You good with a shoulder workout…good

Man, it’s a good day when I get to Q with Spiderman and our full Shieldlock posts. It was steamy, the bugs were active, we worked a lot, struggled to breathe a little and I have to believe, we’re all better for it. I’m writing from memory and that means the details are fuzzy. If you feel slighted, you should’ve been there.

More or less, it went like this…

Spiderman on Q with a few warmup exercises.
Run out the back of WEP, down the never-ending path to the bottom of Harris St…you know what’s coming. Spiderman marked chalk lines up the major hill to our left.

At the bottom, 2 alternating V-Ups (like a killer dying cockroach)
Run up to the first chalk line, 2 Spiderman Merkins…how fitting
Run down to the bottom, for 4 alternating V-Ups

Run up to the second chalk line, 4 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the first chalk line, 2 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the bottom for 8 alternating V-Ups

Run up to the third chalk line, 6 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the second chalk line, 4 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the first chalk line, 2 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the bottom for 12 alternating V-Ups

Run up to the fourth chalk line, 8 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the third chalk line, 6 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the second chalk line, 4 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the first chalk line, 2 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the bottom for 16 alternating V-Ups

Yeah, that was a smoker which covered about 2miles total. Hand off to Maximus:

Make our way back on the trail with a few stops for exercises as a group, along the way.
Line up on one end of the park.
Bear crawl until I call out Carolina Dry Docks or someone takes a break from the bear crawl, at which point we’d do a burpee (so much better).
After a few stops, we made it almost 1/2 way across the park then circled up in the grass.

Full set of Jack Webb using the traditional exercises. You know, since we didn’t do much with shoulders.

Afterward, we made our way to the playground.
Grab a spot to do pull-ups and do 1 burpee into 5 pull-ups, starting from a dead hang. Do this set 3 times.

A few ab exercises then COT.

Read your newsletter & check in on Tinsel.

Spiderman & Maximus

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Crowded Colosseum

As I caught my breath after a two mile pre-run with Straight-Up and Shady, I noticed the line of headlights from the cars arriving.  I wasn’t expecting to have as many Pax this morning, but this was a good problem.  In addition, we had an FNG, Jorge, dressed with cut-off sleeves and ready to roll.

After the disclaimer, We moseyed to the elementary school parking lot for the standard warm-up exercises (SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Night Clubs, and Planks Stretches).  Lots of chatter so it was time to step it up a notch.  We ran down to the bottom of the hill on Dave Gibson Blvd.  The next exercise I borrowed from Spiderman’s Q at Alcatraz.  We partnered up and wheel barrowed up to Patricia Lane.  Each time the partners switched up, they had to perform five burpees.  Extra credit Ab work for those who completed early.  We were not done yet, we finished up the wheel barrow exercise at the end of Patricia Lane.

Next, we jogged over to the office building for a round of Dora 1-2-3.  Same partners, one partner would run around the parking lot while the other started on the list of exercises ( 100 Hand-Released Merkins, 200 Dips, 300 Squats).  Mumble chatter died down, men were focused.  Once complete, we had enough time to jog back to COT.  I mentioned to stay with your partner and find out something new about him.  I think it is good for us to make those personal connection to reinforce F3 is more than a workout group.

Great job by all!

TClap |

A Bo-Berry Good Time

YHC was joined by 8 #HIM at the Ranch. After a brief disclaimer, here’s what we did:

The Thang

  • 10 SSHs (IC)
  • 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)

Mosey to picnic tables

  • 15 Irkins
  • 15 Derkins
  • 15 Dips

Mosey to back of the school

  • 4 Corner Elevators (add 5 reps at each corner – 10, 15, 20, 25)
    • Merkins (70 total)
    • Calf Raises (70 total)
    • LBCs (70 total)
    • Overhead Claps (70 total)

Mosey to the Middle School Track

  • Bo-Berry Biscuits (sprint the straights, jog the shorts add 10 Burpees each lap)
    • Total Burpees – 40

Long mosey back to COT

3 Minutes of Mary

  • 10 Boxcutters (IC)
  • 10 Hello Dollys (IC)
  • 10 Freddy Mercurys (IC)


Thank you for the opportunity to Q this morning. It was an honor to break a sweat with you men by doing the hard thing.

Sometimes we need a reminder that success is often on the other side of fear. What is the thing that has held you back from accelerating? Is it fear of the unknown? Fear of the “what if?” Is it lack of confidence? Lack of courage? What opportunities have we missed because we were afraid of trying something?

