Too much work at Golden Corral

Here’s what the bootcampers did after the ruckers took off with Wild Thing.

Dynamic Warmup around parking lot

Then COP

20 SSHs – 20 MNCs – 10 Slow Cotton Pickers –

10 WA Merkins – 20 Moun Climbers – Yoga – 15 Plank Jacks

 Partner Up

 Dora 1-2-3

100 Burpees

200 Sumo Squats

300 SSHs

While other partner ran around the parking lot triangle

 To Fort Mill BBQ Lot

11s with Bear crawls

11 WA Merkins

1 Bomb jack

Run backwards to start

I had 2 other evolutions on the Weinke, but I miscalculated on how much 11s would suck with the distance and number of bear crawls.  Most of the PAX got to 11, but it hurt!

During our 10 counts I shared some quotes and insight that I’ve been gathering from my most recent reading, Jordan Peterson’s “12 Rules for Life.”  The rule I reviewed was Rule #8 : Tell the Truth – or at least Don’t Lie!

Attached are the quotes:

Tell the Truth or at least Don’t Lie

An honor to lead…



TClap |

Motivation Monday @ Quagmire: by Shakespeare

I had the honor of leading 7 men (1 FNG!) this morning at Quagmire.  The drive in was a bit of a shock as rain drizzled down the entire way.  According to the weather report, rain was supposed to start a bit later in the morning.  I wasn’t much worried about the rain for the workout, but more that some of my writing on paper would smear off and make it a bit harder for us to read the writing on my cornhole bags (more on that later).  But, the Big Man Upstairs was nice enough to get rid of the drizzle and save the smearing for another day.  Note to self: always use ziplock bags… no matter the weather report.


Begin at COT with disclaimer for our FNG and started with some light stretching.  After a day of rest on Sunday (I’m sure many were in the same boat) some light stretching definitely helped to loosen the body up for the work we were about to do.

  • Mosey around Home Depot to Target Parking Lot.
  • Circle up and completed following routine…
  • SSH x20
  • Imperial Walker x10
  • Hillbilly Walker x10
  • Moroccan Night Club x20
  • Mountain Climbers x15
  • Parker Peters x10
  • Merkins x10
  • Honeymooner/Downward Dog x2
  • Warm-up Over… mosey over to Foutain

The Thang:

1st)  Find a bench. Completed the following routine twice….

  • Step Ups x10 each leg OYO
  • 1 Legged Lunges x10 each leg OYO
  • Tricep Dips x10 double count (in cadence)
  • Derkins x10 double count (in cadence)

2nd)  Partner up.  Four Corners with partner.  Exercises written on notecards, duct-taped to cornhole bags (needed something that wouldn’t fly away in the wind… total MacGyver move on my part).  All groups start in center with 5 burpees, run to a corner of the businesses around us.  After completing a corner, return to center for another 5 burpees.  Wash, rinse, repeat until all 4 corners were completed with 25 burpees.  Corner exercises as followed:

  • 50 Seal Jacks (double count)
  • 30 Wide Arm Merkins
  • 50 Flutter Kicks (double count)
  • 50 American Hammers (double count)

3rd) Mosey back over near COT to drop of cornhole bags and find some wall.  Completed the following exercises with same partners.

  1. Partner A) People’s Chair until Partner B) completes 25 squats… switch positions… x 2 (two People’s Chair per partner/50 squats each)
  2. Partner A)BTTW until Partner B)completes 20 Carolina Dry Docks… switch positions… x 2 (two BTTW per partner/40 CDD each)
  3. Bonus Set w/ extra time!  Partner A) People’s Chair until Partner B) completes 20 Monkey Humpers… switch positions… x 2 (two People’s Chair per partner/40 Humpers)

Mosey back to COT

Name-O-Rama followed by the naming of our FNG… Welcome Kenny G!


  • Read your newsletter. Carolina Beer Temple Tuesday!
  • Strawberry Festival, Operation Sweettooth 8K, Whetstone, the usual.


