Ladders, lunges and bear crawls, oh my

THE THANG: Push/Kb swing ladder 2, 4, 6,…to 20 of each. 10 man makers.

To the hill for a Dora with one lunging while farmer carrying both the other with body weight lunge. Switch as needed with 5 goblet squats each switch til the top. Back down the hill with one partner overhead carry while the other bear crawl switching as needed with 5 press each switch.

Mary for 5 minutes at bottom.

Circle up for a few rounds of kettlebell work
MARY: yes
COT: yes

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#Powered By BBQ & Bourbon

WARMUP: premature Name O Rama
THE THANG: Pick your distance
MARY: F3 is for Men Only
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
12 Runners, 1 Rucker (YHC). Hey Kids: Stay In School and, next year, don’t volunteer to Q the morning after the BBQ & Bourbon fundraiser

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Guys don’t curtsy

Kept it simple, a little mosey warmup then did some crazy curtsy lunges. A lot of them. Butt was sore for days. Lots of leg exercises to help with running for later in week. We also did a good bit of an work. Finished with the usual hip exercises and all of them. Good message about getting focus off yourself and on others to make an impact.

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Laughing Gorilla

WARMUP: SSH, MNC, Imp.SquatWalkers, Cherry Pickers, ONE Kracken Burpee (to drive home the Laughing Penalty for the day)

Appetizer: KB swing complex/pyramid. One–2–3–4–5-4-3–2-1.
Russian swing (to shoulder), American swinging (all the way overhead), and then toss to catch for a goblet squat, toss up again to catch to squat down to put KB down on ground.

Amuse Bouche: Partner Lat Raises (using Rope through Bell handle) – 15 IC. Ideal = 2… we did have a triangle w/ 3 that worked fine.

Main Course – Partner WORK (stations by weight). Partner Nur’s up hill, Crawl-bear/lunge-walk back down….. PLANK UNTIL 6 is up before Rotating.
Round 1a (light): Windmills w/ 2 KB
1b (medium): 2KB Renegade Rows
1c (heavy): Gorilla :gorilla: Rows, (noises encouraged)
MOT for Partner (up hill to speedbump): Partner Nur’s UP hill, Crawl-bear/lunge-walk back DOWN

Round 2a (Light): 2KB Clean & press
2b (medium): Squat & 2x OH Thrust
2c (heavy): lt. Lawnmower pulls
MOT: Lunge Walk UP / Crab-walk DOWN

There was a Round 3 planned (along with Dessert)… but the clock precluded this sadly…. At least there were leftovers for another meal.

MARY: Flutter Presses, Am. Hammers

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence 9/28 among others

COT: Held… raised those Said & Unsaid

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The Quad Burner

Mozy around parking lot. Windmills. Merkins. Mountain climbers. More merkins.

Mozy with bell down the hill towards the bus drop off. At every light stop and a chest and leg exercise. I chose 10 chest press and 10 curtsy lunges at odd number poles. 10 squats and 10 merkins at even number poles. At bus drop off gather at bottom of hill and do 11s. 1 curtsy lunge at bottom and 10 chest press at test. Keep doing 11s up and down the hill until you reach 10 lunges and 1 chest press. Head back up hill and do arm exercises at every light. Back at COT finish with hip exercises.

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Leading the Way

Weather was fantastic at 59 degrees and YHC was excited for my VQ at Soul to Sole.

Based on a recommendation from Maximus, YHC read the Comfort Crisis and became a follower of Michael Easter who is big believer in the power of rucking. Since that time, I was gifted a ruck and have included this in my workouts more frequently yet my only Q to date was a solo workout at Dawn Patrol.

I have been thinking about the 5 Cs of leadership from Q Source recently. Q Source resonates with me on so many levels at home, work and in our community and the 5 Cs serve as the standard for Leading Right. I decided to standardize the definitions of these with the Pax as part of the workout.

The Thang

3ish miles of rucking and shuffling

5 stops along with the way with these 6 exercises:

Bent over rows x 10
Merkins x 10
Overhead Press x 10
Curls x 10
Squats x 10
Lunges x 10

At each stop, we discussed one of the 5 Cs:


The fellowship, weather and beat down serve to standardize the day. My prayer is that we can begin to optimize the day.

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Curtsey lunge buffet

Warmup: Mosey, windmills, merkins, Moroccan nightclubs, Carolina dry docks, curtsy lunges
The thang: go to light poles. Start with 10 curtsy lunges, next light pole is 20 merkins, next light pole is 30 squats, next light pole is 40 flutters.

Mosey to side of school. EMOM, 10 merkins. While waiting for next minute to start…calf raises. Wall sits and some ab work. Back to COT for mini Mucho Chesto. Finish with hip thingy

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The Elite 8

WARMUP: Mosey around parking lot.
20 ea. SSH
10 ea. Goofballs
10 ea. Hillbilly Walkers
10 ea. Cherry Pickers
10 ea. Moroccan Nightclubs
carry bells to student parking lot for a board of pain
Round 1:
– 10 American Hammers
– 15 Skull Crushers
– 20 Swings
– 25 Curls
– 30 Lunges
– 35 Bent Rows
– 40 Overhead Press
– 45 Chest Press
– 50 Squats
– 1 lap around cones
Round 2:
– 10 American Hammers
– 15 Skull Crushers
– 20 Swings
– 25 Curls
– 30 Lunges
– 35 Bent Rows
– 40 Overhead Press
– 45 Chest Press
– 1 lap around cones
Round 3:
– 10 American Hammers
– 15 Skull Crushers
– 20 Swings
– 25 Curls
– 30 Lunges
– 35 Bent Rows
– 40 Overhead Press
– 1 lap around cones
Round 4:
– 10 American Hammers
– 15 Skull Crushers
– 20 Swings
– 25 Curls
– 30 Lunges
– 35 Bent Rows
– 1 lap around cones

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter
COT: Prayer’s health & travel

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A million reps

WARMUP: side straddle hops, tappy taps, imperial walker
THE THANG: partner workout:
Alternate MOT between Mozy, Farmers Carry, and Overhead Carry while partner does reps.

50 – 1.5 squats
50 – pull through
100 – deadlift
100 – halo
150 – overhead press (right)
150 – overhead press (left)
200 – row (right)
200 – row (left)
250 – chest press
250 – lying lat pullover
300 – flutters

COT: Prayers for family members health and mental health, prayers for sick and suffering from alcoholism, praise for the PAX for helping us get better

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