Minnow Pond Strikes Again

17 Pax descended upon the Minnow Pond this AM. Many were new to the Pond and all were better for having posted.

In the 5 weeks since launch, Shady along with the other Qs have set the bar high for MP. The workouts have been difficult with more 1st F than 2nd or  3rd F. I have been reminded of a few trips to F3 Metro where YHC was gassed after each post. I loved it!

YHC was honored to be asked to Q early in the existence. Honestly, I was both excited and nervous much like the old days of F3 the Fort. I was excited to lead the group of HIMs and nervous to create a beatdown that matched the intensity from the first 4 weeks. Minnow Pond stretches you as a Q. Whether you are a thoroughbred or a clydesdale, all Pax must get equal pain. After reviewing some backblasts from the Shark Tank (the OG), YHC created a plan that included a few holes at Fort Mill Golf Club.

Weather: 64 and not humid (Football season is here!)

The Thang:

Warm up and disclaimer prior to 5:15

AYG to Fort Mill Church of God parking lot (burpees until the 6 arrives)

10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs

Run to end of lot and back

Repeat 4 times

AYG to FM Golf Course (burpees until the 6 arrives)

Holes 7, 8 and 9

Hole 7 – 50 paces followed by 7 burpees from tee to green

Hole 8 – 50 paces followed by 8 sit ups from tee to green

Hole 9 – 50 paces followed by 9 bombjacks

Burpees until the 6 arrives

AYG to Fort Mill Church of God parking lot (burpees until the 6 arrives)

10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 LBCs

AYG to Veterans Park

Based on loose calculations, we covered the following in 45 minutes:

3+ miles

60 merkins

120 squats

180 LBCs

35+ burpees

40+ sit ups

50+ bombjacks



  • Invergence/Convergence coming up 9/6 – 9/7
  • Mainframe on Q for Q Source on 9/7 at Kingsley amphitheater
  • Minnow Pond t-shirt order
  • Prayers for child at Children’s Attention Home that Nasa is mentoring
  • Praise for successful start to school year
  • Marriages

Thanks to Shady for the opportunity!



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Pat McGroin Strain at The Colosseum

Yeah, I strained my groin at The Fort on Saturday.  Yeah, it was still sore this morning.  But it ain’t just every week that Jekyll asks you to Q at THE Colosseum.  Could not cancel, no siree Bob.  And when Atticus and Pusher told me they were coming?  Well something special had to be drafted up.

Beautiful crisp morning it was after a nice rain last night.  An all-star PAX rolled in and after a quick disclaimer was issued, we were off.  As best as I can remember it, this is what we did.

The Warm Up

Brisk run through the car pick-up line and COP in the back B-Ball court lot.  We basically did about every exercise that popped into my head IC in no particular order:

  • Plank set
  • Dips
  • Merkins
  • Parker Peters
  • Peter Parkers
  • Plank Jacks
  • Mountain Climber
  • Low Slow Squats
  • Overhead Claps
  • Moroccan Nightclub
  • Windmill
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Side Straddle Hops

Now we were warmed up and ready to move to light pole ally for the fun stuff.  As we walked that-a way, I had Fusion and McGyver give us an Apache 10-count.  Who brought you out, how long ago, where’d your name come from?  Always enjoy this and always learn something new.  More to come on this.

The Main Event

At first light pole, 5 burpees

Second light pole, 5 burpees + 10 big boy situps.  We added an exercise and 5 reps at each pole.

3rd + 15 merkins

4th + 20 squats

5th + 25 LBC

6th + 30 overhead claps

7th + 35 mountain climbers

8th + 40 side straddle hops

I was pleased to hear Stang lament how terrible this was.  Mission accomplished!  We did another Apache 10-count, this time with FEMA.  Did you know he’s from Baton Rouge, Louisiana and that’s how we got his name?  Did you know he went to school at Louisiana Tech University?  Did you know that’s where I went to school?!?  Very cool.

Next another quick mosey back to the school to the half brick wall.  People’s chair in tight formation while the first in line burpee broad jumped to the other end.  I always like doing this to critique everyone’s burpee form and jumping distance.  It’s the little things, people.

