Wegmans Q

Wegmans sent us out to run to Brayden and back. 2 ruckers stayed a bit closer.

See video for the critique of Repeat’s cooking.

Prayers for Bass-O’s dad with kidney stones and Slash’s grandmother-in-law.

Praises for a beautiful day and that young Fox we saw as God shows off His creation.

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Golfin at the Pond

The Q “came in hot” to the AO and thanks to Backdraft the Pledge of Allegiance was completed.


At each green:
5 Burpees
10 Merkins
15 Squats
20 Mtn Climbers

Back to COT

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Board & Broga

WARMUP: Light & Moderate

THE THANG: Board of Fortune

MARY: Broga

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Upcoming 6/10 events (Kenya & Boss Hogg)

COT: Prayers & Praises

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The 3in Screw!!

WARMUP: mosey to 5 light poles and do exercise
Mosey back to kettlebells

6 exercise moves
*kb Merkins
*shoulder press
*American hammers
Perform 20 reps of each and move to right
Once complete run up hill to Munn Rd and back
Rinse and Repeat except round 2 = 24reps and round 3 =26 reps
MARY: at cot got 3 rounds of Mary in and completed at 0600 sharp

Read your newsletter
Lots of prayers praises and good vibes by all

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1st Time For Everything

WARMUP: NONE….this is Clydesdales
THE THANG: a nice 4 mile loop: Down to Spratt…..Right on Harris……Back up on Munn rd….Bonus if you want.
1st time Q for the Clydesdales…..1st time I have Q’d and didn’t do the actual workout. Opted for the Ruck option.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Kenya Convergence. Boss Hogg’s going away party (although he already left?)
COT: Prayers for Luca/Vuvu family. Anchorman’s new business.

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Endless streams of Omaha at BlockParty

The freshness of downtown Fort Mills morning dew and mumble chatter was in the air.

An immediate Omaha was necessary, best way to do that is by running aimlessly while thinking of your next move.

Ran up the hill to the parking lot, quick fake out then continued moseying to WEP parking lot.


promised we will warm up muscle groups that we would not be using.

– Peter Parker and Parker Peters
– @bandcamp like broga moves

Mosey aimlessly back up through the brick ledges where many Irkins, Derkins, Step ups, and dips have occurred in the past.

Made it to parking lot with large wall in front of pharmacy. Being stubborn or optimistic, decided to stick with the Weinke on this one but quickly modified then aborted.


Believe this one is exicon worthy, a muscle up/toe tap Webb like exercise. The idea, 1 muscle up followed by 4 alternating toes on the wall motions increased accordingly.

Decided to break up group in half. One half start on end of parking lot and burpee broad jump to those doing the Webb. Rinse and repeat.

The mumble-chatter was growing, rightfully so, quickly abandoned mission after two rounds.

Off to the roads thinking up the next round with general direction from the weinke in tow.

Next stop, the iron cross

– start at Loom parking lot
– 25 Mike Tyson’s
– Run to 4 way stop, run up hill on Williamson st to lit parking lot
– 25 Appolo Onos (d/c in case wondering)
– Run to Fort Mill Church of God freshly paved parking lot, vandalized with chalk ( let the record show YHC did go and wash off with h2o following)
– 25 jump squats (you’re welcome battle bot)
– Run to FM town hall building (formerly comporium) on Monroe white st
– 25 merkins

Rinse and repeat

Little bit of Mary for the overachievers and COT.


The rep count was intended to enable PAX to focus on form but you can only lead a horse to water. The spring chickens gotta run, so let em run.Most got 2 rounds or almost 2 rounds with 3+ miles total.

The many leadership opportunities of Qing are invaluable, along with the ability to share a message. Discussed missionality and finding your HIZ along with helping your kids or others do the same.

It’s always a privilege to Q at The Forts premiere AO, where I have a deep gratitude for what F3 has done for YHC as my 1st AO. Thx @kermit for the nod.

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We ran

We had 9 on a beautiful morning at Flight Plan.

Praises for kids getting engaged, kids taking learners permit tests, coming home safely from school.

Prayers for Jay (Bass-O’s Dad)

Thankful for the Lord holding us close and blessing us with much to praise Him for.

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Runny thingy doing on

Ready… set…

160 to Massey to spratt to Leonidas, and repeat the loop then return to COT


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Triple-Check Balcony Runs in Baxter

– Plank Jacks
– Windmills
– Moroccan Squats
– Mountain Climbers
– Seal Jacks

Mosey across 160 to back side of “The Exchange” building in Baxter
Get into groups of 3 for Triple-Check

1 person in people chair
1 person doing exercise (below)
1 person running the balcony

Rotate when person running balcony gets back.

1. Merkins
2. Heels to heaven
3. Seal jacks
4. Box Cutters
5. Shoulder Taps
6. Freddie Mercurys

Out of time – head back toward COT

Seniors Choice:
Flounder – the hurdler (each leg)
Twister – gas pumper
Triple Indy – LBCs (I think)

Great work men!

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