Shieldlock at Quagmire

The few Mondays I have not been DR lately most could find me logging a few miles for the impending P200 destruction.  Pushups have been in shortsupply and even few posts to Quagmire or being a Q.  GLOOM: The murky pre-dawn in which the PAX gather around the Shovel Flag in preparation for a Workout.  Add 45 degrees and wet rain- you’ve got yourself a double dose.  7 men were disclaimed and here is what they did:

Opened with #pearlsonastring- a roving COP throughout the AO.  Ran to Target lot for 20 SSH, 10 Merkins, 12 hello dollies.  Run to Buff Wild Wing for 20 SSH, 10 Merkins, 12 hello dollies, 14 Mountain Climbers.  Run some more: 20 SSH, 10 Merkins, 12 hello dollies, 14 Mountain Climbers. 16 Monkey Humpers.  Always good for cars to drive by during MH routine…

Run to City Tavern, err… Bluewater, err…abandoned skeleton of a restaurant .  Grab a partner, run up stairs, down stairs and do 8 partner plank derkins, 8 partner plank dips.  Flapjack.  Rinse/Repeat x3.  Davinci led Mary until #six came in

Mosey to Home Depot Wall.  3 sets each of Wall sits and Balls to Wall.  Tony Horton P90X interlude with Sneaky Toe Lunges down and back, Groucho squat walk down and back, Bear Crawl.

Mosey to Wine Shop back lot for 6 minutes of mary: Boxcutters, Rosalita, Dying Cockroach, LBC, Freddie Mercury, Peter Parker

Great work by MOAB and Bones to lead from the front.  Name of the day goes to Gleek.  I remember Gleek being the spit you could fire between the teeth to an unsuspecting kid at school (disgusting, confirmed), not the #wondermut of superhero power twins.  Our PAX’s collective recall of random pop culture references knows no bounds.  Anywho- Gleek is also a smiley nice guy even though he lives in a van down by the river…if only temporarily.  True story.  Also only guy who may out “southern drawl” Mr. Clean.  Ok, I may be exaggerating.  but only a little.

Got a great opportunity to partner with relative newcomer Primer.  Bones responsible for this EH(nice- #218in2018).  Get to know this guy.  Keep working Primer- keep up with the guy in front of you.  You’ll be mid pack then front pack before you know.  U vs U. #leavenomanbehind

Then there’s Davinci and Mr. Clean.  Never seen Davinci in pain.  Always smiling. Will need to insert more burpees apparently.  Mr. Clean work the ethic today and the Tahoe Chariot to pick me up.

Naked Man Moleskin

Shieldlock- the horizontal relationship between Men.  Each man discussed why they escaped the fartsack on a day like today.  Accountability, to support YHC on Q (T-Claps here, #humbled), clean out emotional poison, get better, meet new people and forge male relationships.  All of these no more important than the other and each with their own merit.  We discussed #Shieldlock as Dredd has been writing about this week but also many men in F3 have tweeted about relationships with men who challenge them and make them better.  Robber in Columbia, SC talked of many years ago having a man looking him square in the eye and say, “you’re getting sideways”.  You’re drinking too much and its affecting your life.  Sober since.  YHC’s whetstone partner keeps me in the guardrails of Lust (THX CSPAN), Pornography, drinking, but also self acceptance.  Being good enough.  These deep conversations from the men in the gloom help to sharpen our blades and make us better.

Prayers for Ella Maude Beard, MOAB Mammon search, Gleek’s family (M, shorties) during this temporary time of living apart for work.

Thanks for Q today.



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ChaChing Impromptu Black Diamond in Lake Wylie

So I had been reading the “Living With a Seal” book about a wealthy business man ultra-athlete who hired a Seal he met at a 100 mile relay race (the business man was on a 4 guy relay team; the Seal was on a 1 man team lol) and was so amazed at his mental and physical toughness, he hired him to live w/ him and his family for 31 days.  Pretty easy fast read – super entertaining, w/ plenty of good training ideas, but even better, perspective.

I told the Pax this wouldn’t be easy – in fact it was going to suck.  There was a Beyond Black Diamond in Tega Cay the same day, so I figured we’d do a little Lake Wylie Black Diamond at Palisades.  I gave the Pax two quotes to get it started from Seal:  “To truly get better, you have to be willing to get uncomfortable.  You have to push your limits”.  Check.  “I don’t stop when I’m tired.  I stop when I’m done”.  I love that.  Let’s go.

