7 Day Function check

PAX, a group of HIM did this two years ago and it’s a great way to reset your body, mind and spirit.


In the military, a functions check is what you perform on your weapon to ensure it’s going to work when you need it. Doing this simple process increases safety, ensures operability, and gives you the knowledge that your weapon is functioning properly — and this knowledge also builds your confidence to focus on the larger mission. In this case, your life as a whole.

7-Day Function Check: If you’re looking for a reboot, to prove that you’re still functioning just fine, you GET TO try this

Pick any 7 days between now and the end of April to complete this challenge:
PHYSICAL – Ruck/run 25 miles total. NO junk food . NO alcohol
MENTAL – No TV, No Video Games, No Social Media. Read a book of your choosing instead. Slack is OK
SOCIAL – 4 Workouts (minimum 30 minutes each) with a partner, in the real world. Rucking/running with a partner counts as miles and as a workout.

There are three pillars to your HEALTH: Mental, Physical, and Social — your head, your heart, and your soul. Strong in all three means you’re living in accordance with your best self. They are very much interwoven into your life, so neglecting one aspect too much leads to imbalance. This Functions Check is structured to help reset all three pillars of health, together.

Why just 7 days? This will give you just enough time to suck and to break the routine, but not so long that it’s all encompassing. If you enjoy the challenge, you can do it for as long as you’d like.

Tinsel Out…

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Jaeger 2024


Sign Up

TL/DR details:

  • Time 0700-1100(ish)
  • Start: GHMS –> Finish: Print Shop
  • Teams of 4(ish)
    • 2 runners, 2 ruckers (recommended); but at least 1 rucker and 1 runner to form a team. (Optional: A team’s Runners & Ruckers can alternate/switch roles at each pain station)
      • runners stay together
      • ruckers stay together
    • Themed pain stations/team meet points for team challenges (stay tuned for exact route map)
      • Start/Station 1: GHMS (Chase)
      • Station 2: Catawba Park (Hunt)
      • Station 3: Allison Park (Kill)
      • Station 4: WEP (Carry)
      • Finish: Print Shop
    • Mileage – runners and ruckers travel different routes
      • Runners: slightly more than 14 miles
      • Ruckers: slightly less than 10 miles
    • Scoring the Race
      1. Team “card” to be time stamped at each pain station when team has
        completed the “team pain-station exercise”
      2. Time credit for overall scoring
      3. Possible…time credit for FNG / Kotter / Respectable / etc. per team?
      4. Teams will Sign Up!
      5. “winning trophy” = show to know
      6. “loser trophy” = show to know
    • Pain Stations:
      1. “faster” part of team can build up credit for other part of the team (e.g.
        ruckers can finish the exercises for the runners)
      2. Time goal for each pain station: 10 minutes (e.g. 8 min individual and 2
        min JOINT TEAM exercise)!
      3. Pain Station Q chooses WOD
      4. “JOINT TEAM exercise”: show to know! After this is completed the Operator will timestamp the TEAM card before departing

Coming in from out of the region? Have questions? Send a message to: jaeger.csaup@gmail.com


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Saturday April 20th there will be a #BEATDOWN of epic proportions (AMRAP style) at Alcatraz.  This #SNOTWOGGLER is being delivered to support families with autism (like mine) get the resources they need.  The average cost for ABA therapy is $60,000 per year and can be much higher depending on the severity and need.  Autism Strong Foundation is a local non-profit that is “Founded on faith and led by inclusion, our mission is to provide the strongest support, community, and hope for those touched by autism. All funds raised by Autism Strong are mindfully donated to our community in the way that will make the greatest impact; connecting families and children to the resources they desperately need.” Give HERE if you feel so lead.  Also shirts are live on Mudgear HERE (First order ends March 27 for delivery by event day – second order will launch soon after this one closes)


This fundraiser supports the Autism Strong Foundation, aiding families grappling with the financial strain of raising autistic children.  You may have heard me advocate for this fundraiser in years past, as this is the 3rd year my M and I have done this fundraiser.  However, this year feels different.  It feels different for two reasons.  First, the diagnosis rate has increased to 1 in 36 children diagnosed in the U.S. with ASD.  This is up from 1 in 54 just 10 years ago!  Secondly, this year feels more personal.  You see, last year we lost our insurance coverage for Noah’s ABA therapy.  After fighting with insurance for months to no avail we were left feeling discouraged and unsure of how we would continue to provide Noah with the therapy that he needed and that has been SO SIGNIFICANT.  Then, the Autism Strong Foundation stepped in, and I am very happy to say that Noah is a recipient of the Landon’s Hope Scholarship for 2023 which will cover the FULL YEAR of ABA therapy cost in 2024 for our family!  So, yea…this year feels a bit different.