Time running out but still time for some quick Mary.  Back to the blacktop curbs for 3 rounds – flutters, Freddy Mercury, and American Hammers.

Closing thoughts

Not much in the way of announcements / prayers.  Get engaged in Q-Source (great material BTW) and push yourself to attend a 3rd F event or two this summer.  You might just like it and you probably need it.  I know I do.  Prayers for patience with summer break kids and safety on vacations.  Thanks Jekyll for the opportunity to Q!  Hate you had to miss due to work travel but we’ll catch you next time.

Flat Tire


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Block Party: Stroll around the playground with Cake

BlockParty 6/18

Warmup around WEP
Imperial Walkers
Butt kickers
High knee
Moroccan NightClubs
Monkey Humpers

The thang
Partner up
#1 does exercise #2 starts around playground

1 Kracken Burpee/bear crawl -5each
2 Peter Parker’s/ lunge walk-10each
3 dips/power skips-15each
4 derkins/backwards bear crawl-20each
5 Burpees/backwards lunge-25each

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Catch me if you can

Nine men gathered at Gold Hill Elementary, weather was clear and lower 70’s.

Warm up
Mosey Run to small parking lot near entrance
Circle up and do:
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog
Burpees (OYO 5X)

Run back down

Thang 1: Elevens
start w/ 1 Merkin at intersection #1
run to intersection #2 (distance = 300′) and do 10 LBC’s
Run back and do 2 Merkins
run to other side do 9 LBC’s
procced until 10 merkins and 1 LBC

Thang 2: Catch you if you can/Tug of War
Need three light posts, equidistant apart
Partner up, size kinda matters
Start in center of area, where:
P1 does 5 Burpees
P2 crab walks towards their goal post/end
When P1 done w/ exercise, he runs and tags P2.
At that spot, P1 crab walks towards his goal, P2 stops and does six burpees
When P2 done w/ exercise, runs and tags P1.  back/forth continues until a pax reaches a goal.
Each iteration the pax adds two burpees (P1 = odd #’s = 5, 7, 9 etc, P2 = even #’s = 6, 8, 10 etc)
Alternate play: Bobby Hurleys/ Lunge walk or Burpee/broad jumps,

Thang 3: Global Warming
PAX in circle. Hold Al Gore while shuffling in a circle. Q shouts out exercise and amount (10 merkins, 20 Bobby Hurleys, 10 burpees, etc.).  Recover from exercise and shuffle in opposite direction. Rinse, repeat.

Short run to seven mins of Mary.

Be careful and aware on the roads.  For most of us, it’s the most dangerous part of our day.

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Form Matters…And So Does A Belly Button

I put the pre-blast out a few days ago saying this edition of Slow Burn would be a bit different. No speed work this time, it’s all about good form and controlling the core. The core is essential to balance, stability and strength. You don’t need to do 1000 LBC’s, its different than that. We welcomed a man that was an FNG but is now known as Body Glove (San Diego transplant) which is an EH from Router. We disclaimed and explained F3 then got into why today would be different.

So, why does the title include “belly button.” Here’s why…

  1. Not worried about speed today because for today’s workout, if you go fast you’re likely doing it wrong. We’re going to focus on form and the education of good (or better) form.
  2.  A (long) statement on the importance of your CORE. Using F3’s 5 CORE principles as a foundation for the importance of a strong core, I explained the benefits of having a strong(er) physical core.

Warm Up jog to the long wall on the opposite side of Lowe’s and create some space between you and your chair-sitting neighbor. The explanation of “Tighten Your Core” is to try to move your belly button back to your spine while tucking it down into your pelvis. If you’re not used to this, it feels unnatural until your core strengthens then you realize the stability and strength benefits. So whenever we’d say Core or Tighten Your Core or Tighten Up, this is what we’re meaning…Tuck It In.

While TIGHT and in the people’s chair, we did Overhead Claps

Then fall forward into a plank with your hands on the parking space stops for Slow Mountain Climbers aiming to get your knees up to your elbows.

Back to sitting against the wall and doing Moroccan Night Clubs.

Back to the Slow Mountain Climbers.

Run to the car mechanic’s lot for a little more core/form explanation and having Walker in attendance was awesome. Talk about applicable Pro-Tips, he nailed it.

