The Pirate and The Twister were at Clydesdales

WARMUP: yes, in fact it has warmed up, most accepted 40 as the temp, some argued feels like 36
THE THANG: loop through Kingsley, down 21, to the front of the hospital, across the street from launch, then back. most did not follow the suggested ‘loop’, but all made it back safe
MARY: never heard of her
COT: yes

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King of the Ring I

14 Kings at Ring of Fire this morning.
– <@U02JMD0EKS8> was the King of the Ring today. You may now bow to his magnificence.
– <@UGU3XR5RP> came in a not so close 2nd, but he did manage to outsprint me at the end and cause me to perform a couple extra exercises at the end. And by exercises, I mean dry heaves.
– <@U5EKTLC5C> prepared us all to be underwhelmed, but not by his mumblechatter.
– <@UMRNJ46AW> had some hazy recollections of a Slayer concert with <@UGYDCTRST> (not present), but with as many Monster Energy Drinks as he has before a concert his blood pressure increases to a level he’s doing good to be standing much less remembering who attended what.
– And speaking of what Anchorman called “Cookie Monster” metal, <@U076RS8F1DG> had his signature tunes playing for the duration.
– Don’t know if you’ve noticed lately, but <@U0603USPHAS> keeps trimming down and is looking strong out there.
– <@UST30T7FF> represented the Pre-spect crowd well, and even gave me a butt pat, so… you know… I may not have been the King today, but I still feel like a winner.
– <@U01JUGK82TY> and <@U5KHMNAG4> were disappointed but unsurprised at the lack of leg exercises in this workout.
– <@UN6PTD007> was gracious enough to hold back and let a couple of us feel good about our performance.
– <@U079NTF8AP8> is more of a 3 sets of 10 guy.
– <@U087GQFA2FJ> was the WarBaby today and held his own with a bunch of guys that are old enough to be his dad…

This is my report. You could dress it up like Baby Yoda and take it trick or treating in July, but it still wouldn’t get more strange looks than you would if you dispute the truth imbued herein.

subject to verification by <@U07EPGYK92L>’s mustache (see <@U063F72E8M9> comments from yesterday)

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A construction free jog.

WARMUP: A little stretching for those who arrived before 0515
THE THANG: jog – a construction-free zone was found. Yes….really…construction-free

Leave Starbucks and take the road past the front of the library and go right on to nations commons.
Cross Sutton onto Richard’s crossing
Left on front street
Circle Berkshire Heights as many times as pax desired before coming back the way we got to Berkshire
Tesh loops were also optional add ons for those distance accuracy enthusiasts.
MARY: she wasn’t there
ANNOUNCEMENTS: took place – D2D events dominated the slate. Read your newsletter.
COT: 5th core principle

Until next time….. :eye:

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Ring around the Rosie

WARMUP: Broke the rules by adding a mosey to a kettlebell workout.
THE THANG: 7 minutes of 15 thrusters EMOM
2 Rounds of :
single leg Romanian Dead lifts
Curls for the girls
Bent rows each arm | Option to just bend
goblet squats
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam to Damn Bar, Mint hill CSOP / Welcome Brawny
COT: Stay safe

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2024.51 The Hive

Arrange all bells by weight and divide into 3 weight classes (light, med, heavy). Divide PAX into three groups for 3 sets of 3 rounds of 3 exercises.
Sets with light, mid, heavy
Set 1: Shoulder ext x10ea, snatch x10, swings x20
Set 2: Shoulder press x10ea, manmakers x10, squats x20
Set3: Lawnmowers x10ea, thrusters x10, 1leg deadlift x10ea

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Simple Loops

WARMUP: Pledge
THE THANG: To the Print Shop 5 PUs, 10 Merkins, 15 Dips. Run up to 160 turn left. At 160/Main 10 Squats w/calf raise, 10 merkins, 20 LBCs. Back to Print Shop rinse and repeat.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

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Test Taking Anxieties

Pledge of Allegiance right at 05:16 ( a little late due to mumblechatter)
WARMUP: Quick warmup right in the parking lot. All double count.
15 SSH
10 WM
15 IW
15 MNC
Then off to the corner of Main and Confederate to start the Thang.
THE THANG: The APFT – Army Physical Fitness Test
2 mile run
2 min of Merkins, AMRAP
2 min of big boy situps, AMRAP
Form matters or else it is not a rep.

Starting at the corner of Main and Confederate, the loop for the run was 4 laps of
– Down Main
– L on Academy
– L on Withers
– L on Confederate
– Back to corner on Main – that’s about .47 mi. Repeat 4X.
– 4th lap ended about halfway down Academy to make it an even 2 miles.

Everyone crushed it! Cubbie was king on the run, just below 8min pace. Tesh absolutely killed the merkins. Cubbie was also king on BBSUs.

Since the APFT calculator’s final scoring is based on age, the younger you are, the harder it is to pass, Tesh barely failed, but IMO he crushed it. That’s just fuel for next time.

I plan on Q-ing the APFT once a quarter to track progress.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter. Get involved!

COT: The holiday season is a time for family, friends, and joy. Not everyone may have that in their lives right now. If you see or know someone in that situation, consider being the one that brings joy into their lives during the holidays.

Also, the holiday seasons – Thanksgiving and Christmas namely – are a time when most people open their hearts, and wallets, and give more than usual. That’s a blessing for sure, and I am not taking that for granted, but imagine how much better this world would be if everyone would do that all year around. We should not need the holiday season to encourage that from others, we should be living in love every day, just like He did.


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Bearded Wonder Takes On The Pond

NASA asked me to Q Minnow Pond about a month ago and I accepted forgetting that I had Lake Haigler 12 hour 2 days afterwards. The plan was to take the Minnows to the trails and get some miles there but that will have to wait for another time to do that. It had rained the night before and there were a lot of leaves on the trails. Didn’t want someone to do a Superman like Dark Helmet did last time I Q’d here.

Took the fellas to Harris Street Park and as Strava describes it Harris Street Hell Hills. It’s almost a mile to the park from Veterans Park so keep that in mind for future Q’s.

We did hill repeats each way with 10 hand release merkins at the middle, 10 monkey Humpers at top of one side Harris Street and 10 Sumo Squats at Harris/21 Hill. Most got close to 4 miles total.

Had a group of guys carrying around fancy book bags filled with styrofoam peanuts and a few had actual weights in them. Maximus,Rebound,Dark Helmet,Farmers Only,Spider-Man, Crystal Lake, Wooden Leg and Anchorman all rucked I’ll let you decide who had peanuts and who had weight.


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