Take More Risk

National Trail Day begged for trails run. So did Pusher’s trail shoes he hadn’t used. Glorious morning in the Gloom, with lively pax and a virgin trail journey by Assassin.

For those keeping score, we covered 5.5-6 miles by cruising down 160 to horse barn Greenway entrance, right down no name trail to the service rd to Cantrell to Lake Haigler for a pause at Badger Memorial bench/tree to pay respects to loop around Lake back to Timberline trail on far side to Kingsley trail to back entrance to Kingsley taking us home.

along the way there were stops to “water” the foliage, hydrate via normal ingestion or a swim (Olaf) and plenty of mumblechatter.

COT: Message today honored Badger and Pusher together. Badger’s early passing proves we aren’t guaranteed anything. Pusher’s desire to take on trails along with many late age humans wishing they’d played the game of life more aggressively as they come to the end teaches us to #TakeMoreRisk as we live each day

thanks for the Q stick Pusher!

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Tinder Box of Pain

WARMUP: SSH, Morrocon NC, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Strawberry Pickers
Round 1- Bear Crawl Every 10 Yards then when reached the 50 yard line Run Back
Round 2- Lunges Every 10 Yards then when reached the 50 yard line Nur Back
Round 3- Crab Walk Every 10 Yards then when reached the 50 yard line Mosey Back
Exercises at every 10 yards with the yard number as the reps during each Round- 10= Burpees, 20= Shoulder Taps, 30= Squats, 40= Peter Parkers, 50= LBCs
Dora= 100 Merkins, 200 Mountain Climbers, 300 Plank Jacks; Timer was running one lap around the loop.
MARY: American Hammers and Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Indian Jog

WARMUP: 10 Each- SSH, Moroccan Night Clubs, cherry pickers, 10 Merkins OYO, 5 Burpee’s OYO
Indian run to 160 with 2 pain stations:
Pain station #1
2 rounds of 4 corners 10-squats, 20-lunges, 30-Monkey Humpers, 40- Bomb jacks
Pain station#2
11’s- Diamond Merkins, HR Merkins
Indian Jog back to COT
MARY: 2-Minutes
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Q-Source, Kenya awareness convergence, Care Center Volunteers
COT: Yes

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What do all these numbers mean?!?

WARMUP: SSH, slooooow windmills, produce pickers, imp walkers, hillbilly walkers, mountain climbers – generally a bakers dozen of each

We also ran around lowes for some dips
THE THANG: AMRAP: one minute of work with 30 secs of recovery of the following: shoulder taps, big bois, squats, hand release merkins, American hammers, monkey humpers – record your count with chalk


Added 10 secs to each exercise for third round with goal of pushing to beat your highest count from the previous 2 rounds
MARY: ran out of time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murph, konvergence for Kenya, boss Hogg send off – possibly others – see news letter
COT: prayers and praises for grads

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WWF Day at Coach’s Box

Disclaimer then some windmills, walkers, and squats. Mosey over to front of school. At each corner 10 HR merkins, 15 squats, 20 SSHs. Finish up at the large grassy area in front. Partner up. Partner push across field performing 11s with Mak Tar Jai’s and Knee Tar Jai’s. 10:1, push across, 9:2, push across, etc.

Next up was the Junk Yard Dogs. We haven’t done this in a while and it was sort of fun to bring them back. P1 does burpee while P2 holds plank. Then P1 shoots under P2. P2 drops to 6″ hold and P1 jumps back over P2. That counts as 1. We did 10 then flapjacked. Got some nice grass exfoliation started so we did 8 each, then 6 each. Paused for a quick leadership discussion: Leadership is solving problems. The day people stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. Back to the JYDs for 5 each. Time is almost up so mosey back for a few ab exercises before COT.

Side note, the grass at FMHS is only slightly better than that stuff down at WEP. Next time we may need to go out to the baseball field where they have bermuda. Anyway, lots of mumble-chatter about old school wrestling and everyone’s favorite guys. Thx Cyclops for the opportunity!

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Endless streams of Omaha at BlockParty

The freshness of downtown Fort Mills morning dew and mumble chatter was in the air.

An immediate Omaha was necessary, best way to do that is by running aimlessly while thinking of your next move.

Ran up the hill to the parking lot, quick fake out then continued moseying to WEP parking lot.


promised we will warm up muscle groups that we would not be using.

– Peter Parker and Parker Peters
– @bandcamp like broga moves

Mosey aimlessly back up through the brick ledges where many Irkins, Derkins, Step ups, and dips have occurred in the past.

Made it to parking lot with large wall in front of pharmacy. Being stubborn or optimistic, decided to stick with the Weinke on this one but quickly modified then aborted.


Believe this one is exicon worthy, a muscle up/toe tap Webb like exercise. The idea, 1 muscle up followed by 4 alternating toes on the wall motions increased accordingly.

Decided to break up group in half. One half start on end of parking lot and burpee broad jump to those doing the Webb. Rinse and repeat.

