Where Two or Three are Gathered…

Matthew records the words of Jesus, “Where two or three are gathered… I am with them” (MT 18:20). It was a good thing ’cause we were three HIMs needing help to keep our shoulders from splitting open this morning.

Warm up:

20 SSH, 20 LSS, 20 Moroccan Nightclubs, 20 overhead claps, 20 Carolina dry docks, 15 merkins, 40 calf raises, and a couple of  laps around the parking lot.

The Thang:

Ignoring the urge to dress up for Halloween, YHC slightly adjusted the weinke, as we needed four for the plan. As any Soldier knows, “no good plan ever survives the first shot,” thus, we pressed on.

With kettlebells at the ready and a flashlight on the board, the three of us performed the followings sets:

Each exercise was rewarded with fartlek-like sprints before continuing to the next.

80 Kettlebell right arm tricep extensions, 80 KB left arm tricep extensions, 80 LBCs w/KBs, 80 Russian KB swings, 80 KB Squats, 80 R and 80 L KB floor presses, 80 R and 80 L KB lunge presses, 50 R and 50 L KB military presses, and 80 KB calf raises on the curb.

We paused for what I’ve dubbed “the Apache Ten-Count” (between the Kettlebell swings and the lunge presses) to learn a bit more about one another. Interestingly, we each have a connection to New York State, are hoping the Cubs can pull out a miracle, and think frying seafood is a waste of good seafood. The workout ended with the COT.


Yesterday, I responded to a tragedy: a Soldier in my battalion awoke to discover his 5-month-old daughter had died in the night. Come, Lord Jesus, Come! Men, the theme of the month is all about the time we make. I am reminded to take time for my children. We do not know how long we will be here, nor how long we will have the health we (hopefully) enjoy this day, but this I do know, I’m grateful for God (Sky Q), for my family, for the men of F3, and for what this newly adopted lifestyle of F3 participation means to me.


TClap |

Tatanka returns to where it all started @F3theFort

  • QIC: CSPAN & Tatanka
  • When: 10/29/16
  • Pax: Flat Tire, 1-Niner, Bonsai, Frat Boy, Jiffy, Double D, Anchorman, Barry Manilow, Santini, Bubba Gump, Pusher, Airborne, TChaser, Quack Attack, & Trucker
  • Posted In: The Fort

Extra credit starting at 0600 with 1-Niner, joined by Flat Tire, Bubba Gump, & Pusher. Tatanka, Trucker, & I Rucked in for some #GrowRuck training.

Disclaimer witnessed by Legal Counsel

Quick sermon on Tatanka and him being a “glue man” = Every group needs glue men and you never truly realize their value until they are gone. Glue is an adhesive, “a force that exists in the area of contact between unlike bodies and that acts to unite them.” Simply put: glue holds stuff together…. Who is the glue on your F3 team? Who holds your F3 team together? Who keeps the team focused when times are tough? Who does all of the little things to make your team successful? Tatanka held me and TChaser (and several other #HIM) accountable. Every team needs a “glue” player like this, one who will make necessary sacrifices that hold F3 together.

and we were off…running…planking…running…planking until we got to the Gun Lot.

We lined up on the curb for a long #arkloader series…lots of #mumblechatter today…lots of stretching and modifying…DD & Pusher seemed to on a date, TChaser and Niner played the roles of #malemodels #BlueSteel only to be outpaced by Anchorman and Barry Manilow #prettyboys

My favorites today included the 100 LBC, the soccer hips, 100 LBC, 100 flutters, and I think about 40 flying squirrels…started to get a little winded, and tossed the Q to Tatanka.

Tatanka on Q

Partner up- size does not matter

Review of BOMBS (crowd pleaser):
200 Bombjacks
200 Overhead Claps in a squat position
200 Merkins
200 Big boy Situps
300 Squats

Gump and Flat Tire still think (correctly) they are faster than me, and Airborne did poorly in the partner selection…

more running…stop at wall lot…

Long peoples chair series #epicmumblechatter and Santini might really sing just like Katy Perry #weird Bonsai and Trucker separated to a different taller wall away from us…? Frat Boy and Pusher seem to have entirely too much information on senior citizen STDs #reallyweird #dalewebbclub

more running…stop for SSH…whole lotta refusnik…

more running back to COT for a COP…some kind of wine mixers…just awfulness…

COT/Prayer or Praise/BOM

Naked Man Moleskine

trademarks included #mantan #grantan and now #flantan

Jiffy we all still feel bad we missed your Q last week…

Quack Attack rode in and appears to want to Q the #F3BikerClub

Crab Cakes was absent today…Grapevine loves your business tiny man…we know where you were yesterday…

Be a better man today than you were yesterday,

TClap |

This was “moderate,” right?