  • Students/teachers returning to school following Spring Break.
  • Lutefisk’s mother, praise for making into town for Easter, prayers for continued healing as she continues her fight.
  • MOAB for upcoming job interviews this week.
  • NASA… him and the M’s anniversary. (Congrats!)


  • Thanks DaVinci for the opportunity to Q!  Enjoyed coming up with this routine… hope that the BackBlast isn’t too long (it probably is… my bad guys).  I wanted to push myself with a tough workout to get the week started off on a great note.  I knew going into this one I was going to have to reach deep; the adrenaline from the Q sure helped!  All in all, everyone tallied a couple miles of running in addition to some high numbers of leg, shoulder, and core exercises.
  • Getting close to my 1-year F3 anniversary, I finally got the chance to name my first FNG… looking forward to getting more opportunities to do that!
  • P.S.- Cornhole bags really do work to write down exercises.  DaVinci gave me kudos for the last minute idea.  The next prototype might need a little work in the event that it rains!


TClap |

Never Board at the Abyss

Great morning!! Or was it? As I was setting up the BoP out back, I saw a couple of cars parked. Lights off, side by side. I was wondering if I was about to become a crime statistic. Then as I drove back towards the front of the school, I noticed an unusually large number of cars rolling in. Someone more self-effacing might have thought it was for them. I was hopeful. Turns out there was a school field trip gathering. Oh well.

Disclaimer was disclaimed. Moseyed around to the side of the school for the COP:

  • SSH x 15
  • WM x 15
  • IW x 15
  • MNC x 20

Didn’t want to take too much time away from the main event. No talking (believe it). Due to the full lot out back, moved the BoP to the front of the school for the main event .

The MINI Board Of Pain

The real Board of Pain has become somewhat of a legend in The Fort region. I figured we need to keep our eye on the prize and came up with the mini version to break out every now and then to keep us prepared for the real deal. Three groups of 5 exercises, 25 reps each OYO (unless otherwise noted), nonstop, with runs after every 5th exercise:

  1. Burpees
  2. Calf raises (50)
  3. Ski Abs
  4. Merkins
  5. Long, slow squats >>> Run a lap
  6. LBCs (50)
  7. CDDs
  8. American hammers
  9. Mac Tar Jai
  10. Jump squats >>> RUN FORREST, RUN!!
  11. Mountain climbers
  12. Shoulder raises (50)
  13. Mary Catherines
  14. Hello Dolly!
  15. Wide arm merkins >>> Run like the wind(ed)…
    (missing from the original BoP were squat jacks, nipplers – whatever the hell those are, and burpees)

Again, NO talking from the Q. I did provide some Pandora streaming music, and it was noted that my playlist stunk. Playlist? I don’t have time for that. That’s why I use Pandora. The PAX really got after it! Alot of great support and mumblechatter. Everyone completed 2 full circuits, a few started on their third. GREAT JOB BY ALL!!

We took it right up to ~ 5:57. Enough time for a slow Indian run back to the COT.

* Read your newsletter. Get out there, get involved, make a positive impact somehow. Get better every day.
* Brewruck 002 Sat 3/31
* CAH Guidance 3/31
* Whetstone is starting back up. Get better!
* Prayers for families, children, parents, and health
* Prayers for MOAB’s Dad who recently survived a heart attack, and that he is given the strength, discipline, and courage to follow through with the changes needed in his life to get better.
* Prayers for Zoe Deen, the man who hit her on Tuesday AM, and their respective families/loved ones.
* Many more said – sorry I cannot remember them all

I kept quiet today at this workout. Did not say much at all. No moleskin, deep thoughts, or talking about the word of the month. I kept thinking about what happened on Tuesday morning, around 6am. Right about the time many of us were in COT. It’s regarding the Olympic high school girl Zoe Deen who was killed on Tuesday AM as she was crossing Youngblood Rd not too far from the location of The Abyss……as those who posted that morning were in prayers and praising, she left this earth.