I’m reminded of the story where Jesus walked on water. His disciples and their boat were getting tossed around by a roaring sea. They were afraid. Through the wind and rain, they saw a figure coming towards the boat. After first assuming it was a ghost, they realized it was Jesus. He told them to take courage and not be afraid. In typical Peter fashion, he replied, “If its you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Jesus replied, “Come.”

He gave no further explanation of how to go about walking on the water. Was it left foot first? Jump in? He just said, “Come.”

Peter took that step of faith and then he grew afraid. The water was deep, the waves were high, what if he drowned? As he began sinking, Jesus reached out his hand to save him.

What will it take to have water-walking faith today 2,000+ years later? Maybe its realizing that what you assume is a failure is really just an opportunity for learning. Maybe its realizing you have a support system of people who will not let you fail. Perhaps its time to reevaluate your circumstances and consider trying that new business venture. Maybe its time to have a little faith that you’re in good hands.

“Take courage. Do not be afraid.”

Italian Job

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Month of the M

YHC was fortunate to be called out of the bullpen by Bobber.  Prior to the workout, YHC was asked to offer a few thoughts on marriage during the beatdown.  Being a novice at that topic (but constantly trying to improve through learning and practice), it seemed appropriate to consult the Q source.

Last evening, fittingly, the M and 2.0’s came with me on a tour of downtown Fort Mill where YHC furiously scribbled out 5 stations worth of exercises designed to align with each of the 5 points of M preparedness as cited in the Q source.  YHC’s M fittingly remarked that I was getting a workout before the workout.  She was right.

Upon arrival this morning, YHC pulled in the lot at 5:08 to be greeted by numerous PAX – some of whom (Stang, cough, cough, Stang), arrived sans gloves.  All were quickly reminded to get them if they did not have them already.   After a few PAX scurried in at 5:14,. all were disclaimed and we moseyed off to Kimbrell’s after the 5 core principles of F3 workouts were voiced.

The COP – because Slapshot was present (and because YHC felt like it), 5 burpees were done in between each of the following exercises done in cadence:

Windmills – 10 D/C, Imperial Walkers – 10 D/C, Low Slow Squats – 15 then holding people’s chair while doing 10 D/C  Moroccan night clubs I/C and 10 D/C air presses I/C.  Then we moseyed off to M preparedness station #1 – Maintenance = deceleration

Station 1 – Unity Presbyterian – because status quo enables no movement, we decelerate, therefore PAX were asked to do 7’s in a jacob’s ladder format – kracken burpees at the top and squats at the bottom of the driveway.  Planking was done until the 6 arrived back at the top of the hill.  The lesson was reinforced and on we moved to station 2.

Station 2 – Fort Mill 1st Baptist Church – Culture is a Jester.  When it comes to our relationship with the M, culture denatures and softens marital relationships (we meet each other halfway, etc.).  PAX did the following circuit – an exercise for each of the light poles with some free exfoliation for those who went gloveless as there may or may not have been some bear crawling between stations.  40 squats, 30 SSH’s, 20 wide arm merkins, 10 hand release merkins, 20 regular markins, 30 SSH’s and 40 squats before returning to the parking lot entrance to re-emphasize culture’s hindrance of acceleration and moving on to station 3 – the crowd pleaser.

Station 3 – Fort Mill Church of God – There is NO 50 yard line.  The relationships with our M require more than 50% effort.  It requires our best to be aligned because we know if we aren’t aligned at home in our most important earthly relationship, it becomes next to impossible to have alignment in the other relationships within our concentrica.   Since we must operate in the red zone, PAX were instructed to bear crawl more (maybe much more) than 50 yards downhill to the red zone where 5 burpees awaited   Then PAX returned to the start via crawl bear (crowd pleaser) uphill.  The return was somewhat slower than the start…….somewhat.

Upon completion – movement to Academy street left YHC to cover the last two points – because one of  the PAX incorrectly answered that the M is our best friend (spoiler alert – point 4 – the M is NOT our best friend), YHC had to graciously call out the gaffe and assign 5 burpees for the miss.  We then proceeded to articulate the 5th and final point – Joy trumps happiness and then moseyed back Academy Street – safely crossed the railroad tracks and sauntered into COT – roughly 2 1/4 miles later.

Announcements were made, prayers were offered for Stang’s mother in law, Pusher’s Mom/Esso’s MIL, and fittingly for marriages. Stang graciously took us out in prayer.