  • QIC: Twister
  • Pax: Twister, Free Bird, Mainframe, Ditch Witch, McGruff, Anchorman, Monk, Barry Manilow, Culture Club, Cotton Eye, Sheet Rock
  • Posted In: The Ballroom, The Fort

The Thang:

It should be noted that YHC received a reminder from the site Q at approximately 11:30 PM. There was no way this Q would have seen it. However, good fortune compelled YHC to check his calendar and note that “A Q? Really?”

******Special Note: a guest appearance by Monk of Gastonia ******************

Warm Up:


Indian Run to “land o’ blocks” (across Gold Hill and past the Day Care)

With Partners & cinder block – execute a combined 100 of the exercises below while partners alternate running up hill (and back).

100 Curls
100 LSS
100 Rows
100 Tricep Extensions
100 Overhead Presses

Indian Run Back to COT Area

:05 minutes of mary

The Moleskin

YHC reflected on a discussion by Old Bay the week before on fear. YHC did not do it justice, but felt it was important to repeat some of the key points. Most important to rely on the Sky Q for the help in overcoming your fear, whatever that might be!

TClap |

Fort Debut

  • QIC: Jiffy
  • When: 10/22/16
  • Pax: Bonsai, Bubba Gump
  • Posted In: The Fort

A small group assembled for my debut Q at the Fort on a beautiful fall morning.

Started out with a lap around the park and worked in some butt kickers, high knees and shuffles.

Started with a stretch:

  • 20 X Side Saddle Hops
  • 10 X Windmills
  • 20 X Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 10 X Merkins
  • 10 X Mountain Climbers

We headed over the playground. We had planned to do a Modified Dora 1, 2, 3 and needed to further modify with a group of 3.  We took turns running two laps while the third did the exercise:

  • 50 X Pull-Ups
  • 200 X LBC’s
  • 300 Squats


Next, we headed over to the main part of the field. Four cones had been setup in a rough square approximately 100 yards apart.  At each cone was a workout per lap.  The workout would be completed and then run to the next cone.  We set out to see how many laps we could get in…

Lap 1

  • 40 X Merkins (regular)
  • 40 X Lunges (20 each leg)
  • 25 X American Hammers
  • 5 X Burpees


Lap 2

  • 40 X Merkins (wide arm)
  • 100 X Calf Raises
  • 25 X Hello Dolly’s
  • 10 X Burpees


Lap 3

  • 20 X Merkins (diamond)
  • 100 X Monkey Humpers
  • 10 X Plank Punches
  • 15 X Burpees


Lap 4

  • 40 X Carolina Drydocks
  • 100 X Squats
  • 50 X LBCs
  • 20 X Burpees

Lap 5

  • 50 X Merkins (regular)
  • 60 X Lunges (30 each leg)
  • 40 X American Hammers
  • 15 X Burpees


Three of us pushed our way through 5 laps with a decent amount of collective grumbling throughout. We headed over for COT, thankful for the beautiful day and opportunity to get out.

TClap |

Backblast: Clydesdale’s run in the dark

  • QIC: Beats
  • When: 10/19/16
  • Pax: Green Wave, Corn Hole, Mainframe, Rebel, Gridlock, Chicken Hawk, Backdraft, Deacon, Corruption, Twister, Newman, Anchorman, Culture Club, Tesh, Moneypit, Zima, Orange Crush, Cobra Kai, Gilmore
  • Posted In: Clydesdales, The Fort

Twenty men came out this morning to stretch their legs and run in the gloom. This was my first Q since I started doing F3. Twister wanted something different than the Biscuit run or down to Wally World, so i took a page from Wapner’s workout and we took the streets and followed the new Kingsley loop. Anchorman and Gilmore lead a group on the Pineapple run and a few guys went to find some trails. Glad they made it back. I wouldn’t know where to go find them. Good times.

TClap |

Nothing Fancy

  • QIC: Jiffy and White Lightning
  • When: 10/15/16
  • Pax: Nuke, Straight Up, Oprah, Fishstix, Cornhole, Mr Clean, Senator Tressel, Cha Ching, and Rebel
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort

Jiffy and YHC’s plan was for me to handle the warm up and cardio, then Jiffy would hammer the upper body.  Nothing fancy, just a good old fashioned beat down.

The lights were turned on, Senator Tressel planted the shovel flag, YHC gave the disclosure, and away we went.

