Silver Screen Sweat-Fest

WARMUP: MNC’s x 25
5 “Clam Chowders “ (10 ct/IC), Imp Walk, 4CCs, SSH, 3 CCs, ChPick, 2CCs, plank-Jack w/ Merkin (IC), 1 CC

THE THANG: 7 laps around 3 Stations, 25 reps all exercises, MOT changes each lap between stations, always slow Mosey from last to start. End each lap w/ SSH till 6
( We only had time to do 5 of 7)
set timer & Music (VanHalen)

1: Shiko, Good-AMs, AirSquats, MOT= Nur
2: Step-ups, calf-raise (toes in/out (opposite Pax natural posture), side lunges, MOT=Toy Soldier
3: CDDs, shoulder claps, Mike Tyson’s, MOT=Carioca (R/L)
4: plank (25sec), Side-Rt, Side-Lt, MOT=full Mosey
5: Alt Bulg. Split Squats, Monkey-Humpers, Alt RDLs, MOT=mosey w/ butt-kickers
6: up and out, Flutters, LBCs, MOT= bear crawl
7: Merkins, Wide , Diamond, MOT=side shuffle

MARY: Jane Fonda Pilates, 50 LBCs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jaegar, T & H, Blood Drive, Bethel 8/1
COT: Prayers for Connecting w/ 2.0’s, mental health, transitions back into school
FNG Naming

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Snake pit rises like a Phoenix

WARMUP: The usual suspects of Side Stradle Hops, Windmills, Moroccan Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers and Hillbilly Walkers

THE THANG: Mosey with bells to the loop in front of the stadium and completed the below AMRAP

20 KB Swings
20 Goblet Squats
20 Curls
20 Overhead Press

Lap around the entry loop up the where the gate is and back alternating laps of suitcase carry and overhead carry. Switch hands at the gate.

Goal is to never set the bell down

MARY: 1 minute of LBC. Seemed much longer!

COT: Occurred…

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Cruise Around The Islands

10 Windmill IC

Plank Warmup
Honeymooner to Downward Dog
5 Merkin
5 Parker Peter
5 Shoulder Taps

5 Burpees OYO

Mosey to the Islands

See image
Station 1: Overhead March (15 reps each side)
Bicep Isometric Carry to Station 2

Station 2: KB Overhead Swings (25)
Overhead Lunge Walk to Station 3

Station 3: Curl to Halo (12 each side)
Goblet Carry to Station 4

Station 4: Single Leg Deadlift to Overhead Reverse Lunge (12 each side)
Overhead Lunge Walk to Station 5

Station 5: Russian Twist (20 count)
Bicep Isometric Carry to Station 6

Station 6: Snatch (12 each side)
Goblet Carry back to Station 1

Mosey back to COT

ABC’S of Abs
3 rounds of callouts: Heels to Heaven, American Hammers, Elbow Plank Parker Peters

CSAUP’S, Bethel Men’s Shelter, Blood Drive, Relaunch of Snake Pit

Show to know

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2024.28 Armory

Standard warmup…

One of my favorite KB formats is the 3x3x3: 3 rounds of 3 sets of 3 exercises. But to mix it up, 2 sets from the current followed by 1 set of the previous, so A-A, then B-B-A, then C-C-B… I think this allows a little longer recover before heading into the 3rd set which helps you to push harder. I’m going to tell myself that, cause I am still in pain two days later.

Set A:
Clean into a 1 arm thruster x10 (5 EA)
Front raise x10
Single-leg dead lift x10 (5 EL)

Set B:
Bent row x10EA
Tricep Extension x10
Squat x20

Set C:
One-arm swings x10EA
Overhead Press x10EA
Racked split squat x10 each side

Between rounds cooldown lap ending in a 20yd bear crawl to spike the heart rate to get ready for the next round.

This was a tough one. I’m pretty sure Band Camp thought I was making it all up, cause I don’t have to put Sharpie on my forearm… Welcome FNG Splash Pad! Hopefully there was enough fun in there to offset the splashing / dry heaving…

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Iron Pax-esque

SSH x 10, IW x 10, Merkins (IC) x 10, Downward Dog, Peter Parker x 10, Upward Dog.

Stations were set up in a T shape where “Home Base” is at the intersection of the 3 points.

Round 1
15 burpees at “Home Base”
Bear crawl ~ 25yds to station 1 do 15 merkins
Jog back to home base

15 burpees at “Home Base”
Lunge walk ~ 25yds to station 2 and do 10 hang cleans w/ sandbag (5 each arm if using KB’s)
Jog back to home base

15 burpees at “Home Base”
Broad jump ~ 25yds to station 3 and do 10 sit up get ups
Jog back to home base

Round 2
Following the same modes of transportation,
10 burpees at home base
25 merkins at station 1
20 hang cleans at station 2
15 sit up get ups at station 3

Round 3
Following the same modes of transportation,
5 burpees at home base
35 merkins at station 1
30 hang cleans at station 2
20 sit up get ups at station 3

Sweaty Barry, Summer CSAUP series, F3 Dad’s

COT: Family and loved ones

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1st dance at the ballroom

Started with broga did a little mosey. Dips and derkins at tables. Did some more running to loosen up. At basketball court Warmup SSH, overhead claps, Moroccan knight clubs then some running again on the court. Slow mosey to football field. Did 10,20,30,40 exercises for BASS big boys, American hammers, sSH and seal jacks. Mosey to Cindy for curls squats and overhead press. Then we did some light poles burpees, overhead claps, hello dolly’s , dips, plank jax, amer hammers, squat jumps, seal jax, flutters, lunges, CDD, mtn climbers, and LBCs. Yes it took 45 minutes.

Announcements shovel flag transfer and prayers.

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THE THANG: 100’s .. Jerk Press , Curls , Squats, Tricep Extensions. Bent over rows , little run with 10 burpees In between sets of 50..
MARY: Kinda
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your News Letter
COT: We did it .

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B.O.T wants a HIVE Hat

WARMUP: SSH, CP, IW, we ran to the far side of the parking lot with kettlebells and Olaf lead us in some stretches
21-15-9 WOD
21 left arm clean snatches
21 jump over burpees
21 right arm clean snatches
21jump over burpees
15 left arm clean snatches
15 jump over burpees
15 right arm clean snatches
15 jump over burpees
9 left arm clean snatches
9 jump over burpees
9 right arm clean snatches
9 jump over burpees

Ran to the end of the parking lot with bells did some squats and lunges. Ran back to COT
COT: Closed in prayer

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Colosseum 6-18-24

Imperial Walkers
hillbilly Walkers
Tappy Taps

Light Jog
Wall sits while a PAX does an inchworm to curb and back
At the track, do exercise then run a lap
– 12 o clock – 50 squats
– 3 o clock – 50 merkins
– 6 o clock – 50 dips
– 9 o clock – 50 mountain climbers
The Grinder at the entrance to GHMS
– Partner Up: Partner 1 do a bear crawl up to the next light
– Partner 2: run to the next light and come back to get your partner and run back to the light
– Switch – Partner 2 does Bear crawl, Partner 1 runs
– When Partner 1 starts again, do Crab Walk. Switch back to Bear Crawl at next cycle.

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