Black Friday BOGO & Coupon Specials

10 Pax (plus CSPAN for COT) posted to The Swamp to work off their Thanksgiving feast and take a trial run for Black Friday activities.   All veterans this AM, including Alright Alright from F3/Dallas who was visiting local family.  No ruckers (except potentially Royale, who quickly ditched the sack when he saw he would be solo).  So the Disclaimer was pronounced in Cliff Note form and then we launched to get blood pumping on a chilly 30-degree morning.

The Thang

Warm up run past Best Buy, Office Max, PetSmart, etc with some karaokes thrown in.

Circle up in Home Depot parking lot

COP — Mtn climbers, plank sequence, Peter Parkers, Hillbilly Walker, Low Slow Squats, Merkins

Mosey to garden center entrance of HD for first of Black Friday Specials  — Buy suicides and get free burpees.  At each turnaround point do 1 burpee.  Four out and backs (4 burpees).

Mosey to Target entrance and partner up for next BF Special — buy one wheelbarrow and get 2 burpees.  Start with 2 burpees at first red ball.  Then, Wheelbarrow from one red ball to the next, 2 burpees for each partner, then flapjack.  (18 burpees, 22 total)

Mosey to Kay Jewelers (every kiss begins with Kay; Bath & Bodyworks close by for those on skinnier budget) and circle up for BOGOx5 series.
5 Bombjacks + 5 burpees
5 Monkey humpers + 5 burpees
5 Wide arm merkins + 5 burpees
5 Sumo squats + 5 burpees
5 Jumping lunges + 5 burpees
(25 burpees, 47 total)

Mosey back to launch point and collect one Black Friday coupon for each partner pair.  Mosey to side of Best Buy and line up   shoulder to shoulder for People’s Chair w/blocks.  Pass each block to left. Rise and do 1 burpee.  Back to People’s Chair and pass blocks right to other end. Rise and do 2 burpees.  Continue progression to 10 burpees.
(55 burpees, 102 total burpees)

Mosey home



T-claps to all pax for persevering through a burpee-laden morning.  No Merlot this am, though it would not have been surprising to see some given the indulgences of Thanksgiving.

Thanks to Jedi for the burpee inspiration during the warm up run.  Burpees were already part of the Weinke , but the mumble chatter about doing 300-some burpees at Black Diamond Thanksgiving convergence only invited a heavier dose.  Thus, they instantly became the “freebie” for every Black Friday deal.

Speaking of Black Friday, the crazy shopper scene at Rivergate was a snooze fest.  Four desperate souls slept in their cars with the engine running for heat until we made the moves toward Best Buy, which quickly stirred them from the vehicles and into the camp chairs waiting at the front door behind the barricades.  It was probably the same four people who were in line at Best Buy the morning the new Nintendo game was released earlier this year.  Hope they made the haul they were seeking.  Pretty sure the pax collected all the pain they were after this AM.

Shout out to Alright Alright from Dallas who posted while on holiday family travel.  He’s got F3Nation rolling in DFW so be sure to post there when Dallas shows up on your itinerary.

Prayers for CSPAN who posted for CnW2 with a  boot on his right foot.  Thanksgiving Family Football League took its toll on him and now he’s on the IR.  He needs to try the Respect Division next Thanksgiving.  Hang in there, brother!  Will be in touch to keep you connected while you heel up.

Thanks to Cable Guy for the invite.  The Swamp continues to be a first class AO and it’s always an honor to lead the pax there.

TClap |

The under appreciated ruck & boot camp combo pack

Conditions clear and very cold…around 33 degrees at kickoff


Quick discussion on the combo workout and modify as needed

and walk off…about half had rucks…make large pile of rucks…near Office depot


Partner up

Partner 1 run .33 mile, partner 2 does exercises…and then flapjack

Round one ruck curls, ruck upright rows, ruck curls, ruck upright rows…each partner got 4 turns at running…mumblechatter stalled…it started to suck…so as a good Q, I made bad into worse…

Partner 1 run .33 with ruck (crowd pleaser) while other partner exercises…and then flapjack

Round two squats, LBC, squats, LBC

Mumblechatter quickly turned into “bitching”…

Same partner, smaller lap, flying squirrels for each

Mosey to COT area

60 seconds of flying squirrels

COT/ Prayer or praise/ BOM

14 #HIM went inside for Romans 13



TClap |

Diapers or Depends, Same Purpose

When I was putting my Wienke together I decided to put something together that would allow for a lot of mumble chatter.  A lot of my Q’s tend to have a lot of counting and wanted something that little thought was needed by everyone to allow for the conversations to flow, and flow they did.