Life is very precious, and can be very fleeting. You never know when your time will come. I’m sure this young woman and her family thought that day would be like any other. Going about their normal morning routines. Setting off to begin another day. I’m sure the driver of the SUV thought the same thing…..just like any another day. They never suspected that morning their worlds would change forever. In an instant she was gone. In an instant his life was forever scarred. In an instant those kids who saw it happen were forever changed. In an instant the lives of the families all those involved were forever changed as well. That’s all it takes. An instant. And it’s not just one life affected……the wave of change spreads outward and touches many others. We are blessed with this precious thing we call life. What you do with it is up to you, but if you leave doubts in anyone’s minds – yours or others – about how precious it can be, then you failed regardless of how much else you may achieve, gain, or accomplish. Take nothing for granted. Value every moment. Leave no doubts in anyone’s minds about love and life.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead,

TClap |

Risking it All and Going Beyond

Better conditions led to 14 PAX posting at Golden Corral for this week’s edition of BEYOND. Turnout was improved in part because Rad cancelled the ruck workout, encouraging the usual ruckers to join the fun, while he bailed and went yogging at Sea Legs instead.

After Copperfield gave the disclaimer, the 14 BEYONDers took off for a short mosey around the perimeter of the main parking lot, incorporating butt kickers, high knees, toy soldiers, toe walks, and heel walks. We then lined up at the shovel flags (we had three…I don’t know where the third came from…) and did 10 merkins at the island, jog to the next island, 10 more merkins, etc. for a total of 40 merkins. This was followed by a short mosey to the HT loading docks for some final warming up. (Note for GC Q’s – people drive like MANIACS behind HT, so keep the PAX out of the main roadway if possible.)

Brief COP included 10 windmills, 10 low slow squats on our toes (in relevé, if you will), then a couple yoga lunge stretches on each leg. Then partner up and jog around to the HT wall facing the six of O – O – O – O’Reilly for the Thang.

The workout sets were generally done in Stand By Your Man style, with one PAX performing the prescribed reps of some form of merkin while the other does some other exercise, then switch places until all merkin reps completed. Once done, run around oil change place and O’Reilly and back to the HT wall with your partner. Pretty simple…ish…

Let’s get going.

The original plan was to build this week’s message off of what was covered at BEYOND last week, but that had to be modified when we had only three last week and fourteen this week. So, we started with some quick catch-up. If you want a recap of last week, check out that backblast. Main point to remember for today: dig deep and determine your purpose, as this will give a filter through which to handle today’s questions.

Living with purpose inherently involves risk.

During this first set, discuss with your partner how you would define “risk.”

Set 1: Breakdancer merkins (20-16-12-8 reps each) while partner does Rockette Chair (People’s Chair with alternating leg kicks)

Plank it up for the six, then hold it while we chat (with rotation to side, reverse plank, and other side).

Risk can have a variety of definitions, but generally it is an action that exposes you or somebody else to the possibility of harm or loss. We all face risks every day, from driving to relationships. Some risks are bigger than others, but we live lives of risk. Taking risks is necessary for growth and gain, in work and in life. Without some level of risk, we won’t get better.

Risk and sacrifice are different, but related.

During this set, discuss with your partner how you would define “sacrifice.”

Set 2: Mike Tysons (15-15-15-15 reps each) while partner does BTTW (with shoulder taps for the brave).

People’s Chair for the six, then stay for the talk.

Sacrifice is the act of giving up something you want to keep in order to get or do something else (and potentially better). You could say that sacrifice is the realization of the potential loss involved in the risk. Sacrifice has an intentional, willful component to it – you choose to give something up, whether under compulsion or not. Today, most of us sacrificed more sleep to post (thanks for that!), and in doing so also took the risk of maybe getting a good workout, maybe making our day a bit rougher because our arms won’t work after, etc. Silly example for an obvious point.

Personal examples of risk and sacrifice.

During this set, discuss a current or recent example of risk or sacrifice in your life.

Set 3: Pseudo Planche merkins (15-15-15 reps each) while partner does breakdancer. It’s like the breakdancer merkin, but without the merkin, a little more jumpy, and ideally a bit faster.

Return and breathe while waiting for the six, then for the talk.

