Keep up…the good work

Disclaimer at 5 AM sharp from YHC, we crossed the street to panera for some in cadence Warm-O-Rama that included,

Side Straddle Hop
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers

1 mile around Kingsley and then time for some,
Step up

1 more mile around Kingsley and now this time,
Mountain Climbers

1 more mile and it was time for CoT

Announcements: Bethel men’s, convergence and read newsletter
Prayers and Praises (said & unsaid)

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1 Q 2 Q 3Qs 4Qs at The Yard

WARMUP: Bitcoin took us thru the disclaimer and a solid Warmup, complete with Imperial Walkers Hilly Billy Walkers, Wind Mills Cherry Pickers, which all began w a mosey.

The Thang:

Old bay grabbed the Q stick and walked us thru his maze of cones.  Some Pax paid attention and some Pax (well) not so much…
Old Bay
Zig-Zag Cone Course
– Line up for run through cone course by all (backwards run to start)
– Partner up (size not matter)
– Partner 1 does stationary exercise while partner 2 does moving exercises through the cone course
– Flapjack and then plank up until six is in
– Proceed to next round

1. LBCs –> lunges
2. American Hammer–>bunny hops
3. Peter Parkers –> karaoke
4. Flutters –> toy soliders
5. Hello Dollys –> backwards lunges
6. Low Plank –> butt kickers (2x)
Fogerty grabbed the Q and lead the Pax onto the Turf football field for a full 100yd ladder at every 10 yd markers.  Each pax added a rep up until mid field and then removed one rep until they reached the other goal line. Pax stated with 1 bombjax and 1 merkin at the 10yd line….2 of each at the 20, 3 of each at the 30yd line…Pax made their way back to the original goal line with same cadence but this time it was squats with overhead clap. Pax headed back to COT when Buddy ( Cousin Eddie son) took the Q stick and led the entire group back to COT w some butt kickers, Grapevine switching sides, Hops and finally a mosey to Circle up for 3 mins of Mary. Buddy did not relinquish the Q stick and led the pax in a round of Big Boys until time was called. Mumblechatter erupted around the 15th rep….but we were all better for it !! Nice job Buddy!!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: stuff the bus, HIM camp next weekend and a round of prayers / praises from every pax.
Bass took us out in prayer.

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History of the Ballroom

WARMUP: some stretching for a few of us New Balance wearers and then a wide variety of standard warm up fun

THE THANG: we reminisced about moderate pax and the beginning of the ballroom – started by Cakeboss and Change Order.

Wide Left, Culture Club, Dungaree, Manzel, Curious George and other names from the past were invoked…

We started at top of hill but stop sign w one Merkin. Ran down hill to bridge for one LBC. Then over bridge to the track to do one squat. Back to the top of hill for two merkins, then two lbc, two squats…etc to 7.

Back around other side of school for some dips and sermons (by request). A little Mary to finish.

Over two miles. Good mumble chatter.


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Almost forgot about this sizzling morning on TGI Friday

After a thorough disclaimer from YHC, we moseyed over to the Lowes parking lots open section for some Warm-O-Rama with,

Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walk

For the moleskin,
7s running from one end of the Lowe’s parking lot to the middle with,
CDD & Squats
Merkins & Lunges
Shoulder Taps & Monkey Humpers
Mountain Climbers & Bomb Jacks

Time for some partner Dora’s, 50 each
Freddie Mercurys
Flutter Kicks
Heels to the sky
Big Boys (Extra Credit for those high performing HIMs)

Mosey to Shovel flag for some Marys:
PAX Choice for last 8 minutes

Announcements: Blood Drive & read newsletter
Prayers and Praises (said & unsaid)

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Fun, games, and a feathered FNG

WARMUP: mosey
The usual suspects

Corner 1 – multiple randomizers

Corner 2 – small heavy thing

Mosey, karaoke
Corner 3 – single randomizer

Corner 4 – larger heavy thing



Filled 3 minutes appropriately


Convergence 4 Aug at the Ballroom
DD handing over to Esso there

Stuff the bus – TC Walmart

COT: got it

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Letting Go of Heavy Things

WARMUP: Disclaimer, brief COP, Sen T rolls up late like he’s the special guest of the day
Mosey to road behind school for 10 burpees at each of 5 light poles with various forms of lunge walks between each pole

mosey to picnic tables for some step ups, dips, derkins

mosey to football field

pax line up side to side and do Al Gore while one pax does weaving run through the line to the far end. continue this fashion for 100+ yards

rinse and repeat above with flutters in place of Al Gores

pick a partner and line up like WR vs DB. DB runs defensive route to keep pace with WR for about 10-20 yds. flapjack. rinse and repeat full length of field

100 yd bear crawl back to starting end zone

mosey back to parking lot for 10 burpees, then sprint home

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 8/4 convergence, 1st F Q transition, trash pickup

COT: It was great to be back with the pax after much travel over past 2+ months.

the past 3 days involved lifting heavy stuff (Cindy at the Bubble and sandbags at Stockade) so today was “no lift day”

besides the heavy weight in the Gloom for two days, I’ve been carrying heavy stuff on the workforce for 2 months. I’ve been missing the pax during this period and all the mental reminders and affirmation just isn’t enough to keep me in a clear headspace without the benefit of a push from the pax in the Gloom.

thanks to Bitcoin for the invite and thanks to the pax for posting and always filling my tank!

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Lazy Dora isn’t so lazy

Yog down to end of school for some warmups. Typical items: SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, etc.

Yog to back of middle school and partner up for a Lazy Dora.
>P1 does 10 merkins while P2 holds plank, flapjack and repeat until total 100 merkins.
>P1 does 20 LBCs while P2 does 6″ leg hold (10 degree protractor), flapjack and repeat until total 200 LBCs.
>P1 does 25 squats while P2 hold Al Gore, flapjack and repeat until total 300 squats.

Yog over to middle lot for a round of 11s. 10-1, 9-2, etc. running between 2 basketball goals. Bombjacks on one end and dry docks on the other end.

Circle up. All PAX doing lunges while 1 PAX does 3 burpees. Each PAX takes turn doing the burpees around the circle. Next PAX are doing shoulder taps while 1 PAX does 5 HR merkins. Round the circle. Last circle is 5 big boys while PAX alternates between 10 degree leg hold and 90 degree leg hold.

Times up, over to COT to wrap up. Great work by everyone on humid morning. Thanks for the opportunity Bitcoin!

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Next Man Up

WARMUP: @harrycarry lead us through a standard array of warm ups
THE THANG: ascending rep count 5-> 10 -> 15 -> 20 -> 25 -> 30 of calf raises, squats, Freddy mercuries, merkens, CDDs with some running in between each exercise
MARY: extensive session that included many lbcs and the dreaded J-LOs
COT: did this

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Four Corners & a Burpee!!

WARMUP: Abe Vigoda, Cherry Pickers, Flying Squirrels, Imperial Squat Walkers, The Drill Instructor,
THE THANG: Four Corners on the Football field, 50yd line and end zone, pick a card, do the Thang, run, nur, karaoke, side shuffle to each corner. The 400m run around the track was a crowd pleaser. One burpee in the middle of the field in between sets thanks to @Twister who was pumped up to an ‘80s rockin’ soundtrack of Boston, Christopher Cross’ Ride Like the Wind, The Cars, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen. Indian run back to COT.
MARY: Box Cutters, Flutters, LBCs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Black Flag workout, 08/04 Convergence @ PKMS, Shovel Handoff
COT: Prayers for @Cornerstone’s neighbors

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