Mosey towards basketball court parking lot – circle up for IC warmup- SSH, cherry pickers, WMs, Mtn Climbers, up/down dog, shoulder taps.
Dynamic movements – high knees across parking lot, zombie walk across parking lot (similar to a toy soldier with both arms remaining out)
Deathly DORA:
100 werewolf merkins
200 gravediggers
300 zombie squats
partner monster runs length of bball court and back
After DORA – stretch out with a few minutes of Broga type stretches
Head to picnic tables/wall for random work all performed IC
Derkins x 10
wall sits w/ MNC x 10
wall sits w/ OH claps x 10
Irkins x 10
wall sits w/ toe taps x 10
dips x 10
wall sits w/ seal jack claps x 20
merkins x 10
Mosey to CoT –
sumo squat shuffle down length of parking lot
flutters x 20 (IC)
LBCs x 15 (IC)
line up on curb for merkin/dip (1rep/3rep) rotation traveling about half the length of the parking lot.
Leg Raises x 20 (IC)
Gas Pumpers x 10 (IC – led by Twister)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel mens shelter feed – Wed Oct12 – sign up and make a difference
Thanks for the opportunity TL.