The mumble-chatter was growing, rightfully so, quickly abandoned mission after two rounds.

Off to the roads thinking up the next round with general direction from the weinke in tow.

Next stop, the iron cross

– start at Loom parking lot
– 25 Mike Tyson’s
– Run to 4 way stop, run up hill on Williamson st to lit parking lot
– 25 Appolo Onos (d/c in case wondering)
– Run to Fort Mill Church of God freshly paved parking lot, vandalized with chalk ( let the record show YHC did go and wash off with h2o following)
– 25 jump squats (you’re welcome battle bot)
– Run to FM town hall building (formerly comporium) on Monroe white st
– 25 merkins

Rinse and repeat

Little bit of Mary for the overachievers and COT.


The rep count was intended to enable PAX to focus on form but you can only lead a horse to water. The spring chickens gotta run, so let em run.Most got 2 rounds or almost 2 rounds with 3+ miles total.

The many leadership opportunities of Qing are invaluable, along with the ability to share a message. Discussed missionality and finding your HIZ along with helping your kids or others do the same.

It’s always a privilege to Q at The Forts premiere AO, where I have a deep gratitude for what F3 has done for YHC as my 1st AO. Thx @kermit for the nod.

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Park Swings & Broga

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, MNC
Ran around the track at WEP stopping at each hanging swing (9 bench swing stops) performing a set of exercises at each swing
Round 1 – 10 burpees at each swing
Round 2 – 20 Merkins
Round 3 20 Squats
Round 4 – 20 LBCs
Finished with ~ 3 miles of running
Closed out with 10 minutes of Broga
COT: Closed in Prayer

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Less is more

WARMUP: mosey to the track around the courts.  Windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan night clubs, merkins, shoulder taps, stretching.  
THE THANG: 5 rounds of 20 & 23’s – 20’s on one end of the track and 23’s on the other – 20’s alternated between LBC’s and Freddy’s.  23 were squats alternating between regular and sumo.  

Next round of 5 – 20 SSH’s and 23 of your choice of merkin (wide arm, regular or Diamond), except the 4th round.  PAX did monkey humpers – just because.  

Next – Tabata – 40 secs on 20 off for 5 minutes

Minute 1 – merkins
Minute 2 – Freddy’s
Minute 3 – SSH
Minute 4 – LBC’s
Minute 5 – Wall sit of gratitude

4 minutes of Broga closed us out at 0715

MARY: no time
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks for the opportunity, Bitcoin.


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Almost 850lbs of weight were moved over and over

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs, low slow squats, windmills, merkins, 400 m mosey, more Moroccan night clubs

Besides our rucks with +-35# each, we had about 600# of combined weight of different sizes and types of sandbags, 4×60# sandbag, 2×40# sandbag, 1×45# Jerry can, 1×60# med ball, 1×80# mes ball… we set them up in a circle and in a rotating way, with rucks on, we performed the following:

3 reps of the sandbag bear complex, complete one cycle for one rep:
power clean to chest,
front squat,
push jerk to back rack,
Back squat,
Push jerk to front rack then ground

If no sandbag available do med ball over the shoulder toss x3

Rotate to next sandbag, med ball, to try different weights and types of sandbags.

After all 7 pax completed one rotation of bags, ruck 400 meters.

In a rotating way, farmer carry sandbags and Jerry can for 50 yards, no SB or JC available near carry a med ball.

After all 7 pax completed one rotation of bags, ruck 400 meters.

We had enough time to do another rotation of the sandbag bear complex with 2 reps each.

After all 7 pax completed one rotation of bags, ruck 200 meters.

It was a though workout but all 7 pax put their best effort.

MARY: 6am
ANNOUNCEMENTS: cannoli run, convergence for Kenya
COT: stays in COT

🎄Tinsel, out

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Looked better on Paper!

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walker, Nightclubs, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Squats, Merks, Flutters, …etc
THE THANG: Pick a parking spot – let the fun begin – round 1: 3 exercises 10 reps each SSH, PlankJax, seal jack – flutters as the pax rotate down to next parking spot vacated in a rotating fashion ( bear crawl was mode of transportation)
Continue this cadence until you arrive back at original spot.
Round 2 – same cadence – 5 reps each – using parking block – Iron Mikes, Dips, and Bomb Jax – mode of transportation (mosey)
Time was flying so we stopped midway and headed for the “hill” by the football field that has a small minor smidge of an incline – where we began a round of 6s( modified to 4 s) due to time with Squats at bottom and Merks at top of hill.
Headed back to COT at the clock was ticking …
Mainframe helped us knock out 3 mins of Mary. Nice work by all!!!
The weinke looked better on paper. Q had to call a few audibles to make the time and reps bearable ( no pun)
Bear Crawls were welcomed with some mumblechatter:)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli run, Triple down Saturday w either the Yard or the Fort boot camps – coffee – then 5k at the Cannoli. Cake Boss celebrates a birthday yesterday 05/17, and read newsletter. Prayers for Luka and family. Sign up for meal train for Vuvu!!!


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