NMM – to look around the group this morning, YHC could not help but be filled with a feeling of gratitude.  Mumble chatter, fellowship, hard work doing things together we would very likely not to do on our own and the feeling that YHC has so many other brothers beside him to do life.  It eases the feeling of burden we often face.  YHC has said before that Q-ing is an honor.  And when Bobber made the call asking YHC to stamp the passport and trek east of the Peach Stand, there was only one answer.  I am better prepared to face each day because of those who choose the hard thing and encourage YHC to the same.  For that, my thanks and gratitude go out to each of you.

Meantime, study and practice the 5 points reviewed.  Alignment at home means greater alignment and impact downstream – the call being asked of each of us.   Until next time, thank you, gentlemen.


TClap |


Sixteen strong hit the Golden Corral this morning and worked together under a full moon and a perfect 54 degrees.  Here is what they did:

The Thang:

Mosey to the back of the Harris Teeter plaza for COP:

All in Cadence:  SSH x 40, Windmill x 15, Merkin x 10, Squat x 20, Mountain Climber x 25, LBC x 25, Wide Arm Merkin x 15, Jumping Lunge x 20

Mosey behind the Express Oil Building and head down hill entering the Evolve Apt complex.   Break into two groups for a modified Jacob’s Ladder – Up/Down the hill and build to 7 burpees at the top.

Mosey back to the drive between the HT building and O-Reilly Auto Parts.

Peoples chair against the HT building for 90 secs, lungewalk to auto parts building and do BTTW for 45 sec.    Rinse and repeat two more times.

Mosey back to COT for 2 minutes of Mary;  Freddie Mercury x 20, Flutter x 20.

Naked Man Moleskin:

This was my first Q in about 16 months after a self-imposed ‘exile’ from F3 due to Covid-19.  About 3 weeks ago, I started posting again and was happy to see the Q request pop up from Lutefisk last week (‘time to get back on the horse, ‘ I told him).  The last Q  in 2019 was , coincidentally,  at the Golden Corral.  My intention was to come up with workout from scratch, but my schedule didn’t allow that so I disclosed to the Pax that this workout was a repeat of one from 2014, (I think). To prepare for today, I went to the The Fort’s F3 website and there they were:  all my masterpieces from 8 plus years in F3. All my backblasts since 2013 were neatly stored and easily accessible.    There were over 100 total and about 15 from the Golden Corral which has always been one of my favorite AO’s.  I found one that looked good and bam – weinke complete.

I am typically hard on myself when I plan a workout and either part of it doesn’t go well, or the whole thing comes off a ‘flat’ to me.  Today, was one of those days.   I love a good Jacob’s Ladder and today, I screwed mine up by not adjusting for the size of the group and modifying how we did it.  It took too long and we didn’t complete all the hill repeats continuously (that makes it such a good exercise).   We also had a lot of law enforcement traffic coming up that hill and had to keep clearing the way which was annoying.  (Back in 2014 that hill was dirt road lined with trees – no traffic).  But, I didn’t feel bad about that for too long.  I was back Qing a morning workout with a group that I love, and with friends who I appreciate so much.   It doesn’t get much better than that!

Announcements, Prayers and Praises:

Short Sale and his wife celebrating 19 years together  – yes!

Praise/prayers for my daughter Claire who is graduating from college in 2 weeks.  Happy to be done, but what is next?

Prayers for Trucker’s wife and  those struggling with anxiety and depression, and for one with cancer

TClap |

April Fools Convergence

11 PAX chose to get better with YHC has YHC was trying to deflect rumors of not only pull-ups but a visit from Minnow Pond. We went on a mossy around FMHS stopping twice for some COP consisting of a high number of windmills, ball buster squats (thanks to Johnny Utah’s introduction at JOC), LSS, moracin nightclubs, and other things to kill time as we awaiting Minnow Pond PAX to meet at the pull0up bars.

PAX bear crawled the length of the covered awning at the pull up bars then counted off into teams of 3. Each team had to complete 50 pull-ups, 75 right leg scorpion merkins, 75 left leg scorpion merkins, 300 LBCs and 100 V-ups. PAX rotated between running and the exercises.

Once minnow pond took off to head back, mossy back towards COT and stopped at a retaining wall for 10 derkins/10 erkins for 2 rounds, stopped at Hive for some more COP, mossy back to COT for 3 minutes of elbow planks.