Ran behind the school in the middle of the outdoor track and started the warm-up:

  1.  Quickest ever – windmill, moroccan night club, squats and mountain climbers.  That’s it.

Next up – Tabata w/ music (if you want an awesome tabata app that you can add your own music to and adjust times, etc – get “Seconds”).  Great playlist was in store for the following:

  1.  Every Minute,  we had to do 40 side straddle hops + 10 merkins.  5 minutes.  I was surprised – we finished each of the 40 and 10 with about 10 seconds to spare each minute.  10 seconds of break, and then do it again.  Fun stuff.  (total 200 side straddle hops, 50 merkins in 5 min)
  2. Nickels & Dimes – ran to the playground and did something similar – each minute do 5 pull-ups and 15 merkins for 5 minutes.  (total 25 pull-ups, 75 merkins in 5 min)

Next up was some awful partner work.  Size mattered.  We started on one side of the back parking lot.  Partner 1 would chase Partner 2, but here’s the wrinkle – Partner 2 gets a 20 yard head start and has to back pedal.  Partner 1 was to sprint and catch him.  When he catches him, they do an exercise together, then have to get back to the starting line by way of whatever I say.  So it matters how fast you catch your partner as it’ll make the trip back to the starting line shorter if you fly (or longer if you take your time).  Here it is, in order:

  1.  Partner 1 catches Partner 2 then…30 merkins.  Then…broad jump back to the starting line.  Yikes
  2. Partner 2 catches Partner 1 then…20 big boy sit-ups.  Then…bear crawl back to the starting line.
  3. Partner 1 catches Partner 2 then…20 jump knee tucks.  Then…crawl bear back to the starting line.
  4. Partner 2 catches Partner 1 then…50 seal jacks.  Then…partner carry back to the starting line.
  5. Partner 1 catches Partner 2 then…25 diamond merkins.  Then…other partner carries back to the starting line.
  6. Partner 2 catches Partner 1 then…10 burpees.  Then…just run back to the start.  There’s your break.

Don’t underestimate the suckiness of that many sprints, both forward and back pedals.  I was smoked.

Next up, track time – the way it works, you sprint the straight aways, you jog the curved ends of the tracks.  Starting on the side we were closer to, we sprinted the length, jogged the curve, sprinted the length then exercise of my choice when you hit the second curve.

  1.  50 crab cakes
  2. Jog curve, sprint, jog curve, sprint, 50 squats
  3. Jog curve, sprint, jog curve, sprint, 25 Robin Venturas (each side) (side plank w/ upper arm punching under your body, as if you were Nolan Ryan and had Ventura in a head lock)
  4. Job curve, sprint, jog curve, sprint, 50 speed skaters.

Ran back fast to COT just in time to close it out.  Almost had one splash of merlot, but he saved it.  Everyone crushed it that day – it was a bear but they all finished and fought through each step of the way.  Love how everyone handled the pain – I reminded them all whatever we have going on, someone else has more pain.  You have to learn to fight.

Closed out in prayer and went about our hump day.  Thanks to Bones for the chance to lead.

Cha Ching

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Headlamps needed out of darkness comes light


Pulled up was amazed how many cars where already there and the pax kept rolling in. I guess my advertising worked. We had 2 kotters It was great to see MR. T and Baywatch back out

The Thing

I said the Disclaimer and we Mosey to warm
Followed by high knees to regular then to butt kickers, then regular. Last but not least toy soldiers then regular we  then circle up

Windmill 10 IC
Imperial walker 15 IC
Cherry picker 10 IC

Run the paved path at the bottom of the hill. We have never ventured into the woods in the 2 years we have been here, so what better time than now to explore this great path with a good sized hill would make a great work out for SeaLegs hmmmmmmm in the near future.

Circle up talk about how life is too short to not venture out and explore. Take control of your life be happy. YHC realized there is not enough room to do global warming as planed so I Omaha to the hill.

Mosey to the hill clock work merkins. YHC did short demo:
5 Merkins in 12 o’clock, 5 – in 3 o’clock 5 – in 6 o’clock 5 – in 9 o’clock and 5 – in 12 o’clock one more time. Run to the top of the hill for some –

– Global warming (10 merkins, 10 CCD, 10 burpees)

Mosey to the gaurd rail where I pulled out my board of  pain from behind the guard rail

Partner up

Partner 1 performs exercise till partner returns
Partner 2 runs around long median to the side walk and back.

