Colosseum Mayhem

Fifteen Pax posted at Colosseum.

Mosey run to Warm up: SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan N/C, Low Slow Squats, big arm circles, Peter Parkers, Plank stretches.  All in cadence, count varied 10 to 20.

Another short mosey run.

Circle up and did:
Thang 1: Banana splits
Partner up
P1 runs north to a cone placed 500’ away and heads back (distance is 500’ out, then same back, total 1000’).  P2 runs south to a cone also placed 500’ away road and heads back (total distance is also 1000’).
When the pax meet, they do the prescribed exercise:
First meet: do Bobby Hurleys = 100 total for the two pax. Then pax run again. Etc. the remaining exercises are:
Overhead Claps = 150, pax run, then:
Third meet =  Merkins = 200, pax run, then:
Fourth meet = big boy sit ups = 150, pax
Fifth meet = SSH = 100
Join in with the six to finish out.

Run to benches
Thang 2: Bench work, with bear crawl push
At the school’s benches:
Pax grab a spot on the benches.  Pax exercise while one lucky pax does bear crawl a 100’ loop around cones with a 15lb slam ball.
A new pax switches in for the bear crawl and remaining pax do the next exercise called out.  We did: Incline merkins, shoulder taps, LBC, Monkey Humpers, Imperial Walkers, decline merkins, butt touch squats.

Run to COT area; nice work by all pax!

Fini, COT

To close us out, I read Proverbs 13:20 “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”
I noted to the pax that this verse reminded me of F3 where we learn from each other and become better for it…although there was a few cracks about the fools part.

TClap |

F3 Dads #2 @ The Fort

I must admit, major fail on the part of the Q. I missed getting the FNGs names on video so I missed tagging them here. My apologies.

With Watch This & 5th Set by my side (missing Cheetah), we welcomed the 54 PAX to F3 Dads and provided the disclaimer. We even had some Kotter PAX (Dads) and a whole bunch of 2.0 FNGs. The total was 57 for today!

We then took off down the hill and circled up for the brief warm up:
SSH & Low Slow Squats

Then, line the kids up on one side of our square and the dads on the other side for the classic, Sharks (dads) & Minnows (kids).
After a few rounds, we flipped it around so the roles were reversed and the kids seem to really enjoy this one.

Next, line up in a long line for a family cone drill. As a family,
Run to the first cone. 1 Merkin & 1 Jump Squat per family member in attendance.
Run to the second cone. 2 Merkins & 2 Jump Squats per family member in attendance.
Run to the third cone. 3 Merkins & 3 Jump Squats per family member in attendance.
Run to the fourth cone. 4 Merkins & 4 Jump Squats per family member in attendance.
NUR back to the start.

Move over to our (2) 4-cone squares for a friendly kids vs dads relay competition.
Due to the number of kids, the dads would have to complete the following twice while the kids only once:
Cone 1 to Cone 2: Crabwalk
Cone 2 to Cone 3: Lunge Walk
Cone 3 to Cone 4: Bear Crawl
Cone 4 back to Cone 1: NUR

Shocking, the kids won so the dads got to do 5 Burpees per kid they had in attendance while the kids laughed at us.

Lastly, go run as fast as you can to the top of the hill for COT.

And then…POPSICLES!!!!

Great job leading this Band Camp.

Watch This, 5th Set, Maximus appreciate the opportunity to Q today.

TClap |

Run, do this. Run, do this…

It’s Sweep The Leg, the start to a new week, it’s supposed to be a challenge and the headlights kept on coming. Man, what a great day in The Fort. As my Q slots continued over this past week, I’ve been reminded of several things, mostly encouraging. One of those is that if you’re willing to make the workout/route/plan more challenging, guys will show up.
Let’s be honest, it’s humbling yet exciting to see guys show up to your Q so why not make it worth it. That was the aim this morning.

Simple? Yes
Effective? I hope so
Worth it? For sure

We had 29 total.
Redwoods and guys who just hit the 2wk mark.
7min/mile guys and 12min/mile guys.
14yo – 50+yo

The Thang:
Disclaimer and just a few warm up things
Run to the teacher lot at the entrance to GHES
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run to Velux on the corner of 160
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run to Horizon Bank
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run to Model A
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run back up to Famous Toastery
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run to South State Bank
5 Burpees – 10 Tuck Jumps – 15 Merkins

Run back to the Earth Fare lot for 4 Corners:
Corners 1 & 3: 10 Alternating V-Ups
Corners 2 & $: 20 X’s & O’s

All in all, everyone got 3.2mi+ and some got closer to 4mi.