Thanks Oscar for opportunity to lead and prayers to Truckers co-worker and daughter (Morven and Mila) who are struggling with teenage suicidal issues, Grassy Knoll’s M job interview, and others that I now have forgotten (Sorry)

TClap |

Primed at Minnow Pond

Minnow Pond….

Prime numbers today:
2 burpees,
3 bombjacks,
5 merkins,
7 squats,
11 wildcard reps every time we stopped.

We stopped around 11 times?

Total of 3.5 miles.

Luke 5:31 (both prime numbers)
Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.”
Make sure you’re seeking out the “sick” (sad clowns?). Don’t spend all your time with the healthy. That may mean posting with a newer PAX at a moderate to support them.

Band Camp Dismissed


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Q & Co-Q (VQ) with Skipper

The guy has been on a strong trajectory, we call it acceleration, since coming onto the F3 scene a few months ago. After some advertising and excitement, 13 additional PAX joined SKIPPER and YHC, 15 total, for a Block Party throw down.

Announcement of the Qs…check
I surely hope they got their money’s worth. If not, don’t do the following.
Skipper took the PAX on the warmup run to FMCOG for
Low Slow Squats
Moroccan Night Clubs

Maximus on Q for the DECK OF CARDS!
Diamonds = Diamond Merkins
Hearts = Carolina Dry Docks
Clubs = V-Ups
Spades = Merkins
Jokers, of which there were 4 = 20 Sumo Squats

We didn’t make it all the way through the deck but here’s what we completed:
90 Diamond Merkins
104 Carolina Dry Docks
96 V-Ups
93 Merkins

Hand off to Skipper!!
From the corner of Withers and Academy, run hill repeats up Withers to Watson Street, yes, that hill. It was a ladder with squats at the top and burpees at the top. He’s a sick, sick man.

Mosey back to COT for the final round(s) of Mary.

Great morning to have these guys supporting Skipper’s VQ. Careful, his official, full 45min VQ is on March 30 at Golden Corral!

This COT stuck out to me due to the vulnerability by the guys. This was a true representation of what we have here and man, was it good. So blessed we are.

Skipper & Maximus

TClap |

Sloppy Joe, Slop, Sloppy Joe

A soggy beatdown at Laces In for 8 men.

The Thang:

Light COP

  • Windmills
  • Tappy Taps
  • Moroccan Night Clubs

Mosey to Parking Lot to “Bone the Fish”

5 Burpees OYO

Quarter Pounder in the Lot:

  • Run to first light, 25 Merkins, Run back
  • Run to second light, 50 Squats, Run back
  • Run to third light, 75 Mountain Climbers, Run back
  • Run to end, 100 SSH, Run back

5 Burpees OYO

Apple Turnover across the lot with increasing (+3) Merkins per parking row

5 Burpees OYO

4 Corners

  • 5x Around The World Squats OYO
  • 10x HB Squats IC
  • 10x Squat Jacks OYO
  • 10x Monkey Humpers IC

Repeat Doubling Rep Count

Mosey back to shovel flag for 3 min of Mary focusing on Abs

Announcements: Read your Newsletter

Honor to Serve.

TClap |

Embrace the low point…now get up.

It’s Minnow Pond. It’s a 3mi minimum with a few push-ups as we now like to say.
Jekyll asked the question. I answered in the affirmative.
The day before, marketing for competing regional AO’s began and man, it was hot.
The weather was great and I’m hoping these other 15 PAX would’ve still posted in the 35deg rain. But…time will tell. Remember, durability and stories are best formed in adverse conditions.

There you have it, the setup is complete.
0500…A few pre-runners. Remember when guys did that at Minnow Pond? Isn’t the intent to push yourself?
0514 Pledge of Allegiance
0515 Disclaimer for the 16 of us

As a group, run to the FMCOG parking lot at the corner of Withers &  Academy.
Warmup consisting of windmills, SSH & Burpees

The plan…Run each leg then 10 Merkins, 10ea leg Jumping Lunges, 20 American Hammers in the parking lot upon the return.
Leg 1: Run up to Tom Hall & back.
Leg 2: Run up to Banks & back.
Leg 3: Run up to Meacham & back.
Leg 4: Run to Main St & back.

All were able to complete this at least 1 time and some completed it twice for a total distance of 3-4mi.
Run it back to COT for some final closing exercises.

Great Harlan’s Heroes fundraising update from Jekyll. Stay tuned for the next opportunity.
Yeti is coming next weekend. Partner up or do the full thing.

Hey Jekyll. Thanks for the nod.


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