Monkey humpers
Moroccan night clubs
Plank w/shoulder taps
Donkey kicks
Plank jacks
Squats on your toes
Nur up the hill
American hammers
Seal jacks

Some made it to donkey kicks a few made it to plank jacks. I felt we ran enough for the work out so we Lt Dan up hill toward COT .10 of a mile then we NUR the rest of the way COT ot .10 of a mile. I am a big fan of NURING but learned that Cha Ching can run backwards really fast.

Talked more about life being to short live it to the fullest tomorrow is never promised. The reason behind this was bout 2 1/2 years ago Emma my daughter was diagnosed with leukemia. We have now come to a end with her treatment and she has surgery tomorrow to remove her port out of her chest. With that being said we found out last friday that my stepmother has stage IV lung cancer. So never take a day for granted.


Ruck brew, Hog & Coyote coming soon, P200
A group that has supported my family the last 2 years Hometown Heros has a Union county sheriff’s deputy running 40 miles to raise money for the kids battling cancer and other diseases this Saturday trying get some pax to join me with 5k 10k 15 mile 10 mile ect options to support him and his cause.

Prayers and praises:

Prayers for Luka, Vuvuzella son. Emma for finishing treatment up and for having port removed. For my stepmother journey with cancer. Praise for our 2 kotters that came back out.

Great work by the pax they did an awesome job and really pushed them selves. TCLAPS MEN.

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Rainy Monday at the Quagmire

10 Brave soles ventured to the rainy gloom of Quagmire for an opportunity to better themselves.  After getting the late night SOS from Davinci for a “last minute Q”….I put my thinking cap on for how to make it a memorable Monday (meaning you felt it for a couple of days).

After normal disclaimer…and a reminder that “modification” should only be used if needed, we began our mosey.

Warm up:

  • About a mile run (To Gander Mountain)….despite the “I thought this wasn’t a running AO” comments
  • Windmills
  • Hillbilly Walkers
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Weed pickers
  • Slow Low Squats
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Downward Dog
  • Honeymooner
  • Side plank
  • Moroccan Night Club
  • Seal Jacks

The Fun Stuff

Moseyed to the Verizon parking lot

Lined up and performed exercises from one end to the other

  • 5 sets:  Bear Crawl…5 Merkins…Crawl Bear…5 Merkins
  • Set of 50 Merkins
  • 100 Dips
  • 5 Sets:  Lunge Walk…..Backward Run….10 Squats

Mosey back to Best Buy

  • 30 Burpees….10 every minute


Thanks for the opportunity to lead and great work by all the PAX there.


~ Bones

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Beasts from the Abyss

Following a pre-run boot involving some Dora 1-2-3 and a preview of the day’s workout, YHC and QBert moseyed to the main parking lot to greet the rest of the PAX and get ready for the 0515 start. Truth be told, the preview with QBert revealed that the workout planned would be a killer, so I was already making modifications in my mind, but still wanted to give the PAX a good push. After all, why wake up and post at dark-thirty if not to push yourself, build up your brothers, and get better?

Disclaimer given while most PAX chatted, then off we went, starting with an easy mosey around the parking lot, out the entry, in the exit, and around to the track. High knees, butt kickers, toy soldiers, tip-toe walks, and heel walks were enjoyed at various times before circling up in the track area.


Quick run-through of the usuals:

  • 10 Hillbilly walkers, IC
  • 10 Imperial walkers, IC
  • 10 Windmills, IC
  • 20 Moroccan night clubs, IC
  • 10 Merkins, IC

We added in some downward dog (with cross-body ankle grab action), honeymooner, and extra wrist stretches because, well, the Thang was about to happen…

The Thang

Starting at one end of the track, perform assigned movement (crawl, walk, hop, etc.) to first basketball hoop, complete assigned exercise, move (crawl, walk, hop, etc.) to next hoop, exercises, etc., all the way to fourth basketball hoop. Upon completion of exercise, do a suicide cupcake, turning at each hoop, then run all the way back to the start and plank for the six. Rinse and repeat with new movement and new exercise.

Movement/exercise pairs:

  • Bear crawl between hoops, with 20 CDD at each hoop
  • Crab walk between hoops, with 20 crab cakes at each hoop

Quick Omaha here, cutting distance in half for remainder of the workout.