How will you follow that up this week? After all, you’re up 1-0 now go live life as a servant leader.


TClap |

Leg Day at Laces In

We had nine at Laces In on Thursday morning.  After a quick disclaimer, we circled up for the typical warm-up exercises (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank Stretches).  Next, we ran to the hill near the stadium.

I explained to the Pax it was “Leg day” so we partnered up for a round of Dora. The exercises:  100 Monkey Humpers, 200 Lunges, and 300 Calf Raises.  Partner 1 began the exercises while partner 2 ran backwards up the hill to the third light post.  As we started the exercises, are newest FNG pulled into the parking lot, jumped out of his car, and quickly joined into the fun.

Once we completed the Dora exercises, we shuffled up the hill using our hands to the third light post.  Next, we crawl beared down the the new parking lot, took a break by doing some Ab exercises, and bear crawled back up the hill.  We took a couple minutes to review the five core principles of F3 with King Pin before we ran to the main parking lot near the gym.

For the final ten minutes, we ran down each aisle and performed the following exercises (10 hand released merkins, 10 squats, and 10 LBCs).

Back to COT.

Great job by all!

TClap |

Escalation at The Hive

It was Kettle Bell time at the HIve but that doesn’t hold a candle to the 2 FNGs we had this morning. That’s right. 2 FNGs!!! However, at the start, we only had 1. How’s that, you ask?

One of them, now known in the gloom as Father Time showed up 12mins late. When you see him in the gloom, you should ask him how he got his name. Regardless, here’s what we did:

Warm Up lap that would become our lap after each set of exercises. Followed that up with some basic warmup exercises before heading into the following:

10 Lunges (ea leg) – lap
20 Man Makers – lap
30 Merkins – lap
2min Plank done together

40 “Real” Squats and the quotes are a reminder that we’re not doing half squats – lap
50 Mountain Climbers  – lap
60 Curls – lap
2min Plank done together

70 LBC’s – lap
80 Bent Over Rows – Lap
2min Plank done together

Flutters the way I now like to do them
Boats & Canoes


TClap |

Burpee Bizarre

We had 11 men show up on Wednesday at Pantheon.  After the disclaimer, we ran around the parking lot to get the blood flowing.  Next, we circled up for some warm-up exercises (SSH, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank Stretches).

We began the difficult part of the workout.  For the next 10 minutes, we would do 10 burpees each minute with a five second rest in between each set.  After completion, we ran around the big loop to the front of the school.  We did a series of exercises in cadence (Squats, LBCs, Lunges, Flutters) running between the cross walks after each one.

Next, we returned to the top of the parking lot and repeated the 10 minute burpee exercise.  It was difficult, but most completed the burpees, a total of 200.

Great job by everyone.  Today we showed how much we can do when you are surrounded by others who want to improve themselves.

TClap |

Marriage isn’t Chuck E. Cheese

YHC had the privilege to lead 24 other men through a stations workout with a discussion on the transformational relationship with our Ms. Conditions were perfect – 62 degrees and a slight breeze. The Disclaimer was disclaimed and we were off. Here’s what we did:

The Thang

  • 20 SSHs (IC)
  • 15 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)

Mosey to Top of Main

  • 20 Alternating Shoulder Taps (IC)
  • 15 Mountain Climbers (IC)
  • 10 Merkins (IC)

Mosey to First Baptist Parking Lot

  • 2 Burpees at 10 stations

Mosey to behind the Police Station

  • 20 Squats
  • 15 Calf Raises
  • 10 Turkish Getups

Mosey to Top of Main

  • 20 LBCs
  • 15 Bomb Jacks
  • 10 Tempo Merkins

Mosey to the corner of Tom Hall and Monroe White

  • 20 Alternating Shoulder Taps (IC)
  • 15 Mountain Climbers (IC)
  • 10 Merkins (IC)

Mosey to Academy and Monroe

  • 20 Squats
  • 15 Calf Raises
  • 10 Turkish Getups

Mosey to Mosey to behind the Police Station

  • 20 LBCs
  • 15 Bomb Jacks
  • 10 Tempo Merkins

Mosey back to COT

  • 20 SSHs (IC)
  • 15 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)

Total Mileage – 2.20


We call our wives “M” because she is the Most important relationship we have. That relationship is transformational. Before marriage it was “me” and “her.” Once married, “we” became an “us.” It is no longer solely about you. You are to serve your M. You are to pursue joy with her – even when things are tough. Its not a game. There is no scoreboard. There are no winners and losers and no one gets a participation trophy. We are to love her as Christ loves the Church.