An easy example of sacrifice in my life was giving up our life in Africa to return to the US. Again, for more on this, refer to last week’s backblast. But for the risk component, there were two risks that weighed heavily on our last year in Africa and played into our decision to return. The first was our son’s health. He was premature and had some health issues that went with it. He also began having seizures while we still lived overseas. As a father, was I willing to risk his health to continue living and working in Zambia? Then, we wanted more kids, but my wife is a high-risk pregnancy, and we lived in a place where premature babies die more than they survive, and maternal mortality is high as well. These risks paired with other circumstances played into our decision to return, giving up our identities, our home, our relationships, etc.

Much of the reason for me wanting to talk about all this today stems from a conversation with Cha Ching and Olaf from several months ago. They may not remember it, but it has stuck with me ever since. We were talking about the new security training I’m helping develop for our new workers, and there are three main questions that come out of this training. These questions are what I want to leave with everybody today (with one more set thrown in for good measure).

The first two questions to consider:

How much am I willing to risk in order to achieve my purpose? (This makes more sense if you spend the time determining your purpose.)

What, if anything, would be an unnecessary level of risk or a risk that would actually hinder accomplishment of your purpose?

No need to answer the questions this time, as they take time to really work through.

Set 4: Battering rams (drop to six inches, then, using your arms and not your feet, thrust your torso forward so your hands end up between ribs and hips; 20-20-20 reps each) while partner does Monkey Humpers. For some, this proved to be a somewhat inappropriate combination of moves. #badplanning #somethingsyoucantunhear

Pressed for time, we gathered following the run around the buildings for the final point. I actually left out two full sets, but I don’t think anybody’s arms are particularly missing them (see below for what we missed).

The final question to ponder: Do I believe strongly enough in my purpose that I’m willing to sacrifice everything for it?

Simply put, are you willing to die to achieve your purpose? Fourteen years ago, my answer would have been a lot different. But now, with a wife and children, I hesitate. If I know that they will be taken care of, then I’d probably be willing to die. But what if the tables were turned? Would I be so committed to my purpose, to my faith, that I’d be willing to sacrifice my family? I’ve never been in that situation, so I don’t know. But this is a reality faced by many in other parts of the world. For some, it’s a daily reality, being faced with the possibility of losing everything for what they believe.

What would you do? Do you have a commitment to something that is so strong that you’re willing to sacrifice everything for it, even your family?

Time never seems sufficient to cover the topic, but discussion doesn’t need to end when the workout does.

We ended there and ran back to COT to meet up with the bootcampers.


  • Deacon reminded us of the opportunities in the Paradise community, with the reading program on Mondays and Wednesdays and G-Fit on Saturdays. Take a risk and make an impact in the community.

Prayers and Praises

  • Pray for those involved with the Palmetto 200 this weekend.
  • Keep praying for our wives and kids.
  • Pray for those with mental health issues and the practitioners who care for them. Specifically, pray for Copperfield’s M as she deals with some very difficult situations.
  • Bolt’s neighbor passed away last week. Pray for this man’s family and friends and others who are dealing with this loss.
  • Prayers for one of Decibel’s employee’s dad, who is in the hospital.
  • Bonsai and his wife are praying about a few things right now; prayers for wisdom and discernment as they consider some options.
  • Deacon has a friend with serious health concerns. Prayers for him as he seeks care at Mayo.
  • Praises for F3 and the impact it has had on our lives.

It was an honor to get to lead this group, and I really appreciate Maximus pushing me to do two BEYOND Qs in a row. If you haven’t had opportunity to do this yet, talk to him. Whether or not the other PAX benefit from the message you bring, your life will be changed by working through the material in preparation to lead. Definitely worth it. And I’m happy to not do it again for a while.


Missed sets

For those wondering what we missed for lack of time, the remaining sets were:

Set 5: one-arm merkins (16-12-8 reps each) while partner does bomb jacks.

Set 6: Scorpion merkins (16-12-8 reps each) while partner does jump squats.

You’re welcome.