Did you know that ABA therapy, a crucial intervention for autism, costs families on average $60,000 per year per the CDC?  The long-term commitment and limited availability exacerbate this burden. Families face additional expenses for education, medical care, and support services, leaving some faced with the unthinkable decision of paying the light bill or paying for their child’s therapy.  No parent should have to make this decision.

Through AMRAP 4 Autism, we aim to alleviate some of these challenges. Your support, whether through donations or spreading awareness, can make a real difference in the lives of these families.

I know that you have ample opportunity to “give to charity” throughout the year.  I’m asking you to seriously consider this opportunity this year.  My personal goal is to raise $25,000 during the month of April (Autism Awareness Month).


  • F3 AMRAP 4 AUTISM is taking over Alcatraz on Saturday April 20.
  • 0630 launch with brief warmup and explanation of the day’s event
  • 0640 Event Start. AMRAP below workout for 45 minutes with coupon.  Partners recommended!
    • 54 Burpee Coupon Jump Overs
    • 54 Yard Murder Bunnies (down and back)
    • 54 Curls For The Girls
    • 54 Squat Thrusters
    • Run 1 lap around field – each partner
  • 0725 Clock Stops
  • 0730 COT & Winners Announced
  • 0745 Coffeteria

 Other Details

  • Workout is open to ALL MEN – regardless of if you donate. #CorePrinciple and all…
  • We will be gathering as many coupons as we can. If you have a sandbag, kettlebell or cinderblock please bring it. Recommend no more than 50 lbs.
  • AMRAP 4 AUTISM is an annual event started by Autism Strong Foundation in 2013. This year’s event will be in August and held in Charlotte.  YHC will share registration details as they come available.

 How you can help

  • You can donate with your credit card by visiting the website linked below:
  • WEBSITE(https://secure.givelively.org/donate/autism-strong-foundation/f3-x-amrap-4-autism-2024)
TClap |

Angel is a Centerfold

WARMUP: mosey for a bit throughout the vast parking lot, then we did a warmup in front of the theatre. All the usuals plus some plank/core work
THE THANG: a Dora with 100 dirkins, 100 LBC, 150 step ups, partner 2 runs to farthest light pole and back, we then did a parking lot routine involving 2 alternating exercises at light poles as we traverse the lot, finally we did a nasty Jack Webb with big boys, American hammers and always 2 merkins. Almost finished then ran back to COT to finish up
MARY: finished up Jack Webb, got to 10 big boys and 40 hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Waxhaw Trail Fest, Goose Qing in Mint Hill

TClap |

Convergence Before the Invergence

It was rainy, cloudy, dark, in other words perfect weather for a convergence. We had roughly 55-60 PAX out for the variety of workouts that were about to be executed.  Disclaimer disclaimed, FNG identified (Randy from heaven on earth (aka Pittsburgh) , and we launched.

Bootcamp Q : Slapshot

Bootcampers followed me up the hill and towards the springs parking lot. After a quick plank for the 6 we moved onto to the parking lot across 160 behind the former bank and now drug store for the warm-up.


50 SSH (IC)

20 Merkings (IC)

10 Michael Phelps (IC)

5 Windmills (IC)

20 Mtn Climbers (IC)


20 Plank JAcks (IC)

Mosey to the other side of the parking lot.

DORA: Partner up with someone you haven’t worked out with. Run was around the drugstore and through the parking lots.

200 Plank JAcks

200 Toe Touches

200 SSH

150 Diamond Merkins

100 4-Ct Flutters

Recover Run Back towards COT.