  • Sneaky gorilla between hoops, with 50 LBCs at each hoop
  • Anteater crawl between hoops, with 25 merkins at each hoop
  • Monkey crawl between hoops, changing direction at each hoop, with 25 monkey humpers at each hoop (monkey crawls probably need a better name, since they’re more of a scoot than a crawl)
  • Fiddler crab between hoops, changing direction at each hoop, with 20 Freddie Mercurys (double count) at each hoop

With only four minutes left, the choice was given among the remaining three sets:

  • Frog hops between hoops, with 25 calf raises at each hoop
  • Inch worm between hoops, with 5 burpees at each hoop (this was the PAX’s choice, though a few modified to frog hops)
  • Chameleon between hoops, with 25 squats at each hoop

Everybody got through it, and we had just enough time to mosey back to COT without going over on time (somehow).


  • Children’s Attention Home this Saturday. Be there if you can, it’s a great opportunity!
  • Brew Ruck coming up on Easter weekend. It’s fun. Be there if your M will let you.
  • Lake Wylie PAX doing some site recon at Crowder’s Creek Elementary on Monday, March 5, with Flux on Q. They’re hoping to open up a new AO on that side of the lake to give more opportunities for the outlying PAX and neighboring sad clowns.
  • Site Q transitions this week, with Poopdeck on Thursday and the Deep on Saturday both getting handed off.

Praises and Prayers

  • Cornerstone’s 2.0 had her last round of chemo and will be getting her port out on March 8 (I believe).
  • Cornerstone got a new job!
  • Prayers for the younger generation, and for wisdom and opportunities for us to stand up and make an impact.

As always, it is an honor to lead a great group of men. I appreciate the work everybody put in to this workout, trying new and admittedly awkward movements, and encouraging each other along. Thanks to Bones for this opportunity, and apologies to his patients who will likely suffer from his inability to use his arms today. You’re welcome.


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Build Your Own Beatdown at the Abyss

After being called out on Twitter for being too brutal (still not a denial), I decided to let the PAX create their own board of pain so they were to blame

3 runners jogged off right before the disclaimer, short disclaimer since we were all veterans.

After a quick warm-up with super necessary stretching, we moseyed over to the back lot to create our Board of pain. While the PAX were doing various plank/reverse plank/one arm high, one man would grab a few cards out of the bag and post them up on the board in any random location. If a number was pulled it was placed at the top of the section as the rep count (NOTE: no 25s were pulled…. stack the deck next time)

After the board, we rotated through some Al Gore and plank while everyone gave a specific worry about this day – Wednesday, Feb 14 – and left it in God’s hands to handle the tiny stressors of the day as to not let them pile up and bring us down slowly. Everyone has big struggles and worries that can take weeks or months to pray through, but don’t forget the small tiny interruptions and distractions the Enemy will throw at you to just keep you enough off balance so you are not ready for the big storms.

Everyone successfully completed the board with enough time to spare for about 200 various AbLab reps ( 100 ish in cadence ) and dropped for 5 OYO burpees with 20 seconds left on the clock.

COT (Annoucements, Prayers, Praises, BoM)

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Superbowl Hangover

Pretty quiet morning at Quagmire due to the Superbowl.  I was prepared for some smack talk from the Eagles fans since I am a lifelong Patriot’s fan.  Bones and Homebrew showed up for some fun at Rivergate.  After the disclaimer, we headed to the front of Best Buy for some warm-up stretches (Butt kickers, Knees to chest).

Next, we moseyed to the back lot near Just Fresh and performed the following exercises:


Imperial Walkers


Plank (Downward Dog, Honeymooner)

Next, we moseyed to the Target red balls.  I was hoping for a larger crowd, but we made it work with the three of us.  Two of use lunged walked while the other person did five burpees.  We each got through three sets of burpees.

We took a short jog over to the parking lot near Michaels and performed some cadence strength training.

First round:  Bearcrawl/Merkin  10/10

Second round:  Crabwalk/LBC: 10/10

Third round:  Backward Bearcrawl/Carolina Dry Docks 10/5

Next, we ran back to the parking lot near Just Fresh.  We alternated running up and down the staircase while the other two did walk sits (two rounds).  We made are way to the fountain for two rounds of Dips, Derkins, and step-ups.


Prayers for Homebrew and family with second child on the way.