TClap |

Shieldlock at Quagmire

The few Mondays I have not been DR lately most could find me logging a few miles for the impending P200 destruction.  Pushups have been in shortsupply and even few posts to Quagmire or being a Q.  GLOOM: The murky pre-dawn in which the PAX gather around the Shovel Flag in preparation for a Workout.  Add 45 degrees and wet rain- you’ve got yourself a double dose.  7 men were disclaimed and here is what they did:

Opened with #pearlsonastring- a roving COP throughout the AO.  Ran to Target lot for 20 SSH, 10 Merkins, 12 hello dollies.  Run to Buff Wild Wing for 20 SSH, 10 Merkins, 12 hello dollies, 14 Mountain Climbers.  Run some more: 20 SSH, 10 Merkins, 12 hello dollies, 14 Mountain Climbers. 16 Monkey Humpers.  Always good for cars to drive by during MH routine…

Run to City Tavern, err… Bluewater, err…abandoned skeleton of a restaurant .  Grab a partner, run up stairs, down stairs and do 8 partner plank derkins, 8 partner plank dips.  Flapjack.  Rinse/Repeat x3.  Davinci led Mary until #six came in

Mosey to Home Depot Wall.  3 sets each of Wall sits and Balls to Wall.  Tony Horton P90X interlude with Sneaky Toe Lunges down and back, Groucho squat walk down and back, Bear Crawl.

Mosey to Wine Shop back lot for 6 minutes of mary: Boxcutters, Rosalita, Dying Cockroach, LBC, Freddie Mercury, Peter Parker

Great work by MOAB and Bones to lead from the front.  Name of the day goes to Gleek.  I remember Gleek being the spit you could fire between the teeth to an unsuspecting kid at school (disgusting, confirmed), not the #wondermut of superhero power twins.  Our PAX’s collective recall of random pop culture references knows no bounds.  Anywho- Gleek is also a smiley nice guy even though he lives in a van down by the river…if only temporarily.  True story.  Also only guy who may out “southern drawl” Mr. Clean.  Ok, I may be exaggerating.  but only a little.

Got a great opportunity to partner with relative newcomer Primer.  Bones responsible for this EH(nice- #218in2018).  Get to know this guy.  Keep working Primer- keep up with the guy in front of you.  You’ll be mid pack then front pack before you know.  U vs U. #leavenomanbehind

Then there’s Davinci and Mr. Clean.  Never seen Davinci in pain.  Always smiling. Will need to insert more burpees apparently.  Mr. Clean work the ethic today and the Tahoe Chariot to pick me up.

Naked Man Moleskin

Shieldlock- the horizontal relationship between Men.  Each man discussed why they escaped the fartsack on a day like today.  Accountability, to support YHC on Q (T-Claps here, #humbled), clean out emotional poison, get better, meet new people and forge male relationships.  All of these no more important than the other and each with their own merit.  We discussed #Shieldlock as Dredd has been writing about this week but also many men in F3 have tweeted about relationships with men who challenge them and make them better.  Robber in Columbia, SC talked of many years ago having a man looking him square in the eye and say, “you’re getting sideways”.  You’re drinking too much and its affecting your life.  Sober since.  YHC’s whetstone partner keeps me in the guardrails of Lust (THX CSPAN), Pornography, drinking, but also self acceptance.  Being good enough.  These deep conversations from the men in the gloom help to sharpen our blades and make us better.

Prayers for Ella Maude Beard, MOAB Mammon search, Gleek’s family (M, shorties) during this temporary time of living apart for work.

Thanks for Q today.



TClap |

ChaChing Impromptu Black Diamond in Lake Wylie

So I had been reading the “Living With a Seal” book about a wealthy business man ultra-athlete who hired a Seal he met at a 100 mile relay race (the business man was on a 4 guy relay team; the Seal was on a 1 man team lol) and was so amazed at his mental and physical toughness, he hired him to live w/ him and his family for 31 days.  Pretty easy fast read – super entertaining, w/ plenty of good training ideas, but even better, perspective.

