Whetstone WOD

Disclaimer: By participating in an F3 workout, you assume the risks inherent in doing so. I am not a professional. F3 makes no representations of any kind regarding your safety. Asked to share about whetstone and my experiences, here we go…

1. DORA: Rebel
– challenged me in areas I struggle: alcohol, devoting time to my M, getting my family to Church consistently
– Asks for progress updates every time we meet
– Sets the example for how to be a better man

Reporting Progress
+ 200 merkins
+ 200 big boys
+ 200 squats
+ 200 LBC’s
– Bear crawl/power-skips

2. Partner run: Pusher AKA Big Question Eddie
– pushes me to think bigger; act better
– Always comes back when I ghost, some may be shocked to learn that F3 didn’t immediately stick with me!!
– Sets the example for how to be a better man

Big Questions
+ Run to 160 and back, ask big questions of each other: who’s your whetstone? Who could be your stone/blade? What do you need in a whetstone relationship?

3. Partner transport: Long Duck
– full of stories and antidotes to frame your mind for the positive, I.e. attitude card
– Carried me in some of my struggles with alcohol and anger
– Pours himself into others to help them and himself
– Sets the example for how to be a better man

Carrying your man
+ partner carry, 2 laps
+ wheelbarrow, 1 lap
– repeat

4. Closing: Key takeaways
– find what you need in a stone, plus seek to share wisdom with a blade (it makes you a better man)
– Be open with them, get vulnerable
– You can have more than one stone, learn lessons from all relationships
– Find someone that sets the example for how to be a better man

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Happy Bus Driver Day

We had nine at the Colosseum for a Happy Bus Driver Day. We started with a mosey to the back parking lot. Warm-ups (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank Stretches). Next, we headed to the light posts, partnered up. Partner 1 run to the second light pole and returned to Partner 2, Partner 2 jogged forward to meet Partner 1. We repeated this pattern until we reached the last light pole then returned to the school doing the same running pattern.
Next, we ventured over to the wall. Modified Dora – 100 Muscle Ups, 200 Hand Release Merkins, and 300 LBCs. Partner exercises, one ran while the other performed the exercises, flip flop.
We had enough time to run back to COT. Welcome Lighthouse.

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Bear Crawling the Colosseum

WARMUP: BC Standard. SSH, IW, HW, core

THE THANG: mosey. bear crawl the front of the elementary school with 10 Mike Tysons, then bear crawl back for 9, etc., mosey to a hill for 7s with burpees and bomb jacks, change mode of transportation each time (bear crawls and crawl bears were crowd pleasers)

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Fill in for UHaul at Colosseum

– We warmed up with some stretching and some merkins and some mountain climbers

– Run to back of school on long bus road and grab a rock at the bottom
– A lot of running back and forth and lifting rocks and such
– Then we went to the parking lot right behind the school and did a short four corners
– Ended with an AYG back to COT

MARY: No chicks.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

COT: The 5th Core Principle

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Fishsticks is under the weather so I tried to fill his shoes. Disclaimer given and short mosey through first loop. Warm-up with SSHs, Windmills, Hillbilly walkers, Merkins, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, and MNCs.
Mosey over to near flagpole. Start on one side of curb, bear crawl to other side, 5 merkins, craw bear back to start, 5 V-ups. 5 rounds.
Mosey over to parking lot behind schools. There are 5 posts (3 lights, 2 bball hoops).
1 – Run to 1st post, 5 burpees, run back to start, run to 2nd post, 5 burpees, run back to start, etc, through 5th post.
2 – Run to 1st post, 10 jump squats, back to start, same pattern but through 4th post.
3 – Lunge walk to 1st post, bear crawl to 3rd post, reverse lunge walk to 5th post. Jog back to start.
4 – Run to 2nd post, 10 mtn climbers and 10 seal jacks, run back to start, run to 4th post, 10 mtn climbers and 10 seal jacks, run back to start.
5 – Run to 5th post, 50 SSHs, 50 LBCs, run back to start.

Move over to benches. Time was running short so a round of 8s. 7 step-ups, 1 squat, 6 step-ups, 2 squats, etc.

Time’s almost up so mosey back to COT to finish with some boxcutters. Time’s up, recover. Small group today but it was good to hang out with some guys I don’t normally see.

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4 minutes until the Kraken

Nice and warm for a Colosseum WO and a Flag Handoff.

With a FNG present we included the 5 core principles and the F3 mission. I started the “clock” which meant that every 4 minutes throughout the course of the workout each PAX would do 5 Kraken Burpees. With that I got into the warmup.

100 SSH (IC)
15 Merkins (IC)

So for the majority of this workout we ran to separate spots from the Colosseum Shovel Flag to the Carolina Eye Center Parking Lot. We would stop along the way where I would call different exercises in Cadence in this order.

5 Merkins (IC)
10 LBC’s (IC)
15 (Flutters IC)
20 HD (IC)
25 (Squats Low Slow IC)

As we ran back towards COT we stopped briefly into the “purple light” near the Tega Cay Coffee Truck. Everyone wondered where the glow sticks and foam pit was. Good questions obviously but it was not a rave or a college basement party so we did more Kraken Burpees.

As we approached the final few minutes Backdraft complained there were not enough squats so I obliged with 50 low slow squats that segwayed nicely into 5 more Kraken Burpees.

Got back to COT where we executed a Flag handoff to Rebound and named a FNG Blacklight.

All in all it was a good workout where we ended up with about 50 Kraken Burpees and around 150 Merkins, 180 LBC’s and just about 2 miles (slightly over or under depending on the watch)

Always honored for the lead and for the opportunity.

Thank you!

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Could’ve Been Worse

SSH, Merkins, stretching

Moseyed over to the basketball hoops

Template goes as follows
Run to the end of the court and back (~150m)

Activities in order
20 burpees
50 squats
50 merkins
50 lunges (SC)
25 merkins
25 squats
10 burpees

Total of 60 burpees, 150 squats, 150 merkins, 100 lunges.

Ended with some flutters and LBCs

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster and Jaeger

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20 SSHs
8 Squat reaches
8 Alternating Body Bridge
1 short run around parking lot

Played my music

Flying Squirrel with hand clap – 15 reps, 2 sets, 30 secs rest
Table Top Crawl – 30 secs on (4 forward, 4 backwards), 2 sets, 30 secs rest
American hammers with straight legs – 30 secs, 2 sets, 30 secs rest
1 legged burpee – 10 each leg, 1 set each, 30 secs rest
Chest tap Merkin with wide leg stance – 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 secs rest
Shoulder tap (2 each side is 1 rep) to 2 Merkins – 30 secs on, 2 sets, 30 secs rest
Cross Merkin – 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 secs rest
Superman Plank – 30 secs on, 2 sets, 30 secs rest
4 Squats, 2 Squat jumps, repeat – 30 secs on, 2 sets, 30 secs rest
Walk out to pistol squat – 5 reps, rest, 3 reps
Leg extension to spider merkin – 30 secs on, 2 sets, 30 secs rest
Side kick outs – 30 secs on, 2 sets, 30 secs rest

Ran a small lap around parking lot

50 reps each, good form –
Regular Merkins
Jumping Squats
Shoulder Taps
Reverse lunges

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Jaeger is coming! Welcoming G.I. Jane!
COT: Lots of prayers for friends or family dealing with forms of cancer. Lots of thankfulness for what we were able to do today.

Takeaways from today’s message:
1. In the midst of all the struggles in this world, when you think about your children, are you more concerned with where your child will attend college or eternity?
2. Is salvation of the utmost value in your home?
3. Bathe your family’s mind in the truth

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