Golden Corral Tour de Stank

WARMUP: SSH, Low Slow Squat, Windmills
THE THANG: A tour de stank around the Golden Corral
Stops involving transport were mostly in the wrong direction to make the course 1/2 mile.
Cholanadu: 25′ wheelbarrow, 50′ lunge walk
Front of Red Bowl: 15′ burpee broad jump up the little hill
North parking spaces: 20 BBSU (not reverse direction)
West dumpster territory: 70′ bear crawl
South HT wall: BTTW for 10 handstand pushups

Most got 5 laps, some got 6

MARY: Those who had time at CoT did some
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter

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Everyone has a burden

WARMUP: windmill, hula hoops, hoops hula, low slow squats
THE THANG: pick your poison from the junk in my truck. Head towards “the office* pull up bar location where each PAX did best attempt at pull ups while wearing a ruck. Every 5 mins or so we would pull an exercise out of the roller bag and perform before rotating to a new coupon. Noteworthy items were the meat hammer, and the worst pot of chili ever. Honorable mention to the mirror.
Finished the stroll through the woods with a death climb back up to Tega Cay Middle School parking lot where we quickly dropped the weights and shuffled to COT.
MARY: no time
COT: prayers for marriage and family members.
Check out the app “In love While Parenting”.

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Not-so-free Free Throws

– Squat
– Cherry Picker
– Mountain Climbers
– Imperial walker
– Wind Mill

Mosey to Bottom hill (entrance) to select a coupon
Exercise, sprint, plank, 6 inches, jog:
– 10 curls
– 10 curls, 10 overhead
– 10 curls, 10 overhead, 10 sqts
– 10 curls, 10 overhead, 10 sqts, 10 tri
– 10 overhead, 10 sqts, 10 triceps
– 10 sqts, 10 triceps
– 10 triceps

Railroad Tracks up hill to parking lot.

Partner up for Catch Me If You Can:
– 20 SSH and toy soldiers
– 20 LBCs and lunges

THE THANG 3 – Team Free Throws
Pax split into 2 teams.
Alternating team members take a turn attempting a free throw.
Round 1
– Make it and the opposing team does 3 Bobby Hurleys.
– Miss it and the shooter’s team does 3 Bobby Hurleys while the shooter does 3 burpees.

Round 2 – We upped the stakes
– Make it and the opposing team does 3 burpees while the shooter’s team does 3 Bobby Hurleys
– Miss it and the shooter’s team does 3 burpees while the opposing team does 3 Bobby Hurleys

Between the 2 rounds (24 shots), only ONE was drained. Yikes.

– American Hammers
– LBCs
– Chopsticks
– Rosalitas

Great work by all!

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Who need AKA?

WARMUP: Some SSH, Windmills, Moroccan Night Clubs, Imperial Walkers & Hillbilly Walkers


Mosey over to the side of Harris Teeter and use there giant wall for a little work. Everyone grabbed a seat against it and had a 10 count waterfall kick us off down the line. We followed this up by a plank series with our feet on the wall (parallel, 45 degrees & B2W) 10 count at each. It was all so much fun we did it again.

Mosey back to the parking lot and completed a round of solo DORA style work. 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC. Run to the end of the lot and back whenever you were unable to continue or at least ever 1/4 of the set.

Once this was completed we continued to a board of pain for the final 10 minutes. Exercises were completed by all with a PAX in the center of the circle being the timer completing 10 man makers with a toss of the 30lb sandbag over the shoulder each time. We got through:

-Donkey Kicks
-Mountain Climbers
-Plank Jack
-High Knees

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Attend the Cannoli Run or answer to Twister…

COT: It happened

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It was the hills

13 at Flight Plan for running. Prayers for Steele’s dad recovering from prostate surgery. Pusher’s brother-in-law for recovery. Praises that Double D’s getting another son-in-law. Twister made it back from Scotlandia.

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2 Cats Eat More Than 1 Cat

Undeniably the Classic AO, my all time favorite, the place I started and the place I took a turn as site Q. Weezer has done a awesome job with this AO. It was an honor to lead.

knee tar n’diaye
LS Squats
curb walkers
high knees
butt kickers
more merkins
more squats
dying cockroach
imperial walker
hill billy walker
makhtar n’diayes
more merkins
more squats
shoulder tap
overhead clap

I’m sure I forgot a few things
*not in that order
**modifications were made
***counting was poor at best
****mumblechatter was as expected

noticeably absent … liver eaters

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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March Madness

WARMUP: mosey to the mulch for side straddle hops, imperial and hillbilly walkers, merkins, planks and the like.

Sweet 16 – all exercises added up to 16 – merkins on one end of the parking lot, squats on the other. PAX survived and advanced to the….

Elite 8 – all exercises added up to 8. Diamond merkins on the curb and sumo squats at the light pole.

MARY: The final four – box cutters, flutters, hello dollys, LBCs.


COT: Core principle #5 was conducted

Thanks, Weezer for the opportunity to lead.


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