I told the Pax this wouldn’t be easy – in fact it was going to suck.  There was a Beyond Black Diamond in Tega Cay the same day, so I figured we’d do a little Lake Wylie Black Diamond at Palisades.  I gave the Pax two quotes to get it started from Seal:  “To truly get better, you have to be willing to get uncomfortable.  You have to push your limits”.  Check.  “I don’t stop when I’m tired.  I stop when I’m done”.  I love that.  Let’s go.

Ran behind the school in the middle of the outdoor track and started the warm-up:

  1.  Quickest ever – windmill, moroccan night club, squats and mountain climbers.  That’s it.

Next up – Tabata w/ music (if you want an awesome tabata app that you can add your own music to and adjust times, etc – get “Seconds”).  Great playlist was in store for the following:

  1.  Every Minute,  we had to do 40 side straddle hops + 10 merkins.  5 minutes.  I was surprised – we finished each of the 40 and 10 with about 10 seconds to spare each minute.  10 seconds of break, and then do it again.  Fun stuff.  (total 200 side straddle hops, 50 merkins in 5 min)
  2. Nickels & Dimes – ran to the playground and did something similar – each minute do 5 pull-ups and 15 merkins for 5 minutes.  (total 25 pull-ups, 75 merkins in 5 min)

Next up was some awful partner work.  Size mattered.  We started on one side of the back parking lot.  Partner 1 would chase Partner 2, but here’s the wrinkle – Partner 2 gets a 20 yard head start and has to back pedal.  Partner 1 was to sprint and catch him.  When he catches him, they do an exercise together, then have to get back to the starting line by way of whatever I say.  So it matters how fast you catch your partner as it’ll make the trip back to the starting line shorter if you fly (or longer if you take your time).  Here it is, in order:

  1.  Partner 1 catches Partner 2 then…30 merkins.  Then…broad jump back to the starting line.  Yikes
  2. Partner 2 catches Partner 1 then…20 big boy sit-ups.  Then…bear crawl back to the starting line.
  3. Partner 1 catches Partner 2 then…20 jump knee tucks.  Then…crawl bear back to the starting line.
  4. Partner 2 catches Partner 1 then…50 seal jacks.  Then…partner carry back to the starting line.
  5. Partner 1 catches Partner 2 then…25 diamond merkins.  Then…other partner carries back to the starting line.
  6. Partner 2 catches Partner 1 then…10 burpees.  Then…just run back to the start.  There’s your break.

Don’t underestimate the suckiness of that many sprints, both forward and back pedals.  I was smoked.

Next up, track time – the way it works, you sprint the straight aways, you jog the curved ends of the tracks.  Starting on the side we were closer to, we sprinted the length, jogged the curve, sprinted the length then exercise of my choice when you hit the second curve.

  1.  50 crab cakes
  2. Jog curve, sprint, jog curve, sprint, 50 squats
  3. Jog curve, sprint, jog curve, sprint, 25 Robin Venturas (each side) (side plank w/ upper arm punching under your body, as if you were Nolan Ryan and had Ventura in a head lock)
  4. Job curve, sprint, jog curve, sprint, 50 speed skaters.

Ran back fast to COT just in time to close it out.  Almost had one splash of merlot, but he saved it.  Everyone crushed it that day – it was a bear but they all finished and fought through each step of the way.  Love how everyone handled the pain – I reminded them all whatever we have going on, someone else has more pain.  You have to learn to fight.

Closed out in prayer and went about our hump day.  Thanks to Bones for the chance to lead.

Cha Ching

TClap |

Headlamps needed out of darkness comes light


Pulled up was amazed how many cars where already there and the pax kept rolling in. I guess my advertising worked. We had 2 kotters It was great to see MR. T and Baywatch back out

The Thing

I said the Disclaimer and we Mosey to warm
Followed by high knees to regular then to butt kickers, then regular. Last but not least toy soldiers then regular we  then circle up

Windmill 10 IC
Imperial walker 15 IC
Cherry picker 10 IC

Run the paved path at the bottom of the hill. We have never ventured into the woods in the 2 years we have been here, so what better time than now to explore this great path with a good sized hill would make a great work out for SeaLegs hmmmmmmm in the near future.