Tabata Series

30 Seconds on 10 seconds off

4 Rounds 4 sets

  1. SSH
  2. Seal JAcks
  3. HR Merkins
  4. Am. Hammers

Last 7 minutes: 10 Burpess EMOM (which was reduced to a an 11 of sorts after minute 5 where we started going 10 burpees plus 1 BBS, then 9 burpees plus 2 BBS….etc… until we had about 20 seconds left.

I had everyone recover on their feet and then add 1 last Burpee.

NNM: I spoke today about one of the many examples of what F3 has meant to me. Specifically, the other day I was out for a pre-run where I started out at a “comfortable pace” already deciding in my head what I was “good” with that morning.  Then about 2 miles in I came across a fellow Pax who got to the AO early and decided to go find me. We started to run together and my “comfortable pace” got very uncomfortable very quickly. All told, when we got back to COT I had increased the pace I was running at by over 35 seconds. He literally found me where I was, didn’t leave me behind, and pushed me to accelerate. It is what I needed then, and it’s what I needed 5 years ago when I started F3. I never knew how fast I could run, until I started running with faster guys. That Friday morning was a great reminder that I can always push more, that I have plenty of gas left in the tank, and that somewhere out in the gloom a brother is willing to go find you and get you better. (Thanks Olaf)

Whether you are accelerating 1F or the 2nd and 3rd, run with faster guys and don’t just be comfortable. You never really know what you are capable of until you push just a little bit more.


Running Q Bandcamp

Speaking of Running with faster guys…Bandcamp executed a 10K route where he was able to hit a PR. The route went all over the downtown Fort Mill area. Again, men surround yourself with HIMS you never know what you’re going to be able to do.

Ruck Q : JWOW

Ruck to Church of NAzarene

10 rounds –

5 merkins at the bottom then 10 squats at the top of the stairs.

Rucked to Print Shop

20 step ups and 20 dips

Rucked up Main STreet and back to Wep for the chair swing loop at each chair swing 5 squats and 5 CDD’s One more half loop to COT.

Kettlebell Q: 38 Special

Leg stretches for a couple minutes while us 40somethigns PAX complained about our joints

The Thang:

10 each of Arm Curl and Press, tricep ex. and overhead press. Grabbed bells and went for a stroll around the park. Bells always farmered carried. We used the park equipment to tell us what to do. Each Swing 20 swings, Statues 30 Standing Tesh with squat each arm Bathrooms = 20 squats same set as the start upon our return.

Paired up for a dora

100 Goblet Squats

200 Calf Raises

300 Flutter with chest press

6 minutes to go carry back to bathroom and back 1 minute of squats and 1 minute of swings.

IR Q: Kermit

Took a nice mosey around downtown Fort Mill and even down to the Peach stand and back. Big thank you for leading this piece and not leaving any men behind!


Post Workout  JWOW led us in prayer and we named a  FNG The name Cannonball.

TClap |

Workout of the Month – (or what I can do while I’m on spring break and there’s nowhere to post DR)

Men of the Fort. We are quickly moving into the sweet spot of the year where Spring break traveling begins and then, eventually, summer vacation season kicks-off.

I, like many of you, sometimes find it difficult to keep accelerating that 1st F while traveling (either for work or vacation. Whether it be trying to find the magical sound-proof way of escaping a hotel room at 5:00am or “counting” carrying luggage across an airport as a “ruck” workout, it can be a challenge to keep your fitness up during any kind of travel.

With all of that in mind starting later this week I’ll be posting/pinning on the 1st F channel a monthly workout that ANYONE can do. This is to hopefully provide some guidance and guardrails for traveling PAX to keep pushing even when no one is watching.

These workouts will be specifically designed to :

  • Be scaleable meaning PAX can modify up or down based on the format
  • Executed with limited equipment or space
  • Easily understood.
  • Satisfying to complete (it’s not just going to be 100 burpees OYO I’ll do other stuff)

If anyone partakes of the suggested workout feel free to post in the 1FQ channel. If you do so, please note that you leveraged the workout. While this is not a completion (at least not yet) I would be interested to see who completes the workout and any feedback that you may have.

Any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out!

Keep Pushing PAX!

Even……and Especially…. When no one is watching.


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