of three. Lesson from Top Gun & Maverick, don’t leave your wing man. Four cones in a 1/3 mile block. First round 20 sumo squats per cone (80 sumo squats in first round).
Second round discuss with your wing men something you learned from your father. Each cone was 10 leg Lifts.
Third round we voted for burpees or donkey kicks.  The rep count wasn’t provided but we agreed on donkey kicks. Rep count was 10. Discuss w your wing men proudest moments with your father. YHC was college graduation, marriage and pregnancy.
Single file line organized from slowest to fastest man at the base of the steep hill. Game of catch me if you can. First runner gets a three tree head start and needs to top the hill before second runner. I thought the gap was too wide but almost got caught by the fastest man Fishsticks.

MARY:  none

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Review the newsletter for more info.  Sign up and do some yard work at the Fort Mill care center. Get involved in the Bethel Mens Shelter dinner.  F3 dads is today. Coffeteria at Tega Cay Deli today. YHC needs four men to push a truck out of my backyard this morning. Thanks Mainframe, Change order, Skipper and Cake Boss for your help.

COT:  happy Father’s Day. prayers for our fathers and those whom have lost fathers.  Love your children unconditionally.

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