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Burpee Bonanza at the Swamp

Tuesday morning at Golden Corral, Cable Guy (in typical Cable Guy fashion) looks over at YHC (who is conveniently located across the parking lot, because, well, Cable Guy in the morning…) and says, “So, you’ll Q Friday at the Swamp.” It wasn’t really a question; it was more a statement of fact.

“I’ll what now?”

“Yeah, you’ll Q.”

Before I could raise any objections to protect my fellow PAX from what would become my fifth bootcamp Q in just over 2 weeks, word started to spread, and my fate was sealed.

No Twitter announcement was made to prepare the PAX for today, so when 0515 rolled over on my watch, I stepped into the circle to make the disclaimer. It was a C-Span-approved disclaimer, so I’m getting better there. Disclaimer disclaimed, the 7 ruckers walked off one way and the 8 bootcampers moseyed the other.

COP, Part 1

Short mosey to the parking lot behind Cold Stone for


10 hillbilly walkers IC

Moving on…

COP, Part 2

Following a mosey with a few side shuffles thrown in, we circled up outside Books A Million for

10 windmills IC

10 low slow squats IC

20 Moroccan night clubs IC

That’s it for the warm up; I wanted to leave plenty of time for the main event. So we moseyed over to the Sun Trust Bank parking lot for the fun to start.

The Thang

The bank is a good size to run around, and it conveniently has 11 parking spaces in a nice, flat, straight row, making it perfect for a lineup of stations. For today’s fun, we had ten burpee stations and a “rest” station of 100 LBCs. Exercises were all OYO, with a lap around the bank after each station, resulting in 11 laps. The burpee stations, in no particular order:

20 Burpees (plain old burpees)

10 Prison cell burpees

10 Kraken burpees

15 Walmart burpees (“Walmart” because you roll back; these were the focus of much mumblechatter)

15 Bodybuilder burpees

15 Inverted burpees

20 One-arm burpees (10 per arm)

20 One-leg burpees (10 per leg)

15 Tuck jump burpees (jump knees to chest)

20 Jump ½ turn burpees (ideally 10 per direction)

For those counting, that makes for 160 wonderfully fun burpees. I think we ended up running over two miles, too, but I’m not sure on that one.

T-claps to all the bootcampers, as everybody completed the entire circuit, and nobody really got far ahead of anybody else. LBCs were completed by some as we waited for the six. With five minutes to spare, we moseyed back to Chick-Fil-A for a couple minutes of stretching our now very tight shoulders and hips.


  • GoRuck Light tomorrow. Good luck and have fun to those guys going. Make sure you’re prepared, as the list on the website is not suggestions.
  • Post somewhere tomorrow if you’re not rucking.
  • Yeti in two weeks.
  • Read your newsletter.

Prayers and Praises

  • Wild Thing’s sister-in-law is being induced today to deliver their still-born child. Please pray for this entire family as they deal with this.
  • C-Span’s son (and the whole family really) eagerly anticipating the birth of their baby. (I think I understood that right.)
  • World Wide Leader had to return to work after six weeks of paternity leave, and now their son is starting into daycare, so tons of transitions for all of that family.
  • Rad’s daughter is still in the hospital after a high fever and numerous seizures. The fever is down, but other tests are being done, so pray for her and the whole family.
  • YHC is dealing with some difficult situations at work, including a family returning from overseas early, which may lead to marital issues. Pray for them, and for those who are caring for them.
  • DaVinci’s business has gained some new clients with potentially more on the way, which is great and also daunting.

Even with limited notice (which seems to be the only way I end up Qing), it’s an honor to get to lead and serve these men. Thanks to Cable Guy for the Q-portunity. Kotters to Photobomb.

Ask the ruckers what they did. I only ever saw them walking.


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Ballet and Bear Crawls at Abyss

YHC was already planning to post to the Abyss and suffer the wrath of Wolverine, so when the flu knocked out the regenerating superhuman, it only made sense for a Jedi to step in and help. Plus, there were already several HCs and a friendly reminder to bring gloves, so we were well prepared for a mid-week beat down.

Eight PAX posted to the Palisades Park parking area in the pleasantly warm pre-dawn (with precipitation predicted), the standard disclaimer was given at 0515, and we jumped right in with 25 side straddle hops. This was followed by a long mosey around the parking lot, out the entrance, in the exit, and back around to circle up by the gate to the back of the school.