The Thang:

Lap Around the Fields

Dynamic Warmup – Shuffle – Karaoke Down – Butt Kickers – High Knees – Jog Backwards

The Other Warm-Up – SSH x 20 – IW x 20 – Mtn Climbers x 20 – Plank – Honeymooner – Parker Peter x 20 – Peter Parker x 20 – Slow Windmill – Moroccan Night Club (until it hurt)

10-20-30-40 – Mosey to Retaining Wall – 10 – Derkins – 20 – Dips – 30 – Step Ups – 40 Squats (At the bottom of the hill) – Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to Dugout and Handoff to Jiffy

Headed over to the playground, counted off in groups of 4

Group 1 – 10 pull-ups
Group 2 – 20 merkins
Group 3 – 20 dips
Group 4 – 20 Carolina dry docks

Repeated two more times replacing the merkins with wide armed and then diamond merkins

Next headed over to the field, did a series where you ran to the first light pole 15 LBCs, then ran to the next light pole and did another 15 LBCs and then ran to the end with a final set of 15 LBCs and then ran back today

Repeated that sequence switching the exercise to 10 merkins, then 15 American hammers, then 10 Carolina dry docks and closing with 5 burpees. We worked in some 10 counts along the way to pace ourselves

This was all completed a little faster than YHC had planned. We circled up for some ab work. Not recalling exact numbers and sequence but went something like:

LBCs x 12
Hello Dolly’s x 12
Plank punches x 10
Regular planks and side arm raises
Old man sit-ups x 10
Peter parkers x 10
Parker peters x 10

Running out of options I asked for a suggestion from Fish Sticks and he assisted with Superman’s to close out.

Moleskin: It was great to be back at the friendly confines of Alcatraz. This was only Jiffy’s second Q but no one could  tell, he led like a seasoned vet.  Great effort by all the men today!


TClap |

Java to tha Max

  • QIC: Maximus & Java
  • When: 10/18/16
  • Pax: Kielbasa, big Papi, Pusher, Macgyver, Olaf, Long Shanks, Stang, Birdcage, Cha-ching, What did, Chicken Hawk, C-Span, Shady, Package
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

What lovely weather we had to play in the grass this morning.

Java’s Section –

Had a nice mosey around the park and circled up to do

candence/no candence Holy Ghost (Hands up with High Knees)


Wind Mill (super slow)


-Mosey to the walk way

Before the Workout we talked about the calling of God on our lives and and how we are working towards the calling of God on our lives and until we get there we are in the “Space Between” where we were called and what we are working to.

So what that means…. We did burpees and frog jumps across the entire field. once we got to the top of the hill we took a half mile victory lap

Maximus Portion:

“When I was in the Army we had one of those goofy little riddles that represented an important facet of Leadership. It worked like this: something tough would come down the pike, a camo-CSAUP thing of sorts. When you heard how much it would suck you would ask “how many more times do I have prove myself around here?” Response: “just one more time”.

In other words, a man is never done proving himself. Not if he wants other men to keep following him. A coaster may work for keeping beer rings off the coffee table, but in terms of Leadership a coaster of a man won’t Influence other men to do a darned thing. If you think you’ve arrived at a place where you should get a pass for how hard the journey to get there was, you’re wrong. There is no place on earth or in life where a man has reached the end of his challenges. So, if you really want to know how many times will you have to prove yourself the answer is simple.

Just One More Time.”

Mosey from the hilltop to the playground.  Why?  Because the only way to get better at Pull Ups is to….DO MORE PULL UPS.  Grab a partner and this time, form matters

Partner 1: 10 Pull Ups   Partner 2: 20 Dips    Then Flapjack and Repeat the cycle.

Partner 1: 10 Mak Tar Jah’s each arm for 20 total    Partner 2: 20 Carolina Dry Docks   Then Flapjack and Repeat the cycle

Mosey to the parking lot for another mainstay of mine

American Hammers x 25

Toe Touches x 10

Circle the lot: In 2 groups, All You Got (AYG) to the first turn, jog to the 2nd, AYG to the 3rd, jog home.

COT for a word on not wasting your chance.  We all screw up but don’t let that happen in vain; realize you have a chance to fix it tomorrow.  You’re better today than you were yesterday and strive to be better tomorrow than you are today.



TClap |

FLOOD RELIEF EFFORTS: Calling all Fort and Rock Pax

I just got our work assignments.  We received 5 work orders for tree removal and 1 for house muckout (remove drywall, carpet, etc).  We will need to bring tools (chainsaws, axes, shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, leaf blower, etc) like we did last week and additional tools (flat nosed shovels, hammers, sheetrock knives, wheelbarrows, etc) and safety equipment (gloves, safety glasses, dust masks, etc) this week.

