VQ in The Fort Region

I introduced some of the pax from The Fort to Anchor Bar’s Famous Chicken Wing. The Anchor Bar is a restaurant in Buffalo, NY is famous for the first place to serve chicken wings as we know them today. More on that below. In my 8+ years doing F3 this is my Q outside the Rock Region. It was a great morning meeting new pax.
The disclaimer was given and we warmed up with:
– 1 dozen Windmills IC
– 1 dozen Imperial Walkers IC
– 1 dozen Hillbilly Walkers IC
– 1 dozen Low Slow Squats IC
This 4-Corner workout was inspired by the way chicken wings were originally served at The Anchor Bar. Back in the day wings were served by the dozen mild, medium, hot or extra hot. So, each round of 4-corners consisted of a similar exercise at each corner progressively getting a bit more difficult. 1 dozen of each exercise were performed OYO.
– Round 1 – Flying Squirrels, Burpees, Diamond Burpees, Hand Release Burpees
– Round 2 – Rosalitas, Hello Dollies, Freddie Mercuries (Double Count), Flutter Kicks (DC)
– Round 3 – Carolina Drydocks, Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Hand Release Merkins
– Round 4 – Seal Jacks, Side Straddle Hops, Smurf Jacks, Bomb Jacks
– Round 5 – LBC’s, Gas Pumpers, V-Ups, Big Boy Sit-ups
With time remaining, we did my “hot wing eating contest”. In my hometown the was a restaurant the would have a hot wing eating contest where the would give each contestant a pile of their hottest wings (Volcanic). Whoever ate the most in the allotted time was the winner. My F3 version was Balls To The Walls until one pax remained in the position. Your “wings” are sure to burn when you’re down.
No time
<@UGU3XR5RP> took over from here and led a great discussion on Not Looking Back. It revolved around the passage in the Bible where Lot’s wife looked back and was turned in to a pillar of salt. Once we pick up our cross to follow Jesus, we should not turn back to our wicked ways. Instead, keep our eyes looking forward affixed upon Jesus. It is easier said than done.

I’m not doing the discussion justice, so I urge Band Camp to add more in the comments.

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Cold day at American Jackal

25 Side Straddle Hops
20 windmills

8 exercise from the bucket + 50 lb sandbag carry x 2

40 Burpees
60 Merkins
80 squats
100 LBCs
120 Side Straddle Hop


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DORAs at The Hive

DORA 1: partner run
– Man makers 50
– Goblet Squats 100
– Swings 150

DORA 2: farmers carry
– Burpees 50
– Squats 100
– Overhead clap 150

DORA 3: Bear crawl
– Bent row right 50
– Bent row left 50
– Curls 50

DORA 4: Farmers Carry
– Merkins 50
– Mountain climbers 75
– SSH 100

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Carry the heavy stuff, makes carrying the small stuff easier | Kitchen Sink

Buy-In: 10 Man-Makers, 20 weighted squats, 30 SSH + Mosey around parking lot

Lunge Walk the back of the school, ~200 yds:
– 20 merkins in cadence
– Lunge walk 20 paces with sandbag racked on back
– 10 low slow merkins IC
– Lunge walk 10 paces with sandbag above head
– 15 wide grip merkins IC
– Toy soldiers with sandbag front racked
– 10 diamond merkins IC
– 20 lunges w/bag back racked, 10 lunges with bag above head, 20 toy soldiers with bag front racked
– 15 CDD IC
– and so on, and so on

Pass every bag down the line while sitting shoulder to shoulder…pass them back

DORA #1: 100 merkins, 100 squats > Partner farmer carries both sandbags 80 yds.

DORA #2: 50 weighted dips, 50 shoulder presses with sandbag > Partner shuffles 80 yds with one sandbag back racked

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Watch out for that pile!


“Weight off”
Windmills, imp walkers, hillbilly walkers, dynamic plank stretching and merkins

“Weight on”
Ruck over to Amphitheatre toting the three sandbags

Performed a heavy Dora

Partner 1 bear crawls up each level of the amphitheatre, at each level perform one hand release merkin

Then scuttle down hill

Partner 2 does the following (taking turns)

50 ruck merkins
100 lunges
100 calf raises

After we completed that and successfully dodged the huge pile of Dookey in the icy grass we did alternating sand bag toss up to sidewalk

From there we rucked over to Hubert graham and took turns with the sandbags while rucking, we got to revere then turned around, there and back we stopped every .2 miles or so to complete 10 squats and 10 irkins, we got about 70 of each in by the time we got back to COT

MARY: sorry girl- catch you next time
COT: reach out to a Kotter and check on ya peeps!

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