To keep things interesting, we did the following exercises while standing on our toes:

20 Moroccan night clubs IC

15 imperial walkers IC

15 hillbilly walkers IC

10 low slow squats IC

10 merkins IC (conveniently, these are almost always done on our toes anyway)

This was followed by some downward dogs (with reach across), honeymooner, and wrist stretches.

Warm up Addendum

Not quite satisfied with the warm up, we lined up on the curb for some dips/crab-cake fun a la last week’s Golden Corral Q. Pretty simple, it’s dips and crab-cakes (with hands on curb) done in a 1:4 ratio (aka Jack Webb style). By round 8, the PAX were singing my praises feeling the burn, but they toughed it out and we made it all the way through.

Quick mosey around to the grassy hill for the real fun.

As I was “planning” for this morning, I realized we have a steep, grassy hill next to a road (with a curb on either side), some more grass, and a nice flat wall. There’s a lot we can do in that small area. It took a few minutes to explain, but here’s what we did for

The Thang

Starting at the bottom of the hill, perform 20 squats. Run up the hill and do 10 derkins off the curb. Bear crawl across the street and do 10 incline merkins on the curb. Crab walk to the wall, walk up to a balls to the wall and back down. Crab walk back to the curb, 10 more derkins, bear crawl across the road, 10 more incline merkins, then run down the hill. Rinse and repeat, dropping 2 squats and 1 derkin/incline merkin per round (so, 18 squats, 9 derkins, 9 incline merkins, 9 more derkins, and 9 more incline merkins). Goal was to get all the way down to 0.

PAX begrudgingly acknowledged their understanding, then proceeded to tell the workout what was up. Bart missed a memo somewhere along the way and never decreased the number of derkins/incline merkins, an error he only discovered with 2 minutes remaining. Everybody did an awesome job getting through almost the entire workout before time was called, and it was great hearing them encouraging each other along the way.

For those counting, completing the entire workout as planned would result in 110 squats, 110 derkins, and 110 incline merkins. With the bear crawls, crab walks, and balls to the walls (and the dips/crab-cakes from the warm up), we couldn’t lift our arms anymore, but you don’t need your arms to quickly run back to COT and recover.


  • Go Ruck Light this weekend. Should be fun for those going. For those not going, Q-Bert is planning to destroy you on Saturday at the Deep.
  • Yeti coming up February 24. Bike, run, ruck, relay, walk, crawl….be there.
  • More events coming up in March

Praises and Prayers

  • DaVinci’s business has a new client, which is awesome, but could potentially be a LOT of work if the client decides to do everything they’re thinking of doing. They also are looking to hire a new graphic designer.
  • Cornerstone’s daughter is wrapping up treatment in three weeks!! He’s also applying for a job at a few different places and has already received at least one job offer.
  • Bones is going to be on tv promoting the consumption of loose fats…or, maybe it was the foods to eat to lose fat…
  • Moab has been jobless for a couple months, which is actually a praise because of the way God has provided during what could be a very hard time. Plus, he’s had great time with family these past couple months. But, he does need a job…

It’s always an honor to get to serve a great group of PAX. I’m coming to realize that Qing is a lot like preaching: given less time to prepare usually produces rougher results, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be effective. It definitely pays to be prepared and keep something in your back pocket for the days when the flu brings down the best of us.


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Fun times with Cable Guy

9 Strong Men braved the cool weather and a Cable Guy Q

Brief disclaimer given and a nice warm-up mosey to the middle of he track


20 Seal Jacks

20 Plank Jacks

20 SSH

20 Mountain Climbers

20 IW

20 Peter Parkers

20 Slow Squats with a calf raise

20 Parker Peters

20 Moroccan Night Clubs

Mosey over to the side of the track closest to the school

do 10 dips and run a lap

repeat 10 times

Bonus round for those who finished early!

Mosey over to the wall for some Peoples Chair and Burpees (wouldn’t be a Cable Guy Q without Burpees!)

Start from one en and do one Burpee each and back to the wall

Round 2 was 2 Burpees each

Round 3 was 3 Burpees each

Proper technique was suggested!!

Round 4 was a changeup of Ball to the Wall and 1 Burpee down the line

Mosey back to COT

Spoke about the tragedy at The Peach Stand yesterday. Prayed for both the victims family and the suspect for forgiveness. Also spoke about school shootings and Det. Doty. Prayed for peace!

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