The current plan is that we will meet at the Lowes by Baxter at 5:00 and leave for Conway, SC.  We would complete work at about 2:00 or 3:00 so that we can return for trick-or-treating with our families.  We will need to bring lunches and water.

Please DM @darkhelmetf3 or email me: frankschwartz@me.com with your HCs.


Work crews leaving out tomorrow. We will need help next week as well, so please check your calendars and let me know if you can make it. Here’s the details for tomorrow’s work.

We have been assigned 6 work orders to remove fallen trees (some greater than 18″ diameter) in the Bishopsville area.  We will be meeting tomorrow morning at the Lowe’s in Baxter at 6:00 am and will be leaving at 6:15. This will put us in Bishopsville at about 8:00.

We will be splitting into 2 groups and each group will have a team leader and will work on 3 work orders.  We will carpool and drive down as groups since the groups will be working at different addresses.

The teams are a mix of F3 Pax and Men (and one M) from my church. Again, there will be opportunity to go again next weekend, so LET ME KNOW.

We need to bring the following tools and we will split them up between the 2 groups:

Chainsaws (I think 5 were volunteered and so please bring them along with gas, oil, sharpening tools or whatever else would be needed)

Bring what you need to work safely.
In order to ensure we are as safe as possible while working on these projects, remember not to work after dark when good visibility is no longer possible, and please be sure to bring:

  • Safety glasses / goggles
  • Work boots or sturdy closed toe shoes
  • Work gloves
  • Pants (not shorts)

We need to bring our own lunch and water.  The team leaders will bring a cooler for water and drinks to be put in.

We will work until 5:30 or 6:00 and so if we finish our work orders early then we will see if there are other neighbors in the area that would like some help.  We can then find a place to eat in Bishopsville or head home. 


Flood waters are finally starting to recede on the coast in some areas to a point where we can get in to help. I don’t have all the details yet. They should be forthcoming soon, but here is what I know and what I need at this point.
Early Saturday morning we are looking for strong backs and weak minds to travel to Myrtle Beach and Florence, SC to start the debris clearing. This means that we will need willing men, chainsaws, hand saws, loppers, shovels, possibly wheelbarrows, etc. We will be heading back that evening on this go around. (We will likely be doing an overnight trip next week once the mucking out of houses and such begins. Flood waters are not allowing for this in most areas at this time, is what I understand.) We will also be taking donations down with us. We will take the water that has been collected to now, and any other that we may be able to collect between now and then…
Your HCs ASAP! Hit me on twitter: @darkhelmetf3 (I’ll follow you back so we can share contact info if needed) and tell me if you can make it. It will be a very early start and a fairly late return that day.

Men, I know that there are TONS of ways to help right now, and TONS of places we could do it. If this doesn’t fit you, that’s ok, just help somewhere. However, this is what we are being asked to do for right now. It may seem like a small thing, but it will make a big difference.


Pax, I thought it would be good to give an update on where things stand with the relief efforts. There is much more damage and many more problems than we anticipated in SC, GA, and NC than we (in the Fort) have resources to take care of. It’s important to remember that we will hear of needs all over. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to do it all. I often get frustrated and sad that we can’t just fix it, but so be it.

That said, at this time, we are in a holding pattern. The storm surge is continuing to rise in many of those areas, and over the next 48 hours or so there will be continued flooding and other problems that will continue to arise. It will likely be this weekend and into next week before we can safely enter any of those areas. So, as hard as it is, hang tight. Please keep letting me know about the needs that you hear of and about your individual availability to travel (possibly overnight) to affected areas over this weekend and into (and through) next week. Also, keep your eyes on the Twitter machine and FB, etc. for further updates.

Thank you, men, for all you do.
Helmet, out.


Almost one year to the day from our relief efforts in Columbia, SC, and here we go again. Our brothers (F3), but maybe even more importantly, the communities where our brothers and sisters (God’s children) live are feeling the force and will soon be digging out from the devastation of Hurricane Matthew.

I am in contact with some of our coastal Pax and with members and leaders of my Church to try and get updates on needs. I imagine that there will be needs for donations, much like we had for Columbia (water, food, fuel, etc.), and also we want to organize work crews to go down as needed. At this point (10/8/16, 1700hrs), I know of many downed trees, lots of flooding, etc., but we do not know yet what can be done or when. Many communities (whole counties actually) have not started letting residents back in yet.