Warm up – COP – Typical Exercises.  SSH, Imperial Walkers, Windmills. Merkins, Mountain Climbers

Tabata – 20 Sec on, 10 Sec Rest, alternating exercises, 2 min rest (slow mosey around parking lot)
Burpees – Mountain Climber Merkin
Ski Abs – Plank Jacks
Lunge jumps – Lunge Chop
Freddie Mercury – Box Cutters
Merkins-Wide-Diamond (rotated through the 3)
20s-High Knees 10s-Mountain Climbers  (No Rest)

Covered a lot of topics but with Cable Guy in attendance and expelling his “usual sounds” conversation quickly went to the use of Depends.  Main Frame added some details about his college years.  Oh what fun.  With Falcon Crest’s approaching birth of his first we all felt that we needed to get him up to speed those first couple months.  This all made for some great color commentary.

8 Boot Campers, 4 Ruckers

Family Ruck 11/18 3pm
Christmas Party 12/1
Baxter Turkey Trot 11/23
Joe Davis Run 1/6/18

Prayers Praises
Falcon Crest – Pending birth of first child
Everest – Pregnancy
Senator Tressell – IR
Wives and Families

Always an honor and appreciate the call.


TClap |

You don’t have Control

Friday mornings are my favorite.  Back at the place this whole F3 thang all began for me.  The men started gathering, and by 5:14 it was a large group…but no one that wanted to ruck…so NASA got to join the bootcampers.  I’m sure he was ready for his Q, but lots of guys were probably holding back for the Capital Ruck Tour on Saturday night.  20 PAX with me, so a quick disclaimer and we’re off.

A little dynamic warmup on our run with high knees, butt kickers, side shuffle.  Made our way to the back parking of  the old River Bleu.

COP: 15 IWs – 25 MNCs – 25 SSHs – 10 LS Squats – 10 Merkins – some yoga stuff – 15 planks jacks – 10 Parker Peters

Mosey over to the Fountain to put in some work

3 rounds of following:

10 Step Ups each leg

20 Durkins

30 Dips

quick 10 count time to mosey.

Move to the red balls for Burpicides

Shared a quick word around Control. See Moleskin.

run to each ball – 3 burpees – run back all the way down to the other side

Read to write, hard to do. After a FEW 10 counts time to mosey again.

Made our way closer to the COT, stopped at a nice patch of grass.

I saw someone had pulled out the Jack Webbs this week, it had been too long…

Jack Webbs to 10

Back to COT:

Ab Lab with American Hammers – Freddie Mercuries – LBCs

Announcements – Praises – Prayers


I had something to share planed for the PAX.  But on the way to the workout I was listening to the radio.  Not something I normally do. A song came on by Logic.  It’s posted here.  Popular song about depression and suicide.  My nephew had previously shown me the video. That morning it almost brought me to tears.  I modified my message about control.  The trials of life and heartache of loss or depression show us many ways that we are not in control.  That even when things are good we can feel like there are bad.  Give that control to God and ask him for guidance.

Too many kids I’ve been hearing about locally that have lost that control and found no other way out than suicide.  We should be those men making a difference in kids lives so they know there is another way.  Start with your own kids.  Talk to them about life, and pain and failure.  Let them know that everything’s not perfect like social media makes it out to be.  Tell them about your failures and how you overcame them.  Just talk…

An honor to lead,



TClap |

Stairs, Stairs and more Stairs – The Swamp 10/13/17

A cool and drizzling day didnt keep the Pax away.  19 was the number with 5 ruckers and 13 bootcampers. Rad took the ruckers and I had the bootcamp.

We started with a short mosey to the parking lot behind Just Fresh where we circled up to stretch and loosen up. COP involved:

  • SSH x25
  • IW x10
  • Windmills x10
  • Weed Pullers x10
  • Merkins x10
  • Honeymooners/Downward Dogs

Pax were ready so we started The Thang:

I had the Pax split into groups of 3 with one group having 4.  Each Pax would be performing a different excercise using the Pax running the stairs as the timer. Each Pax would rotate the excercises until each Pax had run the stairs twice.  The cycles were:

  • Cycle 1
    • Pax 1 – Up and Down Stairs x5
    • Pax 2 – Broad Jump across parking lot (didn’t anticipate the rain which made this a little tricky)
    • Pax 3 – Flutter Kicks
  • a couple 10 counts
  • Cycle 2
    • Pax 1 – Up and Down Stairs x5
    • Pax 2 – Bear Crawl across parking lot (Tip: Parking lines are slick when wet)
    • Pax 3 – Peoples Chair
  • a couple 10 counts
  • Cycle 3
    • Pax 1 – Up and Down Stairs x5
    • Pax 2 – Recovery run across parking lot
    • Pax 3 – Burpees (CROWD PLEASER)

With that completed we were out of time so we lined up for an Indian Run back to COT where the Ruckers were waiting.