Circle up talk about how life is too short to not venture out and explore. Take control of your life be happy. YHC realized there is not enough room to do global warming as planed so I Omaha to the hill.

Mosey to the hill clock work merkins. YHC did short demo:
5 Merkins in 12 o’clock, 5 – in 3 o’clock 5 – in 6 o’clock 5 – in 9 o’clock and 5 – in 12 o’clock one more time. Run to the top of the hill for some –

– Global warming (10 merkins, 10 CCD, 10 burpees)

Mosey to the gaurd rail where I pulled out my board of  pain from behind the guard rail

Partner up

Partner 1 performs exercise till partner returns
Partner 2 runs around long median to the side walk and back.

Monkey humpers
Moroccan night clubs
Plank w/shoulder taps
Donkey kicks
Plank jacks
Squats on your toes
Nur up the hill
American hammers
Seal jacks

Some made it to donkey kicks a few made it to plank jacks. I felt we ran enough for the work out so we Lt Dan up hill toward COT .10 of a mile then we NUR the rest of the way COT ot .10 of a mile. I am a big fan of NURING but learned that Cha Ching can run backwards really fast.

Talked more about life being to short live it to the fullest tomorrow is never promised. The reason behind this was bout 2 1/2 years ago Emma my daughter was diagnosed with leukemia. We have now come to a end with her treatment and she has surgery tomorrow to remove her port out of her chest. With that being said we found out last friday that my stepmother has stage IV lung cancer. So never take a day for granted.


Ruck brew, Hog & Coyote coming soon, P200
A group that has supported my family the last 2 years Hometown Heros has a Union county sheriff’s deputy running 40 miles to raise money for the kids battling cancer and other diseases this Saturday trying get some pax to join me with 5k 10k 15 mile 10 mile ect options to support him and his cause.

Prayers and praises:

Prayers for Luka, Vuvuzella son. Emma for finishing treatment up and for having port removed. For my stepmother journey with cancer. Praise for our 2 kotters that came back out.

Great work by the pax they did an awesome job and really pushed them selves. TCLAPS MEN.

TClap |

Rainy Monday at the Quagmire

10 Brave soles ventured to the rainy gloom of Quagmire for an opportunity to better themselves.  After getting the late night SOS from Davinci for a “last minute Q”….I put my thinking cap on for how to make it a memorable Monday (meaning you felt it for a couple of days).

After normal disclaimer…and a reminder that “modification” should only be used if needed, we began our mosey.

Warm up:

  • About a mile run (To Gander Mountain)….despite the “I thought this wasn’t a running AO” comments
  • Windmills
  • Hillbilly Walkers
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Weed pickers
  • Slow Low Squats
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Downward Dog
  • Honeymooner
  • Side plank
  • Moroccan Night Club
  • Seal Jacks

The Fun Stuff

Moseyed to the Verizon parking lot

Lined up and performed exercises from one end to the other

  • 5 sets:  Bear Crawl…5 Merkins…Crawl Bear…5 Merkins
  • Set of 50 Merkins
  • 100 Dips
  • 5 Sets:  Lunge Walk…..Backward Run….10 Squats

Mosey back to Best Buy

  • 30 Burpees….10 every minute


Thanks for the opportunity to lead and great work by all the PAX there.


~ Bones

TClap |

Beasts from the Abyss

Following a pre-run boot involving some Dora 1-2-3 and a preview of the day’s workout, YHC and QBert moseyed to the main parking lot to greet the rest of the PAX and get ready for the 0515 start. Truth be told, the preview with QBert revealed that the workout planned would be a killer, so I was already making modifications in my mind, but still wanted to give the PAX a good push. After all, why wake up and post at dark-thirty if not to push yourself, build up your brothers, and get better?

Disclaimer given while most PAX chatted, then off we went, starting with an easy mosey around the parking lot, out the entry, in the exit, and around to the track. High knees, butt kickers, toy soldiers, tip-toe walks, and heel walks were enjoyed at various times before circling up in the track area.