COP for 12ct exercises: 4 down, 4 hold at the bottom, 4 up

12ct Merkins, 12ct Planking Calf Raise (4 up to toes extended, 4 squeeze in that position, 4 coming back to starting position), 12ct Sumo Squats

Mak Tar Jah’s

Peter Parkers (slow, knees up as far as you can)


Parker Peters (slow, knees as close to opposite elbow as you can)

8ct Burpees: My biggest learning of the day was that for a true burpee, you squat down first then pop into the plank. Don’t bend at the waist and essentially fall down to the plank. Look out for my next Q for a lesson on this…thank you Walker.

Minnesota Mike Tysons: Why Minnesota? No good reason other than that is what they called them in MN when I was there earlier this week. Explanation, get in a plank with your toes on the ground and the soles of your feet against a curb or wall (curb in our case today). Squat back against the curb like you’re getting ready to shoot out of a cannon, return back to the plank position, then perform a controlled merkin. That is 1.

A few slow lunges…COT.

Be intentional on your form, don’t go through the motions. You’re only hurting yourself and those around you. Welcome Body Glove!! Thanks Hootie.

Until Next Time,


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Leadership is a privilege

9 gathered at the Colosseum on a chilly and surprisingly damp morning to exercise our minds, bodies and be just a little better than the day before.  After the standard disclaimers were announced and all PAX were told to keep their questions to themselves and just do the work, we moseyed off for a tour of the grounds:

COP – Low Slow Squat X 20, Moroccan Night Clubs X 20, SSH X 30, Merkins X 15, Plank to sunrise salutations – left and right, hold regular plank down to 6 inches, repeat, down dog and recover, windmill X 20.  Now that the warm up was complete, we moseyed to the arrows.

The Thang – YHC promised that no man would be left behind and, true to form, PAX delivered.  Lunge walk 3 arrows followed by 3 burpees, Lunge walk to the 6th arrow, do 6 burpees, lung to the 9th arrow, do burpees, lunge walk to the 12th, do 12 burpess and finally lunge walk to the 15th arrow and do 15 burpees to complete the set.  After all were complete, JWOW gave us a ten count and we moseyed to the 4-corner station.

4 corners – 2 rounds – bear crawling or lunge walking (because we did not do enough of that earlier) to each station

Corner # 1 – 15 – hand release merkins – a crowd pleaser given the wet pavement

Corner #2 – 15 monkey humpers – PAX mistakenly thought they would dry out and stay vertical – foolish

Corner #3 – 15 Makhtar N’Dayies – just for Jekyll

Corner #4 – 15 Flutters double count

Mosey to the wall for the people’s chair where each PAX shared their word for 2019.  Each PAX bear crawled to the front of the line.  Upon completion, we moseyed to the benches

20 step ups IC

More moseying to the flag for the pledge of allegiance in gratitude for all who selflessly serve our country and local communities.

Mosey to COT for 4 minutes of mary (because 5 would have been excessive on wet pavement) – all exercises were double count and IC.

20 LBC’s, 20 American Hammers, 15 Box cutters and 1 body destroyer at 5:59:30.


Announcements – Joe Davis Run 3-9 – prices go up 2-1.  Register.  5k is a great opportunity to get 2.0’s and family involved.  YETI is 2-23 – back blast is up.

Prayers for Wilson County, NC trooper officer shot in duty; prayers for patience in our lives as we are called to be leaders on many fronts.

Leadership is truly a privilege whether we seek it out and step up or others see the potential in us and ask us to step forward.  May we use leadership for its intended purpose – to influence movement to advantage and help others to the same.  Thank you, Jekyll, for the opportunity to lead and get better with a  great group of HIM’s


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Oh that smell!

It was great to see so many PAX pulling into the Ranch on a cold morning. Even Dark Helmet arrived earlier than normal, he beat Bonsai, Fire Marshall Bill and Fratboy! T-Claps to my good ol’ pal Champagne for coming down from Area-51 and posting in The Fort region.  We eventually ended up with 19 PAX (16 BC and 3 ruckers who met at COT).