Society tells us that marriage is 50/50. Let me assure you that is a farce. There are times it is 80/20. There are times it is 20/80. As John Michael Montgomery once said, “Life’s a dance you learn as you go. Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.” Marriage isn’t about keeping tally of who has done what. This isn’t Chuck E. Cheese – you can’t trade in your emptied dishwasher tickets for a guy’s weekend. That’s not how it works. You empty the dishwasher so she doesn’t have to. You set the example for your children so they know how to be a good husband one day or what to look for in a future husband. They are watching, so make your actions count.

It was my pleasure this morning to have the opportunity to lead today. I was encouraged by the push from the guys and the mumblechatter at the stops. Today personified why F3 matters so much to me. But remember, if your focus becomes more about the fitness and fellowship with your friends and less about loving your wife, your concentrica is out of alignment. Keep each other accountable and pursue your wife. Let her know she matters. Don’t seek relationship maintenance. Instead, keep accelerating. Don’t meet in the middle, go the distance and serve her.


Italian Job



TClap |

Crowded Colosseum

As I caught my breath after a two mile pre-run with Straight-Up and Shady, I noticed the line of headlights from the cars arriving.  I wasn’t expecting to have as many Pax this morning, but this was a good problem.  In addition, we had an FNG, Jorge, dressed with cut-off sleeves and ready to roll.

After the disclaimer, We moseyed to the elementary school parking lot for the standard warm-up exercises (SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Night Clubs, and Planks Stretches).  Lots of chatter so it was time to step it up a notch.  We ran down to the bottom of the hill on Dave Gibson Blvd.  The next exercise I borrowed from Spiderman’s Q at Alcatraz.  We partnered up and wheel barrowed up to Patricia Lane.  Each time the partners switched up, they had to perform five burpees.  Extra credit Ab work for those who completed early.  We were not done yet, we finished up the wheel barrow exercise at the end of Patricia Lane.

Next, we jogged over to the office building for a round of Dora 1-2-3.  Same partners, one partner would run around the parking lot while the other started on the list of exercises ( 100 Hand-Released Merkins, 200 Dips, 300 Squats).  Mumble chatter died down, men were focused.  Once complete, we had enough time to jog back to COT.  I mentioned to stay with your partner and find out something new about him.  I think it is good for us to make those personal connection to reinforce F3 is more than a workout group.

Great job by all!

TClap |

Sweep The Leg: Called in off the Bench to Close this one out!

Respect the Claves as started a few days early! Vuvu called me up to fill in and I happily accepted.

The Thang:

19 PAX emerged from the gloom at Sweep the Leg for a Monday morning kick in the teeth.

  • Mosey to the Baxter mushroom pool and do lunch walks until 6 arrives
    • Take a .5mi lap and then complete the reverse board of pain, dropping one exercise each round
    • 10 Dips x1
    • 10 Merkins x2
    • 10 Squats x3
    • 10 Big Boys x4
    • 10 Burpees x5
  • Back to COT with anywhere between 3-4mi and potentially 50 burpees

Cyclops got the Bundt cake prize

River Rat had the actual birthday

Shortstop prayed us out and it was surely a gift for sure!!


TClap |

11s on Four Corners

Did some stuff with Warmup and then did the main event.  11s and 4 Corners. PAX spread out across corners.  There was good mumble chatter.

Setup 4 Corners in the Parking Lot.

Corner 1 – 10 Merkins.  Next lap will be 9.

Lunge walk to Corner 2

Corner 2 – 1 LBC. Next lap will be 2.

Bear Crawl to Corner 3.

Corner 3 – 10 Squats.  Next lap will be 9.

NUR to Corner 4.

Corner 4 – 1 Flutter. Next lap will be 2.

Run to Corner 1 and start with next 11 pairings.

TClap |