This is what I get for bringing Tinsel COVID tests

WARMUP: Forgot this part. It was a ruck though… Warm ups are for the weak…

So Tinsel needed some approved COVID tests for his return from Mexico and I had a few left over so I told him Thursday night I would bring them to Chupacabra in the morning… His response was basically “Great! Can you Q too?” So this is what you get when that happens

Total miles: 2.11 on my watch

Basically went to TCES and back with some “discomfort stops” (not really bad enough to be actual pain…)

Halfway: 20 High-Pulls, 20 Overhead Press
Turn: 20 Squat, 20 Bent Over Rows
Halfway: 20 Squat, 20 High-Pulls
COT: 20 Overhead Press, 20 Curl

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Funbags and whining

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs, side straddle hops, windmills
THE THANG: Indian run w/ 40# sandbags. Front guy gives bag to next guy, drops to do 5 merkins, then sprints to rejoin line telling front person to pass bag. Broke into 2 teams and did that for a lap. Then stayed in teams and did sandbag pass back, last person runs with bag to front. Did this across field Then down to bottom of big hill. At bottom of hill, stay in 2 teams. Both teams had to complete 100 burpees, 200 merkins, 300 LBCs, 200 squats, 100 bent over rows w/sandbag, 5 laps running up hill, and 3 laps with sandbag up hill. These were totals by team. Sandbags were not to be dropped at all 5 burpee penalty for dropping bags, no penalties for the first 30 minutes.
Back to the grassy area to pick up the 60# Funbags, 3 Pax decided to run away before more pain was inflicted.
Next evolution was the tunnel of love; form a line and stay in plank position about 3 ft apart from other pax, pull/drag the sandbags sideways until we reach the other side of the field, back to start with same movement.
We formed two teams of 5, movements:
– sand bag toss (sideways) using only 60 # bags, alternate between all pax, across the field and back, loosing team did 5 burpees.
– squat, clean and toss with 60# bag, across the field and back, losing team did 5 burpees.
– bear crawl sand bag pull/drag, across the field and back, loosing team did 5 burpees.
Lots of whining coming from a few pax.
Done with sandbags, 10 burpees for everyone. Run to pull up bars, two rounds of 5 pull ups for everyone.
Back to COT, one minute AMRAP hand release merkins. Most pax completed 30 reps, a few pax more than 40, form was of the essence.

COT: prayers for all pax and family members that are going through health issues.

Tinsel out!

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ChuaHut and water buckets

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs, overhead claps, low slow squats, merkins
THE THANG: two 2 men teams, partner 1 carried the 30# and 50# kettlebells alternating weights to the other side of the hut while partner 2 did squats; switch partners and switch exercise to lunges, keep switching until done with ruck swing, high pulls, flutters. We got soaked even under the hut.
Rain stopped and went for a 1/2 mile ish ruck.
Back at the hut we ditched the KB’s and found two 5 gallon buckets full of water, one per team. Go back and forth in a zigzag going around each post, back to partner and hand the bucket until reaching the last post.
Back to kettlebells, partner one carries KB other partner carries bucket, around the driveway in front of the church. Switch half way around the circle, alternate with other team between 30# and 50# KB, we did 8 laps.
Back at the hut, pax 1 will carry both buckets to the other side and back, longways, while 3 pax did different exercises. Four rounds of this.
Went for another 1/2 mile ish ruck, back at the hut for some Mary.
MARY: flutters, chest presses, American hammers, more vest presses and finished in with triceps extensions.

COT: prayers for families, kids and teachers.

Tinsel out.

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Get your $hit off my lawn

WARMUP: Tinsel handled it

THE THANG: unload heavy gear and stack in middle of parking lot. (leave no trace) Split into teams. Pick home base and designated “front yard”. Set timer between 3-4 minutes. Go. Run from home base to junk pile and grab as much gear as you can and haul it over to opposing teams base and dump it on their front yard. Repeat until nothing remains in middle and if trimmer hasn’t sounded go to your own homebase and clear the crap out of your front yard. Different rounds the completion goal varied but the results were the same.

Q point of the week is Q2.02 which is Influence:Igniting a palpable desire for movement.

MARY: haven’t seen her… she must have been why that roll of carpet was so heavy.
COT: prayers for mental health, and to be conscious of having the best Impact (Q2.01) on others.

Honor to lead along side studs. Thanks to 3D for the opportunity and bringing the keg and other random gear. And to Tinsel for bringing all the sandbags and slam balls.
Coffee was brewed on site.
Stay frosty my friends,

TClap |

Yoga Mat is Gear

Warm Up: SSH, IW, HW, Good Morning, Squats, Around the World

Thang: Groups of two rotating through stations
Deck Squats – Swings
Side Lunge – Lawnmower Pulls
Knee-tar N’Diaye – Half Kneeling Press (on preset yoga mats)
Flip the Tire
Racked Squat R/L
Racked Lunge R/L
Overhead Press R/L

Closed out with Cleans and Burpee Snatches

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Beaker Mayhem Beatdown

WARMUP: SSH, Moroccan Night Clubs, Low Slow Squats, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Carolina Dry Docks, Plank to Downward Dog to Honeymooners
There were plenty of sandbags to go around.

PAX split up into groups of 3, each group with a sandbag and everyone with a KB.

Routine went as followed:
1 PAX jog/walk with the sandbag to the other end of the parking lot and back while the other 2 PAX perform workout. PAX 2 takes sandbag, goes to the other end and back while other 2 performs workout. This goes on until all 3 have carried the sandbag. Then workout switches.
After 2 workouts everyone planks up until the 6 gets in, then performs 7 manmakers as a group.

Repeat 2 more times

Workouts as followed:

Squats – Merkins – Manmakers
Beakers (A Uhaul with an added overhead press) – Rows – Manmakers
Flutter kicks – Calf Raises – Manmakers

Wrapped up with some Chest press – Freddie Mercury Jack Webs

Lots of mumble chatter about fupas and legs not working.

Great job guys! Thanks for the Q!

Beaker out!

TClap |

Locking Shields, a how to…

Great Invergence today at WEP to close out an entire month of acceleration.

Now that we have finished a month of accelerating HIMs all over the Fort, how do we maintain that acceleration?


Best way to execute accountability? Locking shields with fellow PAX.

Best way to consistently lock shields? Join a Shield Lock.

Today we heard from some 🛡🔒 PAX sharing experiences, advice and offering up themselves to their fellow PAX to learn the power of 🛡🔒.

To know more, ask a PAX that was present.

Need guidance or advice moving forward?  Reach out to @Pusher and he will point you in the direction of success and accountability.

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Official Manion WOD

Manion WOD
29 squats with ruck (with sandbags when available)
1/4 mile ruck (shared sandbags) some PAX run it
7 rounds

With about 10 minutes left on the clock @PunchList led us on some much needed broga.

-convergence/invergence tomorrow at WEP
-AMRAP for Autism event tomorrow at Mathew’s Sport Complex

@What did led us on prayer, thank you for your visit brother!

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Open Your Heart, Cover Your Plums

THE THANG: Maybe our most beloved PAX led the conversation this morning on the subjects of identity (sometimes multiple identities) and the purpose in trials we travel through.

Key takeaway: Open your heart and cover the plums.

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