We moseyed to the service road to the Elementary School/Middle School cafeteria side of the schools. From the soccer fields we  did toy soldiers to the first street light. We then did soccer leg swings to the next street light, which during that time encountered a sweet smell of SH!T running through the storm drain (or from the horse ranch next door – but most likely a busted sewer pipe). I should have made the PAX bear crawl in order to enjoy that fresh morning smell, even though we can’t figure out why Dark Helmet didn’t smell anything….

We then duck walked to the parking lot next to the playground. We lunged walked along one side of the parking lot, reversed lunged to other side. Circled up for COP with a various count of Squats, hilly billy walkers, windmills, side straddle hops, and Moroccan nightclubs.

Split the PAX into 2 groups.

Group 1 went to the playground for a round of 11’s of pull-ups (YES!!) and merkins

Group 2 did round of 22’s of squats and CCD – somehow this group didn’t listen and did 22 reps of each and said they were done…no, its 20 squats, 2 CCD, 18 squats, 4 CCD, you get the idea.

Groups then flapjacked.

Final round was 22’s of leg lifts (holding onto the fence) and big boy sit ups. Mumble chatter definitely increased!

Time flew by too fast!!

Moseyed back to COT, on way back merged with the 4 ruckers.

Read newsletter for announcements. Key announcements are Q Source every Saturday and you don’t have to past at the AO to post at Q Source. Joe Davis Run and Yeti coming up soon.

Prayers: Wegmans and his mission trip to Peru (he’s looking for donations of lightly used workout gear), Bonsai’s friend who has got himself into trouble, and Trucker with some potential career and life decisions. Ever since F3 started the Word of the Year I was ignorant and selfish for not participating. I felt that it was corny and said to myself i didn’t; have time for this. and that it wouldn’t do me any good. Well, after seeing how 2018 impacted me I realized that finding your word for the year and living it out isn’t corny. Thanks to Bonsai for mentioning something he saw relating to a sign defining JOY as: Jesus, Others, Yourself; I realized that i have been stuck in the YOJ mode way too long. This year I need to be held accountable to reverse it and make JOY out of life, focus on JOY and change my habits. I would ask that everyone find a word for the year and begin to focus on being a better #HIM.

10-4 Trucker

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Opening Presence at the Coop

It was a special morning the Coop this morning because the rain moved out and left a nice humid sometimes breezy morning in the gloom.  15 men joined us this morning and Shinguard started out with the mosey, warm up and Jacobs Ladder

The Message:

Moving from Impact to Presence really isn’t that different because the two ideas are only a couple degrees of separation from one another. This morning we talked about being present with God, with yourself and with your family.  Understanding that we can only experience God in the present, we have to be aware of where our mind is and be present with ourselves and finally be present with our families and understand their needs and serve them where they are not where we want them to be.


Shinguard moseyed us out of the disclaimer toward the band parking lot with some butt kickers, high knees and karaoke along the way.

Circle up in the parking lot for some COP with the following:

  • SSH x 30, Merkins x20, Squats x20, Moroccan Night Clubs x30, Peter Parkers x10, Parker Peters x 12

Mosey to the lower parking lot for Jacobs Ladder between the two light posts.

  • 7 Burpees at the bottom and 1 squat at the top (working down to one and up to 7 with each lap)

Then Chicken Hawk took the reins and took us back to the band parking lot for some sprints.

  • 10, 20, 30 yard suicides
  • 30, 20, 10 yard suicides
  • 100 yard 50%; 100 yard 100%
  • Bear Crawl 5 – 1 CCD, 5 more 2CCD, etc up to 50 yards and 10 CCD

Mosey to Bermuda Triangle in front of the school

  • Round 1: 20 Merkin, 20 Squat, 20 LBC with Bear Crawls in between
  • Round 2: 20 Wide Arm Merkins, 20 Jump Squats, 20 High Low Flutter
  • Round 3: 20 diamond merkins, 20 Jumping Lunges, 20 Ski Jumps

Short Mosey to the wall

  • Wall Sit while 2×2 plate push down parking lot and back
  • Balls to the wall
  • Finish with Ab Lab.

It was a special morning and I can’t express enough gratitude with being able to post with by 2.0 and lead side by side with him.  Thank you of the Pax that are accepting and encouraging to Shinguard.  This summer is having an impact in my and his life.  Aye!


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