Here is what I need from you. I need to know if you can plan to go down with crews sometime in the coming days and weeks to administer relief. This will likely consist of delivering supplies, clearing roads, removing debris, and gutting homes and businesses that were flooded. We will need tools, strong backs, and donations. As soon as I know more, I will amend this post.

Again, at this point, if you can comment on this post, or DM me on Twitter, as to whether you can go and what days, that will help to start. Also, if you know of needs or people that are in those areas organizing efforts there, that would be great to know also.



TClap |

Which Way Did They Go?

  • QIC: Tater
  • When: 10/05/16
  • Pax: Rebel (Respect), Cobra Kai, Trucker, Longshanks, Assassin, Anchor Man, Change Order, Greenwave, BassOMatic, Gridlock, Beats, Gilmore, CottonEye, FlatTire, Dano, Tesh, CultureClub, Mainframe, Aquaman, Senator Tressel (Respect), Twister (Respect), Zima, Tater (QIC)
  • Posted In: Clydesdales, The Fort

23 for Clydesdales. A warm 5:15 am welcome to Clydesdale first-timer and 1 day #HIM Dano. After the disclaimer, the PAX were encouraged to think about a time when Mercy was extended. Mercy – not getting what we do deserve. Three herds left from Starbucks for an early morning run, finally cooler weather with low humidity. The Original Clydesdales took off through Baxter Village, another herd took a more brisk pace through the village and the Third Herd went on a traditional Biscuit Run. In a rare moment in Clydesdale history the entire group was back by COT. It is always a pleasure and an honor.


TClap |

4 years @F3TheFort

  • When: 10/01/16
  • Pax: Fallini, Dark Helmet, Bounty Hunter, Bubba Gump, Santini, Bonzi, Maximus, Geronimo, Old Bay, Quack Attack, Twister, Ginsu, Spiderman, Lil'E, Photobomb, Cable Guy, Long Shanks, Crab Cakes, Matador, Ditch Witch, & Peabody (FIFO)
  • Posted In: The Fort

Friday night we celebrated 4 years @F3TheFort

Saturday morning it was my honor to Q with @Double_D where it all started

Lots of cars rolling into WEP, started to realize something about a volleyball tournament…I attempted the EH, tried to “bully” them into joining us, and much to my surprise, and they again reviewed their lack of interest in detail…and they think we are weird?


Lots of #mumblechatter, very expressive group of PAX today, short discussion on how “perfect” @CableGuys hair was and we were off, at a very quick pace. Ginsu reminded me that I am not as fast as I used to be

Mosey to Gun Lot, COP with all of my favorites to 10 in cadence.

Mosey to Veterans Park, said The Pledge of Allegiance in cadence. 10 Flying Squirrels

Mosey to ATM lot, bear crawl, lunge walk, backwards bear, and crab walk back across the lot, and rinse and repeat. 10 Flying Squirrels

Mosey to HOBO’s lot Sermon #1, 10 Flying Squirrels

Mosey to Police Station Lot, partner up, extreme #Arloader series, and a mix of @F3TheFort #Trivia which all equated to 10 Flying Squirrels, probably stayed for about 40 Squirrels

Sermon #2

Hand off to Double D

Mosey to Jazzercise Wall for the People’s Chair series and 10 Flying Squirrels

Mosey to Confederate Park for more partner relays and runs to the train tracks

Mosey back to Veterans Park, long plank-o-rama series, lots of #mumblechatter, mostly from Santini and anyone within ear shot

Mosey back to Gun Lot for 4 corners of pain with a mix of sprints

Mosey to The Grove for Makhtar’Diayes until your elbows bleed from the pine cones

AYG sprint to COT

COT/ Prayer and Praise / BOM

Naked Man Moleskine

Great way to celebrate 4 years of F3 with a shared Q with Double-D. The PAX were great and we had a bunch of #mumblechatter, and it seemed like everyone had a great time. Lots of discussions and sermons as we moseyed around downtown Fort Mill. The first #sermon is practice your EH and continue to bring out FNGs. The second #sermon consisted of my story where Santini #EH me, but it was Double-D that got me to show back after my third or fourth post, so in reality those #HIM are as important as the men who bring out an FNG. Double-D had the third sermon on becoming a Q and learning to get confident leading other men. The final sermon was mine in COT about the tenacity and genital fortitude it took Double-D to launch a Region that in 4 years has eclipsed over 900 men, and has now split into 2 Regions (Fort Mill & Rock Hill). Double-D shares that he was not sure F3 would work, and all of the sudden…it crushed the sad clown syndrome @F3TheFort and surrounding areas. Double-D thinks we are just getting in step, are you ready for the future?

TClap |