Thanks to Cable Guy for the opportunity to lead.

Until next time, back to the hunt…


TClap |

The Swamp Thing


Mosey to parking lot in front of Old Navy



SSH x 48


Moroccan Nightclubs

Low Slow Squats


Mountain Climbers




Mosey to back of Valvoline to hill

Jacobs Ladder

7 Squats/1 Merkin

7 LBCs/1 Bombjacks


Mosey to Fountain/Roundabout

Dirty McDeuces

All exercises in cadence

Do all 4 exercises, run lap


20 Merkins

20 Lunges

20 LBCs


20 CDDs

20 Squats

20 Freddys


20 Ranger Merkins

20 Reverse Lunges

20 American Hammers

Mosey back of Home Depot

People’s Chair

Everyone take a seat. Pax on end runs

out, does 5 burpees, runs back


TClap |

Webb-o-Rama and Snake Hops

The Golden Corral hosted 27 pax total (about a dozen ruckers, a dozen boot campers, and the rest runners) for fun and pain.  YHC can’t speak for the ruckers or runners, but here’s an account for the boot campers.

Mosey around the north side of HT and circle up in the back parking lot for COP Warm-up:

  • SSH x25
  • Mountain Climbers x20
  • IW x20
  • Windmills x10
  • Low Slow Squats x10
  • Run Stance Switch x10

Mosey between the buildings and circle around to the south side of HT to find a cone.  Partner up:

At each cone pax are to do (in cadence) 2 exercises in the spirit of Jack Webbs (1:4 ratio)

  • Cone 1
    • 1 burpee to 4 run-stance switch
      • Repeat with 2 burpees, then 3 burpees
      • >> Bear crawl to 2nd cone about 20 yards away
  • Cone 2
    • 1 big boy sit up to 4 american hammers
      • Repeat with 2, then 3 big boy sit-ups
      • partner wheelbarrow to third position
  • Cone 3
    • 1 box jump (or step up) to 4 dips
      • Repeat with 2, then 3 box jumps
      • partner wheelbarrow to fourth position
      • During the box jumps, YHC noticed Wheezer had an extra spring in his jumps for a few of the reps and then he fled his wall position for a new spot.  Seems there was a snake on the ground near where he was exercising.  Whether it was actually alive is not known.
  • Cone 4
    • Jack Webb – (1:4 ration) for 3 reps
      • Run around to cone 1

For round 2 of the cones, we did reps 4-6 at each station.

Mosey to the wall on the south side of HT parking lot for to Dora with your partner

  • Merkins – 100
  • LBCs – 200
  • Squats – 300

Back to COT

Great work by the pax.  Special welcome to FNG “Panda”, who looked like a regular out there, despite it being his first time.  It was also great seeing Cobra Kai at a boot camp!  Hopefully the ruckers won’t revoke his membership for taking a step out of the dark side.  Thanks to Decibel for scheduling me to Q.  Look forward to next time!

-old bay


TClap |

Never left BAM

It was a beautiful, slightly less humid morning as the PAX gathered at the Swamp. It’s nice to see some new faces around the circle this morning before we split into the boot-campers and ruckers. Some form of a disclaimer was given and off we went toward the Depot.

Normal mix of high knees, butt-kickers, and karaoke’s on the way. Circle up at HD for warm-ups. 25 SSHs, 15 IWs, 10 Windmills, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Parker Peters, 25 MNCs, 10-Sumo squats.

Mosey to Books-A-Million lot.
Suicides starting from far cub and using each parking divider (4 trips).
Leg pyramid: 10 Burpees, 20 1-leg lunges (10 each), 30 Mtn Climbers, 40 Squats, 50 SSHs, 40 Squats, 30 Mtn Climbers, 20 1-leg lunges, 10 Burpees
Suicides – audible to only 3 trips.
Merkin clock: 1,4,7,10-Diamonds / 2,5,8,11-Wide Arm / 3,6,9,12-Regular. Go around the clock and do the merkin type. (I hadn’t done this in a while and now I remember why).
Suicides – 3 trips
Ab time: 15 Flutters, 20 tiny circles (10 each way), 15 Freddie Mercury’s, 15 LBCs
Suicides – 2 trips
Small jack pyramid: 10 Bomb-jacks, 20 Plank-jacks, 30 Seal-jacks, 20 Plank-jacks, 10 Bomb-jacks
Bear crawl suicide – Bear crawl from end of one parking lane to beginning of other lane, 1 merkin, backwards bear-crawl to start, 1 merkin. Did this 5 times.

Mosey back to COT for some dying cockroaches before the ruckers came in.

We never left the BAM lot but I tried to throw a little bit of everything in today. Great job by everyone. I’m always honored to lead this group of impressive PAX. Thanks CableGuy for the opportunity.

Logging out,

TClap |