Quick run-through of the usuals:

  • 10 Hillbilly walkers, IC
  • 10 Imperial walkers, IC
  • 10 Windmills, IC
  • 20 Moroccan night clubs, IC
  • 10 Merkins, IC

We added in some downward dog (with cross-body ankle grab action), honeymooner, and extra wrist stretches because, well, the Thang was about to happen…

The Thang

Starting at one end of the track, perform assigned movement (crawl, walk, hop, etc.) to first basketball hoop, complete assigned exercise, move (crawl, walk, hop, etc.) to next hoop, exercises, etc., all the way to fourth basketball hoop. Upon completion of exercise, do a suicide cupcake, turning at each hoop, then run all the way back to the start and plank for the six. Rinse and repeat with new movement and new exercise.

Movement/exercise pairs:

  • Bear crawl between hoops, with 20 CDD at each hoop
  • Crab walk between hoops, with 20 crab cakes at each hoop

Quick Omaha here, cutting distance in half for remainder of the workout.

  • Sneaky gorilla between hoops, with 50 LBCs at each hoop
  • Anteater crawl between hoops, with 25 merkins at each hoop
  • Monkey crawl between hoops, changing direction at each hoop, with 25 monkey humpers at each hoop (monkey crawls probably need a better name, since they’re more of a scoot than a crawl)
  • Fiddler crab between hoops, changing direction at each hoop, with 20 Freddie Mercurys (double count) at each hoop

With only four minutes left, the choice was given among the remaining three sets:

  • Frog hops between hoops, with 25 calf raises at each hoop
  • Inch worm between hoops, with 5 burpees at each hoop (this was the PAX’s choice, though a few modified to frog hops)
  • Chameleon between hoops, with 25 squats at each hoop

Everybody got through it, and we had just enough time to mosey back to COT without going over on time (somehow).


  • Children’s Attention Home this Saturday. Be there if you can, it’s a great opportunity!
  • Brew Ruck coming up on Easter weekend. It’s fun. Be there if your M will let you.
  • Lake Wylie PAX doing some site recon at Crowder’s Creek Elementary on Monday, March 5, with Flux on Q. They’re hoping to open up a new AO on that side of the lake to give more opportunities for the outlying PAX and neighboring sad clowns.
  • Site Q transitions this week, with Poopdeck on Thursday and the Deep on Saturday both getting handed off.

Praises and Prayers

  • Cornerstone’s 2.0 had her last round of chemo and will be getting her port out on March 8 (I believe).
  • Cornerstone got a new job!
  • Prayers for the younger generation, and for wisdom and opportunities for us to stand up and make an impact.

As always, it is an honor to lead a great group of men. I appreciate the work everybody put in to this workout, trying new and admittedly awkward movements, and encouraging each other along. Thanks to Bones for this opportunity, and apologies to his patients who will likely suffer from his inability to use his arms today. You’re welcome.


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Build Your Own Beatdown at the Abyss

After being called out on Twitter for being too brutal (still not a denial), I decided to let the PAX create their own board of pain so they were to blame

3 runners jogged off right before the disclaimer, short disclaimer since we were all veterans.

After a quick warm-up with super necessary stretching, we moseyed over to the back lot to create our Board of pain. While the PAX were doing various plank/reverse plank/one arm high, one man would grab a few cards out of the bag and post them up on the board in any random location. If a number was pulled it was placed at the top of the section as the rep count (NOTE: no 25s were pulled…. stack the deck next time)

After the board, we rotated through some Al Gore and plank while everyone gave a specific worry about this day – Wednesday, Feb 14 – and left it in God’s hands to handle the tiny stressors of the day as to not let them pile up and bring us down slowly. Everyone has big struggles and worries that can take weeks or months to pray through, but don’t forget the small tiny interruptions and distractions the Enemy will throw at you to just keep you enough off balance so you are not ready for the big storms.

Everyone successfully completed the board with enough time to spare for about 200 various AbLab reps ( 100 ish in cadence ) and dropped for 5 OYO burpees with 20 seconds left on the clock.

COT (Annoucements, Prayers, Praises, BoM)

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